MMA announces Spirit of America Proclamation to municipal clerks and ballot clerks

submitted by Rebecca Hapgood
China Town Manager

MAINE MUNICIPAL ASSOCIATION SPIRIT OF AMERICA PROCLAMATION WHEREAS, Spirit of America Foundation cherishes Municipal Officials’ help with its program and created October as ‘Municipal Officials Appreciation Month’, and in 2024 dedicated it nationally to Municipal Clerks and Ballot Clerks, to express gratitude;

WHEREAS, Municipal Officials make personal sacrifices to serve constituents and deserve more public recognition and respect than they generally receive;

WHEREAS, Municipal Clerks are some of the most dedicated and generous members in our communities, who are almost always involved in a community event or civic organization within a town and most of the time are doing that work on their own personal time;

WHEREAS, Ballot Clerks serve at each polling place throughout Election Day, to ensure the voting process goes smoothly and are vital to democracy;

WHEREAS, the Maine Municipal Association greatly appreciates the services provided by its Municipal Clerks, Ballot Clerks and other Municipal Officials;

NOW THEREFORE, BE IT PROCLAIMED that the MAINE MUNICIPAL ASSOCIATION designates October 2024 as “MAINE MUNICIPAL CLERKS AND BALLOT CLERKS APPRECIATION MONTH” and urges citizens to show gratitude to their Municipal Officials, and especially to Municipal Clerks and Ballot Clerks, for all they do to make our communities better.


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