I’m Just Curious: Organized?
by Debbie Walker
Have you ever noticed how much of a mess gets made when trying to re-organize your home? Oh, re-organize, maybe in some cases, such as mine, this is a bit of a stretch.
I am in the process now of trying to straighten out my mess. I don’t think this place has ever truly been organized. We started out with this house being a 6/6 home with six months here and six months in Florida. Instead of traveling everything up here I bought dish sets, pots and pans, even bought a crock pot for Maine.
Ken decided to get rid of the Florida home. We had a whopping big yard sale in Florida and still managed to have way too much stuff to move up here. One of the aggravating things is to love your wall art and family pics, but we had more wall space in bigger house, not enough wall space here. So I have had to find storage space. Frustrating!
OK, so it has been quite a process to find places for things we brought here. This house is smaller than the Florida home. In a fit of frustration one day I told Ken to put the pickup truck close to the door and I started throwing. Ken said something really disgusting. He said “you’re throwing out some good stuff, why don’t you have a yard sale?” The man is lucky he lived through that one! “Yard Sale, no way!”
The yard sale in Florida was an experience I don’t care to repeat. People actually stole stuff, stealing stuff at a yard sale! Oh for crying out loud!!
I really thought I was on the home stretch for getting things organized. I was actually getting close.
Ken had a porch added to the front of the house this summer. Hurray, more room. Well that didn’t last long! You know how I had the duplicate stuff here and Florida, I pretty much had the same set up for the motor home. And Ken sold it! Everything came out of the motor home and, of course, wound up on the porch. Nuts! All that did was give me another room – totally un-organized. The worst thing is yet to happen! I am going to be forced to have a porch/yard sale!
I was thinking about taking some of my craft stuff to a craft fair or two this fall but…… now I NEED to have a yard sale so I will just start dragging more stuff out to the porch. You know I have quite a few interests and if you were to ask Ken he would tell you I am a hoarder. Not true, but to a neat freak like him, my stash of supplies probably looks like just “clutter.”
Well, if you are organized in your home I am so happy for you. I appreciate your skill in keeping it organized. So if you happen upon my yard/porch sale back up your vehicle to the porch door. I’ll bet I can even un-organize your vehicle!!!
I’m just curious if I’ll ever get even semi-organized! Contact me with comments or questions at dwdaffy@yahoo.com . Sub line: organized?