China resident presents new plan for property development

by Mary Grow

China resident Chris Harris presented a new proposal for his land on Route 3 to town planning board members at their Oct. 24 meeting. Board members advised on next steps, planning continued review in November.

At their June 27 meeting, board members unanimously approved Harris’s proposed self-storage units at 623 Route 3. Since then, Harris said, enough other self-storage businesses have opened to lead him to reconsider.

At the Oct. 24 meeting, he presented a preliminary plan to subdivide his property into four house lots. He already lives on one, plans a house on another and will postpone development on the remaining two.

Board co-chairman Toni Wall summarized some of the requirements in China’s subdivision ordinance, calling the application process “pretty extensive.” She and co-chairman James Wilkens agreed the area of the existing access driveway across Lot D to the Harris house needs to be deducted from Lot D’s lot area as the driveway becomes a right-of-way.

They also discussed the need to locate wells, septic system and probably house sites on each lot in a final plan. After the final plan is presented, board members will decide whether it is complete, and if it is, will decide whether to hold a public hearing.

The other major agenda item Oct. 24 was the draft revised Planning Board Ordinance, prepared by town attorney Amanda Meader.

Board members found much to like in Meader’s draft, but also had disagreements and questions.

  • They do not support her recommendation that planning board members be appointed by the select board, instead of elected as they are now. Using phrases like “an arm of the select board” and “dependent on the select board,” they recommended continuing with an elected planning board.
  • They also prefer to continue to have board members elected from four districts in town, rather than from the town at large. Wilkens, especially, praised a system that lets neighbors know who represents them on the planning board.
  • They approved the suggestion that terms be longer than the current two years, but recommended three years rather than the five Meader suggested.
  • Elaine Mather, the newest board member (who has a legal background), asked if phrases like “sufficient evidence” and “adequate notice” need additional definition.

Wall intends to redraft the ordinance to incorporate suggestions.

The next regular China planning board meeting is scheduled for Tuesday evening, Nov. 14. The agenda is likely to include a public hearing on Novel Energy’s application for a community solar garden on Parmenter Hill Road (see the Oct. 5 issue of The Town Line, p. 2). The hearing was originally scheduled for Oct. 10, but was postponed because the planning board had no quorum that evening.

WINDSOR: Trucks/equipment discussed at select board meeting

by The Town Line staff

At the October 10 meeting of the Windsor Select Board, there was discussion of the truck/equipment schedule. Public Works Supervisor Keith Hall spoke to the time line and the notes he made on a handout for replacing each of the trucks and equipment. He informed the board that two trucks – #5 and #6 – are currently in the shop for repairs. He noted the parts are expensive and the dealereship seems to be having problems getting the parts. His plan is to have the trucks back in service before snow fall.

The select board noted that with the cost of parts and repairs, it may be time to look at increasing the budget line for the public works department in the future.

Hall also told the board the quote to replace the 2016 International dump truck with plow would be upwards of $160,000. The board said it would have to be included in the 2024-25 budget. More discussion is planned.

Town Manager Theresa Haskell gave out the monthly transfer station report. September was up from last year with $2,471.75, making the overall today for the year to $6,644.45.

Transfer station committee member Tom Reed spoke about the solid waste ordinance that the the committee has already approved, and he has a few additional updates to be made to the wording before the final print of the ordinance is approved by the select board.

In other business, the select board unanimously accepted the resignation of Sean Teekema from the Windsor Transfer Station. Hall said that he and Tim from public works have been helping at the transfer station due to the short staff in the department. The position will be posted on the town webpage and on the town office sign, with the hopes of filling the position soon.

Monique Crommett was present on behalf of RSU #12. Haskell inquired about the electric bus. Crommett said the bus is not yet here and they are still waiting for it.

Sandra Grecrenko asked the select board what the requirement is for a property to be considered a residence. The select board answered to the best of their ability giving the answer the property would need to have a dwelling, water, septic and electric present. Following more discussion, the board felt they didn’t have appropriate answers or information. The board suggested she set up a meeting with Codes Enforcement Office Arthur Strout for answers.

Crommett suggested it would be helpful to residents if Strout have available a list when residents come to him, explaining “A-Z” what is needed when someone is getting ready to build whether it is from ground up or simnply putting in a new septic system. She feels it would cut down on confusion and questions by a lot of residents if they had a simple check list to which to refer.

F. Gerard Nault inquired about the upcoming public hearing. The hearing will be to see if the town would enact a Maine Site Plan Review Ordinance, set for November 1, with a special town meeting slated for November 9, at 6:30 p.m., at the Windsor Town Hall.

The next meeting of the select board was planned for October 24, 2023.

China assessment review board denies abatement request

by Mary Grow

At an Oct. 25 meeting, three members of China’s board of assessment review unanimously upheld the board of assessors (also the select board), who on Aug. 28 denied Marie Michaud’s application for a property tax abatement.

Michaud believes her shorefront lot on the west side of China Lake is overvalued. She said the lake bottom in front of her property is weedy and muddy and the water is shallow, making the area unfit for swimming.

Select board members denied Michaud’s abatement request on a 3-2 vote. Michaud appealed to the board of assessment review.

Assessor William Van Tuinen answered questions about how he – or any assessor – determines property values, based on the property’s characteristics and on area selling prices.

There are three categories of lake frontage, he said. The highest, A, is for properties with a good view of the water and usable frontage. A lot with a buffer – conforming to recommended water quality protection practices – that blocked the view, or with less usable frontage, would be rated B.

Michaud’s lot Van Tuinen rated C, the lowest category, indicating he shared her opinion that it was not among the most desirable lots on the lake. He calculated the valuation and resulting tax bill using that rating.

After considering Van Tuinen’s information and lists of “comps” – supposedly comparable properties – presented by both parties, board members voted unanimously that the assessment was appropriate.

The board’s meeting, the first since February 2021, began with re-election of chairman Dale Peabody and secretary Harold Charles.

CHINA: Only three of six candidates take part in forum

Albert Church Brown Memorial Library in China Village.

by Mary Grow

Three of the six candidates on China’s Nov. 7 local election ballot attended the Oct. 28 candidates’ forum at the Albert Church Brown Memorial Library, in China Village.

Moderator Louisa Barnhart, chairman of the library’s board of trustees, asked about the candidates’ favorite charities, their reading preferences and their positions on local issues.

  • Jeanne Marquis, candidate for select board, lives on Neck Road and described her occupation as an organizer for Mobilize Recovery (see Box below).

Mobilized Recovery explained

Mobilize Recovery is a national organization with a branch in Augusta. Its purpose is to deal with the national addiction crisis, including preventing addiction and helping people already addicted to survive and to recover.

The Maine Recovery Advocacy Project Facebook page says:

“We are thrilled about the level of support we have received by Kennebec County and our awesome volunteers. We are now beginning to see that our first year’s goal of visiting 5,000 homes is well within our reach. We want to thank the Kennebec County Commissioners who provided the grant to enable us to do this project and thank all the 3,882 homes we have visited so far.

“We are encouraged to see so many people realize the importance of carrying Narcan in their purses, back packs, brief cases or glove compartment of their cars – even if they don’t know someone who uses drugs. You’ll never know when you might be able to save someone’s life.”

It adds details about achieving the 2023 goal:

“So far this year, we visited 3,882 homes, trained 1,592 people to use Nar[c]an and distributed 3,510 boxes of Narcan.”

The Facebook page says the physical address is 59 Bangor Street, Augusta; the telephone number is (207)593-6251; and the email address is

Nonprofit groups she supports include local organizations (China Lake Association, the volunteer fire department and China for a Lifetime); environmental organizations (Nature Conservancy and Sierra Club); and addiction recovery organization (Maine Recovery Advocacy Project and Mobilize Recovery).

Her favorite living author is non-fiction writer Johann Hari. Her favorite writer is the late Toni Morrison, especially her poetry.

  • Elaine Mather, planning board candidate, lives on Weeks Mills Road and is retired from her job as a prosecutor for misdemeanors in Henderson, Nevada. She moved to China to be near family members.

Mather’s charities include the American Diabetes Association, the Salvation Army and the Boy Scouts of America. Her favorite writer is Brad Thor, author of the Scot Harvath thrillers.

  • Thomas Rumpf, budget committee candidate, lives on Hanson Road and works as a bridge estimator. He devotes volunteer time – up to 60 hours a week, he said — to the China Four Seasons Club, of which he is president.

He also supports the Masons and is a member of two local lodges; and the Red Cross, including as a platelet and blood donor. He spends his working hours reading blueprints and has little time for leisure reading.

The two policy questions Barnhart asked were about the proposed LS power line and about a future public beach on China Lake. Candidates added two more issues, lack of volunteers for town boards and organizations, and the need to entice more businesses to locate in China.

None of the three supports the LS powerline. Rumpf’s principal objection is “the very sneaky way it came about – the landowners were all taken by surprise.”

Marquis and Mather were concerned about the effect on China’s rural nature and environment, especially the potential loss of good farmland. Marquis emphasized she was speaking personally, not for the select board. Mather said her decisions as a planning board member would be based on ordinances, not on her personal views.

No candidate had a plan for providing public beach access to China Lake. All agreed a town-owned beach would make more work for the town’s public works department and would require additional insurance.

Marquis praised the Four Seasons Club beach on China Lake’s east shore. It is open to club members for what the club website says is an annual $35 general membership fee.

All three regretted the lack of volunteers for town boards and local organizations. Rumpf praised the excellent volunteers who keep the Four Seasons Club active, and said if there were more, the club could add projects and events.

He raised the issue of attracting business, calling China “business-unfriendly” and naming businesses that have moved to other towns. China officials do not offer tax breaks to new businesses; and they collect the state-mandated personal property tax on businesses, a requirement he said some Maine municipalities ignore.

Rumpf’s main argument was that more businesses would increase the local tax base. He acknowledged the need for regulation to protect local values.

Librarian Miranda Perkins’ video of the forum is available on line for interested voters, via a link on the Albert Church Brown Memorial Library website.

No contests on China ballot

There are no contests and no new names on China’s Nov. 7 local election ballot, though there are lines for write-in candidates.

For the board of selectmen, Wayne Chadwick and Jeanne Marquis seek re-election.

For planning board District 3 (southeastern China), Elaine Mather, appointed in late August to finish Michael Sullivan’s term, is a candidate for re-election. There is no candidate for District 1 (northwestern China).

For the budget committee, chairman Thomas Rumpf and District 1 candidate Kevin Maroon are unopposed for re-election. There is no candidate for District 3.

The position of budget committee secretary is also open, Trishea Story having resigned some months ago. Because that term does not end until 2024, it is not on the ballot.

Anyone interested in serving in an unfilled position is invited to call the China town office at 445-2014.

On Nov. 7, China polls will be open from 7 a.m. to 8 p.m. in the former portable building behind the town office on Lakeview Drive.

Palermo residents propose using funds to honor veterans

by Jonathan Strieff

On Thursday, October 19, the Palermo Town Council heard a proposal from two residents interested in using charitable fundraiser proceeds to honor veterans from town. Representing the American Legion, Palermo residents Paul Hunter and Gary Jones approached the town council after being selected by the Palermo Friends and Neighbors ATV club as one of four recipients of an annual fundraiser. Jones and Hunter sought to utilize the Hometown Hero Banner Program to decorate all 59 utility poles on major roads in Palermo with custom made flags, each paying tribute to a different past or present military service member raised in Palermo.

The idea came from existing Hometown Hero banners on display in Benton and Fairfield. The council unanimously blessed the project, but encouraged Hunter and Jones to contact Central Maine Power for permission to use the utility poles. Palermo residents will have the opportunity to nominate family members or friends for recognition on one of the 59 flags. Details about the nomination process will be printed in the December newsletter from the Town Office.

Volunteer Fire and Rescue Chief, Roger Komandt, also addressed the council with his department report. Since January 1, Fire and Rescue has responded to 183 emergency calls: 119 EMS runs, 64 fire runs, and 12 calls for mutual aid to surrounding towns. At this pace, Komandt anticipates responding to well over 200 calls before the end of the year, significantly more that in 2022. Two new hires are moving through their training smoothly, beginning a pump class offered in Liberty. An annual test of all 15,000 feet of fire hose in use by the department found only three failing sections, totaling 250 feet. The failed sections of fire hose may be available to area farmers or crafters to put to use.

Komandt also described a difficult experience attempting to contact a former new hire from 2021. According to Komandt, the individual cut off all contact with members of the department very soon after joining Fire and Rescue. Komandt has attempted to reach out through phone, text, email, physical mail, and through family members but after a year of trying nothing has worked. The individual is in possession of $1,500 worth of personal protective equipment that could serve another member. The town council offered to send a notarized letter to the individual’s current address.

Jonasthan Strieff is a freelance contributor to The Town Line.

Vassalboro board works toward solving heat problems at school

Vassalboro Community School (contributed photo)

by Mary Grow

Vassalboro school board members have decided on measures to minimize heat waves inside Vassalboro Community School (VCS), no matter what the weather outside does.

At their Oct. 17 meeting, board members unanimously approved two recommendations from Superintendent Alan Pfeiffer.

They will have ceiling fans installed in almost every room, as an interim measure; and they will find a consultant to do a comprehensive energy audit, to plan future improvements to cooling, heating and lighting in the building.

Pfeiffer had a bid for $27,740 for ceiling fans in all classrooms and most other spaces, a figure that includes installation costs. Postponed are the high-ceilinged spaces like the gymnasium, cafeteria and music room.

Principal Ira Michaud said after considering two types of fans, the recommendation is for Hampton Bay Industrial ceiling fans, because they move more air than the other type. He said he stood under one and can testify the moving air will not throw papers around.

Michaud said installation will begin during the Christmas break, with the top-floor classrooms first on the list. Next priority, probably during February and April vacations, will be the east-facing ground-floor classrooms that get a lot of sun.

Pfeiffer intends to use most of the rest of the school department’s federal CARES (Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security) Act funds for the ceiling fans.

Shelley Phillips, director of maintenance and grounds for Vassalboro and Winslow schools, said the fans do not make much difference in the electric bill. Winslow High School has had fans since about 2012, she said; two have needed to be replaced so far.

All three administrators emphasized that the fans and the controls will be high out of reach of curious young students.

Pfeiffer summarized the process for an energy audit, which he said has not been done at VCS for 17 years. The school board would contract with an energy company, whose representatives would do an inspection and present a report. Board members would then select a company to make changes. After that company made a public presentation and the board accepted its plan, work could begin, possibly in the summer of 2024.

Vassalboro school department would incur no bills until the project was under way, Pfeiffer said – the audit would be paid for along with the work.

Phillips said because “a whole new world of new equipment that is very energy efficient” has been developed in the last 17 years, changes should quickly result in lower costs.

Superintendent Pfeiffer supported his recommendations with colorful charts showing the days over 90 degrees and over 80 degrees since 2018. The charts showed increasing warmth in May and June and, especially in 2023, September and early October. A staffer at the National Weather Service Office, in Gray, had enjoyed preparing the charts for him, Pfeiffer said.

The Oct. 17 meeting included an update on the daycare program at VCS by Jennifer Lizotte, who heads it. The program runs on school days from 6:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m., Lizotte said, and some parents need to use it at both ends of the day as they commute to out-of-town jobs.

There are currently 54 children enrolled, from pre-kindergartners to sixth-graders. A space rearrangement agreed with Michaud and assistant principal Tabitha Brewer will provide space for five more, to be taken from the waiting list.

Lizotte praised Michaud and Brewer for their help, and the Vassalboro Parent-Teacher Organization for including the daycare program in their fall festival.

Pfeiffer also praised Vassalboro’s “really awesome” PTO volunteers.

Michaud’s principal’s report included a photo of the new sandbox for the younger students. He thanked PTO members Julia Sidelinger, Chris Reynolds and Jandee and Kevin McLaughlin for getting materials and building the box, and said donated sand was due to arrive Oct. 19.

Among policies board members reviewed and updated (one of their on-going responsibilities) was the VCS homework policy. Michaud commented that teachers assign less homework than they used to, because parents – and older children responsible for younger siblings – are so busy.

Board member Erin “Libby” Loiko said there is less homework for high-school students, too, partly because of study halls during the school day. Michaud said the heads of Erskine Academy and Waterville High School have assured him VCS students are well prepared to enter their schools.

Pfeiffer observed that the Oct. 17 meeting was held during National School Bus Driver Appreciation Week, and praised Vassalboro’s drivers; other towns have had shortages, but “our folks are here every single day.”

The next regular Vassalboro school board meeting will be Tuesday evening, Nov. 14, the second Tuesday rather than the usual third Tuesday to avoid Thanksgiving week.

VASSALBORO: TownCloud Inc. selected to design and maintain new website

by Mary Grow

After another long discussion, Vassalboro select board members at their Oct. 19 meeting unanimously accepted town Manager Aaron Miller’s recommendation: TownCloud, Inc., will design and maintain the new town website.

TownCloud representatives Christopher Haywood, Chief Amazement Officer, and Dennis Harward, Wizard of Light Bulb Moments, made a presentation and showed a sample website at the Sept. 7 select board meeting. Board members created a committee to review alternatives, whose members reported at the Sept. 21 meeting. Discussion continued Oct. 5.

Resident David Trask, who has been doing the town website, is ready to step aside. He offered advice at the Oct. 19 meeting, as did several other residents with relevant experience.

The Sept. 7 committee listed some of the features they considered desirable in a website; Miller explained how TownCloud could provide each. For example, the site can include a calendar of official municipal events, like select board meetings; and forms to fill out on line, like registration for recreation department programs.

Miller thinks TownCloud will be easy for residents to navigate. An important advantage from his viewpoint is the comparatively low cost: $3,600 for a three-year contract, or $1,200 a year for the first three years.

Changes can be made if needed, the manager said. If TownCloud is unsatisfactory, he said Vassalboro could buy out the contract.

Replying to one of Trask’s concerns, Miller said he believes TownCloud is mobile-friendly, so people without computer access can use their mobile phones. The present Vassalboro website is not mobile-friendly, Trask said.

Related questions discussed were upgrades needed to town office electronics, to handle the new telephone system Miller wants and other electronic upgrades; and whether or on what terms to allow the public to join municipal meetings on line.

Board members talked inconclusively about ways public discussion could be moderated or comments could be prescreened, to avoid the kinds of abuse other Maine municipalities have reported.

Board members returned to the topic of the North Vassalboro fire station roof, assisted by aerial photos fire chief Walker Thompson said were taken by a drone. After discussion, they postponed action on bids for repainting the roof and for replacing it, agreeing instead to have it inspected.

They approved the fire department’s request for a new refrigerator at the North Vassalboro station and a new oven at the Riverside station, to be purchased with up to $2,500 in ARPA (American Rescue Plan Act) funds. The kitchens are used when the department hosts fundraisers and other public events, to provide cold water for firefighters and for similar purposes.

In other business Oct. 19, board members approved recreating Vassalboro’s advisory energy committee. They suggested starting by asking if members of the previous committee will serve again. Other interested residents, especially those with expertise in energy management in public buildings, should contact the town office.

Resident Holly Wiedner said state Department of Transportation staff sent ideas for experimental traffic-calming measures in East Vassalboro village.

Miller intends to propose changes in the list of projects for which Vassalboro officials can spend Tax Increment Financing (TIF) funds. For one thing, he said, state law has been amended to allow expenditures on municipal buildings. TIF money might also be used for the East Vassalboro traffic issues, with an amended local plan.

Any change in a municipal TIF plan requires public input – select board members talked of a January 2024 public hearing – and approval by town meeting voters and the Maine Department of Economic and Community Development.

The manager reported 2023 road paving was finished, at a lower cost than expected. He suggested the possibility of using left-over funds for more paving in the spring of 2024, sparking another brief argument over whether to pave additional pieces of dirt road or repave additional already-paved stretches.

Miller shared 114 responses to the survey sent out with tax bills. On the questions submitted by the planning board, results were as follows:

  • Additional measures to control phosphorus run-off into water bodies, 81 in favor and 13 opposed.
  • Limiting commercial development to certain areas of town, 74 in favor, 20 opposed.
  • Setting aside land for conservation and recreation, 87 in favor, 15 opposed.

The select board’s survey questions were open-ended – how do residents learn about town events? What changes would they like to see? What concerns do they have? – and the answers took up several pages.

Resident Laura Jones recorded the Oct. 19 select board meeting. She has made the recording, and copies of the survey results and other documents, available on Facebook at @laurajonescommunitymatters.

The next regular Vassalboro select board meeting is scheduled for Thursday evening, Nov. 2.

China transfer committee reviews 5-year plan

by Mary Grow

At their Oct. 17 meeting, China transfer station committee members reviewed the five-year plan for the facility and talked about relations with neighbors Palermo and Albion.

The plan includes repairs and replacements and a few minor additions, like a storage area for propane tanks and the previously-discussed lighting for the free for the taking building (both scheduled for 2024).

A main topic was what to do with the elderly skid-steer. Opinion leaned toward replacing it with a tractor, not another skid-steer; committee members listed things a tractor could do, for the transfer station and the public works department, that a skid-steer cannot do.

Director of Public Services Shawn Reed offered to look into prices of different-sized tractors.

Staff intends to do more checking on options and costs for other pieces of equipment that need repair or perhaps replacement. They are also investigating state grants.

Committee members considered investing in another storage building so transfer station staff can keep more recyclables, waiting for fluctuating prices to rise. They made no recommendation.

Palermo committee member Robert Kurek and China town manager Rebecca Hapgood sparred, again, over the new transfer station identification system scheduled to begin Jan. 1, 2024. Vehicles entering the facility will need a sticker on the RFID (Radio Frequency Identification) tag with the vehicle license plate on the sticker.

The goal of adding the sticker identified with the vehicle is to eliminate Palermo and China residents’ habit of lending their RFID tags to out-of-towners who do not help fund the transfer station.

Hapgood plans to charge $2 a sticker. Kurek insists the China-Palermo contract says Palermo residents pay no new fees. The contract took effect Jan. 1, 2017, and runs for 17 years, a term Kurek said China officials chose to match their contract with the now-closed Hampden disposal facility.

Under the contract, Palermo pays China an $18,000 yearly fee, and Palermo residents pay for and use special colored trash bags. The bag price has been adjusted, and there is a formula for future adjustments.

Hapgood said China’s town attorney called the contract “one of the worst contracts she’s ever seen.” Committee chairman Paul Lucas called it “ridiculous.”

Hapgood’s suggested alternative to a sticker fee was to have each Palermo vehicle stopped at the entrance and checked to make sure it was entitled to enter. Lucas asked how the cost of the additional labor would compare to the cost of giving Palermo residents free stickers.

The discussion ended inconclusively. Hapgood intends another discussion with China select board members, and she and Kurek exchanged assurances that they’re still friends.

Transfer station manager Thomas Maraggio and Hapgood said fewer transfer station users are being rude to employees, though there are still instances Hapgood investigates.

Maraggio said the new agreement with Albion is working well. Albion residents are now allowed to bring some of the items excluded from the town’s curb-side pick-up to China, for a fee.

Hapgood reported China has hired a new town employee, who will work for both the transfer station and the public works department. The position was in this year’s budget, she said, especially to provide an additional plow driver so staff will be less exhausted by snowstorms.

The next China transfer station committee meeting is scheduled for 9 a.m. Tuesday, Nov. 14.

China select board acts on three spending requests

by Mary Grow

China select board members acted on three spending requests at their Oct. 23 meeting.

They held a long discussion about trucks with Director of Public Services Shawn Reed. Reed reported the previously authorized new town truck, once scheduled for September delivery, is not yet even “on the assembly line,” due to a series of delays (including a major fire at a supplier’s factory).

Reed would like to buy another truck, to replace a half-ton truck China bought in 2011 that has 185,000 miles on the odometer and needs work to pass inspection in December. Despite the shortage of both new and used trucks, he has found a replacement that will cost $65,862.25.

Town manager Rebecca Hapgood said the (unaudited) public works capital reserve fund balance is $150, 939.

Two China select board members have considerable experience with trucks, so there was a detailed discussion about the truck, including considering whether it could double as a plow truck, as Reed recommended.

The unanimous decision was to authorize Reed to buy the truck but not, for now, a plow to go on it. The plow might be considered next year, board members said.

Board members had three bids for each of two projects in Thurston Park, the 400-acre town-owned recreation area in northeastern China.

The relatively simple project is a 20-by-20-foot building to store park equipment. Board members accepted the lowest bid, from Reardon Brothers Construction, of Albion, for $19,763.59.

The other project is repairing Yorktown Road, the entrance to the park from the north. The area needing attention is partly in Albion and partly in China.

Hapgood had no definitive legal opinion on whether China officials can spend taxpayers’ money in another town to access China property. Bidders were therefore asked to submit a separate bid for each town’s part of the road, and select board members took no action on the Albion part.

For work inside the China town line, they again accepted the lowest bid, from S. D. Childs and Sons Excavation, of Palermo, for $30,700.

Returning to a previously-discussed issue, Palermo’s use of China’s transfer station, Hapgood presented a revised version of the new transfer station admission policy that goes into effect Jan. 1, 2024.

Since Palermo officials object to their residents being charged $2 for the new annual access permits that will be required for China residents, the new policy offers Palermo residents two options.

  • A Palermo resident can obtain an access permit, for $2, at the transfer station;
  • Or, each Palermo vehicle must stop at the entrance and the driver must “see an attendant before unloading any items.”

Board members approved the revision on a 2-1 vote, with Janet Preston and chairman Wayne Chadwick in favor, Brent Chesley opposed, Jeanne Marquis not yet present and Blane Casey excused from the meeting.

On a related issue, Hapgood reported that she had talked with town attorney Amanda Meader about terminating the 2016 transfer-station-sharing contract between China and Palermo. Termination by either party must be for breach of contract or just cause, and requires a year’s notice, she said.

Board members asked Hapgood to invite Meader to a board meeting to discuss the topic.

In other business Oct. 23,

  • Board members appointed Benjamin Weymouth to the broadband and tax increment financing committees. The tax increment financing, or TIF, committee is scheduled to meet at 6 p.m. Monday, Oct. 30.
  • Preston reported that China is enrolled in the Kennebec Valley Council of Governments’ Community Resilience Program, making the town eligible for certain grants.
  • Three people reminded select board members they have not yet done anything substantive about improving the South China boat landing and Town Landing Road. All three are concerned about erosion into China Lake.

One suggestion from earlier discussions, endorsed again by China Lake Association president Stephen Greene, is to limit the landing to hand-carried canoes and kayaks, minimizing vehicle traffic. Greene said grant money is available to work on the landing, and the lake association will contribute funds.

  • Resident Scott Pierz again asked about the China Lake water level (see the Oct. 19 issue of The Town Line, p. 3). Hapgood replied she had talked with Vassalboro town manager Aaron Miller and was waiting for more information.
  • Hapgood’s report included a reminder that the town office will close all day on Nov. 7, with polls open in the nearby former portable building from 7 a.m. to 8 p.m. On Monday, Dec. 11, in recognition of China’s local Municipal Employees’ Appreciation Day that Hapgood invented, the town office and public works department will be closed from 11:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m.

The Oct. 23 meeting was held at 5 p.m. as board members consider whether to change to that earlier time. The time for the next regular China select board meeting, scheduled for Monday, Nov. 6, in the town office meeting room, remains to be determined.

CHINA: Chadwick proposes solar panels at closed landfill

PFAS detected in area water supply

by Mary Grow

China select board chairman Wayne Chadwick suggested to his fellow board members at their Oct. 10 meeting the possibility of installing solar panels on the closed landfill at the Alder Park Road transfer station.

Palermo resident Troy Nelson proposed the idea, Chadwick said. He pointed out that the three-phase power to which a solar development would connect is already available at the transfer station.

Chadwick envisioned leasing the area to a solar developer; board member Janet Preston suggested a town-owned project.

Other board members, and town manager Rebecca Hapgood, agreed the idea is worth exploring, though they were concerned the footings for the panels would go deep enough to puncture the landfill cap. They talked of finding documentation on closing the landfill, and of other types of solar-panel ground mounts.

Hapgood reported less welcome news from the transfer station: late on Friday, Oct. 6, a state Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) staffer told her testing had found PFAS (Per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances) in the station’s water supply, and in two private wells nearby.

Hapgood said the DEP plans to test more wells in the vicinity. The holiday weekend had delayed follow-up; board members postponed action for more information, including the extent of the contamination, whether the capped landfill is the cause and the cost of providing PFAS filters at the transfer station.

China residents presented two issues involving cooperation with adjoining towns.

Scott Pierz, executive director of the China Region Lakes Alliance (though he said he intends to resign the position soon), expressed concern about the unusually low level of China Lake.

According to a state DEP water level order, China Lake is supposed to be drawn down in the fall. The drawdown is intended to flush out algae after the lake has “turned over” – layers of deep cool water and warm surface water have mixed, so that nutrients from the bottom rise toward the surface. Pierz is concerned the drawdown is too early this year.

The Town of Vassalboro owns and controls the China Lake outlet dam. Pierz recommended establishing better communications between China and Vassalboro and perhaps seeking a role for China in dam management.

Jeanette Smith, chairman of the Thurston Park Committee, returned to the issue of access to the park, discussed at the Sept. 25 select board meeting (see the Sept. 28 issue of The Town Line, p. 2). Contrary to the report on that meeting, she said committee members would prefer the southern access to the park, if it can be made possible.

The Yorktown Road runs through the park, from Albion on the north to the Mann Road on the south. The road was discontinued many years ago, with a public right of way retained. However, the landowner on the south treats that end of Yorktown Road as his private driveway and does not want park visitors using it, Smith said.

From the north, a dirt road liable to washouts runs down a steep hill that Smith said is intimidating to some drivers. The hill is partly in Albion and partly in China, and Albion is not maintaining its section.

Smith said she attended the most recent Albion select board meeting to talk about the road and found board members “willing to work with China.” They offered to find out the legal status of their section of the road – one audience member thought it had been discontinued, Smith said – and to continue discussion.

Smith said there are now two bids for each of two Thurston Park projects, road repair and a storage building. Select board members postponed action, hoping for at least three bids to choose among.

In other business Oct. 10:

  • Board members unanimously appointed Benjamin Weymouth to the comprehensive plan implementation committee. Hapgood said there are now three committee members; she would like seven.
  • Board members unanimously appointed election workers and ballot clerks for the Nov. 7 election, and provided that pre-election hours for the registrar of voters and town clerk will be the usual town office hours. Absentee ballots for Nov. 7 are now available.
  • Board member Jeanne Marquis shared a draft of a new town logo, which met with general approval from the rest of the board. When board members adopt the new logo, Hapgood intends to use it on municipal vehicles and on China T-shirts and China caps.
  • Hapgood reported briefly on numerous violations of local land use ordinances. She encouraged all residents planning building or renovation projects to check with the town office to find out if a permit is needed, and if one is, to get it before beginning work and to read it carefully for limitations, inspection requirements and other follow-up actions.

Board members supported her recommendations, citing the need to protect China’s natural resources.

The next regular China select board meeting is scheduled for 6:30 p.m. Monday, Oct. 23.