EVENTS: Vassalboro church to hold benefit for California fire victims

A benefit supper will be held by members of the Vassalboro Methodist Church on January 25th to benefit the southern California fire victims. Pictured here are some members of the planning committee, from left to right, Dale Potter-Clark, Nancy Adams, Linda Millay, Cindy Shorey and Simone Antworth all of Vassalboro. (photo courtesy of Dale Clark)

by Dale Potter-Clark

Members of the Vassalboro United Methodist Church (VUMC) are holding a public supper on Saturday, January 25, to benefit the southern California fire victims. The menu will include baked beans, salads, casseroles, breads and desserts.

Thousands of homes and businesses have been destroyed in the southern California fires, as well as local schools and churches. Preliminary assessments of the damage are underway and the United Methodist Committee on Relief (UMCOR) has already awarded two solidarity grants to the California-Pacific Annual Methodist Conference to undergird their immediate relief efforts. This includes evacuee support like food and essential supplies as well as support for volunteer efforts and other relief activities. Proceeds from the VUMC public supper will assist the fire victims through the efforts of UMCOR.

The supper will take place at the VUMC, at 614 Main Street, Vassalboro, from 4 to 6 p.m., for a $10. donation. FMI email or phone (207) 873-5564 and/or visit the Vassalboro United Methodist Church facebook page.

EVENTS: Vassalboro scouts to be honored on Scout Sunday

The Vassalboro Boy Scouts of America Scouting Troop #410 and Pack# 410 will be honored at the Vassalboro United Methodist Church on Scouts Sunday, February 2. Front row, from left to right, Declan McLaughlin, Lila Reynolds, Boone McLaughlin, Metcalf, and Beckett Metcalf. Back, Cubmaster Chris Reynolds, Lux Reynolds, Cole Stufflebeam, William Vincent, Christopher Santiago, Hunter Brown, and Scoutmaster Christopher Santiago. (contributed photo)

by Dale Potter-Clark

Members of the Vassalboro United Methodist Church (VUMC) will honor the Vassalboro BSA Scouting Troop #410 and Pack #410 and their Scoutmasters at 10 a.m., on Scouts Sunday, February 2. “We want to commend our Vassalboro Scouts for their outstanding community service and good deeds,” said VUMC’s Pastor Karen Merrill. “We hope that former Scouts and leaders will also plan to attend.” A reception will follow in the VUMC fellowship hall. Family members are also invited and encouraged to attend.

The event will take place at the Vassalboro United Methodist Church, at 614 Main Street, from 10 a.m. to noon. FMI email Pastor Merrill or Chris Santiago

PHOTOS: Remembering the past summer

Brinley Bisson, 4, of Waterville, enjoyed some successful fishing herself this past summer. At top, fishing off a dock at Green Valley Campground, in Vassalboro,  the same place her mother, Kassandra Bisson, of Waterville, learned how to fish, and hauling in a bass, at her grandparents’ campsite, on Webber Pond.

PHOTOS: A day on the ice

Frank Richards, of Vassalboro, recently took to the ice to do some fishing. It proved to be a succesful day. From top to bottom, showing some open water at the north end of Webber Pond, and the large island. The catch was good, a bass, and two sizeable black crappie

R. L. Mercantile & Trading Post gets board approval, with conditions

by Mary Grow

Vassalboro Planning board members have approved a site review permit for R. L. Mercantile & Trading Post, with conditions.

Brea Willette, speaking for the business at 134 Brann Road, described it as an expanded farm market, selling products from the family farm and other local farms. Retail sales contribute needed income to help small farmers keep farming, she said.

The 10-by-24-foot building housing the market is already in place, and Willette said there is ample off-road parking. No water is planned.

Lighting will consist of two lights “like porch lights” by the door and one more over the deer hanger, where hunters can weigh deer during hunting season. Neighbors are not close, and trees screen them from the business.

Information attached to the application explains that the farm has been in the family for four generations. The store sells dairy products, meat, bread and local grains, soap and other products.

The “Trading Post” in the name means “if you don’t have money, bring us something you do have,” the document explains. Some people provided labor in return for food: “They learned something new and we got some stuff done.”

The farm sponsors occasional farming-related events, without music, Willette told planning board members.

Several neighbors attended the Jan. 7 meeting. When board chairman Virginia Brackett said to Willette, “Sounds like you’re good neighbors,” some nodded.

Willette replied, “We try to be.”

The unanimous board approval came with three conditions:

R & L Mercantile must designate a handicapped parking space (Willette said a handicapped ramp is already being planned);
Public works director Brian Lajoie must be asked to make sure there is adequate sight distance for vehicles turning out of the parking lot; and
When events are held, no vehicles will be parked on Brann Road.

A side issue mentioned briefly was the farm’s ducks and geese that wander onto Brann Road. The descriptive document with the application says, “Don’t worry, their coops are going up as we speak.”

The second Jan. 7 agenda item, continued review of the proposed Hidden Acres subdivision on Seaward Mills Road, took up most of the meeting, as board members wrestled with the town’s revised planning board ordinance.

They had reviewed a sketch plan at their Dec. 3, 2024, meeting (see the Dec. 12, 2024, issue of The Town Line, p. 2), and found one step omitted. They invited a final sketch plan and a preliminary plan for Jan. 7, to be followed by a final plan in February. Surveyor Adam Ellis and landowner Jeremy Allen presented the preliminary plan, with supporting documents.

The 50-page town subdivision ordinance has a long list of requirements. One says if the subdivision has more than five lots (Allen requests seven) and is in the watershed of a great pond (the land is in the Webber Pond watershed), the application needs to include a stormwater management plan that meets state phosphorus control standards, and a maintenance plan for the phosphorus control measures.

Allen protested that the land to be subdivided is nearly enough level so water will soak in, not run off. He and Ellis pointed out that all run-off will be onto neighboring properties or into the ditch along Seaward Mills Road.

Nonetheless, board members said, the requirement’s in the ordinance. They and Ellis proposed various ways to meet it; they suggested Ellis consult an expert; and they considered whether they had authority to waive the requirement.

The hour and a half discussion ended with Ellis agreeing to send a proposed solution in advance of the February meeting.

Board members then unanimously approved the preliminary application, subject to the additional information that will go into the final application.

The next Vassalboro Planning Board meeting is scheduled for Tuesday evening, Feb. 4, in the town office meeting room. Board members agreed by consensus to change the meeting time to 5:30 p.m., an hour earlier than in past months.

VASSALBORO: Action postponed on rate increase for large items at transfer station

by Mary Grow

Vassalboro select board members disposed of three issues on their lengthy Jan. 9 meeting agenda.

By unanimous votes, board members:

Agreed that the state-required wage deduction to support the new paid family medical leave program will be split 50:50 between employees and the town; and
Agreed to buy new propane tanks for the town office and the Riverside Fire Station from M. A. Haskell, of China, the only bidder.

Board members also finished reviewing the town’s personnel policy, half of an agenda item that also calls for updating Vassalboro Recreation Committee bylaws. Town Manager Aaron Miller will have a revised personnel policy draft ready for their Jan. 23 meeting.

Select board members and transfer station manager Adam Daoust again considered whether to increase fees charged for some of the large items, like mattresses, that residents can dispose of at the transfer station. Board members postponed action.

From the audience, Douglas Phillips said the Vassalboro Historical Society has traditionally had transfer station fees waived. A year ago, he said, the select board renewed the waiver for one year.

The current board promptly and unanimously repeated the action.

The request for a handicapped parking spot at Hair Builders, a business on Oak Grove Road, first came up at the board’s Nov. 13, 2024, meeting, when Miller said he needed time for research:

After receiving guidance from the New England Americans with Disabilities Act Center, as well as legal advice, Miller recommends a “pretty simple” ordinance amendment.

The manager plans to have legally approved language ready for review at the board’s Jan. 23 meeting. Assuming acceptance, the mandatory public hearing could be held at the Feb. 6 board meeting.

Another previously-discussed issue is combining elections for the Vassalboro Sanitary District (VSD) board of trustees with municipal elections. At previous meetings, board members believed only voters living in the area VSD serves could vote for trustees.

On Jan. 9, however, Miller said VSD’s attorney said all town voters could vote for the trustees, just as they vote for select board members.

Board chairman Frederick “Rick” Denico, Jr., thought the limitation on voters was state law. If it is, he said, a town cannot broaden a state mandate.

Board members asked Miller to get another legal opinion.

Board member Chris French recommended increased funding for Vassalboro First Responders in the 2025-26 budget and future years, looking ahead to the time when the group would need a rescue vehicle.

Currently, members use their private vehicles; if transport is needed, Waterville-based Delta Ambulance responds. French is concerned about Delta’s long-term financial stability.

Board member Michael Poulin proposed amending Vassalboro’s Tax Increment Financing (TIF) policy to allow additional uses of TIF money. The TIF account is fed annually by taxes paid on the gas pipeline that runs through Vassalboro from Augusta to Winslow.

Vassalboro’s current TIF ordinance (found online under Documents) establishes a 9.5-acre TIF District along Route 201, where the natural gas pipeline runs, and along VSD lines, including a connection to Winslow. It limits major projects to the expansion of Vassalboro’s sewer system to connect with Winslow, which has been done, and “eventually” contributing to a phosphorus removal plan for China Lake, in collaboration with other groups.

Poulin recommended adding more projects with which TIF funds could assist, including work on the Webber Pond dam and the Mill Hill Road bridge replacement. Discussion will continue.

Miller reported he met with representatives of Maine Rivers and other groups working on the Webber Pond dam. They have funding for a major rebuilding planned for the summer of 2025, he said.

The current plan, being discussed with residents, requires closing the north end of Dam Road, near Webber Pond Road, from mid-July through September, rerouting traffic from Hannaford Hill Road over McQuarrie Road, Miller said. That way, large equipment, like an excavator and a crane, can work at the dam site.

The next regular Vassalboro select board meeting is scheduled for 6:30 p.m. Thursday, Jan. 23.

VASSALBORO: Erosion control cost estimate higher than expected

by Mary Grow

Vassalboro Conservation Commission members re-discussed a main topic from their Dec. 18 meeting on Jan. 8, after they got a higher than expected cost estimate for their December plan.

They agreed in December to improve buffering along the China Lake shoreline in East Vassalboro’s Monument Park, with the goals of increasing erosion control and providing an educational example of a buffer.

At the Jan. 8 meeting, commission member Steve Jones, owner of Vassalboro’s Fieldstone Gardens, presented a $3,084 cost estimate for about four dozen perennial plants. Commission Chairman Holly Weidner and member Matthew Pitcher pointed out other costs, like special mulch and ongoing maintenance.

Commission member Paul Mitnik urged planting trees instead, spaced far enough apart so they wouldn’t block views of the lake. They’d be less expensive and, he said, as effective.

Mitnik’s idea got more objections than support during a debate that ended with Weidner suggesting he talk with Jen Jesperson, the Ecological Instincts consultant who is advising on China Lake water quality issues.

In other business Jan. 8, commission members agreed they will not apply for a 2025 grant from the state program called Project Canopy to plant trees. The program paid for trees in the town’s new Eagle Park on Route 32 and Outlet Stream.

Pitcher said he does not have time to write a grant application this spring. Peggy Horner said the commission hasn’t chosen places to plant trees. Jones is still angry about some Project Canopy trees that were cut down last spring; he opposes asking for any more “till the town ‘fesses up.”

Project Canopy is a good program, they said, and if the town wants to apply, that’s fine.

Commission members agreed by consensus to partner with the Webber Pond Association as it seeks a grant to deal with blue-green algae, also known as cyanobacteria, in the lake water.

Wiedner said she had a request to support the grant application from Mary Schwanke, whom she later identified as lead biologist on the water monitoring and sampling team for the tri-watershed based management plan project that includes Webber Pond.

Commission members again expressed appreciation for the Vassalboro public works department’s help with Eagle Park landscaping. They need to discuss with Public Works Director Brian Lajoie and Town Manager Aaron Miller how much more work is planned – parts of the ground are still very rough, they said

Pitcher had talked with Rob Lemire, owner of Maine Adirondack Chairs, on Holman Day Road, about picnic tables. He reported Lemire is offering six-foot white cedar tables unfinished for $269, or with a natural finish for an additional $150.

Weidner thinks the to-be-constructed Eagle Park pavilion should have room for up to three tables. Commission members agreed they need to consult with Lajoie, for example about winter storage, and to see how their budget looks.

They had intended to discuss the commission’s 2025-26 budget request at the Jan. 8 meeting, but needed detailed updates on 2024 funding and expenditures first. Weidner intends to have more information at the next meeting, scheduled for 6:30 p.m., Wednesday, Feb. 12, in the town office meeting room.

Eric Handley elected district scouting chairman

Eric Handley with his Eagle Scout sons Devon, left, and Jared. (photo by Chuck Mahaleris)

by Chuck Mahaleris

The Kennebec Valley District of Scouting has elected Eric Handley, of Sidney, to serve as District Scouting Chairman and Christopher Santiago, of Vassalboro, was tapped to serve as District Scouting Commissioner. This took place during the annual meeting of the district on Wednesday, January 8, at the Pleasant Street United Methodist Church, in Waterville.

The Kennebec Valley District delivers the programs of Scouting to communities and youth in Kennebec, Lincoln, Knox, Somerset and Franklin counties. The district is one of four in Pine Tree Council which covers the southern and western half of Maine. At the end of 2024, Kennebec Valley District had 22 Scout Troops and 12 Cub Scout Packs made up of 194 Scouts and 232 Cub Scouts. Twelve youth in Kennebec Valley earned Scouting’s highest rank, the Eagle Scout award, in 2024 and 564 Merit Badges were earned by the Scouts.

“I’m happy to serve Kennebec Valley Scouting,” Handley said. “My approach will always be to place the Scouts first.” Handley, in his role as District chairman, will preside at district committee meetings and represent the district on the council executive board. He will oversee all subcommittees that help deliver and grow Scouting including membership, program (events/ training/ advancement/ camping), and fund development functions (including popcorn sales and Friends of Scouting). Handley, who is the Point of Sale IT manager for Aubuchon Company, had been serving as the District Commissioner prior to the annual meeting.

He began his Scouting career in 1972 when he joined Cub Scouts, in Gorham, New Hampshire, and followed that as a Scout, in Windsor, Vermont Troop #218. “My son Jared asked to join Cub Scouts as a Tiger the Spring of 2006. I became the Cub Master of Pack #401 in Spring of 2007, in Sidney, and stayed with the Pack until May 2018 when I became Scoutmaster of Troop #401,” Handley said. Handley has also served as a Unit Commissioner, on the Advancement Committee, Roundtable Commissioner, Camp Bomazeen Staff, and on the Kennebec Valley District Band. Handley said that his goals are to increase the visibility of Scouting in the local community and to increase membership by providing excellent programs to the youth in the district.

Santiago, who is the Director of Safety and Security, at Thomas College, in Waterville, said, ” I am truly honored and blessed to be nominated by my peers to this position of leadership within Scouting America. I will continue to develop scouts and their leadership skills, with a focus on living the Scout Oath and Scout Law; and I will work diligently to provide leadership and mentorship to my peers so that they may do the same.” He has been involved in Scouting since his son joined Cub Scouts, in Vassalboro Pack #410, serving as Den Leader and then Cubmaster. This was followed by Assistant Scoutmaster in Troop #410 when his son crossed over to the Scouts. He is still serving as Scoutmaster of Troop #410. At the same time, he has also served on and is still currently serving Scouting on the District Committee, as the District Duty to God Coordinator, as a Unit Commissioner and as the District Training co-chairman. The district commissioner leads the commissioner staff of the district, guiding and measuring the district’s unit service program. The Roundtable Commissioner also is part of the District Commissioner’s team. Santiago said his goals as District Commissioner are to provide quality support to Scouters, while ensuring that all units (Packs and Troops) within the district are delivering an excellent scouting program and experience.

The District Committee also selected Jamie Santiago, of Vassalboro, to serve as District Vice Chairman of Finance and Joseph Poulin, of Oakland, to serve as District vice chairman of Program. The position of District Vice Chair for Membership is currently vacant.

These elections took effect immediately following the close of the annual meeting.

From left to right, Jamie Santiago, Life Scout Arianna Allen, Tenderfoot Scout Christopher Santiago, Eagle Scout Eric Allen, and Christopher Santiago. The Allens are niece and nephew of Jamie and Christopher Santiago. (photo by Chuck Mahaleris)

Eugene Field retires as Vassalboro public works director

Outgoing Vassalboro Public Works director, Eugene Field, left, with his wife Debbie, at his retirement party held on December 13, 2024, at Natanis Golf Course. (contributed photo)

by Mary Grow

Back in the early ’80s, Frederick “Rick” Denico, Jr., reminisced, when his father, Frederick Denico Sr., was on the Vassalboro select board, he brought home the report that there was “a young kid working for the town” under the federal CETA (Comprehensive Employment and Training Act) program.

“That was 44 years and six town managers ago,” Denico observed.

The “kid” was Eugene “Gene” Field, and Denico was master of ceremonies at his Dec. 13 retirement party, attended by more than 75 people.

During his 44 years, Field rose to become Vassalboro’s public works director. “We were very lucky to have him for all those years,” Denico said, praising Field for his many skills – preparing and explaining budgets, managing a crew, keeping up with equipment needs, running the equipment himself.

Mary Sabins, the former town manager under whom Field worked longest, called him her “go-to guy for road issues” and praised his willingness to lend his expertise and his crew for other town needs as well.

Denico read a message from current town manager Aaron Miller, recovering from bronchitis, regretting that he had not had more time to learn from Field.

Former budget committee and select board member Lauchlin Titus remembered that Field always presented an annual budget request with “good numbers and reasons.” On the select board, Titus said, he found Field’s reports to board meetings one of the best sources of information about what was going on in town.

State Senator Richard Bradstreet read a letter commending Field for his dedicated service and commitment, with a lasting impact on the town.

Peter Coughlan and Tammy Sobiecki represented the Community Services Division of the Maine Department of Transportation (MDOT). One of its responsibilities is providing training for municipal road crews; they commended Field for his consistent willingness to learn and to send department members to learn. Vassalboro is consistently represented at training sessions, they said.

Sobiecki had a two-page list of classes Field had attended since 1990, and shared some of the titles with her audience. She gave Field a plaque recognizing his excellence in public works.

Coughlan, on behalf of the Maine Chapter of the American Public Works Association, said that group gave Field its 2018 Maine Public Works Leader of the Year award. He read a letter from the organization praising Field’s contributions to Vassalboro and gave Field a copy of the letter and a photo of the earlier award presentation.

After the speeches, public works department members unveiled the highlight of the evening: the new sign to go on Vassalboro’s public works garage, designating the Eugene D. Field Public Works Complex.

Field replied briefly, saying he had enjoyed his 44 years and was looking forward to time off. The audience responded with standing applause.

Town office staff organized the retirement party, held at the Natanis Golf Course clubhouse. It included a generous buffet meal; Field and his wife Debbie headed the line. Tables were decorated with small plastic dump trucks and other road-work vehicles, and with orange traffic cones labeled “No Work Zone Retired 2024.”

Legion Christmas stockings drive

Contributed photos

The American Legion Post #126, in Vassalboro, thanks all the individuals and groups who donated items and volunteered to fill the stockings. Through their generosity 250 Christmas stockings and 20 Hanukkah dreidels were filled on December 9, 2024, and delivered December 12.