China to conduct survey for a Lifetime Committee

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by China Lifetime Committee members
China community friends, we, the members of the China for a Lifetime Committee, want you to know that The Town Line next week will include a survey that we have developed. We hope you will take and return the survey. In the survey, we have asked a number of questions, the answers to which we think will assist us, with your support and participation, to facilitate China becoming even more a community that allows all of our citizens to have more of their needs met and to develop a greater feeling of community and acceptance. Our goal is to really live up to our name and transform our town so that you want to live in China “for a Lifetime”.All information in the survey will be anonymous so please feel free to answer the questions accurately. If you choose to fill out the page offering to volunteer in the community or want to participate in the raffle discussed below, that page is submitted separately and will not be linked to any of your answers.
In addition to the version of the survey that will be included in The Town Line next week, the town website and Facebook page will have the survey posted. Some of you will receive a copy in the mail and the survey can be picked up at the transfer station. Our goal is to have all the surveys returned by the 30th of November. Surveys can be returned to: the town office, the transfer station, in the mail to the town office or by either of the electronic means referenced above.
To encourage you to return the survey we will have a raffle drawn from those that are returned. The following list makes up the prizes, one of which you may win if you choose to participate:
1st prize — one $150 gift card from Hannaford,
2nd prize — one $100 gift card from Tobey’s Grocery. There will be three.
3rd prizes — one $25 gas card from Fieldstone Quickstop. There will be two.
4th prizes — one $25 gift card to be redeemed at the 32 General Store. And finally,
5th to 36th prize will be your choice of a $25 Gift Card to one of the following (Choice dependent on drawing order and quantity of each): 32 General Store, Tobey’s Grocery, Fieldstone Quickstop, Hannaford.
We hope you will find the survey thought provoking and will see the value it can offer to all of us who live in China.