LETTERS: Sam Hunkler the best choice for governor

To the editor:

This fall, we have a rare opportunity to choose a candidate for governor who has spent his life helping people as a medical doctor instead of playing politician. Sam has no political party behind him, and no wealthy donors own him. His face will appear on television only in an interview or as a participant in a debate. You will not see an attack ad accusing his opposing candidates of atrocities or maleficence.

Sam’s philosophy is simple. The citizens of Maine deserve something better than either of the political parties has to offer. As Sam says, “Let’s find common ground using common sense for the common good.”

A teacher once told his class that if all twenty-two football players got together, it would be easy to carry the football down the field. Vote for the man who wants to unite the teams and accomplish something for Maine.

Leland Hanchett

LETTERS: MaryAnne Kinney has her priorities

To the editor:

Our government requires moral, upright, knowledgeable people who will make sound decisions for the common good of our people and our society.

MaryAnne Kinney has all these qualities in great quantities. She has represented us well in the Maine Legislature for the past eight years, and would like to extend her service to Waldo County by becoming our State Senator for Disrict #11.

Having a college degree in agriculture and being a farmer, her decisions as a member of the Agriculture and Inland Fisheries Department bave been made with a practical grasp of the implementation and implications of the laws. Additionally, her experiences as a small business owner gives her an enriched understanding of how laws will impact our hard working small business owners who are the life blood of Maine’s economy and future.

MaryAnne Kinney has her priorities in line with providing for the weakest and most vulnerable among us – our youth and our seniors, and she knows how to work with other legislators to get things done.

In voting for MaryAnne, you are voting for the person who will make wise decisions with us, for us.

JoAn Petersen

LETTERS: MaryAnne Kinney a hard worker

To the editor:

We have two individuals running for the Maine State Senate in District #11 who offer very different views of how we, the voters, should be represented. Both have established a record for themselves that should be a deciding factor when we vote in November. Character counts as well along with experience in state government.

Having known MaryAnne Kinney for many years both in the community, personally, and by paying attention to her voting record it is easy to report on her qualities: she is absolutely honest, forthright, personable and she keeps her word. Look at the record she has made as a member of the Maine House of Representatives promoting the interests of our farmers and veterans – she is on both committees. Her record can be found at https://legislature.maine.gov/house/ under Roll Calls. It is a list of votes looking after children’s education, reinforcing parental rights, backing first responders, and protecting us from the freewheeling spending policies of Chip Curry.

Do you have a taste for maple syrup? A visit to MaryAnne’s business, Kinney’s Sugarhouse, will validate her integrity (first class products) and business sense (a successful long running and expanding operation) – both of which we need in the Maine Senate. Yes, she is a hard worker and a community volunteer. Please let these facts and comments help you to make a good choice in the coming election: MaryAnne. And help spread the word on an outstanding, sensible, supporter of our families and community.

Vote “Kinney”!

Philip G. Carthage

LETTERS: A vote for any other party is a vote for facism

To the editor:

Fascisim didn’t die in the 1940s. There are candidates on our ballots who brag that they will be voting against human rights on their campaign platforms. To avoid abuses of power in the future, we need to vote for candidates who value democracy, human rights and know the difference between fact and fiction.

We can’t afford to ruminate – when we have our futures at risk. It is completely understandable if you’ve been disappointed by a party. Now is the time to stand in solidarity with the party that has the greater ability to weaken the fascist foothold at every level of our Government.

Please vote for Democrats that support equality for all, social security, healthcare, and our planet. A vote for any other party is a vote for facism. This is a critical year to protect our Democracy and your vote could help save our future.

Megan Marquis

LETTERS: St. Valle understands rural Maine

To the editor:

Important issues are at stake in this election that will affect our access to healthcare, housing and equal justice. Storme St. Valle is the candidate for Senate District #15 who is best suited to guide us through the 131st session. As a local nurse, mental health advocate and parent, he knows of the human struggles and the systemic obstacles we face.

Storme also understands rural Maine, when so often our leadership in Augusta ignores us. Storme and his wife both grew up on their family farms and know firsthand the obstacles and joys of agriculture. Abigail, Storme’s wife, described their farm connection, “I grew up on a farm, and Storme and I used to help on the farm during summer breaks. Storme has thrown hay in the summers, and stacked and split cords of wood in the fall/winter. My family has lived and worked in rural Maine since they immigrated from Scotland in the 1700s. Storme grew up in rural Guyana where his dad is a farmer/artist currently. Which is one of the reasons that he moved to Maine. It’s rural and reminds him of his first home. Storme has a green thumb and spends whatever spare time he has in his garden.”

St. Valle will be the change we need in both the rural and urban Senate District #15. St. Valle has committed himself to make sure politics works for Maine workers and families. As a Clean Election candidate, St. Valle truly represents us. Please vote for Storme St. Valle for Maine Senate.

Jeanne Marquis

LETTERS: Swift will defend my families reproductive freedoms

To the editor:

Please join me in voting for Pam Swift for Maine House District #62. As a multi-term, elected member of the Palermo Select Board, Pam has a public record of working cooperatively with others. As a former physician with two decades of experience, Pam will defend my family’s freedom of reproductive choice. Pam Swift is the only candidate with these two qualifications and is the best choice for District #62.

Robert Morrison

LETTERS: Confident in Pam Swift’s abilities

To the editor:

I am writing to express my support for Pam Swift as the candidate for Maine House of Representatives District #62. Although I did not know Pam prior to the last few months, I have been extremely impressed with her credentials, demeanor and commitment to the citizens of this district. Her Maine roots provide a strong sense of our culture and heritage.

With more than two decades of experience as a health care professional, she is obviously aware of the need to maintain adequate and affordable access to medical and health services for all of us. As an organic farmer, she knows the importance of healthy and sustainable agriculture and the need to protect our environment.

In her time as a member of the Palermo Select Board, she has stressed the need to communicate and work with her partners on that town’s needs and requirements. She understands the need for cooperation regardless of political or party affiliation. I have driven Pam to meet a number of registered voters in her district and was very impressed with her ability to communicate with and listen to their thoughts and questions.

I am absolutely confident in Pam Swift’s ability and desire to provide outstanding representation for the voters, and indeed all residents, of the towns of Palermo, China, Windsor and Somerville and Hibberts Gore; please give her your support as well.

Bob Bennett
South China

LETTERS: Changing vote to Hemenway

To the editor:

With only one month ahead of us to election day, we must now research and determine who our treasured votes belong to. I have decided to vote for Stephen J. Hemenway based on policy and principle beliefs solely.

Jan Dodge is a lovely individual but her voting history does not represent what is best for the families and citizens of Maine. Jan sponsored LD684 that supports schools over parents. LD684 initially removed parental and guardian rights to watch or listen to academic instruction when delivered remotely. Fortunately, the unauthorized persons, i.e parents and guardians, was amended in committee. If this had not happened Jan would have removed your parental rights to involve yourself with your child’s academic instruction via the internet.

In January of 2019 Jan co-sponsored LD434, an act to price/tax carbon pollution in Maine. This act would have raised all of our heating bills which are already unaffordable. Jan should stop penalizing the people of Maine and assist them to seek more affordable energy sources. Community, state, and federal governments should explore all clean energy sources and seek affordability to utilize those sources. Fortunately, this act too died in the house.

Fellow citizens of Maine we must take our votes seriously and vote for the representatives who align with the best outcomes for today and tomorrow. Do your research on all incumbents before you vote. This year I am changing my vote and voting for Stephen Hemenway for District #39.

Stephanie Guerry

LETTERS: Swift a proven listener

To the editor:

We have vital issues ahead in the 131st legislative session. We need Pam Swift MD with her decades of experience in women’s healthcare and agriculture for Representative in District 62. She is passionate about Health policy, Agricultural policy and Environmental policy. She sees these three areas as inextricably intertwined.

Swift supports health insurance coverage for all, reducing the cost of prescription medications, protecting women’s bodily autonomy, and preventing/treating opioid addiction. She has seen these issues firsthand in her medical practice. Swift is focused on supporting our small family farms, and dealing with PFAS, or forever chemicals. As Swift says, “whatever we do to the planet, we do to ourselves.” She has real-world concerns because she raises livestock on her small farm.

She has proven she can listen to constituents and work across party lines in her two terms on selectboard in Palermo. Please vote for Pam Swift, MD.

Jeanne Marquis

LETTERS: Where do candidates stand on high speed internet?

To the editor:

As someone who lives in rural Maine, I am concerned about the lack of affordable high-speed internet coverage in our state. Maine is one of the most rural states in the nation and 37 percent of rural Americans nationwide lack high-speed internet access at home.

The digital divide is not only about infrastructure. It is also about access to technology so we can take advantage of telehealth, run our businesses, expand our education, maintain social connections and thrive in place as Maine citizens.

Many of our local towns and concerned residents have been working, and continue to work, on viable strategies for better broadband service throughout the state. The legislature created the Connect ME Authority and certain areas have had some financial help through the legislature as well. There is still so much to be done by local town governments and by our state legislature.

Where do the gubernatorial and legislatorial candidates stand on this important issue? Let’s find out together.

For more information, visit aarp.org/me today, and remember: Our Voices Decide.

Paul L. Armstrong
AARP ME Volunteer Advocacy Lead