IF WALLS COULD TALK, Week of November 3, 2016
by Katie Ouilette
WALLS, were you surprised to have snow ‘spitting’ in Madison yesterday? Well, it is going to be Winter, if we are ready or not, you know! In fact, faithful readers, Lew and I and Cousin ‘Skeet’ visited with Cousin Ernald and Mal on the weekend and, you guessed it, there was snow on all the mountains as we headed to Maine from Grantham, New Hampshire, on Sunday! So our Maine Weatherman, no matter what TV station is telling it, says ‘snow’ is on the way, but let’s hope for rain first, as this drought is needed for our very dry land. Yes, I wonder if the predicted rain will really be beautiful white snow in ‘Solon and Beyond’?
WALLS, please tell folks about learning a lot about apples yesterday, when Heather Davis, co-ownerr of Cayford’s Orchards near Skowhegan was guest on Keeping Pace on Beeline Channel 11. Fascinating, for sure! Y’know, WALLS, you sure did do listeners a huge favor by bringing all that information to folks.
Speaking of bringing information to your faithful readers, WALLS, surely you have noticed the big new barn behind East Madison’s Historical Association’s Museum. They are next to the East Madison Fire Station and what a great job the volunteers have done. Yes, whenever folks drive to East Madison, they will see that the Farm and Farmland Museum now has a roof. Those men who have worked so diligently say the building will be completed by Christmas.
WALLS, you seem to be letting faithful readers know the latest news with this column. There was a meeting at the Lakewood Golf Course Clubhouse about the new movement that concerns making faithful readers aware of the effort to make folks in the communities along U..S. Route 201 realize the possibilities that await those who are very talented in the arts and other cultures in the entire Area. Y’know, faithful readers, Maine does have so much talent in so many ways, whether painting on canvas, making beautiful pieces of ceramics, or, yes, playing or singing wonderful music. WALLS, this will be the perfect time to tell faithful readers that Amber Lambke, is the person who brought new life to our old Somerset County Jail by introducing our Grist Mill to folks again. Yes, for sure there are those who remember the train’s pulling up to Watson’s Grist Mill, in Skowhegan, and delivering ‘Skowhegan grown wheat’ to Massachusetts and beyond. Yes, Amber was a feature in DownEast Magazine recently.
WALLS, you have so much to tell our faithful readers this week. Surely, you will make them proud of be able to say, ‘I’m from Maine and glad of it.”