SOLON & BEYOND, Week of December 15, 2016
by Marilyn Rogers-Bull & Percy
Solon, Maine 04979
Good morning, dear friends. Don’t worry, be happy!
Received an e-mail saying that the Country Sunday/Open Mic was canceled for December 11 and also on December 18.
The next Country Sunday will be on January 8, 2017, and then following the schedule of the 2nd and 4th Sundays of the month 1 – 4 p.m.
Have just checked my e-mails again and there is nothing else to share with you, for real up to date happenings in Solon and Beyond that I’m aware of. But, living down here in South Solon instead of the middle of town, I’m sometimes the last to know what is going on.
As all of you should know by now, I truly love what you share with me, (both what I can print and what I can not!) I am going to share with you part of an e-mail I received from Peter Sirois back in 2012, (came across it when I was up to my house going through STUFF!) He starts out saying that he had just read the November 22 issue of The Town Line and these are some of his words: “I was especially impressed with Marilyn Rogers’ column. The story started out tame enough with the news about the super map brought to the Solon Elementary School. It must have given the young folks a new perspective to view a part of our earth in such a large format. We need to interest our youth so much in the vastness of our planet. The real treat came when Marilyn went on to describe journalism. ‘Always fight to progress and reform; never tolerate injustice and corruption….’ These days, so many news personalities (I am reluctant to call them journalists) fail to remember the original purpose of the press. The quote from Edward R. Murrow certainly reminded me of one of my journalistic heroes.” Mr. Sirois goes on to say, “It was refreshing to hear so many words of truth from someone writing for a local “free” weekly paper. Someone once said, ‘The best things in life are free. In your case , this is certainly true. I understand the need for local papers to promote local businesses.’ He ends with the words, “I hope that people will always be able to enjoy the results of your effort to publish the truth, both small and large. I do wish you well and hope local folks continue to support your endeavors.”
The very kind words sent to me back in 2012, and when I came across them again. really help this reporter in so many ways. It isn’t always a “Thank you ” that I receive for printing the truth. Have made quite a few enemies by this habit of mine, the truth hurts, you know! That must have been the “Stone Wall” issue that got me riled, and in that case, justice was served, finally. But, I do believe that that “worthy cause” got me in more trouble than any other over all the years that I have been writing. (I would like to thank Editor Roland Hallee for having the courage and trust in me to have printed some of them. But, have you noticed, Roland, I’m trying to stay away from “worthy causes” lately?
And so for Percy’s memoir by Helen Steiner Rice: “A Sure Way to a Happy Day… Happiness is something we create in our mind, It’s not something you search for and so seldom find – It’s just waking up and beginning the day By counting our blessings and kneeling to pray – It’s giving up thoughts that breed discontent And accepting what comes as a “gift heaven-sent – It’s giving up wishing for things we have not And making the best of whatever we’ve got – It’s knowing that life is determined for us, And pursuing our tasks without fret, fume or fuss – For it’s by completing what God gives us to do That we find real contentment and happiness, too.” (Helen Steiner Rice is my favorite poet, hope I haven’t used this one before.)