ARI to hold informational walk at Masse Sawmill

The Masse Sawmill site on Rte. 32, in East Vassalboro. Contributed photo

The Alewife Restoration Initiative has announced the successful completion of the first of six dam projects on China Lake Outlet Stream. To celebrate, they welcome the public to an informational nature walk at the Masse Sawmill site, in Vassalboro. Please join them for a short afternoon stroll along the restored section of Outlet Stream, while learning about the many ecological processes that are beginning to return the stream to natural habitat.

They will start the walk at 1 p.m., on Saturday, November 11, and expect it to last around an hour. The following experts in fields related to the project will give informal presentations and answer questions:

  • Nate Gray is a fisheries biologist with the Maine Department of Marine Resources and a longtime advocate for restoration of alewives in the Sebasticook River watershed. Nate will discuss alewives, eels, mussels, and many other aquatic critters that will benefit from the improved connectivity of Outlet Stream.
  • Brandon Kulik is a Senior Fisheries Scientist at Kleinschmidt Associates and a board member with the Sebasticook Regional Land Trust. Brandon will discuss the re-establishment of a healthy stream channel, and how this creates habitat for fish, aquatic insects, and the whole community of organisms that live in Maine streams and rivers.
  • Daniel Hill is a wildlife technician and natural resource manager for the Maine Department of Inland Fisheries and Wildlife, and a board member with the Sebasticook Regional Land Trust. Dan will discuss native plant species that will re-populate the former impoundment, how they benefit birds and animals living along the stream corridor, and the importance of controlling invasive plants.

The event will take place on Saturday, November 11, beginning at 1 p.m., at the Masse Sawmille, 373 Main St., Vassalboro. Dress for the weather, and for easy trail walking. The distance covered will be short (1/4 mile to 1/2 mile), and the walking easy, but there will be no indoor shelter or bathrooms available. Prepare to be outdoors for an hour or so. Event will be held rain or shine, barring very severe weather.

For more information, email or call Matt Streeter,, 207-337-2611.

Three candidates vie for vacant selectman’s seat in Vassalboro

by Mary Grow

Vassalboro voters will choose among three candidates to serve on the Board of Selectmen until June 2018, finishing the late Philip Haines’ term. The candidates are Larisa (Reese) Batchelder, Lewis (Lew) Devoe and John Melrose.

When Batchelder ran unsuccessfully for the selectboard in June, she was 38 years old, a resident of Main Street, in East Vassalboro, since December 2015. She listed her occupation as co-owner of Cozy Barn Antiques and mentioned her education in political science.

Her goal in running for selectman, she said, was “to open communication between the community and the board of selectman. I want to have an open mind when listening to the community and only make decisions after they have been heard, not before.”

She added, “I want to be sure that our small town government is free of cliques that can hinder good choices and cause favoritism. My aim is to vote according to the law and the people of Vassalboro of whom I would represent.”

Devoe, 69, is a Gray Road resident who has lived in Vassalboro for 38 years. He is a veteran, and is retired after 34 years as first a Maine Facilities Manager for New Balance factories, warehouses and retail stores and then a Maintenance Process Manager for Scott Paper Company.

He has been a state-licensed master electrician for 44 years and has experience in planning, project management, security, loss prevention, safety and environmental issues. He and his wife Deb have three grown sons.

Devoe listed three goals he would pursue if elected selectman: understand and oversee budgets using his business skills, like experience with utility costs; increase publicity for meetings and agendas; and coach town employees on ways to reduce energy costs.

Melrose, 66, lives on the Bog Road and has been a Vassalboro resident for 41 years. He recently retired from the Eaton Peabody Consulting Group, after a 44-year career working with municipalities that included seven years with the Maine Municipal Association, 20 years running his own company, Maine Tomorrow, and eight years as Governor King’s Commissioner of Transportation. Governor LePage has appointed him chairman of the Northern New England Passenger Rail Authority, which is in charge of the Amtrak Downeaster.

Melrose thinks Vassalboro benefits from good leadership on the board of selectmen and the school board. He believes town officials and residents can “creatively solve problems through consensus” while keeping the tax rate low and providing good services. If elected, he plans to use his experience to “constructively build on these strengths of our community.”

Vassalboro polls will be open from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. on Nov. 7 at the town office. Absentee ballots are available at the office during office hours until Nov. 2.

Vassalboro Junkyard/hobbyist permits granted by selectmen

by Mary Grow

Vassalboro selectmen approved nine annual renewals of junkyard and auto hobbyist permits, after receiving no comments at a short Oct. 19 hearing that was part of their regular meeting.

Auto graveyard/junkyard permits went to James Cogley, Ron’s Parts Inc. on Main Street (Route 32); Dale Clement, Bondo’s Garage on Taber Hill Road; Bill Pullen, Freddie’s Service Center on South Stanley Hill Road; Stanley Garnett, Garnett’s Motors on North Belfast Ave (Route 3); Olin Charette, Weeks Mills Garage on Riverside Drive (Route 201); and Voit Ritch, Autowerke on Route 3.

Auto hobbyist permits were approved for Keith Lemieux on Priest Hill Road, James Jurdak on Baker Road and Robert Dore on Church Hill Road.

Most of the other business on Oct. 19 consisted of authorizing expenditures for other town bodies.

Steve Polley received approval to buy a shipping container for storage of recreation equipment, using money from the Recreation Committee’s donation fund.

Polley presented price quotes ranging from $3,700 to more than $4,000. Town Manager Mary Sabins said he needed the selectmen to waive the requirement in the town purchasing policy that any purchase over $2,500 be bid out.

Selectmen agreed getting the quotes met the spirit of the policy and unanimously authorized Polley to go ahead.

Polley commended Road Commissioner Eugene Field for “a great job” grading the parking lot at the recreation fields.

Selectmen also authorized the Vassalboro Volunteer Fire Department to use $2,800 from sale of an old fire truck to buy a new base radio. Voters at the June town meeting authorized selectmen to approve spending the money on equipment for the department’s new truck; selectmen figured fire department members know their priorities.

In other business, board members reviewed Sabins’ draft revised lease with the Vassalboro Historical Society for continued use of the former East Vassalboro schoolhouse and approved forwarding it to society officials.

Board Chairman Lauchlin Titus reported on a Vassalboro Sanitary District meeting earlier in the week at which officials presented plans for connecting Vassalboro’s sewer system with Winslow and Waterville. He said they told affected residents who will be asked for easements to allow minor work on their land and who will be able – but unless septic systems are failing, not required – to hook into the expanded system.

The next regular Vassalboro selectmen’s meeting will be Thursday evening, Nov. 2. The board currently has two members; on Nov. 7, Vassalboro voters will choose one of three candidates – Larisa Batchelder, Lewis Devoe and John Melrose – to finish the final year of the late Philip Haines’ term on the board.

Vassalboro Board members discuss dissolution of AOS #92

by Mary Grow

Vassalboro School Board members discussed two main topics at their Oct. 17 meeting, the potential dissolution of Alternative Organizational Structure (AOS) 92 (the school unit combining Vassalboro, Waterville and Winslow) and Maine Educational Assessment (MEA) scores for Vassalboro Community School students. The first issue is full of uncertainties; the second pleased them.

AOS Superintendent Eric Haley shared estimated financial consequences if the AOS were to dissolve. Assuming existing funds were divided among the three member school boards in the same proportion as each municipality contributes to school funding, and further assuming Vassalboro were to contract with a remodeled AOS business office in Waterville, Haley projects Vassalboro would gain financially.

Business services, which could be done in-house or by contract with Waterville or some other center, could include payroll, accounts payable, and support for special education, curriculum, transportation, technology and maintenance. Were the AOS to dissolve and were Waterville to become a school business center, some of the AOS staff who currently perform these services might stay on – or might not.

State law proposes creation of regional service centers, known as SMLCs – School Management and Leadership Centers. At a conference earlier this fall, lawyers advised superintendents not to rush to create or join an SMLC, since state law has been known to change.

School board members discussed other assumptions and various leadership combinations. For example, the Vassalboro school might have one person who was both principal and superintendent, or a full-time principal plus a part-time superintendent, with the latter perhaps shared with another town. Any change, Haley said, will require preparation of a plan that is approved by the local school board(s), the state Department of Education and, in Vassalboro, a local referendum. Haley is thinking about a June 2018 referendum vote in Vassalboro, and is also thinking about preparing two 2018-19 budgets, one with and one without the AOS. One change at Vassalboro Community School is certain: Principal Dianna Gram is retiring at the end of the school year.

Gram shared with school board members charts illustrating Vassalboro students’ scores on the MEA tests taken by grades three through eight last spring. In general, scores compare well to neighboring schools’ scores and to state expectations, in both this year’s scores and improvement over last year.

The best score was earned by sixth-graders on the English Language Arts and literacy test: 70 percent scored at or above state expectations. Seventh-graders did almost as well on the same test, scoring 69 percent at or above expectations.

Fifth-graders had the lowest scores in both language and mathematics. Gram suggested possible explanations and plans for further investigation. She reminded board members that each year students move in and out, so there are different students in each grade.

The “state expectations” to which student performance is compared are described on the state Department of Education (DOE) website by phrases like “understanding of essential concepts” and “understanding of knowledge and skills needed to reach learning targets for achievement relative to” Maine standards.

In response to an inquiry, AOS Curriculum Coordinator Mary Boyle forwarded a 300-page DOE report describing how the standards were established by panels of educators following a protocol. The document is “eMPowerME ELA/Literacy and Mathematics Assessment Standard Setting Report,” prepared in August 2016.

School Board Chairman Kevin Levasseur congratulated students and staff on the good scores. Gram thanked board members for their support and Boyle for help with curriculum improvement.

In other business, school board members appointed Betty Bowen, of Vassalboro, as a bus driver and accepted the resignation of driver Eric Green, who was praised as “one of the best” by Assistant Principal Aaron McCullough.

The next Vassalboro School Board meeting is scheduled for Tuesday evening, Nov. 14, a week earlier than usual because of the Thanksgiving holiday.

Vassalboro selectmen’s meeting canceled

The Vassalboro selectmen’s meeting scheduled for Thursday evening, Nov. 2, has been canceled due to lack of agenda items. The next regular selectmen’s meeting is scheduled for 7 p.m. Thursday, Nov. 16.

Window inserts offer available for residents

by Mary Grow

Vassalboro and area residents tired of drafty windows or interested in lower fuel bills – or both – are invited to sign up for energy-saving, draft-blocking window inserts provided through a Vassalboro organization.

Leaders of FAVOR (Friends Advocating for Vassalboro Older Residents) decided at an Oct. 11 meeting they will enroll with Window Dressers, a Rockland-based non-profit organization. The organization helps local residents build and install custom-fitted window inserts, clear plastic with wooden frames, to add a layer of insulation.

FAVOR’s primary target is Vassalboro residents, but people in nearby towns are welcome to join. The program offers financial assistance to low-income homeowners and tenants, but is not a welfare program — any homeowner, any renter who pays his or her own fuel bills or any landlord who pays tenants’ fuel bills is welcome.

Churches and businesses are also eligible for the program, Window Dressers representative Laura Seaton said at the Oct. 11 meeting.

Those interested need to get in touch with Town Manager Mary Sabins, who volunteered to be the local program coordinator, by Wednesday, Nov. 8, at the latest. The date was chosen to give people one more chance to learn about Window Dressers at the polls on Nov. 7.

The other volunteers needed are a volunteer coordinator to work on scheduling and related issues; two two-person measuring teams who will go to houses and apartments and measure windows, starting with initial sign-ups and continuing through mid-November; and many more people to put the inserts together at in-town workshops scheduled to start Friday, Dec. 15, and continue through the weekend and if necessary into the next week.

Seaton said people from Window Dressers will train the Vassalboro measuring teams, who will use laser measuring tools (borrowed from Window Dressers) and enter results into a computer. Once Rockland headquarters people get Vassalboro’s list of windows, they cut the wooden frames to size and may, depending on the size of the order, put them together.

Just before Dec. 15 someone from Vassalboro brings the pre-cut wood and other materials to Vassalboro for a community build, the name given to the assembly process. Seaton said usually the transporter rents a U-Haul van, for which Window Dressers pays. Volunteers, including but not limited to people getting inserts, put the frames together if necessary, stretch the plastic tightly over them and add an outside foam gasket that makes them fit snugly.

The place for the December community build is not firm. Sabins said possibilities include a room in Ray Breton’s mill in North Vassalboro, the East Vassalboro Grange Hall or the town office meeting room.

The volunteer assemblers usually work four-hour shifts with a meal break. The not-yet-named volunteer coordinator is responsible for scheduling and for soliciting donated food.

Seaton said residents usually prioritize windows, doing north and west ones, for example. The inserts are removable and reusable. Vassalboro resident Holly Weidner, who participated in a build some years ago, said the inserts are so clear that she leaves some in year-round.

The price of a window insert varies with the choice of finish, pine or white-painted, and with the size of each window. Seaton estimated eight feet as the maximum length or width available.

She said this year Window Dressers has led 27 community builds and provided between 5,000 and 6,000 inserts.

In addition to making houses more comfortable, Seaton said a study by University of Maine at Orono economists and customer feedback find an average 20 percent reduction in fuel use.

FAVOR meeting rescheduled

The Vassalboro FAVOR (Friends Advocating for Vassalboro Older Residents) meeting scheduled for Oct. 2 was canceled. The representative of Window Dressers who was to talk to the group about low-cost window inserts to save heat was unable to attend.

The meeting will be rescheduled, tentatively for Wednesday morning, Oct. 11. Residents interested in helping with the project, which involves measuring applicants’ windows and building the inserts, and those interested in learning about the program should check with the town office for a firm date and time.

Vassalboro voters to fill vacant selectmen’s position

by Mary Grow

Vassalboro voters will choose a new member of the Board of Selectmen at the polls on Nov. 7.

Following the death of Board Chairman Philip Haines, Lauchlin Titus and Robert Browne met in special session Sept. 27 and agreed on a shortened nomination process and a Nov. 7 election.

Nomination papers were available Monday morning, Oct. 2, and signed papers are due at the town office by 6:30 p.m. Thursday, Oct. 12, for candidates’ names to appear on the Nov. 7 ballot.

Whoever is elected will serve the remainder of Haines’ term, until the June 2018 elections.

Town Manager Mary Sabins told selectmen they had three options, under state law:

  • The special shorter nomination process that she recommended and board members chose;
  • A special election, probably in December, after a normal nomination process; or • A two-man board until regular elections in June 2018.

A special election would be a special town meeting, whether it is on Nov. 7 or in December, and under a local regulation would require a quorum of at least 125 voters. Sabins was not sure 125 people would come to the polls only to elect a selectman, especially in December; she thought it more likely that the requirement could be met Nov. 7.

As long as there are only two selectmen, neither can miss a meeting, since a majority of the three-person board must be present to conduct business.

The regular selectmen’s meeting Oct. 5 has been canceled. The next selectmen’s meeting is scheduled for Thursday evening, Oct. 19.

Possible school reorganization topic at meeting in Vassalboro

by Mary Grow

The possibility of another school reorganization that will affect Vassalboro was again a major topic of discussion at the Sept. 19 school board meeting.

Years ago Vassalboro was a separate school entity. Then it became part of School Union #52 with China and Winslow. School Union #52 dissolved after a state-wide reorganization under 2007 legislation; Vassalboro, Winslow and Waterville became AOS (Alternative Organizational Structure) #92, with headquarters in Waterville, while China joined the Oakland-based Messalonskee group in RSU (Regional School Unit) #18.

At the Vassalboro board’s August and September meetings, Superintendent Eric Haley explained that Governor Paul LePage wants to create School Management and Leadership Centers (SMLCs) that would take over business management for significant numbers of schools. The new centers would assume responsibility for such services as payroll, accounts receivable, transportation coordination and professional development.

To encourage schools to create the consolidated centers, Haley said, the governor’s budget cuts state reimbursement to central offices like AOS #92’s, planning to reduce it annually until in 2021 members of RSUs and AOSs pay the entire administrative cost with local funds.

Between the August and September Vassalboro meetings, Haley and other AOS #92 officials went to a conference on SMLCs sponsored by the Maine School Management Association and the Portland-based law firm Drummond Woodsum.

Haley told the Vassalboro board that most attendees went to the conference eager to compete to set up as SMLCs. They left saying “no way,” primarily because the conference sponsors advised caution and waiting to see what happens.

“It was just amazing how everyone flipped on this,” Haley commented.

He pointed out that so far there is no detailed plan for SMLCs. He doubts any school group will be able to create an SMLC by the current July 1, 2018, deadline. Any organizational change would require a plan that gained approval from the state Department of Education and from local voters, Haley said.

As in August, board members tried with limited success to foresee what effect potential changes could have on the quality of education in Vassalboro and the cost to taxpayers.

For example, Haley said state officials see the SMLC heads more as business executives than as educators. Schools like Vassalboro would need their own superintendent, either one person doubling as principal and superintendent or a part-time superintendent in addition to the principal.

Vassalboro Community School Principal Dianna Gram doubts one person could be both principal and superintendent. There’s too much for the principal to do daily in the school for him or her to have other responsibilities, in her opinion.

Another issue is what, if anything, SMLCs would do to correct what Haley and Finance Director Paula Pooler see as too many burdens on central office staff. Haley said that they often cannot meet all the requests from three municipalities as fast as local officials would like; an SMLC office would presumably serve 10 or more municipalities.

The reorganization issue will continue to appear on Vassalboro School Board agendas.

In other business Sept. 19, board members unanimously approved a list of appointments that included Jasmine Estes as a first-grade teacher, Katie Esancy and Melissa LeHay as educational technicians and James Pinkham as a bus driver.

The next Vassalboro School Board meeting is scheduled for Tuesday evening, Oct. 17.

Vassalboro Selectmen deal with variety of topics

by Mary Grow

Vassalboro selectmen dealt with a miscellany of business at their Sept. 21 meeting, most of it presented by Town Manager Mary Sabins.

Sabins reported on various upcoming events, including tentative plans for FAVOR (Friends Advocating for Vassalboro Older Residents) to provide help with drafty windows through a nonprofit organization called Window Dressers.

Sabins said the Rockland-based program helps local residents learn how to measure windows and make inserts to stop drafts and save heat. The inserts are sold to homeowners able to pay for them; Window Dressers’ website lists prices varying with window size and materials. Subsidies are likely to be available for low-income residents, Sabins said.

FAVOR committee members plan to discuss the idea at their next meeting, scheduled for 2 p.m. Monday, Oct. 2, in the town office. Interested residents and potential volunteers are welcome to attend.

Vassalboro’s website says town residents are invited to participate in a household hazardous waste drop-off Saturday, Oct. 21, in Winslow. Interested people should call Transfer Station Manager George Hamar at 923-3051 for information and to register. (ep)

Two events are scheduled for Saturday, Oct. 28, one for cat and dog owners and one for people needing safe disposal for private documents.

Windsor Veterinary Clinic will hold a low-cost rabies clinic from noon to 1 p.m. at the North Vassalboro fire station on Route 32. Cats and dogs can get rabies shots for $15. Dog licenses will be available for people whose dogs are not yet licensed for 2017; the cost is $6 for dogs who have been spayed or neutered and $11 for those who have not.

On Oct. 28 from 8 a.m. to noon, China will host a shredding on site program at the China Public Works garage, on Alder Park Road. Vassalboro selectmen agreed by consensus to pay the requested $100 to let Vassalboro residents participate.

In other business Sept. 21, selectmen held a very short unattended public hearing on amendments to the General Assistance Ordinance appendices and afterward approved the changes.

After Sabins explained new software and training needed to do the bookkeeping required by the town’s auditors, selectmen voted unanimously to authorize the expenditures. Sabins estimated the software will cost $1,500, plus $600 annual maintenance and about $800 for training.

She said two auditors had spent the week reviewing town records. The final report will not be available until school figures, audited by a different company, are available. Selectmen authorized Codes Officer Richard Dolby to institute legal action against the owner of a medical marijuana operation close to Vassalboro Community School. Sabins said Dolby reported the owner has not cooperated with his attempts to determine whether the facility conforms to state requirements.

Selectmen approved an application from a catering service to serve liquor at an Oct. 14 event in North Vassalboro.

Sabins reported the Vassalboro Historical Society declined the town’s offer to sell the former East Vassalboro School to the society for $1. Society officials prefer to continue to lease the building. Sabins will draft a revised lease to clarify maintenance responsibilities.

The next regular Vassalboro selectmen’s meeting is scheduled for Thursday evening, Oct. 5.