VASSALBORO: Town receives good news of $200,000 grant for Mill Hill bridge replacement

by Mary Grow

Vassalboro select board members began their Aug. 8 meeting with the good news of a $200,000 grant toward the Mill Hill bridge replacement project.

The Mill Hill bridge, also called the Dunlap bridge, is actually a double culvert. It carries Mill Hill Road over Seven Mile Brook, which alewives use to migrate from the Kennebec River into Webber Pond.

The Maine Department of Transportation (DOT) letter announcing the award says the $200,000 Municipal Stream Crossing Grant requires a local match of $68,000.

Lars Hammer, of Maine’s Department of Marine Resources, explained that the money comes from a federal Department of Transportation program created to repair or replace culverts in order to improve passage for anadromous fish. He said state DOT officials intend to apply for additional federal grants, perhaps including more money for the Vassalboro project. They expect to hear next spring how successful they have been.

Eric Calderwood, of Brunswick-based Calderwood Engineering, the town’s consultant, said the culverts are in bad shape and should be replaced as soon as possible. The company presented three alternative replacement plans, with different costs and grant opportunities.

Select board members were considering the possibility that this and potential future grants might require a hasty special town meeting to raise more local money. They focused on whether town funds already set aside will be enough for the required local share and when the town will be expected to make payments.

After considerable discussion, with Mill Hill Road residents and the majority of the town budget committee among a larger-then-usual audience, they concluded the project does not require voters’ action this fall.

Select board members considered two related issues. They approved Town Manager Aaron Miller’s draft request for proposals from alewife harvesters; and they reviewed plans for work at the Webber Pond dam, where Seven Mile Brook leaves the pond.

Miller said dam improvements might also be partly funded with grant money, though there is no guarantee.

Select board sets mil rate at 13.33 mils

At their Aug. 8 meeting, Vassalboro select board members set the 2024-25 local property tax rate at 13.33 mils ($13.33 for each $1,000 of valuation), in the middle of the range of possible rates presented by assessor Ellery Bane, of RJD Appraisal in Pittsfield.

Town Manager Aaron Miller said last year’s rate was 12.72 mils; so current-year taxes increase 61 cents for each $1,000 of valuation, or about 4.8 percent.

Town office staff will promptly send out tax bills. By town meeting vote, the first quarterly payment is due by the 3:30 p.m. close of business Monday, Sept. 30. Subsequent due dates are Nov. 25, 2024, and Feb. 24 and April 28, 2025.

On another issue, select board members added a local referendum question to the Nov. 5 national and state voting. They will ask voters’ approval of a revised charter for the Vassalboro Sanitary District, which maintains sewer lines in East and North Vassalboro.

The principal change discussed would be to have VSD trustees elected by the residents of the area served. If voters approve the change, Miller and board members expect VSD elections to be held with municipal elections in June 2025.

In other business Aug. 8:

Board members and the manager discussed whether their fall meeting schedule should avoid Thanksgiving, Nov. 28, or whether they could plan to skip that meeting. They decided to plan to skip it: regular select board meetings are scheduled for Sept. 5 and 19, Oct. 3, 17 and 31 and Nov. 14 and 28.
Miller reported that China Lake water level reports are being forwarded to state officials as requested, after the high water this spring led to on-going discussions among interested parties in Vassalboro, China and the state Department of Environmental Protection. Select board chairman Frederick “Rick” Denico, Jr., added that a newly-installed rain gauge at the town garage should provide more accurate measures of local rainfall.
Miller said the transfer station is running smoothly under new manager Adam Daoust.

The next regular Vassalboro select board meeting is scheduled for Thursday evening, Sept. 5.

China select board sets tax rate at 11.7 mils

by Mary Grow

Lower than last year, but property owners should expect larger tax bills

China select board members set the 2024-25 tax rate (in their role as town assessors) and lined up several local referendum questions for Nov. 5 at a busy Aug. 12 meeting.

The tax rate they chose, based on assessor William Van Tuinen’s figures and recommendation, is 11.7 mils, or $11.70 for each $1,000 of valuation. This rate is lower than the 2023-24 rate, which Van Tuinen said was 12.26 mils.

However, local property-owners should expect their 2024-25 tax bills to be larger than last year’s.

Van Tuinen explained that town expenses will be higher in three areas: the Kennebec County tax, the municipal budget voters approved at the June town business meeting and the Regional School Unit #18 school budget.

The assessor did a comprehensive upward revision of property values, land and buildings, this spring. Because the values are higher, a lower tax rate will raise enough more money to cover higher expenses.

Tax bills should go out promptly. By town meeting vote, the first half payment is due at the town office by the close of business Monday, Sept. 30.

Potential Nov. 5 referendum issues include amendments to China’s Land Use Ordinance; an amended Tax Increment Financing (TIF) document; an amended Budget Committee Ordinance; and a map of the development district in South China (to complement the description voters approved in June).

Depending partly on the outcome of an Aug. 26 public discussion, there might also be a question requesting a moratorium on high-voltage power transmission lines through China. Board members received a petition to discuss the moratorium; they invite interested residents to participate at their Aug. 26 meeting, which will be in the town office meeting room at 6 p.m.

Many have requested nomination papers

As of Aug. 12, China Town Clerk Angela Nelson reported the following people had taken out nomination papers for local elective office:

For the select board, incumbent Brent Chesley, Edwin Bailey, Tod Detre and Thomas Rumpf. Incumbent Janet Preston has announced she is not seeking another term; Blane Casey’s term also ends this year.
For the budget committee, District 4 incumbent Timothy Basham. The other openings on the budget committee are for the secretary (currently vacant), District 2 (northeastern China; incumbent Taryn Hotham) and the At-Large position (incumbent Elizabeth Curtis).
For one of China’s two seats on the Regional School District #18 board of directors, no one. Town Manager Rebecca Hapgood said at the Aug. 12 select board meeting incumbent T. James Bachinski does not intend to run for another term.

Signed nomination papers must be returned to the town office by Friday, Sept. 6, for candidates’ names to appear on the Nov. 5 local election ballot.

In other business Aug. 12, select board members and Recreation Committee chairman Martha Wentworth discussed a proposed dog park on the town-owned lot south of the town office, near the red barn.

Wentworth had an estimate of $7,648.52 for 150 linear feet of fencing, with double gates, from Maine Fence of China. The recreation budget can cover the cost, she said.

Board and audience members considered whether the park would be large enough. Wentworth proposed asking local dog-owners for donations and seeking grants for a larger area.

Wentworth said since dogs already use town trails, there would be no extra insurance considerations. Maintenance would include mowing and trash pick-up as needed; dog-owners would be expected to clean up after their pets.

She presented the dog park as a place for residents and their dogs to socialize. Her committee proposes moving the ice rink to the same lot, and she talked of picnic tables and areas for cornhole and similar games.

Select board chairman Wayne Chadwick, a dog owner himself, questioned the need for a dog park in a rural area where most people have room for their dogs to play. He was also concerned about disease transmission among dogs. And he said he was opposed to creating another town park without voter approval.

After 40 minutes’ discussion, board members voted 4-1, with Chadwick opposed, to authorize Wentworth to continue to plan and to seek additional funding, with the understanding they were not making an appropriation for the project.

Other Aug. 12 decisions included:

Authorizing a little over $14,000 for Provost Monuments, of Benton, to repair headstones in the Branch Mills cemetery;
Accepting a bid from S. D. Childs & Sons Excavation, of Palermo, for $12,850 for trail work in Thurston Park;
Accepting bids for PFAS (per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances) remediation at the transfer station and public works garage, from Radon Technologies and EverClean Water, in Fairfield, for $9,530, after discussion of water usage and options. Town Manager Rebecca Hapgood praised the company’s earlier installation of a system in a nearby private home and said the remedial technology should eliminate the staining and odor that have bothered staff at the facilities.
Appointing resident Dwaine Drummond to fill a vacancy on the planning board until Nov. 5; board member Blane Casey, the town’s alternate representative to the Kennebec Valley Council of Governments (board member Janet Preston is the representative); and codes officer Nicholas French to represent the town at China Region Lakes Alliance board meetings, in response to a request from CRLA.

Hapgood reported on Maine’s blue envelope program, which provides legal-sized blue envelopes for drivers for whom encounters with police might be challenging – those diagnosed with autism, Down Syndrome or anxiety, for example. The China town office has envelopes to distribute.

The next regular China select board meeting will be Monday evening, Aug. 26, with the agenda including the discussion of a power line moratorium.

Vassalboro board rules they have no jurisdiction on appeal

by Mary Grow

Three members of the Vassalboro Board of Appeals found they lacked jurisdiction to hear an appeal from a June 4 planning board decision.

On June 4, planning board members approved most of an expansion plan for Sidereal Farm Brewery, at 772 Cross Hill Road. (See the June 13 issue of The Town Line for details.) Neighbors Peter and MaryBeth Soule, who spoke repeatedly at the planning board meeting, filed an appeal of the approval.

When board of appeals members Rebecca Lamey, Kevin Reed and John Reuthe met July 30, they had a memorandum from attorney Cameron A. Ferrante, of the law firm of Preti Flaherty, saying they had no jurisdiction to hear the appeal.

Ferrante explained that state law lets municipalities create local boards of appeal. It limits such boards’ jurisdiction to subjects the municipality has specified.

Vassalboro’s Site Review Ordinance says people may appeal planning board decisions to Superior Court. It does not authorize appeals of planning board actions to the board of appeals; nor, Ferrante wrote, does any other Vassalboro ordinance authorize such appeals.

Board members voted unanimously and without discussion that they lacked jurisdiction to hear the Soules’ appeal. They therefore did not discuss any details of the case.

Other actions taken July 30 were election of Reuthe as board chairman and Lamey as board secretary.

China TIF committee discusses third amendment to program

by Mary Grow

Three members of China’s Tax Increment Financing (TIF) Committee discussed the third amendment to the town’s TIF program, which they intend to ask the select board to present to voters at the Nov. 5 local election.

China’s TIF income is from taxes Central Maine Power Company pays on its transmission line through China and on its South China substation. The town’s 2024-25 tax rate will determine how much the TIF fund receives in the current fiscal year.

China select board members expect to have the information they need to set the tax rate at their Aug. 12 meeting. TIF committee members therefore scheduled an Aug. 19 meeting, expecting to have final figures for the revised plan.

The draft plan calls for TIF funding for one new project, seven on-going ones and matching funds for grants.

Town Manager Rebecca Hapgood explained that the new project, labeled “Causeway, Phase Two,” will follow up on changes made at the head of China Lake’s east basin with earlier TIF funding. Those included a new bridge with sidewalks, improved boat docks and more parking.

A second phase would include extending the sidewalk farther west and adding one or more docks where people can fish and swim away from the boat landing. Currently, committee members said, people fish from and swim around the boat docks, creating a potentially dangerous situation.

The projects scheduled to continue to receive TIF funding are: improvements at the South China boat landing, aimed at reducing erosion into China Lake; economic development programs; economic development events, like the just-completed China Community Days celebration; marketing China as a business location; environmental improvements; trails maintenance and improvements; and expanded broadband service.

Committee member Jamie Pitney, who drafted the revisions, said state rules allow TIF dollars to be used to match “certain grants.” Since China has not used this category, he is unsure what types of grants are included.

The revised plan deletes funding for two underused and unused projects, the revolving loan fund intended to assist small businesses and the job training program.

Resident Joann Austin attended the Aug. 5 meeting to ask about TIF-supported cultural events. Committee members could not immediately think of any such projects that would meet state TIF requirements.

Committee chairman Brent Chesley and member Lucas Adams thanked Pitney for drafting the 57-page plan. Assuming voters approve it in November, it will be forwarded to state officials in the Department of Economic and Community Development for their approval. If accepted, it will replace China’s current Second Amended TIF Program, approved in 2021.

China planners have new mass gathering ordinance ready for select board

by Mary Grow

China Planning Board members decided at their July 30 meeting that they have a proposed new town ordinance ready to forward to select board members.

The document is titled “Mass Gathering Ordinance” and is intended to regulate events that bring 500 or more people to a site, in order to protect nearby residents and participants. Board members began discussion at their July 9 meeting (see the July 18 issue of The Town Line, p. 2).

Board chairman Toni Wall said the title is based on state law. Board members are working from an ordinance that Vassalboro voters narrowly rejected three years ago, adapted to fit China.

Much of the July 30 discussion focused on the application process – what information someone planning to hold a large gathering, like an outdoor concert or a road race, needs to provide. Planners agreed requiring an application three months before the event was scheduled to start was reasonable.

They included a required public hearing to collect comments before acting on an application.

The ordinance, if recommended by the select board and approved by voters (perhaps on Nov. 5), would not apply to pre-existing venues where gatherings are normally held.

The ordinance, if recommended by the select board and approved by voters (perhaps on Nov. 5), would not apply to pre-existing venues where gatherings are normally held. Board members agreed it would not affect most ongoing events, from church fairs and fire department fund-raisers to the annual China Community Days celebration.

Vassalboro’s ordinance was drafted in response to a planned country music festival on private property. The festival was never held.

Wall said she would forward the draft ordinance to town attorney Amanda Meader for her review before it goes to the select board.

Planning board members had one other piece of business July 30, a revised plan for Novel Energy Systems’ solar development on Parmenter Hill Road, approved last fall. Codes Enforcement Officer Nicholas French said Novel Energy has had to buy a different type of solar panel, which requires a different configuration.

There is no change in the size of the area panels will cover, or in buffers or other aspects of the project that affect neighboring lots, French said.

Board members unanimously approved the revised plan.

The next regular China planning board meeting will be at 6:30 p.m. Tuesday, Aug. 13.

CHINA: Town revaluation puts property values near 100 percent

by Mary Grow

China select board members heard information at their July 29 meeting that they hope will let them set the 2024-25 local tax rate at their Aug. 12 meeting.

Assessor William Van Tuinen said state officials had approved his revaluation of China property. By increasing land values by 10 percent and building values by 20 percent across the board, he brought China’s valuation close enough to actual prices to count as the 100 percent valuation the state wants.

Mobile homes Van Tuinen said he treated differently. Since they had not been revalued for some time, he increased their valuations more, though he kept in mind the lower value of older mobile homes.

With this work done and approved, Van Tuinen said he probably can give selectmen the information and tax rate options they need before their next meeting.

The valuation adjustments do not mean that tax bills will increase by 10 and 20 percent; higher valuations allow a lower tax rate. However, increased expenditures this fiscal year over last year will raise local taxes.

Nomination papers now available

Nomination papers for China local elective offices became available Monday, July 29. Town Manager Rebecca Hapgood presented a list of those whose terms expire this year:

On the select board: Brent Chesley, Blane Casey and Janet Preston;
On the budget committee: secretary (vacant), District 2 (Taryn Hotham), District 4 (Timothy Basham) and at large (Elizabeth Curtis); and
RSU #18 Director: T. James Bachinski.

Signed nomination papers must be returned to the town office by Friday, Sept. 6, for candidates’ names to be on the Nov. 5 local ballot.

On another topic, a petition presented at the July 29 meeting asked for a public meeting to discuss and vote on a moratorium on high-voltage transmission lines or corridors passing through the town. Town Manager Rebecca Hapgood said the petition was started in October 2023 and recently received the required number of signatures.

The three board members present, Jeanne Marquis, Brent Chesley and chairman Wayne Chadwick, discussed whether to schedule a special town meeting, hoping the required 100 voters would show up, or whether to put a transmission line/corridor moratorium ordinance on a Nov. 5 local ballot. On Chadwick’s recommendation, they postponed action until a full board is present.

Hapgood said the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) has approved one of China’s three requests for storm damage reimbursement, authorizing a grant of more than $48,000 to cover costs of cleaning up roadside brush and debris. State officials are reviewing the grant, she said. There has been no action yet on the other grant applications.

She presented a brief report on a violation of China’s solid waste ordinance: a seasonal resident entered the transfer station on a Monday, a day it is closed, to leave trash before returning to his year-round

The man self-reported, Hapgood said, perhaps because an attendant saw and recorded him.

The maximum penalty could have been a $700 fine, Hapgood said. Board members considered that it was a first offense and self-reported and imposed a $100 fine.

Board members unanimously approved a renewal license for Wildwood Pawn, Inc., on Gunshop Road north of China Village.

They approved more end-of-fiscal year business, allocating money unspent before June 30 to 2024-25 accounts or reserve funds. They approved contracts for town functions, as Hapgood recommended.

Hapgood reported that Julia Gagnon, Maine’s American Idol contestant earlier this year, will sing at the barbecue that is scheduled for 5:30 p.m., Friday, Aug. 2, at the ballfields by China Middle School, on Lakeview Drive. Barbecue tickets were almost sold out by July 29.

The Aug. 1 – 3 China Community Days schedule is available on line on the China Community Days Facebook page and on the town website,

August China select board meetings are scheduled for Monday evening, Aug. 12, and Monday evening, Aug. 26.

Planners OK water district shoreland zoning permit in 15 minutes

by Mary Grow

Vassalboro Planning Board members needed only a quarter-hour-long July 23 meeting to approve the Kennebec Water District’s application for a shoreland zoning permit on Outlet Stream near the KWD plant on Route 32.

KWD General Manager Roger Crouse and Water Quality Manager Robbie Bickford had presented the plan to the select board in June (see the June 20 issue of The Town Line, p. 3). They filed a planning board application that Bickford and Project Engineer Max Kenney reviewed briefly at the July 23 meeting.

The permit is for a pipeline under Route 32, from the plant on the west side of the road, that will carry used filter-cleaning water into Outlet Stream. Bickford and Kenney explained that KWD needs to dig up the road and wants to do it before the Maine Department of Transportation rebuilds parts of it and repaves this summer.

“We just need to be under the road before they pave it,” Kenney said. Waiting to dig up fresh pavement would be significantly more expensive.

To accent the point, MDOT crews were working on the road in front of the town office as the planning board met.

Tunneling was a less safe option than opening the pavement, Bickford said, because there are already under that section of road a water main, a sewer main and two fiberoptic cables.

KWD’s application provided detailed plans for the pipe, which will open into an outfall channel between Route 32 and Outlet Stream. Bickford explained to the planning board, as he had to the select board, that the water from the plant will add no contaminants and no significant volume to the stream; it might slightly increase the oxygen level, he said.

If China Lake and Outlet Stream were to flood again, KWD could reduce its discharge, he said, and being completely underwater would not harm the discharge channel.

Planning board members conditioned their unanimous approval on receiving for their files a copy of the easement allowing KWD to cross the lot between the road and the stream. Bickford promised it.

Since Vassalboro is now without a codes officer, Town Manager Aaron Miller filled in as secretary for the planning board. He said David Savage, from Oakland, is assisting with essential codes enforcement duties while Vassalboro seeks applicants to fill the position. The arrangement is working well, he said.

The next regular Vassalboro planning board meeting will be Tuesday evening, Aug. 6. Miller said as of July 23, there was one pending application.

Vassalboro first responders receive $17,500 grant from blue ribbon commission

by Mary Grow

Money was a major theme at the July 25 Vassalboro select board meeting, and for once, some was coming in instead of going out.

Vassalboro First Responders Chief Dan Mayotte was the first person with good news (and a request): the First Responders recently received a $17,300 grant, part of the recommendations from the Blue Ribbon Commission the Maine legislature created in 2023.

Plans to use the money include providing tuition for members who want to get advanced EMT (Emergency Medical Technician) training, and paying a member to spend a few hours a week doing paperwork, checking gear and doing other managerial tasks.

Mayotte said Vassalboro has the most First Responders of any area town. With a successful group and a grant, he asked select board members to support an application to move to a higher license level, from EMT to Advanced EMT. Part of the grant money would be used for the application process and for some additional equipment.

The higher license would let members perform additional life-saving services when needed, for instance if an ambulance were delayed, Mayotte said.

He foresaw no additional major expenditures if the unit were licensed as Advanced EMT. He told Town Manager Aaron Miller the change would not affect insurance costs.

The two select board members present July 25, chairman Frederick “Rick” Denico, Jr., and Chris French, authorized Mayotte and Miller to work on getting the new license.

At the end of the select board meeting, Recreation Director Karen Hatch displayed another result of a successful grant: in the meeting room was one of the raised garden boxes that will be set up in front of the town office. The project is funded with a Community Challenge Grant from AARP (formerly the American Association of Retired Persons); see the July 18 issue of The Town Line, p. 8, for more information.

Between those two pieces of good news, Miller and board members talked about:

The on-going multi-party discussion of the China Lake water level and the outlet dam in East Vassalboro;
Plans to replace Dunlap Bridge on Mill Hill Road, an expensive project that involves the town and its engineering firm, Calderwood Engineering, of Richmond, and the state Department of Transportation; and
Next steps in dealing with two foreclosed properties, at 14 Priest Hill Road and 159 Lombard Dam Road.

Board members approved Miller’s list of town manager’s appointments. They appointed Bruce Lancaster to the Vassalboro Trails Committee, and Jordan Cayouette as the Recreation Committee member heading the soccer program.

They agreed by consensus to offer for sale a 12-by-16-foot gazebo, bought by a past recreation director some years ago and never taken from its box and assembled. Miller recommended sale proceeds be set aside in a fund for a similar project should Hatch so recommend.

The manager reported that the Delta Ambulance board of directors is considering asking towns it serves for a 2025 fee of $35 per resident. No decision was made, he emphasized.

By town meeting vote, Delta is receiving $25 a head for fiscal year 2024, up from $15 in FY 2023. During budget discussions, there was talk of a possible 2025 fee as high as $45.

Miller reported on proposed measures to slow traffic approaching the East Vassalboro four corners, which he said should be in place by the end of August. The plan was worked out by the local East Vassalboro Village Project Team and the state Department of Transportation, whose cooperation Miller praised.

Also earning praise, from Miller and from public works department spokesman Brian Lajoie, was Lucas Striping, of Readfield, for donating pavement striping at the newly-paved Vassalboro Historical Society parking lot.

Lajoie told board members the public works department is seeking bids for its new building. He hopes the building will go up this fall.

The next regular Vassalboro select board meeting is scheduled for Thursday evening, Aug. 8.

Windsor select board elects William Appel Jr., chairman; introduce Nichole Stenberg as new town assessor

by The Town Line staff

At the beginning of the June 18 Windsor Select Board meeting, Town Manager Theresa Haskell said the first order of business was to elect a board chairman.

The first count was Thomas McNaughton, two votes, William Appel Jr., two votes and Chester D. Barnes, one vote. A second vote gave Appel three votes and became the board’s new chairman.

Town Assessor Vern Ziegler introduced Nichole Stenberg from Dirigo Assessing who will be the town’s new assessor’s agent. Stenberg worked for Maine Revenue Service in the past and has over 20 years of experience in property tax.

Road Supervisor Keith Hall reported there was money left in the roadside mowing account and will be having Chris Pierce and Nathan Northrup do sections in town. They use different equipment and have different pricing options. Hall also reported the Amish signs have been put in place.

Talks with Lucas Striping indicated the price will be the same as last year: $.07 for white lines, and $.14 for double yellow lines per foot.

Scott Peaslee will be doing the job on the transfer station wall at a cost of $12,000.

Julia Hartwell appeared before the board to ask that a container be allowed at the town office for Boy Scout Pack #609 to collect bottles as a fundraiser. The board approved with the stipulation that it be placed in a location that would not interfere with plowing during the winter.

David Landmann expressed an interest in being a regular member of the planning board for a three-year term.

The board also approved several appointments. Kim Bolduc-Bartlett at back up animal control officer to 2025; Richard H. Gray Jr. and Thomas Reed, to 2027, Cemetery Committee members, Robert Holt and Laurie Thomas to 2027, board of appeals members; Bonnie Squiers and Heather Wilson to 2027, Windsor Educational Foundation and Reed Fund member; Chester D. Barnes Sr. and Adrian Prindle to 2027, Conservation Commission Committee member; Katherine Johnson to 2025, tax collecter; and David Landmann to 2027, planning board member.

Ryan Carver was appointed animal control officer for one year, and Arthur Strout was appointed as building inspector for one year.

Dwight Tibbetts is interested in holdinjg a benefit concert for the American Lung Association in the town hall. There was much discussion on the building use policy and concerns about the limit of 75 people. This was tabled to the next meeting.

Chairman Appel received an anonymous letter from a group called Concerned Citizens of Windsor regarding some concerns they have within the town. Thomas McNaughton said he welcomes comments, while Chester D. Barnes Jr. said he felt threatened. Appel invited anyone with concerns to attend a select board meeting and encourages the involvement to address these conerns with the board members.

Appel said he received a letter from McKee Morgan Law Firm regarding an incorrect designation of a road name, “Landworks Lane”, and would like to have this on the agenda for the next meeting to include all parties involved, including the codes enforcement officer, Arthur Strout, and assistant codes enforcement officer Greg Feltis.

Appel also said the planning board has been getting new site plan review applications and there has been discussion of possibly some solar farm applications, and there would be some training involved.

Finally, Barnes asked when a meeting will be set up with C. B. Haskell Fuel Co., Inc., regarding the town hall heat pumps. According to Haskell, they have been contacted and is waiting for them to set up a date.

* * * * * *

At a special board of selectmen meeting on June 27, Town Manager Theresa Haskell indicated that it looks like the transfer station budget will come up short and that money will need to be moved to cover.

The select board also accepted the resignation of transfer station committee member Barbara Seaver-West.

Most of the rest of the meeting was spent when transfer station committee chairman John Deeds received a letter from the Concerned Citizens of Windsor Group. He stated he has dealt with threatening letters from the state before and asks that this group come and join the transfer station committee to help them as a group. No time was set for the meeting.

Deeds also asked the select board how they can slow down traffic on Rte. 105 heading towards Somerville. Once they enter Hussey’s intersection, “they are going 80 to 90 mph past his house,” and he is the next house near the Windsor Volunteer Fire Department. The select board said they have no authority to slow down people, but anyone can contact the State Police or Sheriff’s Department. Deeds said he has done that and sometimes they even sit at the WVFD, but nothing happens. Haskell said Patsy Crockett, Commissioner for Kennebec County, will attend the July 30 meeting and that issue can be addressed with her at that time.

Finally, there was discussion about having a policy on how public comment at meetings is overseen, and how to move the meetings along. This was tabled to a future select board meeting.

* * * * * *

At their regular meeting on July 2, the Windsor Select Board reviewed a Department of Transportatin proposal for signs to benefit traffic flow along Rte. 17 – Augusta-Rockland Rd. Town Manager Theresa Haskell gave a handout with a map showing the proposed placement of the signs. DOT will purchase the signs if public works places them in the designated area.

As a following up to Dwight Tibbetts’ request to hold a concern to benefit the American Lung Association at the town hall, a copy of the building use policy was distributed to the board. The policy will be reviewed by the board and discussed at a future meeting.

The town attorney recommended the building at 762 Ridge Road be designated a dangerous building. The owner is not currently living on the property. Codes Enforcement Officer Arthur Strout will submit a letter to the select board to state reasons.

Several residents appeared before the board to express their opinions on the Landworks Lane controversy.

Chris Oberg, Johannah Oberg, and Paul Bernier gave their reasons to keep the name. Bernier indicated he has maintained the road for over 20 years and is running his business off the road. All three state they only followed directions when they were asked by the town to name the road.

However, Alan Aronson, a resident of Griffin Road, stated he owns part of what is now Landworks Lane and that he and his wife, Darcy, had no say in naming the road, saying they were not OK with that.

Following lengthy discussion, the board approved placing signage on Griffin Road near the Landworks Lane Road entrance, from both directions, to direct traffic to Landworks Lane. The road sign Landworks Lane will be moved back to the property line of Paul Bernier, and Johannah and Chris Oberg. There will be no name placed for the right of way beginning at Gtiffin Road at this time as there are no homes on the property to warrant naming the section of road.

Nancy Fish spoke again about concerns of the pit on Hunts Meadow Road that borders her land. Nancy was looking for some clarification of the Site Plan Ordinance for pits. Barnes again suggested she bring her concerns to the planning board. CEO Strout was present and said he can check to see if the pit is less than five acres. If it is more than five acres, the state of Maine would need to be involved with her concerns.

In other business the board approved a McNaughton motion to change the pricing on building permits for residential to $75 plus $.05 per square foot and $150 for commercial plus $.05 per square foot, effective immediately.

Haskell made three more appointments, Dan West as a regular planning board member to 2027, Thomas Leonard as an alternate planning board member to 2026, and Richard H. Gray Jr., as a transfer station committee member to 2026.

The board accepted the resignation of Joshua Briggs from the transfer station.

Palermo Library holds annual meeting

(Photo courtesy of Palermo Community Library)

by Mary Grow

The Palermo Library Board held its 22nd annual meeting at the library on Sunday, July 14.  In addition to accepting annual reports, the board re-elected Chris Diesch chairman; Pam Swift secretary; and Diane Bent, treasurer. Diesch thanked the volunteers who keep the library open.

The library has an ongoing book sale and other events for adults and children.  During the annual Palermo Days celebration in August, library volunteers will raffle off a large quilt, on display in the meeting room.

Diesch said the 3D printer is now working.  She recommended anyone wanting to use it schedule an appointment, as not all volunteers are equally familiar with it.

The Palermo library is at 2789 Route 3, in Palermo; the telephone number is (207) 993-6088.  Its website,, lists hours and other useful information.