Selectmen create 13-item local ballot for November election

by Mary Grow

At their Sept. 19 meeting, China selectmen created a 13-item ballot for local voters Nov. 8.

Voting – local, state and national – will be from 7 a.m. to 8 p.m. Nov. 8 in the portable classroom behind the town office on Lakeview Drive.

After election of a town meeting moderator for the day, the local ballot includes elections; three proposed ordinance amendments; one proposed land acquisition by purchase and another by gift; a proposed sale to the South China Public Library; two minor proposed expenditures; and three proposed rearrangements of town money.

Signed nomination papers for local office must be returned to the town office by 11 a.m. Saturday, Sept. 24.  A list of candidates will be available the following week.

A public hearing on the rest of the ballot questions is scheduled for 6 p.m. Monday, Oct. 17.  It will be held at China Middle School if the multi-purpose room is available.

The China Budget Committee will meet Thursday, Sept. 22, to make recommendations on proposed spending and fund transfers.

The third and fourth articles on the ballot ask voters to approve amendments to China’s Solid Waste Flow Control Ordinance and Solid Waste Disposal Ordinance.  The major Solid Waste Disposal Ordinance change is in the transfer station hours: if voters approve the amended ordinance, the transfer station will be open Mondays, Tuesdays, Fridays and Saturdays.  The goal is to eliminate the long stretch between Saturday and Wednesday that now occurs when Monday is a holiday.

Selectmen decided the amended ordinance, if approved, would become effective Nov. 25, to give time to inform local residents that Wednesday is no longer a transfer station day.

Changes to the Flow Control Ordinance, according to Transfer Station Committee Chairman Frank Soares, are intended to make the ordinances conform to China’s actual practices.

The Land Use Ordinance changes are extensive; the draft revised ordinance runs 75 pages, plus a separate section on definitions.  Planning board members made two main points as they worked on proposed changes: the new ordinance conforms to revised state standards, and in general it is more lenient, especially with regard to shoreland use, than the current ordinance.

Major areas that would change if voters approve include standards for enlarging non-conforming buildings (those that do not meet current requirements) within 100 feet of a water body; rules for converting from seasonal to year-round use, which would become state rules, current and future; rules governing signs; and timber harvesting regulations.

A summary of the changes, prepared by Codes Officer Paul Mitnik, is on the town web site, under the heading “Election Information.”

The land selectmen recommend buying is a 6.2 acre lot adjoining the town office lot.  Town Manager Daniel L’Heureux said it is valued at $21,000; Article 6 asks voters to appropriate $12,000 for it, an agreed price.      Four selectmen voted to put the question on the ballot, with Ronald Breton opposed.  Board Chairman Robert MacFarland saw no need to buy the lot, but thought voters should decide.  Joann Austin sees the additional land as providing flexibility for future town needs.

The vote to recommend voters accept almost 40 acres off Lakeview Drive offered by Wachusetts Properties was unanimous.  The area is currently an undeveloped subdivision, on the east side of the road; resident Wayne Chadwick said most of it is wetland.  Selectmen see it as a potential site for a new China Village fire station, or as land they can sell in the future.

Art. 8 asks voters to put the $18,000 a year the Town of Palermo will contribute for use of China’s transfer station into a reserve fund for transfer station equipment replacement and similar purposes.

The first of two fund requests is for $3,800 “to conduct a community needs assessment relating to the understanding of the challenges facing older residents as they age in China.”   The project is a follow-up to the demographic survey done this summer for $500.

The second, in Art. 10, asks voters to appropriate an additional $5,000 for police services.  L’Heureux said the request is a response to what seems to be an increase in vandalism and other minor but annoying offenses in town.

Article 11 proposes transferring $100,000 from the town’s unassigned fund balance, once known as surplus, to the capital and equipment reserve account where it can be used for major purchases in an emergency, like a truck breaking down or, L’Heureux suggested, a roof collapsing.  The manager said the change would not affect China’s credit rating.

The proposed gift to the South China Library is the portable classroom the town bought from the school department this summer.  The recipients would be expected to reimburse the town for the $1 the building cost and moving expenses.

There was disagreement over whether the idea originated with library trustees or selectmen, but agreement that library officials might want to relocate the building to their newly-acquired South China property.

The draft article was amended to give library officials 60 days after the vote to accept the building, assuming the article passes.  Austin voted against putting the item on the ballot, having expressed opposition to the time limit and suggested other potential uses for the building.

The final article, recommended by the Tax Increment Financing Committee, asks voters to appropriate $50,000 from the TIF account for repair and maintenance of Four Seasons Club trails along the Central Maine Power Company line in China.  During TIF Committee discussions, club president Soares said the trails are all-season and all-purpose.

The China Budget Committee will meet at 6:30 p.m., Thursday Sept. 22, to make recommendations on proposed spending and fund transfers

Letters to the editor, Week of September 22, 2016

Responds to letters

To the editor:

To the folks of China, I am from away – all the way from Winthrop. Living there until I graduated from Winthrop High and then I was off to the Marines.   I’ve lived in other areas of Maine and also, for five years, in Nevada, North Carolina and California.  Call that ‘from away’ if you want.

I do want change in China.  I was one of the more adamant supporters of purchasing the Cabins property, as I know from experience (Winthrop) what it means to a kid and a family to have access to a beach and lake, year-round.  I had the best childhood, greatly, because of time on the beach/lake.

I moved to China six years ago because of the lake.  I wanted my grandkids to have the same wonderful experiences I had in Winthrop and we’ve been well-blessed they are here frequently.  The town ultimately decided not to purchase The Cabins for about $550,000, which I believe was from bad/false information passed around town.  I was told the property just appraised for $1.3 million.  I know our town could have made great use of the property and it was shame to see it slip away.  Just one cabin recently sold for $145,000.

Also, I started my own nonprofit to try and acquire The Cabins property, privately.  I wanted Hannaford, FairPoint, TimeWarner, etc…  to sponsor weeks for autistic children, survivors of domestic abuse, Wounded Warriors, etc… and more important to me – to give free weeks to less-fortunate families from the Harold Alfond Cancer Center or Center for Grieving Children , providing a week of ‘Life on China Lake’ so they could enjoy a week with those they loved, before they were too sick.   I couldn’t make it go, but I’m pleased that at least I did try to do something for my community.

As a member of the China Volunteer Fire Department, I secured a $46,000 grant for new air packs (instead of it coming out of your taxes). Trust me when I say there are some really fine people, with whom I’m proud to be associated, on China Fire/Rescue.  They give their time to protect and serve the people in this town, without reward.

I often go to selectmen’s meetings because I’m interested in what’s happening in town, and I think more folks should attend and offer their support of the board member’s endeavors.   I’m on several committees because I want to do my part in making China a better place to live.  Having lived and experienced other places, I hope to help bring a few good experiences to town.

We have $5 million in TIF money to spend in 20 years and I would like to see the town do something ambitious, that the majority of voters can support.  The TIF committee would love to hear suggestions from the people in town.  Anyone can email, call or visit the town office with your suggestions or better yet, come to a TIF meeting and share your thoughts.

My suggestion of shops and a place for folks to retire is simply a suggestion, but I feel will make China a better, friendlier place to live and also help with our ever-increasing taxes – similar to how Hannaford is a  wonderful addition to our community.  Really, nothing stays the same and we can purposely put something in place that benefits people or – live with what someone else puts in place, which we may not want at all.  Try stopping Irving/Circle K.

Frankly, I like to think I’ve been doing my part for China since I moved here, when many aren’t.  Sadly, while China calls itself, ‘The friendliest town in Maine,’ I can’t say that I’ve always found that to be true – especially in the pages of The Town Line.

Dale Worster

Ben Twitchell Will Get Things Done

To the editor:

I’ve known Ben for many years and I respect him. He’s a great family man and a generous neighbor. He’s been attentive and works hard in our community as a Winslow Town Councilor. Additionally, he’s a person who’s always willing to help neighbors in need.

Ben is a friendly person. As a representative he’ll listen to the concerns, and be active for the citizens he represents. People need to know that their representative is there for them.

A subject that’s very important to me is the terrible drug problem that claims the lives and effects many families within our communities. Ben promises that finding a solution to this growing problem will be a top priority.

We need a representative who will represent all citizens. He wants to make a difference working for us in Augusta. I know he’ll work hard. That’s what Ben does!

Please vote Ben Twitchell,  state representative for Winslow and part of Benton

Linda Lemieux

Think before you speak

To the editor:

I must preface this letter by first saying, in my opinion, Governor Paul LePage is not a racist but an honorable man who has and will continue to serve Maine.

Yes, he is provocative but also says what many Mainers and Americans think, but due to political correctness, are afraid to speak.

An old friend of the Marine Corps and my mentor, who years later signed my teaching certificate, once told me to read certain scriptures. With that in mind, I now relate my friend’s advice.

Dear governor, please read Proverbs 13:3: “Those who control their tongue will have a long life. Opening your mouth can ruin everything.” My friend added, “When we speak, we do well to pause a moment to think, sometimes even pray first.”

Frank Slason

Arts society celebrates 30 years

Former China resident, Marilyn Dwelley, one of the organization’s founders

Submitted by Mary Morrison
Pauline Turner and Pat Binette

Two of the four founders of Waterville Area Art Society, Pauline Turner and Pat Binette, each holding one of their original paintings. The founders not pictured are Marilyn Dwelley, now residing in Florida, and the late Peggy Stowers. Contributed photo

Waterville Area Art Society (WAAS) will celebrate the 30th year of its founding during the month of October, at the Winslow Public Library, October 3 – 28, with a reception to be held October 6. Forty members, both past and present, will display their art. Also on display will be the history of the Art Society as well as artwork from each of the four founders.

The opening reception is Thursday, October 6, at the Winslow Public Library from 4:30 to 7 p.m. At 6 p.m. the founding members, Patricia Binette, Marilyn Dwelley, Pauline Turner, and Peggy Stowers (deceased) will be honored.  Refreshments will be served.

In 1986, WAAS was founded to stimulate awareness of visual arts in the Waterville area, exchange ideas, encourage beginners, and to steer young students to a career in art, the enjoyment of art or art as a second profession. The four founders, Binette, Dwelley, Stowers and Turner have served as inspirations to many aspiring artists through their art, work ethic, teaching and ideals.

The Art Society currently has 51 members from communities such as Emden, the Belgrades, Smithfield and Augusta, and towns in the Greater Waterville area. These artists work in many media, including oil, acrylic, watercolor, printmaking, encaustic, digital art, three dimensional art, wood, graphite, charcoal, pen and ink, photography and mixed media.

Founder Peggy Stowers was the first president of WAAS. She lived in Fairfield and taught and made art in her West Street home for many years. Peggy studied under Muriel Ragsdale and participated in many workshops as a student and as a teacher. Using a variety of media she was inspired by her faith and the natural world and exhibited in many locations.  She is remembered by co-founder, Pat Binette as “a wonderful friend, teacher and artist.”

Pat Binette owns Earth Spirit Studio, in Fairfield, and has been a devoted art teacher to students of all ages for more than 20 years. She studied at various University of Maine campuses. Her art has been shown at Colby and Thomas Colleges, area businesses and juried art shows and galleries throughout the state. She works in a variety of media and enjoys experimenting with new techniques. She states, “I must have an emotional connection to my work; my inspirations come from life experiences and deep reverence for the environment”.

Founder Pauline Turner works in watercolor. As a young child before starting school she reports that she was always drawing with pencils.  When her mother thought she spent too much time drawing, a great aunt encouraged her, saying, “She’s going to be an artist.” At school, a nun who had studied at the Sorbonne, was her art teacher. Pauline says, “If I was naughty I couldn’t take art class but one of the other nuns gave me art activities to do.” Pauline has taught and exhibited in many venues. Her favorite subject is landscapes, especially the ocean, and she takes inspiration from the Impressionists. She says, “I see beauty in everything and everyone and find peace looking at nature.” She can’t imagine a life without art as it has made her life so much fuller.  “My greatest satisfaction has come from former students and other people coming by at an art show and complimenting me,” she says.

Founder Marilyn Dwelley, formerly of China, Maine, now lives in Zephyrhills, Florida. She started painting in seventh grade when a cousin gave her some unwanted oil paints and brushes, and she began using acrylics in 1976. She is self-taught and for more than 40 years has sold art professionally.  A recipient of more than 375 awards in art shows in New England and Florida, she has sold over 1,300 original paintings during her career.  She specializes in Maine scenes and wildflowers and is the author and illustrator of three field guides for identifying wildflowers, trees and shrubs. “I am a naturalist,” she says, “who loves Maine and its beauty. I want my trees and flowers to be botanically correct in color and shape. My goal in creating a painting is to help others see the beauty of God’s creation through my eyes.” Marilyn founded the Maine Open Juried Art Show (MOJAS) that is held each spring and continues to be affiliated with WAAS. She established and funded an acrylic landscape award for both MOJAS and the Intown Artsfest in Waterville.

The art show will be open for the public to enjoy at the Winslow Library (open daily, except for Sunday) during the month of October.  After this exhibit concludes at the library, it will move to The Framemakers in Waterville from mid-November to mid-January.

China candidates announced

by Mary Grow

As of Sept. 12, China Town Clerk Rebecca Hapgood reported there was at least one potential candidate for every position on China’s Nov. 8 local election ballot, with possible contests for at least two positions. For three seats on the board of selectmen, seven people are circulating nomination petitions: Albert Althenn, Wayne Chadwick, James Dow, Raymond Robert and incumbents Joann Austin, Neil Farrington and Robert MacFarland. Chadwick had already returned his signed papers, Hapgood said. There are two people seeking signatures to run for the at-large planning board position, Ralph Howe and incumbent Frank Soares.

Also seeking re-election, without opposition so far, are District 2 planning board member Toni Wall; District 4 planning board member Thomas Miragliuolo; District 2 budget committee member Thomas Rumpf; and District 4 budget committee member Timothy Basham. Linda Howe is circulating papers for the position of budget committee secretary (now held by Althenn) and Valerie Baker for the at-large budget committee seat (now held by Jonathan Vogel).

Dawn Castner seeks nomination to the Regional School Unit #18 board of directors, succeeding Robert Bennett, who has declined to serve again.

For candidates’ names to appear on the Nov. 8 local ballot, signed papers must be returned to the town office by 11 a.m. Saturday, Sept. 24.

Committee-related issues top selectmen’s agenda

by Mary Grow

China selectmen spent most of their Sept. 6 meeting on two committee-related topics, advice on transfer station affairs from the transfer station committee and a broader discussion of overlapping membership between the board of selectmen and town committees.

The latter topic generated heated argument between board Chairman Robert MacFarland and

Selectmen Joann Austin and Irene Belanger. MacFarland took the position that a selectman who serves on a committee should not vote in committee on monetary issues that will be presented to selectmen for their vote. Austin and Belanger saw no problem, as long as no personal benefit was involved.

The Tax Increment Finance (TIF) Committee, on which Austin and Belanger serve, has already recommended that selectmen endorse a $50,000 grant for China Four Seasons Club trail repairs and is likely to recommend future expenditures. Final decisions on TIF spending are made by China voters; the $50,000 request is among a long list that might appear on a November 8 local ballot (see below).

MacFarland said having two selectmen already on record biases the selectboard vote, a situation he considers unethical.

Ronald Breton sided with MacFarland, saying that as a matter of principle he believes selectmen should not serve on committees that report to the selectboard. Breton is a member of no town committee; he does serve on the Regional School Unit #18 subcommittee reviewing the district funding formula, a subcommittee that reports to the RSU #18 board.
Neil Farrington could see both sides of the question. However, he pointed out, the selectmen appoint the town committees, so the time to object to committee nominees was in June when appointments were renewed for the new fiscal year.

In response to a suggestion that the Maine Municipal Association be consulted, Town Manager Daniel L’Heureux said he did seek MMA advice after MacFarland requested the agenda item. MMA Director of Legal Services Susan Pilgrim replied that as long as the committees and the selectboard act in advisory capacities and voters make final decisions, there is no conflict or problem. MacFarland’s motion to prohibit selectmen from voting on monetary issues in town committees subordinate to the selectboard was then defeated with only MacFarland and Breton in favor.

MacFarland presented another, unrelated idea at the Aug. 22 selectmen’s meeting: to exempt local haulers bringing in household waste from the transfer station fee charged other commercial haulers. The suggestion was referred to the transfer station committee, which recommended against it with only Belanger opposed.

Belanger has long argued that since householders who use the haulers already support the transfer station with their taxes, charging the haulers a fee is double taxation. She said the other transfer station committee members had no specific reason for their refusal to support the change; they saw no reason to implement it.

After a discussion of ways to increase recycling among residents who use commercial haulers, MacFarland suggested scheduling a workshop with transfer station committee members and Palermo representatives (because beginning in January Palermo residents will use China’s transfer station). No action is likely until after the Nov. 8 local elections.

Transfer station committee member Linda O’Connor asked selectmen to act on a recommended change in the days the transfer station is open. Currently, the facility is open from 7 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday, Wednesday, Friday and Saturday; so whenever it is closed for a

Monday holiday, residents have to wait from Saturday to Wednesday to dispose of trash.
However, there was disagreement over whether the recommended days were Monday, Tuesday, Friday and Saturday or Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday and Saturday. Selectmen postponed action until they get a definite answer from the committee, which was scheduled to meet Tuesday morning, Sept. 13.

In response to an earlier query from the selectmen, L’Heureux said Codes Officer Paul Mitnik said relocating and enlarging the free-for-the-taking building, aka the swap shop building, at the transfer station would not exceed allowable phosphorus run-off.

The manager announced two other trash-related issues, the annual household hazardous waste disposal day in Winslow Saturday, Oct. 15, and a drug take-back day at the China transfer station Saturday, Oct. 22. Selectmen unanimously authorized participation in the Winslow event, with a cap of $2,000 to cover charges for China waste. Pre-registration is required; more information will be available on the town web site. L’Heureux added potential Nov. 8 ballot questions to the list he presented Aug. 22 (see the Aug. 25 issue of The Town Line, p. 7). Possible issues include:

• A recommendation for – tentatively – up to $3,800 from TIF funds for a townwide needs assessment, focused on senior citizens, as a follow-up to the recently completed demographic survey.
• Conveying the former portable classroom the town just bought from RSU 18 to the South China Library Association, if the association wants it, probably at the town’s cost.
• Appropriating $100,000 from surplus to the capital reserve account.
Again, discussion was postponed.

The Sept. 6 selectmen’s meeting was preceded by an unattended public hearing on amendments to the appendices to the town’s General Assistance Ordinance. During the meeting, selectmen unanimously approved the changes.
The next regular China selectmen’s meeting is scheduled for Monday evening, Sept. 19.

Erskine accepts challenge to raise donations for food bank

Erskine Academy, in South China, will compete in WGME 13/Fox 23’s School Spirit Challenge to benefit Good Shepherd Food Bank.  The School Spirit Challenge is a friendly competition among high schools to show school pride and spirit while helping communities address hunger in Maine through a month-long food and fund drive.  Although initiated by the students and faculty of Erskine Academy, the hope is that this will be a larger community cause and effort.  Please join Erskine’s effort by bringing your contribution of any size—financial donations or food—to the school between September 2 and October 28, 2016.  To kick off this event, WGME 13/Fox 23 will be broadcasting live from the Erskine Academy gym on Friday, September 9, from 6 – 8 a.m.  Erskine Academy’s event is the first to be held in the new school year, setting the bar for others.  Please contact the school at 445-2962 for more information.

Erskine Academy third trimester honor roll


High honors: Amelia Bailey, Samantha BeDen, Lilja Bernheim, Jordan Bowie, Mikayla Brochu, Mallory Chamberlain, Caleigh Charle­bois, Sierra Christiansen, Abigail Cooper, Kaitlyn Darveau, Julia Fasano, Anne Gauvin, Mac­kenzie Gayer, Theresa Gervais, Monica Gilbert, Kayla Goggin, Amber Grady, Jessica Grant, Traviana Higgins, Taber Hill, Christina Hodgkins, Kinsey Johnson, Lexi Johnson, Meagan Johnson, Hanna Keene, Olivia Leary, Wynn Libby, Emma McCormac, Annemarie Morse, Merlin Murphy, Kanyapak Ongkabin, Brianna Parisien, Teya Paulin, Anthony Pizzo, Sarah Pleau, Cassandra Ray, Autumn Read, Rachel Read, Sadie Reed, Sidney Rodrigue, Alainie Sawtelle, Lilly Sawtelle, Michaela Sprague, Dayna Tinling Alexander, Malorie Weaver, Julia White and Kyle Zembroski. Honors: Talya Avery, Caleb Barden, Michayla Barrett, Cody Beaudoin, Renee Beaudoin, Christopher Brown, Amber Chesley, Matthew Clary, Alysia Csengery, Denver Cullivan, Ryan Cummings, Trevor Devine, Megan Dunn, Adam Fenderson, Cassandra Goodine, Jens Hansen, Dylan Hickey, Katharine Holzwarth, Trevor Hubbard, Michael Keefer, Cheyenne Kritz, Michelle Lemelin, Sean McGrail, Kayla McKenney, Celina Nadeau, Kendrick Nikornpan, Maxwell Pacholski, Ashley Patten, Luke Peabody, Ryan Pedersen, Django Pignatello, Colbey Plaisted, Tori Poulin, Shyanne Quimby, Reid Rauch, Joshua Reed, Patrick Rodgers, Anthony Sepulvado, Gabriel Solorzano, Madelyn Spencer, Jake Suga, Sara Tibbetts, Samantha Tobey, Raymond Weymouth, Jerold Winslow, Eric Wormell, Tyler Wysocki and Jing Athena Xue.


High Honors: Seth Allen, Erica Basham, Beth Bowring, Andrew Browne, Hannah Burns, Ally Clark Bonsant, Emma Cote, Brandon Coulombe, Tanner Dow, Danessia Ewen, Nathaniel Harrington-Howard, Justin Harris, Abigail Haskell, Hayley Hinds, Katelyn Hustus, Audrey Jordan, Zachary Loubier, Mayann McGrath, Morgan Savage, Elliot Stinchfield, Eleanor Rose Theriault, Rosalie Wilson, Leann Wright, Yang Xi, Jessica Zhang and Justin Zhang. Honors: Taylor Batchelder, Veronica Black, Alexis Bonenfant, Jaime Boudreau, Michael Bourque, Daniel Brown, Kaitlyn Brundage, Makayla Busque, Joshua Buzzell, Julie Buzzell, Sagan Charlebois, Nicholle Clark, Tyler Condon, Terrence Conway, Sydney Cummings, Harley Denning, Benjamin Eason, Cody Elsemore, Ashley Farrington, Ian Ferguson, Phoebe Fleck, Joseph Gay, Gabriel Gervais, Madison Grass, McKenzie Haver, Aubrey Hendsbee, Kaleb Howard, Samuel Jamison, Jordan Jowett, Brandon Keezer, Allison May Kennedy, Jeffrey Kierstead, Miranda-Lee LaRose, Jenna Lully, Hunter Mahon, Tara Markle, Zachary Needham, Harrison Percival, Emily Plourde, Shirlynn Sears, Austin Shaw, Kelsey Stuart, William Sugg IV, Cody Taylor, Nicolas Turcotte, Caitlyn Van Wickler and Marc Walther.


High Honors: Maggie Anderson, Courtney Austin, Mariah Blanchard, Miranda Carey, Harald Christiansen, Kylie Clark, Noelle Cote, Kalib Deschamps, Chelsea Duplessis, Bryanna Emery, Morgan Emond, Hannah Farrington, Shaylee Fisher, Jadelynn Giroux, Angel Hall-Stuart, Hunter Hoague, Abigail Hodgkins, Luke Hodgkins, Nicholas Howes, Kayla Hubbard, Carleigh Ireland, Samantha Jackson, Isabella Johnson, Kyle Kirkpatrick, Megan Lemieux, Rita McCausland, Kassandra Nadeau, Jakob Peavey, Gabriella Pizzo, Kaylee Porter, Leanna Prime, Mercedes Richard, Chantelle Roddy, Haoming Michael Shi, Kaili Shorey, Adam Silvia, Michael Sprague, Emma Stone, Makayla Tobey, Caleb Tyler, Lauren Wood and Olivia Wyman. Honors: Gabe Ashey, Cassidy Baldwin, Noah Bonsant, Victoria Chabot, Madison Choate, Alexander Cleaves, Bailey Cloutier, Kaitlyn Coston, Corvus Crump, Stephen Csengery, Caleb Daggett, Derrick Dyer, Brooke Fongemie, Hunter Gagnon, Madyson Geboskie, Brock Glidden, Jessika Goulet, Spenser Grasse, Elizabeth Green, Jonathan Hickey, Billy Howell III, Robin Jefferson, Bjorn Jorgensen, Rebecca Leavitt, Alexis Lee, Jordan Lewis, Andrew Lyon, Devin Mason, Emma Meader, Hunter Merrill, Harrison Mosher, Christopher Pelletier, Chance Reed, Michaela Roy, Emma Solorzano, Jillian St. Amand, Emma Sullivan, Alexis Tenney, Rebecca Truman, Tyler Walker, Christopher Wight, Martie Young, Morgan Young and Destiny Yvon.


High Honors: Molly Babson, Gavin Blanchard, Lydia Boucher, Jenna Butler, Travis Dow, Marshall Dugal, Rohan Duvvuru, Samuel Falla, Ethan Hammond, Sage Hapgood-Belanger, Samantha Heath, Amber Rose Holmes, Peyton Houghton, Christopher Jamison, Jack Jowett, Kyli Julia, Morgaine Kmen, Olivia Kunesh, Caitlin Labbe, Noah Labbe, Haeden Landry, Milo Lani-Caputo, Paige Leary, Rivers Malcolm, Tara Maltese, Conner Paine, Jacob Praul, Seth Reed, Christina Roy, Conor Skehan, Braden Soule, Briana Strout, Elizabeth Sugg, Willow Throckmorton-Hansford, Mercedes Tibbetts, Megan To, Jack Tobey, Kassidy Wade, Hagen Wallace, Jacob Wright and Alana York. Honors: Brenna Audet, Alex Barney, Mark Barney, Nina Boudreau, William Bourque, Justin Browne, Arthur Carey, Nicholas Cates, Jonathan Condon, ArizonaLee Crooker, Megan Crouse, Mireya Dos Santos, Keara Doughty, Tiffany Doyle, Austin Dunn, Dakota Estes, Cameron Falla, Ethan Furlong, Madeline Geidel, Ashley Gillis, Regina Harmon, Alexis Haskell, Tristan Hawk, Eleanor Hodgkin, Kaleb Hopper, Alicia Hotham, Andrew Jackson, William Jones, Garrett Keezer, Dylan Keller, Robert King, Maverick Lowery, Osiris Marable, Mya Maxim, Noah Miller, Myles Nored, Isaiah Pacholski, William Pfleging, Christian Plante, Nicholas Rancourt, Hannah Reid, Andraya Roque, Hunter Rushing, Caleb Sacks, Seth Savage, Jessie Sepulvado, Krystina Shorey, Katherine Smith, Shayleigh Springer, Shaine Staples Jacob Tibbetts, Madison Toulouse, Caden Turcotte, Trent Wharton, Zachary Williams-Humphrey, Ashlyn Wing and Kendra Wormell.

Area students on Husson University’s presidents list

The following area students have been named to the Spring 2016 presidents list at Husson University, in Bangor.

Lyndsay Weese, of Athens, is a senior who is enrolled in Husson’s Bachelor of Science in Nursing program.

Shayne Brown, of Augusta,  is a junior who is enrolled in Husson’s Bachelor of Science in Mass Communications with a concentration in Marketing Communications program.

Sophia Ramirez, of Augusta, ME is a freshman who is enrolled in Husson’s Bachelor of Science in Criminal Justice program.

Tabitha Willman, of Augusta, is a senior who is enrolled in Husson’s Bachelor of Science in Healthcare Studies and Master of Business Administration (MBA) in Health Care Management program.

Samuel Jandreau, of China, is a senior who is enrolled in Husson’s Bachelor of Science in Kinesiology – Human Movement Science and Doctor of Physical Therapy program.

Zoe Mather, of China, is a sophomore who is enrolled in Husson’s Bachelor of Science in Kinesiology – Human Movement Science and Doctor of Physical Therapy program.

Tyler Rollins, of China, is a sophomore who is enrolled in Husson’s Undeclared program.
Courtney Smart, of Cornville, is a sophomore who is enrolled in Husson’s Bachelor of Science in Health Sciences program.

Leah LaBree, of East Vassalboro, is a senior who is enrolled in Husson’s Bachelor of Science in Mass Communications with a concentration in Journalism program.

Spencer Folsom, of Fairfield, is a freshman who is enrolled in Husson’s Bachelor of Science in Health Sciences program.

Tennyson Martin, of Fairfield, is a sophomore who is enrolled in Husson’s Bachelor of Science in Health Sciences program.

Kyleigh Plourde, of Jefferson, is a sophomore who is enrolled in Husson’s Bachelor of Science in Criminal Justice and Bachelor of Science in Psychology with a Mental Health Rehabilitation Technician/Community (MHRT/C) Certification program.

Alexis Prescott, of Liberty, is a freshman who is enrolled in Husson’s Bachelor of Science in Accounting and Master of Business Administration (MBA) program.

Makaela Michonski, of Norridgewock, is a senior who is enrolled in Husson’s Bachelor of Science in Kinesiology – Human Movement Science and Doctor of Physical Therapy program.

Amanda Saucier, of Norridgewock, is a senior who is enrolled in Husson’s Bachelor of Science in Kinesiology – Human Movement Science and Doctor of Physical Therapy program.

Darian Hughes, of Oakland, is a junior who is enrolled in Husson’s Bachelor of Science in Psychology program.

Raina Rauch, of Palermo, is a junior who is enrolled in Husson’s Bachelor of Science in Healthcare Studies and Master of Science in Occupational Therapy program.

Kaitlyn Grover, of Skowhegan, is a senior who is enrolled in Husson’s Bachelor of Science in Nursing program.

Cailee Manzer, of Skowhegan, is a freshman who is enrolled in Husson’s Bachelor of Science in Healthcare Studies and Master of Science in Occupational Therapy program.

Ali York, of Skowhegan, is a junior who is enrolled in Husson’s Bachelor of Science in Business Administration with a concentration in Financial Management program.

Christina Belanger, of South China, is a sophomore who is enrolled in Husson’s Bachelor of Science in Nursing program.

Meghan Farrell, of Vassalboro, is a junior who is enrolled in Husson’s Bachelor of Science in Healthcare Studies program.

Destiny Silcott, of Windsor, is a senior who is enrolled in Husson’s Bachelor of Science in Kinesiology – Human Movement Science and Doctor of Physical Therapy program.

Logan Vashon, of Winslow, is a sophomore who is enrolled in Husson’s Bachelor of Science in Kinesiology – Human Movement Science and Doctor of Physical Therapy program.

Fundraising chicken BBQ at fair

Members of Boynton-Webber American Legion Post #179

Members of Boynton-Webber American Legion Post #179, in South China, in conjunction with the Lily of the Valley Order of the Eastern Star #157, held a fundraising chicken BBQ at the Windsor Fair recently. John Wardwell, past grand patron of OES #157, left, and Neil Farrington, commander of post #179, spearheaded the effort. Sponsors of the BBQ included The Red Barn, B&M Baked Beans, Huhtamaki and The Home Depot. Contributed photo

TIF committee makes first recommendations

by Mary Grow

China’s TIF (Tax Increment Financing) Committee made its first recommendation to selectmen at the committee’s Aug. 29 meeting.

The committee asked selectmen to present to town voters on Nov. 8 Four Seasons Club President Frank Soares’ request for up to $50,000 for specified improvements on the club’s trails in town.  The vote was unanimous with Soares abstaining.

The trails are usually called snowmobile and ATV trails, but Soares emphasized that they are intended for walkers, skiers, horseback riders and others – though not for high-speed travelers or the four-wheel-drive trucks that have done damage in some areas.  One reason to make the improved sections up to 35 feet wide is to make room for ATV riders and horse riders to meet safely, he said.

Better trails will also improve access for emergency vehicles, he pointed out.

The proposed work includes bridging a wet area and the Sheepscot River.  These two projects will complete connections through the town, allowing people to follow a trail system from Wiscasset and the rest of the coast to Newport and thence throughout northern and western Maine, Soares said.  He expects some through-riders will patronize China’s restaurants.

Asked if there were enough local volunteers for routine trail maintenance, Soares said no.  Four Seasons Club membership is high, he said, but only a small number of “dedicated” people work on the trails.

Judy Stone of the Thurston Park Committee said her group, too, might seek TIF funding to help with access to the park and its trails.

TIF money is to be used for economic and community development.  China’s TIF plan includes development of recreational facilities, like trails.

Also discussed at the Aug. 29 meeting were the committee’s plans for improved fishing and boating access at the head of China Lake and the much less specific idea for development in South China Village, including the boat landing there.

One piece of the head of lake project is purchase of land owned by Susan Bailey and used informally for boat trailer parking.  Bailey originally offered to sell the town two pieces of land she owns; Town Manager Daniel L’Heureux said she is now willing to sell only the small, mostly-wetland lot the committee is interested in.

However, her asking price is well over the assessed value, and committee members considered it unreasonable.  They authorized L’Heureux to negotiate with Bailey for a significantly lower price.

At the committee’s previous meeting, member Dale Worster proposed a sweeping redesign of South China Village, with a new street of fashionable shops – not a shopping mall, he emphasized Aug. 29 – and a better boat landing.  His idea has two goals: to make China a place where people stop, instead of just driving through on their way to the coast, and to use the $5 million expected from the TIF over 20 years to make a visible impact.

South China residents Helen Hanson and Christopher Barnes attended the Aug. 29 meeting to ask committee members to leave the village as it is, a quiet residential area – although, Hanson joked, it would be nice if the sidewalk were extended past her house.      Committee Chairman Amber McAlister assured Hanson and Barnes the committee has no intention of imposing things – the town does not plan to buy from unwilling sellers or to use eminent domain for TIF projects.  She promised to keep Hanson informed of future discussions.

L’Heureux sees the area around Route 3 and the Hannaford supermarket as ripe for development.  He recommended committee members be proactive, lest the town be forced to react to unwelcome outside projects.

The Aug. 29 meeting opened with a presentation by Kennebec Valley Council of Governments Executive Director Rosie Vanadestine on revolving loan funds for local businesses.  Committee members intend to propose a fund to benefit new or expanding China businesses, but are not sure they can work out details in time for a Nov. 8 ballot question.

The next TIF Committee meeting is scheduled for 6:30 p.m. Wednesday, Sept. 14, in the town office.