Madison Legion Auxiliary donates backpacks to needy children

Pictured, front row, from left to right, Cindy Savoy, Wanda Kranz, Ann Cody, Merrilyn Vieira, Pauline Bell, Nancy Drew and Betty Price. Back Row, Robin Turek, Amy Washburn, Irma Fluet, Nancy Misiaszek, Harriet Bryant, Shirley Emery and Diane Pinkham. (contributed photo)

submitted by Harriet Bryant

In observance of April as Children and Youth Month, members of the Tardiff-Belanger American Legion Auxiliary, Unit #39, Madison, donated backpacks filled with essential items such as clothes, pj’s, toothpaste, toothbrushes and other toiletries, hats, mittens, hygiene products for the older children and toys. Included this year are many socks from their “Drive-Thru Sock Hop” which was held back in February.

These items benefit the children who will enter the Department of Health and Human Services System. Most children enter with nothing more than the clothes on their backs. These backpacks provide them with items they can call their own in hopes that it makes the transition a little easier for them. This year, with the generous donations of items from the membership and the Auxiliary purchases, the Auxiliary donated over $800 worth of items which included 25 backpacks for this program.

To learn more about the American Legion Auxiliary’s mission or to volunteer, donate or join, visit Or contact Robin Turek, president – American Legion Auxiliary Tardiff-Belanger Unit #39, PO Box 325, Madison, ME 04950, or – 696-8289.


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