Issue for February 17, 2022
China Lake ice fishing derby grows into all-community winter weekend
February 18 – 20, 2022
When I went out to interview Tom Rumpf, president of China Four Seasons Club, I wanted to find out more about the China Lakes Ice Fishing Derby and how did this event become our town’s biggest annual event so quickly? Here’s what I found out… by Jeanne Marquis
Your Local News
Major decisions postponed during budget talks
VASSALBORO — Vassalboro select board members held their second budget discussion on Feb. 10, taking another two and a half hours to review expenditure requests for the fiscal year that begins July 1, 2022…
Select board hears from Palermo rep on transfer station fees
CHINA — At their Feb. 14 meeting, China selectmen dealt with three issues before continuing review of the proposed 2022-23 budget…
Committee approves four TIF requests
CHINA — At a brief meeting Feb. 9, members of China’s Tax Increment Financing (TIF) Committee unanimously approved four requests for TIF funds for the 2022-23 fiscal year. Their recommendations go next to the select board; voters at the June 14 town business meeting will make the final decision…
Oak Grove School Foundation offers grants
CENTRAL ME – The Oak Grove School Foundation is accepting applications for grants to support the education and cultural needs of students and nonprofit organizations in the greater Central Maine area…
LETTERS: Supports Tuminaro for House
from Tim Theriault (China) – I have known Jen and her family for many years. Her husband, Michael, and I worked together when he was with the Sheriff’s Office and I was with the China Fire Department. Since then, I have had the opportunity to spend many hours talking to Jennifer and have encouraged her to seek this position. I know she will represent the district well…
Name that film!
Identify the film in which this line originated and qualify to win FREE passes to Railroad Square Cinema in Waterville: “Toto, I’ve a feeling we’re not in Kansas anymore.” Email us at with subject “Name that film!” Deadline for submission is March 4, 2022…
Augusta scouts observe Scout Sunday at St. Mary’s
AUGUSTA – Augusta Scouts from Scout Troops #631 and #603 joined with Cub Scout Packs #684 and #603 at St. Mary’s Church, in Augusta, on February 6, as part of the annual celebration of Scout Sunday. Scouts joined parish leaders in distributing bulletins to parishioners, assisting with the offering, altar service, and recited both the Scout Oath and Law for the assembled congregation…
Vassalboro food pantry fundraiser surpasses goal
VASSALBORO – Friends of the Vassalboro Food Pantry Station exceeded the goal of $2,000 by donating a total of $3,585, for a grand total raised of $8,585…
Up and down the Kennebec Valley: Wars – Part 7 (new)
MAINE HISTORY — War of 1812:Hampden and Wiscasset. Two events in September 1814 involved central Kennebec Valley residents directly in the war against the British, fortunately without recorded casualties. The first and less significant began in Hampden, where British forces sailed up the Penobscot River to capture the USS Adams… by Mary Grow [1940 words]
Up and down the Kennebec Valley: Wars – Part 6
MAINE HISTORY — War of 1812: The end of the American Revolution did not end enmity between Britain and its former colonies. They fought one more war, the War of 1812 (June 18, 1812 – Feb. 18, 1815). Even after that war, the border between the United States and British Canada remained partly unsettled until the Oregon Treaty of June 15, 1846… by Mary Grow [2014 words]
Up and down the Kennebec Valley: Wars – Part 5
PALERMO/SIDNEY/VASSALBORO HISTORY — Palermo, Sidney and Vassalboro, like the central Kennebec cities and towns in the previous two articles in this series, had Revolutionary War veterans among their early settlers. In Milton Dowe’s Palermo history, he identified Isaac Worthen (March 4, 1762 – March 1, 1841; later the name became Worthing), one of two brothers who moved to Palermo (then Great Pond Settlement) from New Hampshire, as a “hero of the Revolution”… by Mary Grow [1987 words]
Up and down the Kennebec Valley: Wars – Part 4
ALBION/CHINA/CLINTON/FAIRFIELD HISTORY — Ruby Crosby Wiggin wrote that town and state records and cemetery headstones identify more than a dozen Albion residents who were Revolutionary War veterans. Two, Francis Lovejoy and John Leonard, were among early settlers. Rev. Francis Lovejoy, grandfather of Elijah Parish Lovejoy, was in Albion by 1790. Wiggin found that he served initially in “Colonel Baldwin’s regiment” and later re-enlisted to fill the quota from his then home town, Amherst, Massachusetts… by Mary Grow [1896 words]
2021-’22 Real Estate Tax Due Dates
2021-2022 Real Estate tax due dates for the following towns: CHINA, FAIRFIELD, PALERMO, SIDNEY, VASSALBORO, WATERVILLE, WINDSOR and WINSLOW…
Webber’s Pond
Webber’s Pond is a comic drawn by an anonymous central Maine resident (click thumbnail to enlarge)…
CALENDAR OF EVENTS: The Tragedy of Macbeth will be performed by Recycled Shakespeare Company
AUGUSTA — A special show for students will be on stage 11am, Thursday, March 24, at South Parish Congregational Church Hall, in Augusta. This show is appropriate for junior and senior high school age students. After the show there will be time for questions and discussion of this play and green theater practices. Please contact Lyn at 314-4730 if you have questions or plan to attend… and many other events!
FAIRFIELD – Maurice J. Bard, 78, of Fairfield, passed away on Thursday, February 3, 2022, at home, following a courageous ten-year battle with Leukemia. Maurice was born on August 22, 1943, in Fort Kent, son of Alcide and Cecile (Robichaud) Bard, one of 12 children… and remembering 14 others.
Common Ground: Win a $10 gift certificate!

DEADLINE: Friday, March 9, 2022
Identify the people in these three photos, and tell us what they have in common. You could win a $10 gift certificate to Retail Therapy Boutique in Waterville! Email your answer to or through our Contact page. Include your name and address with your answer. Use “Common Ground” in the subject!
Previous winner: Frances Wittek, Skowhegan
Town Line Original Columnists
by Roland D. Hallee | This week, I’m going to give up my space to one of our regular contributors, Gary Kennedy, who has a heart-warming story to tell about he and his wife’s encounter with an injured male cardinal…
by Peter Cates | German composer George Frederick Handel (1685-1759) was known for his love of food. When he once went to a cafe, he ordered three plates of the house special. The waiter inquired politely if the other two plates should be kept warm until his guests arrived…
by Debbie Walker | I am still learning as the years go by that some sayings aren’t at all what the speaker believes they are conveying. My first example is all the use of the term WOP. All the years I have heard people refer to Italian descent in that manner I was really surprised when I learned what the true meaning may be…
(NAPSI)—It’s still Medicare Advantage Open Enrollment season and many fitness-minded folks are choosing to sign up for Medicare Advantage and Medicare Supplement plans because they appreciate the extra benefits such as subsidized gym memberships. If you have one of these plans, or you’re thinking of enrolling in one, then you may be ready to take the next step in your exercise journey by joining a new fitness center. Here are three tips to help you select the best fitness center for your needs…