China Broadband Committee members to ask for TIF funding

by Mary Grow

China Broadband Committee (CBC) members voted unanimously at their June 10 meeting to ask for Tax Increment Financing (TIF) funds to contract with Mission Broadband, the Bangor-based consulting firm that has worked with them for months, now that China voters have approved the updated TIF plan.

The revised TIF document China voters approved at the June 8 town business meeting includes promoting broadband as a permissible use of TIF funds.

CBC members’ request goes through two steps. First, they present it to the TIF Committee, scheduled to meet Monday evening, June 14.

Assuming approval there, they ask China selectmen, meeting Monday evening, June 21, to disburse the funds.

The proposed contract requests $10,000 for Mission Broadband, in return for the company’s help in negotiations with “vendor(s) to locate or enhance their broadband business in the Town of China.” There is an option for extra duties if town officials agree, for extra money; and the town will be billed for “significant miscellaneous expenses,” if there are any.

Mission Broadband Vice-President John Dougherty and Network Engineer Mark Van Loan have worked with CBC members and Mark Ouellette, President of Machias-based Axiom Technologies, as they develop plans for Axiom to become China’s internet provider.

Their proposal is to have the town own the internet infrastructure, built with money obtained through a bond, and Axiom (or, later, another company, should town officials find Axiom unsatisfactory) operate it. Having the town issue a bond in November requires selectmen to put the question on a Nov. 2 local ballot and voters to approve it.

The anticipated construction cost for the new network determines the amount to be borrowed. The town has applied for a state planning grant to help establish the cost; CBC members expect to hear by the end of June if the application is successful.

Van Loan and Ouellette have worked together to develop a model that makes the plan financially workable at a reasonable fee for users. Their model does not include additional federal or state grants, possibilities committee members discussed June 10.

They also discussed ways to inform town officials and residents about the proposal. They had started with a brief survey at the polls June 8.

The small sample of replies showed dissatisfaction with current broadband service and support for an alternative. It also showed some residents unaware that there was an alternative in the works.

At the next committee meeting, scheduled for 4:30 p.m., Thursday, June 17, members intend to work on an informational handout and to continue discussion of ways to distribute it.

Expanded June 2021 China election results

by Mary Grow

The results of China voters’ June 8 decisions at their annual town business meeting, posted on the town website, show information that would not have been available from an open meeting.

As reported previously, all articles were approved except funding for FirstPark (see The Town Line, June 10, p. 11).

The most enthusiastic “yes” vote came on Art. 9. Two hundred sixty-one voters approved, 15 dissented and two cast blank ballots. Art. 9 asked for $151,547 for China’s three volunteer fire departments and China Rescue.

Art. 12 was related. Its list of Community Support Organizations included additional money for firefighters and rescue members who respond to calls, as well as money for the historical society, the libraries, this newspaper and three organizations that support water quality. The vote on Art. 12 was 190 in favor to 86 opposed, with two blank ballots – one of the least popular expenditures.

Only two other articles received fewer votes. On Art. 2, asking approval to exceed the state property tax levy limit if necessary, the vote was 183 in favor, 81 opposed and 14 blank ballots. Becky Hapgood, Town Treasurer as well as Town Manager, said China will not exceed the state limit.

Art. 25, authorizing selectmen to sell a 40-acre lot on the east side of Lakeview Drive, got 174 “yes” votes, with 87 voters opposed and 17 blank ballots.

The last five ballot questions each had 15 or more blank ballots. The only other article on which more than seven voters expressed no opinion was the tax levy limit, the first presented to voters. Art. 1, election of a moderator, was dealt with before the polls opened.

By rejecting the article seeking $26,471 for membership in FirstPark in Oakland, and approving the article funding any defeated appropriation at the current year’s level, voters approved $39,000 for FirstPark. Hapgood said the town will expend only the amount requested.

Selectmen are likely to discuss whether to withdraw from FirstPark membership. Hapgood has a copy of a legal opinion obtained by another member town in which an attorney explains the complexities of withdrawal.

On the separate June 8 ballot seeking approval of the almost $40 million Regional School Unit (RSU) #18 budget, China’s vote was 204 yes and 68 no, with five blank ballots. According to the Central Maine newspapers, the other four RSU #18 towns – Belgrade, Oakland, Rome and Sidney – also approved the budget.

A total of 278 votes were cast, as absentee ballots and at the polls June 8. Nelson said China had 3,158 registered voters when the polls closed, two added during the day.

China transfer station committee discusses fees

by Mary Grow

China Transfer Station Committee members spent most of their June 9 meeting talking about money, mostly small amounts.

Two issues were whether non-rechargeable batteries should be recycled, and if so, whether a fee should be charged; and whether out-of-town users should pay more than they do to use China’s facility.

The phrase “out-of-town users” means occasional people from Albion, Liberty and other towns without transfer stations (except Palermo, which shares use of China’s facility in return for an annual fee plus a per-bag fee). There was consensus they should be charged more; committee members did not discuss specific figures.

State regulations allow non-rechargeable batteries to go into the trash, Transfer Station Manager Ronald Marois said. He did not see a problem.

Committee Chairman Larry Sikora said a concentration of the batteries – “a bucket full,” he said – with their terminals touching could cause a fire. Marois said he has heard of battery-caused fires at other Maine transfer stations, but he believes the batteries were rechargeable lithium ones.

Sikora said taping over the battery terminals would make them entirely safe. He recommended publicizing the recommendation to cover the terminals in China and Palermo.

Robert Kurek, Palermo Selectman and representative on the China committee (along with newly-appointed member Chris Diesch), said a Palermo newsletter is to go out soon and if there is time and space will include Sikora’s recommendation.

Sikora was doubtful about charging a fee for non-rechargeable batteries, especially when a resident brought in only one or two. Committee member Mark Davis said if there were a fee, everyone would add them to the mixed waste.

No action was taken on the battery question, nor on Kurek’s and Marois’ suggestion of fee increases for extra-large mattresses, because they take up so much space in a truckload of trash.

Another long discussion was over the $10 refundable fee charged for a second Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) card, when a transfer station user lost one and needed a replacement or wanted an additional one for a second vehicle. The issue was whether the Palermo town office should continue to keep $10 deposits from Palermo residents or hand them over to China.

Committee members agreed by consensus to leave the system as it is.

Marois said the current capital improvement project at the transfer station is building a slab for refrigerators. In the future, he would like to see the yard repaved and a roof over the compactor.

Committee member Karen Hatch, who is also volunteer coordinator for the Free-for-the-Taking building, said the building is partly reopened, after the pandemic-induced closure. She has nine volunteers to supervise it. One is building new bookshelves, she said.

Business has been slow so far, Hatch said. Clothing is not yet being accepted, because it inspires people to stay inside longer and handle the wares more. The current plan is to add it back beginning July 1.

The China transfer station will be closed Saturday, July 3, for the Independence Day holiday.

The next Transfer Station Committee meeting is scheduled for Tuesday morning, July 13.

CHINA: Town still waiting for treasury department rules on rescue plan

by Mary Grow

At the June 7 China selectmen’s meeting, Town Manager (and Town Treasurer) Becky Hapgood said she and her colleagues statewide are still waiting for the United States Treasury to make rules for using American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) funds. (See The Town Line, June 10, p. 9, for additional meeting information.)

Hapgood expects China will receive more than $450,000. The main purpose of the federal funds is to make businesses and institutions whole again after the disruption of the pandemic, including funding certain new or expanded projects. Exactly what will be allowed remains to be determined.

The Treasury is accepting comments until mid-July, Hapgood said. The China town office also welcomes ideas; Hapgood was pleased to have suggestions from residents. They include, she said, combating browntail moth caterpillars, air conditioning China school buildings, assisting the program to expand broadband service and supporting the South China library.

Another question unresolved, Hapgood said, is whether ARPA expenditures will require voter approval.

She believes funds will need to be obligated by 2024 and spent by 2026. And, of course, the town office staff will be required to do “a bunch of reporting” to meet federal requirements.

In other business, after discussion with Recreation Committee Chairman Martha Wentworth, selectmen unanimously lifted the $15,000 cap on the recreation reserve fund.

Hapgood said the fund now has a little over $15,000. Wentworth anticipates a budget surplus when the current fiscal year ends June 30, because the pandemic suspended most recreation programs. She will not know the amount until final bills are paid; she estimated as much as $7,000.

Without the selectmen’s decision, the extra money would have gone into the town’s undesignated fund balance, not the committee’s reserve fund. Wentworth said four pending projects are estimated to cost at least $15,000 and maybe considerably more.

The projects are developing a five-year maintenance plan for the town-owned ballfields, starting with dealing with an infestation of grubs; either removing the ballfield lights or, if they are to be kept, replacing decrepit poles and changing bulbs to LED to save energy and costs; creating a China dog park, at a site to be found; and creating an ice-skating rink, probably at the ballfields.

In August, Wentworth said, the recreation committee plans to sponsor outdoor movie nights.

The June 7 agenda called for selectmen to sign contracts for state police dispatching service for the next two fiscal years, paying more than $40,000 for FY 2021-22 and more than $42,000 for FY 2022-23.

Board member Blane Casey asked why the contracts should be signed before voters approved the 2021-22 budget at the June 8 town meeting. Hapgood said refusing to pay is not an option. Selectmen postponed a decision.

The next regular China selectmen’s meeting is scheduled for 6:30 p.m. Monday, June 21. They will hold a short special meeting at 4 p.m., Wednesday, June 30, to approve final bill payments as the fiscal year ends.

The town office will close at noon June 30 for end-of-year work. For the Independence Day holiday, the town office and transfer station will be closed Saturday, July 3, and Monday, July 5 (the transfer station is regularly closed Mondays). The selectmen will meet Tuesday, July 6, instead of the usual Monday.

Assessor proposes reaction to real estate prices

Assessor William Van Tuinen attended the June 7 selectmen’s meeting virtually to propose an appropriate reaction to Maine’s rising real estate prices. Selectmen accepted his advice.

Van Tuinen called the increase in Maine real estate sales and prices “unprecedented.”

“Since 1977 I’ve never seen anything like this,” he said.

State laws require municipalities to keep their real estate valuations close to sales prices. There are different requirements and different base years for different purposes.

If a municipality lets its valuations drop too far below actual prices, the state requires reductions in the homestead exemption granted to full-time residents and in collection of certain taxes.

Van Tuinen proposed adjusting China real estate values upward to match prices based on sales through June 30, 2020, ignoring the 2021 price increases. If 2021 turns out to be “a bubble,” the new values should be all right; if not, he is likely to propose another increase in valuation in a year.

He assured Selectman Wayne Chadwick he would do his best to finish the revaluation within the assessing budget, without additional cost to the town.

On another topic, Van Tuinen said state law allows tax exemptions for most community solar farms, because they produce renewable energy. If a solar array is on leased land, the land value is not exempt; and the state reimburses municipalities 50 percent of the lost revenue.

The solar array on Route 32 North (Vassalboro Road) is exempt as of April 1, 2020, Van Tuinen said, and he expects owners of the newer array off Route 32 South (Windsor Road) will file an application that state authorities will approve.

VASSALBORO: Pike Industries awarded summer road paving

by Mary Grow

Vassalboro selectmen approved acceptance of bids for summer road paving and for providing large dumpsters so the town crew can remove an ancient mobile home on a tax-acquired lot; decided they should develop an ordinance to govern mass gatherings; and discussed other mostly-administrative matters at their June 10 meeting.

Seven companies bid for paving work in Vassalboro. Road Commissioner Eugene Field recommended, and selectmen accepted, Pike Industries’ low bid of $67.47 per ton of mix.

Vassalboro bid jointly with China, as they have done in past years. China selectmen also chose Pike.

Field said he had budgeted for up to $80 per ton, given uncertainty about prices earlier this spring. He recommended, and selectmen agreed, that any extra funds be spent to repave as much as possible of the town office, fire station and food pantry driveways and dooryards. The food pantry has received $5,000 in donations toward repaving, he added.

Vassalboro Town Manager Mary Sabins is seeking suggestions for spending expected federal money under the American Recovery Plan Act (ARPA). One eligible category, she said, is assistance to businesses damaged by the pandemic. Any business owner adversely affected is invited to contact the town office.

The town-owned derelict mobile home is between Route 32 and Outlet Stream, a short distance north of East Vassalboro. Town Manager Mary Sabins used information from the web to estimate the weight of material to be removed. She found that older homes – this one was built in 1963, she said – weigh on average 30 to 40 pounds per square foot; newer ones are heavier.

Sabins estimated the project should cost under $4,500, including the town crew’s labor. The solid waste budget is already tight, she said; she thinks there is unspent money in the administration budget.

Four companies had bid either to do the work or to provide a dumpster and disposal if the town crew did it.

Field said if selectmen so voted, he and his crew would make time for the job. It might take two and a half days, or they might finish in a day, he said. Sabins commented that the town crew had already done an excellent job clearing trees and cleaning up the lot.

Selectmen decided the town crew should do the work. They accepted Waste Management of Norridgewock’s bid to supply as many dumpsters as needed for a one-time fee of $165 and to deal with the trash at $265 for each haul plus a $69-per-ton disposal fee.

The manager would like to turn the area into a streamside park, with benches and perhaps a gazebo. Fishing would be encouraged, in her plan.

The proposed Mass Gathering Ordinance is in response to a planned country music festival in the summer of 2022. Sabins’ research led her to the relevant state statute, which covers gatherings of more than 2,000 people lasting 12 hours or more.

Selectmen would like an ordinance applicable to smaller events. Sabins said a state health inspector had also recommended a local ordinance with lower limits. He further recommended requiring admission by advance ticket only, so that adequate provisions could be made (for portable toilets, for example).

Town Attorney Kristin Collins had provided a copy of Readfield’s ordinance as a possible model.

Selectman Barbara Redmond volunteered to work with Sabins on a draft Vassalboro ordinance. Board members agreed they, rather than the planning board, should take on the job, in the hope of getting an ordinance to voters in November; and they agreed Collins should be asked to review their document as it approached final form.

In other business, Sabins said Benton Town Clerk Melanie Alexander will succeed Jean Poulin, who retires as Vassalboro’s bookkeeper on July 2. Alexander is a certified town clerk, tax collector and treasurer who is willing to leave Benton because she prefers financial work to clerking, Sabins said.

Benton is advertising on its town website for a full-time town clerk and a part-time deputy clerk.

Sabins said now that selectmen have given up the idea of town-sponsored fireworks as part of the 250th anniversary celebration, the Vassalboro Business Association has requested $1,000 from the proposed $4,000 fireworks fund to help with an anniversary parade. Selectmen unanimously approved.

The manager reported that Codes Officer Paul Mitnik notified owners of Vassalboro’s five marijuana businesses that they need to apply for town licenses immediately, under the Town of Vassalboro Marijuana Business Ordinance voters approved on June 8.

Selectmen Redmond and Christopher French began the meeting by electing Robert Browne chairman of the board. Browne invited them to bring to his attention matters they think the board should consider.

The next Vassalboro selectmen’s meeting is scheduled for 6:30 p.m., Thursday, June 24, in person in the town office meeting room. Selectmen agreed to hold only one meeting a month during the summer; they chose Thursday, July 15, and Thursday, Aug. 12. Both meetings are currently scheduled for 6:30 p.m.

Town finances in good shape

Vassalboro’s auditor, Ron Smith, owner of RHR Smith & Company in Buxton, told Vassalboro selectmen their town finances are in good shape and should be sound for another few years – but after that, be prepared for change.

Vassalboro has a healthy enough surplus, Smith reported at the June 10 selectmen’s meeting. “Financially, you guys are pretty solid,” he said, and in a good position “to weather this storm, whatever it is.”

Considering the town responsibility for part of school spending, as well as the municipal budget, the surplus account could be higher, on principle. Smith foresees no threat in practice while post-pandemic federal funding remains generous.

Based on the 2008 recession and its aftermath, however, he expects federal support to decline around 2025 or 2026. Then, he warned, “Watch out.”

Asked for advice, he offered, “Don’t go outside of your means. Whatever you build, you’ve got to take care of.”

Right now, people are moving into Maine towns, straining the infrastructure and changing the local economy. But, Smith said, consider what happens if they move out again.

June 2021 Local election results for Vassalboro, China and Fairfield

Town meeting photo from 2017. Photo courtesy of Dan L’Heureux


by Mary Grow

In Vassalboro’s written-ballot elections June 8, Christopher French was elected to succeed John Melrose on the board of selectmen, with 128 votes; and Jolene Clark-Gamage was re-elected to the school board, with 134 votes. Neither had an opponent on the ballot.

Three referendum questions were approved. Town Clerk Cathy Coyne said the votes were as follows:

To approve a new “Town of Vassalboro Marijuana Business Ordinance,” 123 votes in favor and 32 opposed.
To reaffirm the $8.3 million school budget approved the previous evening, 137 votes in favor and 18 opposed.
To continue the school budget referendum for another three years, 93 votes in favor and 55 opposed.

The total number of votes cast was 156, Coyne reported.


by Mary Grow

China voters, acting by written ballot, approved all but one of the 26 articles presented at their June 8 annual town business meeting, Town Clerk Angela Nelson reported.

They thereby funded town departments and services and grants to other entities for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 2021; and gave selectmen authority to act on their behalf in various ways, including selling a 1982 grader and a 40-acre lot on the east side of Lakeview Drive opposite the Cottages at China Lake.

On a separate ballot, they approved the Regional School Unit #18 budget for 2021-22.

The defeated article would have appropriated $26,471 for FirstPark, the regional business park in Oakland. The vote was 135 in favor and 138 opposed, with five blank ballots.

The final warrant article, which was approved on a 198 to 65 vote, said that if any other article did not pass, “the amounts appropriated in FY 2020/2021 for the subject article shall be deemed adopted for FY 2021/2022.”

At the 2020 town meeting, voters appropriated $39,000 for FirstPark for 2020-21.


Unofficial returns from the town of Fairfield, according to town clerk Christine Keller included the following results:

For MSAD #49 school board: Joel Bouchard, 91; Danielle Boutin, 85; and Marlisa Golder, 73.

Also, questions on the MSAD #49 school budget referendum, the district nutrition program and the adult education program all passed.

In regard to the town annual budget referendum, all articles, 2 through 31, passed overwhelmingly, which included all outside agencies that petitioned for funding.

China board reappointments hit procedural snag; one denied

by Mary Grow

China selectmen’s usually routine annual appointment (mostly reappointment) of town officials and board and committee members turned into a procedural tangle followed by a highly unusual refusal to reappoint a sitting board member.

The actions taken at the June 7 selectmen’s meeting are official July 1, when the new fiscal year begins.

Selectmen first made two new appointments: Paul Mitnik, of Vassalboro, as alternate codes enforcement officer and licensed plumbing inspector, when Jaime Hanson is unavailable; and Chris Diesch, of Palermo, as a member of the Transfer Station Committee.

Resident Brent Chesley recommended limiting Mitnik’s duties to inspections, not ordinance interpretation or permit issuance. Hapgood said Mitnik would do mostly inspections. If someone needed something relatively straightforward, like a permit for a new well because the old one went dry, Mitnik would act in Hanson’s absence.

Selectboard Chairman Ronald Breton asked Town Manager Becky Hapgood to read the names of others up for reappointment, including herself (to various positions), Hanson, Angela Nelson as Town Clerk, the animal control officer and her assistant, the three fire chiefs (elected by their departments) and board and committee members.

Breton told selectboard members that if they did not want someone to serve, they should not sign that person’s appointment paper.

After a motion was made to approve the entire list, Breton allowed Chesley to comment again. Chesley, referring to his own experience, said Board of Appeals member Virginia Davis, whose five-year term ends this year, in his opinion lacks “the ability to set aside conflict of interest and personal bias.”

Board members then approved the list unanimously, followed immediately by Selectman Janet Preston’s question: since the people were just appointed by vote, if fewer than three selectmen sign an appointment paper, doesn’t that action contradict the vote?

After a procedural discussion and several suggestions, board members rescinded their previous vote to reappoint everyone and went through the list by individuals and committees.

Breton, Blane Casey and Wayne Chadwick voted not to reappoint Davis to the Board of Appeals. Irene Belanger and Preston voted to reappoint her.

The other board and committee members were reappointed unanimously.

“We have too many committees,” Breton said at the end of the process.

But, Hapgood said and he echoed, “We appreciate everyone on them.”

Windsor manager presents 9-month budget to selectmen

by The Town Line staff

At their May 11 meeting, Windsor Town Manager Theresa Haskell presented the board of selectmen with her nine-month budget. Currently, 73.3 percent of the budget has been spent. The two areas of concern are elections and town meetings, which are overspent due to the extra election in July and extra hours for the presidential primary and COVID expenses. The town did receive a $5,000 COVID grant to help with extra expenses. Other areas that are overspent will even out as most are already paid through the year due to existing contracts. Revenues are up 15.94 percent over last year at this time.

Haskell also presented the board with the warrant and notice of elections calling RSU #12 budget referendum, for their signatures.

In other business, Bill and Robbi Portela were present to discuss the CMP pole permit for the Ridgeway 1 subdivision on the Greeley Road, and was approved in a prior board of selectmen meeting. The board voted 4-0, with Selectman Ronald Brann not present, to approve the CMP pole permit that was approved on April 27.

The town manager reported that she had received a report from the Maine DOT on the inspection of bridges in Windsor. The Sampson Road over Choate Brook, Weeks Mills Road over Barton Stream, Weeks Mills Road over Barton Brook and Shuman Road over Hewitt Brook all received ratings of 7 (good) and 8 (very good). All structures require routine maintenance to minimize deterioration.

Brush cutting on Shuman and Choate roads is being completed. There is still gravel work on the Reed Road that needs to be done, however, the road maintenance line in the budget is over spent by $2,800. Despite that, the bottom line of public works will not change as there is still money in other lines that can be moved to cover road maintenance/construction expenses.

Paving bid packages have been sent out and were due back by May 25. Work still needs to be done on the town garage and food bank area. Road Supervisor Keith Hall will contact Avery Glidden to get a time frame for completion on the cement work for the town garage next to the next office.

Interim transfer station supervisor Sean Tekeema reported they had a $1,200 on one Saturday. The monthly report shows the station is up $2,743.45 from this time in April of last year and is up $13,010.45 for the year.

There are still issues with the right of way between the cemetery and The Fusion, with ruts remaining from last winter’s plowing. Haskell noted she will contact The Fusion again to find out when they plan on fixing the issue.

All selectmen were present for the meeting with Selectman Ronald Brann arriving at 6:56 p.m.

China Broadband Committee members return to grant application

by Mary Grow

At their June 3 meeting, China Broadband Committee (CBC) members returned to their application for a ConnectMe planning grant for expanded and improved broadband service. They also reviewed a more definite – but still with uncertainties – financial model for their project (see the June 3 issue of The Town Line, p. 3).

The ConnectMe grant was filed May 27. State officials replied, not just to the CBC but to all applicants, with a request for more information on two topics, with a deadline of noon on Friday, June 4.

CBC Chairman Robert O’Connor put the application on the CBC’s document-sharing site so members could work on it and offered to call ConnectMe the morning of June 4 to clarify what was needed. A revised application was filed and acknowledged; committee members expect to hear before the end of June whether China will receive $7,500 (to be matched by $2,500 in town funds).

The first major planning issue is a survey of telephone poles, unserved houses and other factors that will affect the cost of building new broadband infrastructure. CBC members intend to have Hawkeye Connections, Inc., based in Poland, Maine, do the survey (and if the plan comes to fruition, the construction).

Consultant Mark Van Loan, of Bangor-based Mission Broadband, said he and Mark Ouellette, President of Axiom Technologies, of Machias, developed the revised financial model. Like prior ones, it is based on estimated construction costs.

If the construction costs are close to accurate, the model sees China borrowing $4.8 million for 20 years to build out the system. Assuming 35 percent of year-round residents and 40 percent of seasonal residents sign up initially, a program offering four levels of service could have a $55 monthly fee for the lowest tier.

The plan would additionally provide two levels of business service. Ouellette, whose company is the CBC’s choice for providing broadband, expects most small businesses would be able to sign up for the less expensive residential service.

The most expensive tier, at $200 a month, offers gig over gig (one gigabit upload, one gigabit download) for households with a lot of devices and/or users. Ouellette thinks the offering is underpriced.

“Most of the world – not Maine, the world – can’t get a gig,” he said.

If the model’s assumptions are close to accurate and the proposed fee schedule is adopted, broadband service would run a deficit for not more than the first three years. After that, it would return an annual profit to the town over the life of the bond. Once the bond was paid off, the town’s share of the revenue would be larger.

Ouellette is confident that when residents start using Axiom, their satisfaction will lead to more customers and increasing revenue. The model does not include grant money, which committee members think is a definite possibility beyond the planning stage.

The model builds in a 25 percent profit for Axiom – but, Ouellette said, the company will be taking all the risks of providing and maintaining broadband service, and a bad year with hurricanes and ice storms taking down lines and poles would be expensive.

CBC members accepted the model, by consensus, as their working document.

They scheduled their next meeting for 4:30 p.m. Thursday, June 10. By then they should know whether China town meeting voters approved the revised Tax Increment Financing (TIF) plan, which includes funding for some aspects of broadband service.

Committee urges people to take computer speed test

ConnectMe officials and China Broadband Committee members urge people using computers to take the speed test, to see how much service they have. Speed test results help define areas that do not have adequate broadband service by state or federal definitions. The web addresses for taking speed tests are or

The site provides instructions and offers a link to a map showing area test results. China has numerous red dots indicating limited service.

Vassalboro planners approve another solar array

by Mary Grow

At their June 1 meeting, Vassalboro Planning Board members unanimously approved another solar array, this one west of Cemetery Street, between East and North Vassalboro.

They were assisted by Codes Officer Paul Mitnik, whose third retirement at the beginning of April lasted through one meeting. Board members welcomed him back.

Owens A. McCullough, Senior Vice-President at Sebago Technics, of South Portland, and Tiffiny Chase, Director of Development for New England Solar Garden (NESG), of Portsmouth, New Hampshire, explained their proposal to the board and, at first, to two neighbors. McCullough’s map showed the neighbors’ house is well away from the solar panels, and they left, satisfied.

McCullough and Chase’s colleague, Michael Redding, made a preliminary presentation at the Jan. 5 Vassalboro Planning Board meeting (see The Town Line, Jan. 14, 2021, p. 3).

The solar panels will be on about 26 acres of a lot leased for 20 years (with up to four five-year extensions) from Nicholas and Katie Jose. McCullough said the connection to the Central Maine Power Co. (CMP) grid will be to CMP’s distribution line; there will be no power line to Cemetery Street. Vehicle access from the street will be by a 20-foot-wide gravel driveway over an existing right-of-way.

Like other solar developments, NESG’s will include no buildings, use no water, generate no sewage or trash, have no lights, make little noise (a low hum, McCullough said, audible within 50 feet of the transformer pad) and have little traffic once construction is finished. The panels will have an anti-glare coating, and the frames have been changed to be non-reflective.

The ground under the panels will be planted with native plants, including types to attract pollinators, and mowed once or twice a summer. The fence around the development will be knotwire (orchard) fencing, not chainlink, with larger holes to let foxes and other predators inside to keep mice under control.

McCullough is negotiating with CMP, and will need state Department of Environmental Protection permits. He expects getting the contract and permits lined up will take most of 2021, perhaps longer, making the start of construction in early 2022. Construction is expected to take up to three months.

Sebago Technics is a civil engineering and land development consultant company that assists developers like NESG. NESG projects are mostly community solar developments. Chase said towns, schools, businesses and individual property-owners can sign up to buy a share, thereby reducing the power part of their electric bills.

When the NESG’s Cemetery Street project is getting ready to go on line, Chase said, a company called Arcadia will be sending mailings to seek customers. Arcadia has an on-line site that explains how it contributes to expanding use of renewable energy sources.

In other business June 1, Mitnik reported no pending applications for a July planning board meeting. Board members agreed that unless at least one application is received by the June 22 deadline, they will cancel the July meeting.

Mitnik had emailed a suggested addition to the Site Review Ordinance application, asking applicants for a business description or plan. Board member Douglas Phillips welcomed the proposal, and said changing an application form does not require voters’ action.