SOLON & BEYOND, Week of July 28, 2016
by Marilyn Rogers-Bull & Percy
Solon, Maine 04979
Good morning, dear friends. Don’t worry, be happy!
The Solon High School Alumni Association held its annual meeting on July 16 with 65 alumni and guests present. The class of 1966 celebrated its 50th anniversary with two members; Mark Rogers and Richard Poulin. Emma Pluntke received a scholarship of $ 1,000. Others celebrating were Alice Heald, 76th anniversary; Arlene Meader and Albert Starbird, 75th; Mary Heald Bishop, 73rd; Marie Poulin, 67th; Jack McCarty, 65th; Pat McCarty Coro, 62nd; Betty Tolman Smith, 60th; Doug Hayden, Chloe Hayden Collins, Ann Rogers Edwards, 58th; and James Tolman, 57th.
Jay S. Hoar, a former teacher of Solon attended.
The last class to graduate from Solon High School was the class of 1969. This class always shows up in large numbers to celebrate. This year they had seven members show up to celebrate 47 years. They were Reggie Padham, Arthur Myers, Penny Rogers McQuilkin, Linda Stickney Steward, Dana Parsons, Bobbie Tewkbury Proctor and Jo Rancourt Holden.
Officers are Ann Jackson, president, Reggie Padham, vice president, Linda French, secretary, and Brenda Whitney Padham, treasurer. Alice Heald is news committee, Judy Bishop, lunch committee, and Kathy Swett, awards.
Class members traveled from California, Betty Smith; Arizonia, James Tolman; Oklahoma, Richard Poulin; Florida, Mark Rogers and Bobbi Proctor.
An auction was held and $415 was raised for the scholarship fund. This money was matched by Reggie and Brenda Padham. They wanted to insure people that their money would be safe and used for what it was intended for. Betty Heald was the auctioneer.
A luncheon was held and catered by the Solon Pine Tree 4-H Club under the direction of Eleanor Pooler.
Sorry, but this is all I could gather up for news this week, with people not wanting any of their personal news printed anymore, it makes it tough. But…Percy is still able to help out with some pleasing memoirs…May you have enough happiness to keep you sweet. Enough trials to keep you strong, Enough sorrow to keep you human; Enough hope to keep you happy; Enough failure to keep you humble; Enough success to keep you eager; Enough friends to give you comfort; Enough wealth to meet your ne3eds; Enough enthusiasm to look forward; Enough faith to banish depression; Enough determination to make each day better than yesterday.

Mark Rogers, left, of Florida, and Richard Poulin, of Oklahoma, were the only two members of the Solon’s class of 1966 to attend their 50th reunion, on July 23. Photo courtesy of Marilyn Rogers-Bull
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