EVENTS: South China library fundraiser

The GoFundMe states: “The South China Public Library, the oldest continuously operating library in Maine, began in a private home in 1830 and moved to Village Street in 1900. In 2018, having outgrown its space, the library launched a project to build a new facility, at 27 Jones Road. Despite pandemic and supply chain delays, the new library opened in January 2024. Funding is still needed to finish and furnish the children’s room and community activity room. The library seeks community support to finish these spaces, with contributions of any size making a significant impact on this vital community resource. The library’s hope is to have a successful summer campaign to raise $45,000 and fully finish and furnish the spaces in the fall of 2024. This goal is ambitious and they need all the support they can get. If you can’t contribute yourself, please consider sharing this fundraiser with your friends and family to help us finish and furnish the New South China Public Library.”


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