China emergency committee meets to continue update

China’s Emergency Preparedness Committee met virtually the afternoon of Feb. 18 to continue updating China’s Emergency Action Plan, a project started earlier in the month.

Town Clerk Angela Nelson said committee members decided who will be responsible for updating different sections of the plan. They scheduled their next zoom meeting for 1 p.m. Thursday, March 11.

Thurston Park in the winter

Thurston Park in the winter (photo from Thurston Park Facebook page)

This article is a reprint of one that appeared in China’s Connected newsletter.

Thurston Park is open in the winter! All trails are open and accessible by foot or snowmobile. The park is open dawn to dusk, seven days a week. The Yorktown Road is plowed to the top of the hill by the town of Albion. Parking is on the left just before you go down the hill. The rest of the way in may be plowed by one of the abutters. In that case, you can park just before the road heads into the woods on the left side of the road. Please do not park in the road or anywhere to the right as you will be blocking the abutter access.

All trails are open, and the composting toilets are available for use. There is no grooming or clearing of trails during the winter. Trails 1 and 2 have been cleansed of blow downs recently. Snowshoeing, cross country skiing, fat biking, and hiking are all options. Thurston Park is beautiful in the winter and all the waterfalls are currently running. Look out for deer, porcupines, fox, moose, many species of birds, and possibly beavers. Please remember to maintain social-distancing and have your mask available to put on if you meet people on the trail.

Maps are available at the town office or at the kiosk at the entrance to the park. They are also on the town website,

China planners defer to next meeting

by Mary Grow

Three China Planning Board members at the Feb. 9 board meeting spent another hour discussing a proposed solar ordinance and whether additional language about shoreland stabilization should be added to town regulations (see The Town Line, Feb. 4).

At the suggestion of Vice-Chairman Toni Wall, acting as chairman in Randy Downer’s absence, they deferred decisions to the board’s Feb. 23 meeting, when Wall hopes all five members will be able to attend.

The Tuesday, Feb. 23, meeting is scheduled for 6:30 p.m. and is likely to be by Zoom again.

China broadband committee reviews three bids for expanded service

by Mary Grow

Members of China’s Broadband Committee (CBC) displayed impressive technological understanding as they reviewed summaries of three bids for expanded and improved broadband service in town at their Feb. 11 meeting.

Tod Detre, not hesitant about answering technical questions, admitted that “my eyes glazed over” as he tried to read some of the legal sections of the bids; but fellow CBC member Jamie Pitney is an attorney and had that aspect covered.

The committee received three bids for the project, from Sertex Broadband Solutions, of Plainfield, Connecticut; Axiom Technologies of Machias, Maine; and Spectrum Community Solutions of Augusta, Maine.

The bid summaries were prepared by Mark van Loan, of Mission Broadband, the committee’s consultant for the bid process. Van Loan and John Dougherty took part in the zoom committee meeting, as did Brent Chesley from China’s Tax Increment Financing (TIF) Committee and Ben Topor, from Spectrum, the only bidder represented.

Discussion focused on what questions committee members need answered to help them compare the three bids. Van Loan and committee chairman Robert O’Connor had prepared some in advance, and other members contributed others.

If a proposal is to be submitted to voters at the Tuesday, June 8, town business meeting, committee members need to make a decision, figure out the financial implications and have their proposal reviewed by selectmen and the budget committee by mid-March. The town business meeting had originally been set for May 18, but selectmen voted to postpone it to the later date.

They therefore accepted Van Loan’s offer to send questions out on Feb. 12 with answers requested by Wednesday, Feb. 17. They scheduled a meeting to review additional information for 7 p.m., Thursday, Feb. 18, and meetings to interview one, two or all three bidders for Monday, Feb. 22, beginning at 5 p.m.

Sertex and Axiom each propose to build a new system from the ground up and to have it become town-owned. Both would oversee a separate construction company. Sertex would also supervise a service provider; Axiom would itself be the service provider.

Spectrum would build on its existing service network in China, including extending service to, by its figures, 120 households not now served. Other sources listed fewer expansions needed.

Detre said repeatedly his number one goal is to extend broadband service to everyone in town. No one argued. Committee members also discussed other services, like cable television, and how they would be provided by each bidder.

2021 China Four Seasons Club fishing derby winners

Lunker of the day: Jeremy Ross, largemouth bass, 6 lbs. 6 oz.

Brown trout: 1. Kylie Caruso, 2 lbs., 13 oz.; 2. Jacob Martin, 2 lbs. 11 oz.

Brook trout: 1. Betsy Discharden, 1 lb. 6 oz.; 2. Owen Robeshauge, 1 lb. 4.5 oz.; 3. Shawn Tibbetts, 1 lb. 3 oz.

Chain pickerel: 1. Nathan Wright, 4 lbs. 7 oz.; 2. Greg Candelmo (no weight available); 3. Aaron Sousa, 4 lbs.

Largemouth bass: 1. Jeremy Ross, 6 lbs. 6 oz.; 2. Brian Garret, 5 lbs. 2 oz.; 3. Olivia Hutchinson, 4 lbs. 15 oz.

Perch: Children 15 and under division: by count: 1. Maryanna Dregier, with 34; 2. Blake Owens, 27; Charles Shapel, 10; Logan Jahosworth, 4; Baily Clonier, 3.

China Four Seasons Club ice fishing derby enjoyed by many

Jeremy Ross shows his prize winning 6 lbs., 6 oz. largemouth bass, as the Lunker of the Day.

by Sandra Isaac

The China Four Seasons Club and The China Village Fire Department held their 2nd annual China Lake Ice Fishing Derby on Sunday, February 14. The event was well attended with the entire group spread out over China Lake, where the fishing for the derby was limited. “It was great to see so many families and children involved with this year’s derby,” said Tom Rumpf, President of the China Four Seasons Club. The largest fish was caught by Jeremy Ross. The largemouth bass weighed 6 pounds, 6 ounces, winning both the largemouth fishing division and the “Lunker of the Day” award. The derby concluded with a fireworks display set off by Central Maine Pyrotechnics at the north end of the lake.

Olivia Hutchinson displays her third place winning largemouth bass.

Maryanna Dregier took first prize in the children 15 and under category, catching 34 perch.

China neighborhood donates to school

In an effort to enrich and support their local community, the Greater Neck Road Neighborhood Association recently donated to the China Middle School’s new shower facilities in the athletic locker room. Funds and various personal hygiene items were collected and presented to School Nurse Bonnie Newcombe, left, by Marie Michaud, who is one of the board members of this tax exempt community building group. (Contributed photo)

South China’s Fieldstone Quickstop under new ownership

The Fieldstone Quickstop in South China. (photo from Google streetview)

Maritime Energy buys convenience store from long-time owner Thad Barber

by Eric W. Austin

The Fieldstone Quickstop in South China, at the intersection of Routes 32 and 3, located at 190 Route 3, has recently been sold to Maritime Energy.

Thadius Barber, a resident of China for all but four of his 48 years, purchased the establishment from Mike Rocque in 2004. It was just the right time for a sale, he explained in an email.

“I owned [and] operated the store for almost 17 years. [I’m] mostly going to miss our amazing customers and the best employee family I could ask for,” said Barber. “Thank you, town of China. Thanks to my wife, Darlene, and my four amazing children.”

What’s next for Barber? “Gonna lay low for a while or until life gets back to normal,” he said. “I will describe it as a temporary retirement.”

The new owners, Maritime Energy, with the main office headquartered in Rockland, is a local Maine company with five offices and 12 other convenience store locations across Midcoast Maine. “We generally try to have stores in the same area as our energy offices,” explained Charon Curtis, Vice President of store operations for the company, in a phone interview. One of their energy offices is a short distance east from the Fieldstone Quickstop, on Route 3.

Curtis said they are not planning big changes for the location. Gasoline sold at the pumps will still be branded Sunoco, and they will continue to sell Amsoil products. The Dunkin’s coffee counter will also remain. The Subway sandwich shop, which closed in December of 2020, will not return, but Maritime plans to offer their own selection of pizza and sandwiches.

“We have our own Lighthouse Delis,” said Curtis, “and Terry Haskell, the store manager there, is a very good chef and she is putting her finesse on our sandwiches. We did not keep the Subway franchise, but we’re basically doing all that Subway offered and more.”

China Middle School honor roll

photo source:


High honors: Carter Brockway, Ashlee Carrillo, Keenan Clark, Lauren Cowing, Lillian Crommett, Kali Duvall, Clara French, Serena Hotham, Parker Hunter, Abigail McDonough, Colin Oliphant, Justin Reed, Laney Robitaille, Avery Ross, Carlee Sanborn, Aislynn Savage and Parker Studholme. Honors: Haileigh Allen, Jayda Bickford, Dylan Cooley, Lucas Farrington, Chloe French, Jacison Levesque, Adrian Mayo, Kieran McDonald, Shannon McDonoguh, Emma Mills, Noah Pelletier, Sadie Pierce, Kyle Scott and Dalorice Vires.


High honors: London Castle, Madeline Clement-Cargill, Claire Davis, Sylvia Davis, April Dutilly, Jack Murray, Bayley Nickles, Ruby Pearson, Elijah Pelkey, Desirae Proctor, Christian Salvadon, Jaelyn Seamon, Madelynn Spencer, Kayla Stred, Abigail Studholme and Alexander Walker. Honors: Kylie Bellows, Brock Bowden, Logan Breton, Faith Futrell, Madison Gagnon, Colby Hardy, Easton Houghton, Kasen Kelley, Laylah Leach, Nathaniel Levesque, Branden Lewis, Hayden Little, Aurora Littrell, Jeremy McKay, Olivia McNulty, Michael Richardson, Benjamin Severance, Benjamin Severy, Nichala Small, Phoebe Taylor and Kamryn Turner.


High honors: Isaac Audette, Delia Bailey, Connor Crommett, Logan Dow, Nolan Dow, Bella Dutilly, Isabella Farrington, Danica Ferris, Scott Fitts, Johanna Jacobs, Peyton Kibbin, Kate McGlew, Wyatt Michaud, Annie Miragliuolo, Molly Oxley, Natalie Peaslee, Bryson Pettengill, Caylee Putek, Dylan Saucier, Jessika Shaw, Blake Spry, Gabriel Studholme, Sabrina Studholme and Olivia Vashon. Honors: Mason Carrillo, Khloe Clark, Landen DeCosta, Kelsie Dunn,, James Goodwin, Kaylee Grierson, Connor Hardesty, Chase Hester, Lilyanna Holmes, Gage Miller, Madeline Oxley, Haile Pierce, Dylan Proctor, Lucas Short, Colby Spry and Matthew Vernesoni.


High honors: Dawson Baker, Mackenzie Bowden, Alexxander Catassi, Trevor French, Tyler Gagnon, Myla Gower, Bella Lefferts, Madison Levesque, Alexander Mayo, Lainey McFarland, Ava Miragliuolo, Reed Pilsbury, Liam Ross, Maxine Spencer, Amelia Spry, Ethan Studholme, Kallie Turner, Brian Walker and Braelyn Waters. Honors: Jackson Bryant, Kaylee Dunton, Dante Farrell, Landon Larochelle, Mason Mattingly, Cody Parsons, Nolan Pierce, Keegan Sears, Jaylynn St. Amand, Dalton Stufflebeam and Leah Watson.

China selectmen make final two decisions on budget

by Mary Grow

China selectmen have made the last two decisions to put their 2021-22 budget recommendations in final form, ready for budget committee review.

At a special meeting Feb. 8, board members agreed unanimously to recommend 3 percent salary increases for town employees; and to recommend a contract with the Kennebec County Sheriff’s Office that would replace the local police force.

In preparation for the meeting, Town Manager Becky Hapgood calculated the total cost of different salary increases, from 1 percent to 4 percent. She had initially recommended and calculated the effect of 3 percent raises, but the three men on the board leaned toward 2.5 percent.

When it came to a vote, however, Chairman Ronald Breton, Blane Casey and Wayne Chadwick supported Irene Belanger’s and Janet Preston’s motion for 3 percent. Preston pointed out that the half-percent difference was only about $3,500.

Hapgood reported the offer from the Sheriff’s Department, explaining that the proposed contract would supply 10 hours of service a week in addition to the usual law enforcement services the town gets in return for county taxes. Hours would be flexible, and she would keep track of them.

If voters accept the proposal at the May 18 annual town business meeting, current part-time policemen would not longer be hired. China would still pay separately for emergency services dispatching; Hapgood is budgeting about $40,000 for 2021-22.

Hapgood told selectmen it looks as though the budget as proposed would increase China’s mil rate (the amount of tax for each $1,000 of valuation) by about half a mil, or 50 cents per $1,000 of valuation. However, she emphasized, the figure is nowhere near firm; even if voters approve the budget as it now stands, the tax rate cannot be fixed until the town assessor finishes his review of properties and recommends a new total town valuation.

The first 2021-22 budget committee meeting was scheduled for 6 p.m. Wednesday, Feb. 10.

In other business, selectmen took no action on South China Fire Chief Richard Morse’s request for a $2,000 increase in the part of his budget listed under Community Organizations and intended to recognize firefighters’ time. The current recommendation is that voters appropriate $10,000 each for the three town fire departments and China Rescue. Morse wrote that his department has the most members and responds to the most calls.

Hapgood said the Feb. 14 fishing derby sponsored by the Four Seasons Club and the China Village fire department will end with a 5:30 p.m. fireworks display from the head of China Lake’s east basin. Presenters will clean up the ice afterward, she said.

The town office has now reinstated Saturday morning hours, so it will be open Saturday, Feb. 13, from 8 to 11 a.m. It will be closed Monday, Feb. 15, for the Presidents’ Day holiday, and the next regular selectmen’s meeting is postponed a day, to 6:30 p.m. Tuesday, Feb. 16.