VETERANS CORNER: The difference between Neuropathic and Radiculopathic conditions

Veterans Administration facility at Togus. (Internet photo)

by Gary Kennedy

As I mentioned last time, I would begin to show you some of the comparisons which seem similar in nature but are definitely not the same and it should never be assumed by anyone, especially non-medical employees that they are. I am also very much set in my way when it comes to discussing any and all changes to a veteran’s record with the veteran and the veteran’s medical team. Short of that I believe the veteran’s diagnosis/prognosis are being jeopardized.

There are reasons for having a medical side and an Administrative side when it comes to the evaluation of a veteran’s disabilities. I will use a case of my own here as it is a fairly common deal evaluation and one I have seen many times throughout the years. I recently issued a letter addressing V.B.A. as the recipient, as changes were made to my record which I only recently become aware of. It seemed that it was taken for granted that Neuropathic conditions were the same as Radiculopathic conditions. This is an understandable mistake, but in any case a mistake. It’s not too complicated so I will continue to try to explain. First, I should state that Radiculopathy is often mistaken for Neuropathy because both conditions cause similar symptoms, such as pain, weakness, numbness and tingling. At times it is explained as insects crawling around the surface of the skin. “Basically”, the difference between Radiculopathy and Neuropathy is caused by a pinched nerve in the spinal cord, while Neuropathy is caused by nerve damage to the peripheral nervous system. Radiculopathy can be caused by a herniated disc, thickening of the spinal ligaments, spinal infection, benign growth on the spine, and bone spurs in the spine. Your doctor’s involvement is very important here in order to reserve the correct diagnosis and treatment. Lay persons should not become involved with the doctors opinion. In this particular comparison there are several Neuropathies and the same can be said for Radiculopathy. It can be very complicated if you don’t know what you are talking about and a targeted approach to conclusion can become confusing.

Radiculopathy and Neuropathy area both complex and painful disorders. They both have possibility of numerous complications. To understand the difference between things, you need to compare at least two specific items or concepts. John Hopkins has spent much time on this subject and it can become very complicated if you embrace all the approaches they use in order to find exact, particular solutions. We lay persons need to stick with the basics and find general solutions. Our problem here is to determine if the two situations can exist together. The doctors will figure out the particulars.

The reason for this article is to establish that Neuropathy and Radiculopathy are separate and distinct unto themselves. According to Cleveland Clinic as well as Mayo Clinic, it is very possible to have both Radiculopathy and Neuropathy. (Ex. One case involved a patient with L-5 radiculopathy and peroneal nerve entrapment neuropathy). Radiculopathy deals with damage to the nerves associated with the spine, Peripheral Neuropathy is damage to the secondary nerves located at the peripheral of the body. Remember, Neuropathy occurs outside the brain and spinal cords. Also, abnormal sweating, heat intolerance, problems with blood pressure, swallowing, bowel & bladder problems as well as sexual dysfunction are neuropathic in nature. Radicular is inflammation of the root of a “spinal” nerve such as the sciatic nerve, to name one. The clue is, it comes from the spine, not outside. So, if you are exploring your medical records and you have applied for sciatic conditions and also bowel/bladder problems you can see that neurogenic and radicular can and will both be used regarding the nerve involvement.

You always need to be vigilant when it comes to how your records are being interpreted and handled. You could be in the losing end of the stick. If you don’t understand something placed or taken from your record, don’t let it go without an answer or you will always have doubt. Also, you don’t want to be on the losing end of a situation when it could cost you not only financially but medically. You are your own best advocate when it comes to your healthcare. So, in this particular example you are dealing with Neuropathic which are nerves that (Peripheral Neuropathy is shortened to Neuropathy) run from outside of the spine down and radiculapatic which is referred to as pinched nerves, damage to nerve roots in the area where they leave the spine. (Commonly referred to as Sciatica). Just remember there is an absolute difference between Neuropathy and Radiculopathy, two entirely different words.

I hope your holidays were great and you remembered those with less. God bless.

VETERANS CORNER: There will always be a sense which is maintained by the veteran

by Gary Kennedy

Good day to my fellow veterans and all of you who read and contribute to these articles of importance which support and clarify issues of relevance in the veteran’s life and well being. It can be a long and testy road from active military force overseeing all that we know and love to veteran. The uniform comes off but that which has been instilled in the minds of all those who served will remain always. There will always be a sense which is maintained by the veteran which will never be known by those who never served their country through the military. Veterans just seem to have a special sense when it comes to the stressors facing our country. They have a keen sense of danger when it comes to their homeland and all things that they love that reside within its borders. How many countries in the world have the second amendment? For veterans there is a feeling of security knowing we are able to protect that which we love. Unfortunately, not all in our system feels as most of us do.

I have worked beside veterans for most of my life and become very upset when I see veterans being abused in any way, shape or form. Not all veterans are in line for sainthood but all deserve the truth and a fair shake. Veterans depend on the VA system to protect them and express their problems to said entity to carry the ball for them. When the ball is dropped it needs to be picked back up and carried to the finish line in the most honorable fashion possible. Honor is one of the most elaborated on subjects carried into the battle field.

It is also insisted upon in all we say and do. If you aren’t sure of something then you should handle it as something of an unknown or I need more clarity. Here is where procedure comes into play. You’ve heard the expression “by the book”, this is a point in time when this rule must be adhered to. To exaggerate a situation, to hurt someone or to demean someone is a serious attack on humanity. Gossip, hearsay, insinuation are just a few words under the umbrella of baring false witness, which is an offense in my opinion beyond most. These things can be brought about in different ways.

Lately, I have been addressing this sort of issue with other veterans. As most of us are aware time is the precursor of change and this can be an event of rapidity or a slow change in world events and attitudes. Along with this comes language changes and social changes. This evolution is not necessarily good or bad. However, the impact can be great on certain communities and societies. Veterans are a very large group of individuals who think largely in the past and sometimes take a little more time to catch up with today’s requirements.

Even the brightest most progressive of us can find we aren’t or haven’t caught up with the changes being mandated by current society so in our panic we search out the aid and advice of those trained in the manner in which societal change can be coped with.

On the other hand those mandating these changes should realize that problems can arise because of habits established over time. So, if the societal push is on a vulnerable group in society, patients and real understanding becomes very necessary. Situations can become confused and serious negatives can be drawn from events not deserving of such. Without proper training serious harm can be extrapolated from another wise innocent situation. This can be the case with face to face communication or even in the handling of documentation. Unfortunately, there is also the possibility of the intentional infliction of harm on another.

Next time I will show you a problem I and others have run into recently involving the handling of veteran’s records. Veterans should always be vigilant when it comes to their records. Veterans should always read them carefully, more than once and make sure you understand what has been placed before you. Your future well being may indeed depend on it. If you don’t understand any part of your record take it to your Veteran’s Service Officer and ask for clarity. I will explain more next time.

VETERANS CORNER: VA not Halloween friendly this year

Veterans Administration facility at Togus. (Internet photo)

by Gary Kennedy

Well, Halloween has come and gone. Julie and I went to a friend’s house to share with them and to see all the adorable children in their costumes. Our friends give the Cadillac of candies and the children are aware of that. We are always assured of family and friends, which is another plus. We share a great meal which we all participate in its preparation. So for us it is just another time for bonding.

V.A. wasn’t as friendly as they were in years past. It use to be all the check in points had candy and some of the employees even dressed down for the occasion. It was joyful in the old days. It seems the spirit has been knocked out of yesterday’s humanity. Things have changed and the vets and their families can feel it. Now we can only reminisce. Perhaps some management will come along that will instill some of what use to be normal. I for one have a very large soft spot for V.A. Togus as it has been in the center of my life for many years. I have enjoyed a tremendous amount of good fortune for myself, family and veterans in need. There are still many wonderful people working there and supporting our veterans. There are also many employees there for just a paycheck. However, even if it’s just a job, if you do it well, all will benefit from you.

I have received several phone calls and emails regarding a supposed mandate on bathroom facilities. It seems we will be going to UNISEX C.R.’s this coming month. This is one of those political things we have been watching lately. Whoever came up with this idea must be anti veteran. Disabled veterans search out family bathrooms because of medical reasons. Usually there are two people involved in bathroom experiences for many veterans. Sometimes a disabled veteran could need 20 minutes to complete his need along with a caregiver. The system we have now has worked fine for many years. If it’s not broken why try and fix it?

When the veteran is using the bathroom, other veterans are on a waiting list. This can become very difficult. Anyway, I told the veteran who emailed me that I would check it out with Boston on the first of the week. We need to see if this is a national mandate and share our opinion along with the obstacles in case this wasn’t thought through. It’s great to find ways to improve the system but sometimes in so doing, the proposed improvement carried baggage with it. These things need to be thought out carefully. I happen to agree with these veterans. If it’s not broken don’t try to fix it. In the past nearly 50 years I have never seen a problem with the comfort rooms. If there are other opinions out there, let’s hear them.

Another problem we have lately is oversight of the area surrounding building 200 to building 205. The construction company doing the work in that area is not considering those around them. They can follow some of the protocol of other employees. They don’t need to park pick-ups on the sidewalk or in handicap spaces. When they have things to unload that is a different story. The one’s I watched didn’t have that problem. We have such limited parking as it is. Some veterans can’t even walk.

I remember asking if it wouldn’t be good to have veterans help with the solutions. When the advocates first came to Building 200, I mentioned that veterans had a lot to offer and perhaps a group of vets could serve as a committee of unofficial oversight. No one knows better than a vet. Also, it could put purpose in some veteran’s lives. Knowing you and your advice is needed is a powerful tool and in some cases could prove to be valuable. Also, it’s a good way to find out what’s driving the other side. It was accepted as a good idea but didn’t go anywhere. If you have any ideas or suggestions please contact me so I can address them with you. When the world is as it is, there will always be veterans. As long as there are veterans there will always be need.

Never forget, my brothers and sisters, we are in this together and we should always stand tall in helping one another. Don’t be afraid to contact us if you are in need. We have each other you don’t have to go it alone. Also, there are several service organizations, V.F.W., American Legion, D.A.V, Maine Vets, to name some. They all have V.S.O.’s (Veterans Service Officers) to advise you and steer you in the correct direction. Last but certainly not least, you have Veterans Benefits Administration (V.B.A.) they are equipped with V.A.’s finest. It’s best if you call first but they do allow walk-ins. They are there from 8:30 a.m. – 4 p.m., Monday- Friday.

Our COLA adjustment which is the same as Social Security 2.5 percent. Example: Multiply the amount you are receiving currently by 2.5 and add the result to your check. This is all we have time for this week. God bless you and yours. Have a great and safe weekend.

CORRECTION: This article has been updated to specify Togus Regional Office is open at 8:30 a.m., not 8 a.m.

VETERANS CORNER: Learning from a third world nation tribe

Veterans Administration facility at Togus. (Internet photo)

by Gary Kennedy

Beauty is as beauty does. I recently read an article about a tribe in Asian. We will call them the Ubuntu Tribe. An anthropologist proposed a game to a group of very young children. The eldest was perhaps 16 years old. The others were 5 – 7, 8 and 9. A basket of fruit was placed at the base of a tree several yards away. The anthropologist wanted to see the mayhem that would ensue after the race. However, he was in for a big surprise and a lesson well learned. He saw the children sprint to the basket of fruit. What was surprising was when the children started their task they first joined hands and ran only as fast as the slowest to the fruited tree. They then sat and shared and enjoyed the assortment of fruit. They ran as one and enjoyed the meal as one. In his amazement he asked the children why they didn’t seek the prize singularly. They all wanted the fruit and they knew the others in their group wanted the fruit, also. However, they collectively replied Ubuntu, Ubuntu, how can one of us be happy if all the others are sad? You see in this very primitive tribe “their culture dictates”, “I am because we are”.

This so-called primitive tribe has an understanding of the secret of happiness that many societies claiming to be civilized have lost. These were little naked children; how beautiful, uneducated children who for some reason lived by what I believe is a very beautiful touching philosophy. For them it was a way of life perhaps taught by their parents. In any case it showed what we use to relate to as togetherness. What has happened to us? Why are different parts of the world so different than others?

Veterans have seen many different cultures in their travels; cultures as different as night is to day. I know I have seen the best and worst of them. When I started doing humanitarian volunteerism I learned to be very cautious. Some of the countries I would go to had a good side and a bad side. The same is true here in the U.S.A. If you travel, especially if you work with people, you will find the differences I have described.

When it becomes election time here in the USA, as is true in other places, these groups of people begin to show themselves. I noticed the other day that one political party was trying to show we vets why we should vote for them. It became obvious to me one of the groups was not telling the truth. I happen to know the truth as I have personally done the research.

The subject this group was trying to take credit for was I.V.F.. If you remember we talked about this months ago. When you start using veterans as examples make sure you have your facts together. Politics are so immoral these days. It’s never been great but recently it’s been horrific. Anyway, this group stated that veterans were given great benefit because of them, in the area of I.V.F. (In Vitro Fertilization).

Some of you might remember how this subject played out from personal experience. Yes, its true veterans can in some cases receive many great benefits for their contributions to our country. However, before you start boasting about it with the hope of political gain be sure of your facts.

True, veterans have received an I.V.F. benefit. It’s for their part free. The catch is the wife. I spoke with a Medical Specialist, in Portland, and he explains the easy part was the male extraction but the difficult and expensive part was that which was on the female side. Her process became much more complicated and was not paid for by the government. This doctor went on to give me a minimum of many thousands of dollars. The process doesn’t work on every attempt and can be a money pit and a heart breaker for the couple. I have talked to veterans who wanted this possibility so I thought I would share it with you once again. With enough attention perhaps the government will eventually give the entire package. Be aware of the politics. We are a valuable commodity during this time and our friends and family are not the Ubuntu tribe. God bless and have a great weekend.

The views of the author of this column are not necessarily those of The Town Line newspaper, its staff and board of directors.

VETERANS CORNER: Don’t give up your search for VA aid because you don’t think you served long enough

by Gary Kennedy

I always wonder what I will write about each week. Sometimes I even change my mind after writing for hours. It’s not because I’ve made an error but for some reason the article doesn’t seem to be timely or appropriate for that week. This has become a relatively new dilemma for me. Perhaps its age related. I have to blame something. In any case I start flipping through the maze of paperwork on my desk and eventually I will run across a note reminding me to address certain issues relevant to you and me.

I have decided this week to address a recent situation that I have run across in variations that I believe might be helpful to a couple of Vets and perhaps others who have given up their search for aid because they don’t believe they were in the military long enough or they were discharged with other than an honorable discharge. Even if a discharge says dishonorable it doesn’t mean all is lost.

I will discuss that one upon request. First thing is to present your DD214 to see what it actually tells us. A General Discharge tells us that you were discharged with a satisfactory performance, but not the best. This is a discharge that is often given because of some minor misconduct or failure to meet certain standards. This would imply a General Discharge under honorable conditions. We have seen many of those of late because of those who wouldn’t comply with the militaries recent shot mandate. The veteran can defend themselves either in writing or orally. The veteran’s future rides on what is written on his DD214. Review DD-293 and DD-149 to see if these would apply for your situation. (Upgrade of records) Also, your V.S.O., at Togus, should be able to help you forward with this. In any case don’t be afraid of it. Don’t dismiss what may be available to you. Most things can be made better. When approaching the VA don’t forget to have your DD214 available.

Go to Building 200, the main building, Department of Eligibility. The young lady working there is very good at what she does and can guide you on your way. The question that comes with this problem was time in the military. The last I knew, and I doubt that it has even changed is time in service. Active duty time is 90 days. So, if you have served your country on active duty for 90 days or more you should have no problem. Most soldiers I have dealt with that brought that problem up were reservists. Their active duty is ormally 88 days. The reason is obvious? If the unit is activated then there is no question there as well.

The problem you seem to be having is asking for help. I can assure you most V.S.O’s at Togus are more than happy to serve you. Being short handed, they might get a little stressed out at times but for the most part they are happy to see and aid you in your request. Don’t be afraid of seeking out that what you have earned over the years. There are many benefits that have been given and there are many not being claimed.

VA is undergoing some interior renovation I want to discuss with you and get your opinion. I will save that for next time. Fall is here, most of the fairs are gone and the kids are back in school. Drive safe and watch out for those yellow buses. God bless you and yours and have a great weekend, as well as a wonderful foliage season. Next weekend will be a wonderful family drive to Rangeley. The color should be spectacular.

VETERANS CORNER: Fisher House is listing; Community Living Center still not finished

VA Fisher House

by Gary Kennedy

In an issue of The Town Line, four or five years ago, I mentioned outside problems which I felt were causing VA unneeded stress. Like any source of information and service, information supplied under duress can be very harmful. The interpretation can lead to misinformation and lead one down the wrong path. It can also lead to distrust and become a very unpleasant venue. Going on 50 years now I have seen this sort of thing go south very rapidly.

Do you remember my article involving the Fisher House? This was a money gift that built a hospitality house. When I and others learned of the construction we objected and made our objections known. However, the powers that be, decided to avoid our warnings and the fact that the Fisher House was going to be built on wet land, land which couldn’t hold weight. I in fact was so adamant about my stand, I included the wildlife habitat and along with my wife asked for a meeting with the State of Maine to express my and others position on that issue.

I guess we know how far that got us. Now the Fisher House is slowly listing to the left, thus causing severe structural damage. I understand that the structure itself cost a few million dollars. These buildings which have become popular all across the USA are gifts to the VA. It’s heart breaking to see what’s happening because there are those who will not turn a blind eye and let others get involved, even though this is supposed to benefit the veteran. Veteran involvement could be a very good thing.

There are those with so much passion and talent that would love to be part of their surroundings. A few years ago I suggested that given the fact that there were interested, talented Vets who would love to be part of the solution and who were problem solvers. Mistakes like this one could be avoided. There must be a government virus going around. It seems the state and federal governments can’t seem to get it together and to get it right. Now we have to do and say, or not say, to be in the other side’s compliance zone. We use to be friends and worked things out ourselves but not anymore. The minority seems to have found a way to put fearful controls in places.

Five years ago the Community Living Center was supposed to be finished behind building. 205. That was a building that was sorely needed. Many disabled veterans who had been in the system for many years anxiously awaited. Unfortunately, most of them wouldn’t live to see its insemination. It was passed along that the building dollars got used in different places. The money that remained kept a small crew doing other small jobs over time. This is second hand information that I believe to be true. I am sure I will get to the bottom of this eventually. This all seemed to occur during the changing of the administration. That seems to be happening a lot lately.

I know you are familiar with my articles involving the gym and the swimming pool. This event was conveniently initiated post covid, forward. These two rooms were used for veterans’ rehab. Their primary function was for physical therapy and for PTSD. The pool was a wonderful advent to the wellness clinic. Veterans would meet there and walk around while sharing time with one another. It was great for physical health as well as mental health. Along came attrition disease, due mostly because of lack of concern for those who kept the boat afloat.

I was told it was a clever management tool to help with the retention of employees who were experiencing greener grass elsewhere. One day a few of my group got together and decided to check it out. The door was locked and a sign was placed outside advertising that the gym was for employees for a fee. Veterans couldn’t use it anymore even though it was provided for their use and well being. Three days per-week physical therapists would, by appointment, take their veterans for pool therapy. At the same time other vets could use the opposite side of the pool. When covid hit, the pool was drained and we were told that the pool had problems. We vets were told that we could use the YMCA, upon application. This was a no brainer from the start. Try placing the civilian elderly and the disabled veteran in a pool together. Now, all you have to do is toss in a few children and some PTSD and you have a very dangerous mix. I am sure the U.S. government would agree with me. If they only knew! I am sure it wouldn’t be long before we would wear out our welcome.

The Community Living Center went undone for years. It just began again last year. Now other veterans tour the acre long galvanized fence. Some of us refer to the new buildings as “Silver City”. At least the building we have been waiting for has almost reached fruition. NOPE! After all those thousands of man-hours and tons of shiny metal, the footings and foundation has been poured yet this magnificent building has had the brakes put on. OSHA doesn’t allow for poor design due to Tensile Strength. Tensile Strength is the maximum amount of stress a material can withstand before it breaks when being stretched or pulled. We will have to wait and see what the administration does.

They like to keep these things private. It’s difficult to admit when you are wrong. Only the strong and self assured can handle that task. In any case the secret is out, in part; let’s see what they do with it. I know they have a problem with the moral part of running the government’s business. Veterans, it’s time to vote. Be sure you analyze your candidates well and ask the right questions. We are the soldiers of yesterday but that doesn’t mean we can’t impart our wisdom on our sons and daughters and those we love. It’s not what we take with us but what we leave behind.

Have a safe weekend and God bless you and yours.

VETERANS CORNER: Only 6% of 18.5M veterans receive disability benefits

Veterans Administration facility at Togus. (Internet photo)

by Gary Kennedy

There are approximately 18.5 million veterans and only six percent have received V.A. Disability benefits. There are millions of benefits waiting to be spoken for. Every week that I write this column I should be heading for a conclusion but suredly such is not the case. Just this week I met three veterans who didn’t know the true story behind the existence of the Veterans Administration.

Togus VA is the first Veterans Center. Originally, the facility was used as a summer resort called Togus Springs. Togus Springs was established in 1859 by Horace Beals, a very wealthy granite merchant from Rockland, Maine. The name Togus comes from the Native American word “Worromontogus”, which means “Mineral Water”. I believe this time forward would place us at the very beginning of the Civil War. So, long story short, since Togus still exists, it is the oldest as well. I have watched it’s evolution for more than 55 years. The little pond of water by the hospitality house has been a special place. Once upon a time it was larger and was believed to have healing powers. It seems to me that would be an appropriate place for a healing center; and for the most part it is. Occasionally, it loses it’s way but always seems to find a way to return to it’s positive self.

Once known as Chases Acres with 1,000 acres, it was divided into half thus leaving approximately 500 acres. This in my opinion is plenty of growth room. It also has a couple of cemeteries with lots of history. Wild life abounds in this place and thrives. Occasionally, the areas wildlife has to be reduced because of over populations. However, I own some property within the confines of the original property and my wife and I enjoy it very much. We have many animal friends who know when they are not in danger. For us Togus is not only a Medical Center but a refuge for the veteran who needs aid and attendance.

Many lives have begun anew in the past 160 years. We were the first to accept women veterans. Senator Olympia Snowe was a champion in later years in this area. Many great people have walked through these gates. There is an unbelievable history in this one little area. The Winthrop library has some great literature for all of a curious heart.

If you served in the military and have some medical issues there is a very good chance that your service to your country had something to do with it, in one way or another. Many veterans that I have met with have decided they don’t qualify for help for many reasons. Some say, yes, I did this in the military but I didn’t report it or didn’t make an issue of it. They forget the big picture. When you took that physical and signed on the dotted line you entered into a two party contract. The contract basically implied that you would serve your country however needed and your country would be there for you and yours when needed. That contract extended to your family as well. Medically speaking, little things can become big things. All you need to do is remember the promise you make each other.

You can apply online, by mail, in person or by seeking out a Veterans Service Officer, (VSO). Online: apply at, by mail: download and complete VA form 21-526EZ and mail it to the Department of Veterans Affairs; in person: visit V.A. and seek out a (V.S.O.), Veterans Service Officer. The benefits you could likely be eligible for are Disability Compensation, Health Benefits or even a pension. If you were injured in anyway in the military you most likely have something going for you. You just need to know how to pursue it. That is why it is important to seek out a V.S.O. for advice. Don’t be afraid to do that. That is why they are there. Most of these folks are veterans themselves. Also, it’s their career and that is a paid position for them and a right to service for you. No harm will come to you and perhaps you will become pleasantly surprised at the result. Remember that contract you signed with the U.S.A.. I think you will find they are as honorable as you have been.

Thank you for your service is spoken thousands of times daily by those that genuinely appreciate you for the contribution you gave your country. The V.A.’s door is open 24 hours a day to it’s members in need. As of last September there were an estimated 17.9 million veterans in the USA. As of one year ago there were 5.27 million veterans with a service connected disability. This figures include physical and emotional disability conditions. Call 623-8411. someone is always there to answer your call. Stay safe brothers and sisters. God bless and keep you safe.

VETERANS CORNER: VA rules, regulations becoming more complicated

Veterans Administration facility at Togus. (Internet photo)

by Gary Kennedy

I will try to get a couple things answered this week. I am getting slower in my old age and VA is becoming more complicated than it used to be. Remember, what I share with you is my opinion based upon my research and that which has worked for me and veterans I have worked with overtime.

I believe I am as accurate as VA sites are, and they vary, one to another. Trying to simplify VA rules, regulations coupled with case law is not an easy nor definitive task. However, it puts us in the ball park and gets the ball rolling. Even the lawyers aren’t 100 percent or they wouldn’t be needed, would they. A veteran needing help should accept any available knowledgeable source. You don’t need to go it alone. Always avail yourself of second opinions. A good person has been known to make mistakes. When you acquire satisfactory information share it.

There are many veteran groups outside of VA, from here to the S.E. Asia Islands. The VA has loosened their rules on medical help and pensions recently. It’s hard to keep up with the changes. A good example would be in the Presumptive area. We recently went through Agent Orange and Burn pits presumptive issues. These alone carry many commorbidities which also become presumptive. A few of the newer ones, for those of you who are not aware, are 1. Male Breast Cancer; 2. Urethral cancer and cancer of the Paraurethral Glands. These can be added to the list of Presumptive. Unfortunately, it takes time and research to reach this point and some may die before they know and obtain help. I have seen a couple of close calls regarding addendums to Presumptive cases.

VA states that you must have been in the military for 90 days or more, active and continues service. I would certainly argue that in some cases. Doctor’s notes and a good lawyer would have a viable argument in my opinion. The PACT Act alone added 20 presumptive conditions based on toxic exposure. Some of these cases are time sensitive, usually one year. So some of these can be very difficult and in my opinion, is unfair.

Cancer is a dirty player. It can hang around for years before rearing it’s vile head. In any case I would still fight for the exception. There is a lot of kidney cancer as of late. This is a presumptive condition and one I would not hesitate to argue outside of any time sensitive rules. We all have heard about our brothers at Camp Lejeune. This evolved from military to people living near the base as well as civilians working on the base. Lawyers are all over this. Simple conditions such as Chronic Rhinitis or Sinusitis can be service compensable conditions, depending on your MOS or having close proximity to the proximal potential causation of these irritants. (Smoke, gas/oil, fumes, solvents etc.) More than three quarters of a million veterans have filed for these Pact Act related events. More than half of these are still pending. Although we have a first come, first1st served policy there needs to be exceptions to this rule. I have seen a couple of situations where this should have been the case. I am referring to near death situations. Most veterans, especially those in line waiting would agree with me on this one. It’s so bad losing someone you love but even worse for the veteran knowing he/she is leaving some very important unfinished business relating to those loved ones. There have been dozens of Presumptive Medical issues added to the list. Speak with your Veteran Service Officer about the many presumed conditions if you believe you or your loved one may fit into any as the ever changing list of medical issues that might be in close proximity to your veteran’s condition.

Next time we will cover other issues on your list. I hope this has been of some help to you and yours. I will try to cover some of the more basic issues next time. God bless you all and have a safe and sharing week. Always remember, “It’s not what you take with you but what you leave behind”.

VETERANS CORNER: Flat feet are common and have many causes

by Gary Kennedy

First I will apologize to our readers as I had promised to continue my VA series but for some reason I have misplaced two articles. I will start today by briefly defining some of the questions asked of me and then elaborate on a particular issue. We can do this each week. Thousands of subscribers read this column so I am very sure we are bound to eventually cross paths with your question.

It’s no problem jumping out of context now and then. One of the questions on my list is Pes Planes. Pes Planus is a Latin word for simply, flat feet. Why medical words have to be so difficult is beyond me. You would think something this important would be made easy for lay people such as us. Anyway, flat feet are extremely common and have many possible causations. This disorder can occur in children and adults. Here we are primarily concerned with military connotation and applications. With flat feet the interior arch of the foot/feet touches the floor. There are several types of flat feet but in all cases you will derive the same arch dysfunction.

In all actuality flat feet are not allowed in the military. I believe most are overlooked. Flat feet are for the most part an inherited condition. The fear of acceptance of individuals in the military is the possible and most likely progression of the problem over time. Pes Planus is like the growth of a tree. The growth is obviously upward and outward, and so is the nature of the problem. If you are very athletic in the military and you have this problem it is bound to climb the trunk and affect the limbs as well.

In my many years of being around the V.A. and having been a medical specialist in the Army I have seen many foot problems which have affected the entire body eventually. So never say that a zero percent Pes Planus can’t lead to a 100 percent total body. It all depends on how hard and long your body has been abused. Flat Feet (Pes Planus) can be a disability that can limit mobility and cause chronic pain. The pain and discomfort associated with flat feet can make it difficult to live a normal life, potentially leading to other physical disabilities. In this case disability can be literally one step at a time.

Bilateral acquired flat feet if severe with deformity and pain, swelling and callosities can carry a possible rating of 30-50 percent disability, on its own. Also, there are many addendums that could be connected to this scenario. A married veteran with 30 percent rated disability would receive approximately $586.31 and $1,179.16 for 50 percent. The 100 percent rating amount currently is approximately $ 3,946.25.

The problem that began with a veteran’s feet can evolve over time to include his/her entire spine due to many other adjunct factors. That is just one example so it is smart to speak with someone who knows how to follow your career’s paper trail. I have only given you one possible way to reach the 100 percent over time using a simple, but possible example. Of course, most veterans with the high percentages start with much more severe trauma. However, most of what I have told you is a pathway to increased percentages. Many veterans go through life believing they don’t deserve any compensation for injuries. That is totally up to you.

Uncle Sam entered into an agreement with you when you enlisted. He promised to take care of you and yours if anything were to happen to you, that includes physical, emotional and death. Don’t go it alone. Be truthful and explain all your pain. The service officer will help you carry the ball from there. There is always on appeal process.

God bless you and yours and have a good safe weekend.

VETERANS CORNER: Is there greater benefit after one receives 100% rating?

Veterans Affairs Regional Benefit Office Togus, ME

by Gary Kennedy

A question often asked is, “is there any greater benefit after one receives a 100 percent rating?” My answer is, it is possible to receive other benefits both monetarily speaking and in services. However, these areas of benefits may not be that easy to obtain. They definitely require advanced knowledge of veteran’s benefits, what is needed and how to apply. If you feel you have hit a wall but you have reason to believe you should be able to receive more, then you may be correct in your summation. The question should not harbor around what other people make but why you feel you have reason to believe you have conditions, with service relationships that have kept you from achieving the goals you have set in life and the reasons you can’t achieve them that most likely have something to do with your time in the military that has prohibited you from achieving your life goals.

If one considers all the physical and/or emotional events that occurred while serving your country, in an honorable manner, you might find something that stands out to the trained eye as a problem not fully addressed within the guidelines of your 100 percent rating. Perhaps it’s time you started asking those very questions to those who have been trained to see those things and are there to help you.

Those in the know are referred to as V.S.O’s, Veterans Service Officers. The acronym may change with time but the service remains the same.

I have heard your arguments. Sometimes you need to shop around to find the correct fit for you and for your situation. We all know there are good mechanics and not so good mechanics, good doctors and not so good doctors. Sometimes it becomes a matter of personality. We all run across those in life we just can’t relate to. However, the one you need is out there and you can find that person if you are patient and tolerant.

We veterans can be difficult to deal with at times, given the circumstances that life has dished out. “Don’t bite your nose to spite your face”, as the old adage goes. Some of those V.S.O’s are veterans themselves. I have found that whether prior service or not most are compassionate, understanding and thankful for your service. You are the reason they are there. Given a fair chance and your cooperation you might be surprised at what can be achieved in regards to your dreams and aspirations.

I find the office of V.B.A to be very friendly and hospitable. There is usually a comfortable seat, a pot of coffee and a smiling friendly greeter to welcome you in with “how may we assist you?” The next step is obviously up to you. You will certainly be directed to a specialist in a private room to air out your questions. I guarantee when you conclude your visit you will have obtained answers to most, if not all of your questions. The area that I am currently referring to is knows as V.B.A.. They are located on the second floor of building. 248. To locate this area you would need to enter building 205. Just inside the door you will be greeted by a big veteran in a power wheelchair. He will direct you from there. Some of you know this building as the one where most of your primary care providers are located. He can also direct you to V.F.W., D.A.V., Maine Vets and Paralyzed Veterans of Maine. American Legion is in another building but is temporarily closed. In any case there are always many veteran assistants available to help with all of your questions. Your initial question of, “is there life beyond 100 percent?” can be answered by those I have previously mentioned.

There are many scenarios that can be addressed. The one I hear most is, “I need help”. Those can be heart breaking words if left on their own. The way I always look at it is, if you’re stating this then there is a serious short coming in your life that needs to be addressed. No one wants you to carry that weight around with you. If you are honest and sincere there is always an answer to fit your needs. It might not always be perfect but it will definitely lighten your load.

I find that to be true most of the time. Some of you have tried before and failed but time has gone by and things always change. Also, you might be dealing with a new entity, program or rule. I’ve seen it many times. I do offer one word of advice, actually there are several words making up one advice: when given some good sound advice act upon it as given. I have seen several take the advice and share it and a conversation pursued on how to improve upon it with another veteran. You went to an adviser for advice; act upon it as given. That’s his or her job and they won’t lead you astray. Unsound advice leads to descent.

In the slang, that’s a downer. Next time I will share some of what I believe to be true regarding programs that can elevate your lot if you in fact qualify. It breaks my heart to see anyone miss out on what they have earned and deserve. Don’t let the government’s tricky words unravel you. A house with no stairs raises hell with a slinky. We will get the job done. God bless you and yours and have a great fun filled week.