Unique Hawai’ian public supper at Vassalboro Methodist Church

From left to right, Simone Antworth, Nancy Adams and Pastor Karen Merrill, from the Vassalboro United Methodist Church, are preparing for a Hawai’ian luau at the public supper slated for Saturday, August 17. (contributed photo)

The Vassalboro United Methodist Church (VUMC) monthly public supper is taking a twist on Saturday, August 17, from their traditional menu. One of the organizers, Simone Antworth said, “We had been thinking for some time about offering pulled pork as an alternative and when we realized that Hawai’i is celebrating 65 years of statehood in August we decided to honor Hawai’i by offering some of their traditional foods this time.” We will be serving our usual baked beans in addition to some made like they do in Hawaii as well as pulled pork, shrimp dishes, breads, salads and desserts all cooked with a tropical flair. “The Hawai’ians love Spam so we might sneak in a dish using that – and there will be pineapple dishes, of course! There will be surprises too,” said Antworth with a smile. “Guests will have to find out about those when they get there.” The supper will take place 4:30 – 6, unless food runs out before, for a $10 suggested donation per person. So join VUMC on August 17 for a great meal, and a fun-filled Hawai’ian luau celebration.

Public suppers are held at VUMC every third Saturday, May through October. Proceeds support the operating costs of the church and bolster member’s current efforts towards broadening accessibility to online and on-site services and programs.

Harvey Boatman, accessibility project coordinator said, “Our fundraising goal to improve accessibility is $80,000 which will make it possible for us to install safety and accessibility features inside the church. In addition to individual donations and proceeds from fundraising events we have raised $57,500 in grants from the Sukeforth Foundation, the United Meth­odist New En­gland Con­ference, the Maine Com­mu­nity Foundation, the United Meth­odist Foundation of New England, Joni & Friends Christian Fund for the Disabled and an anonymous $10,000 matching grant. We are encouraged and feel grateful for such generous support. Recently though, we discovered a problem that necessitates an additional $43,000 for repairs to the roof and steeple. Raising the funds necessary for that on top of what we are already doing adds an increased level of strain on our congregation. We need support from the community.”

VUMC was built in 1988 and serves as a community center for people of Vassalboro and surrounding towns who come to attend Sunday services, special programs, concerts, public suppers and more. VUMC members provide outreach through participation in the local fuel fund, food pantry, senior programs, Scouting, kids’ scholarships to Camp Mechuwana and by delivering welcome baskets to new residents. VUMC also organizes and publishes a community calendar each year, and delivers them door to door throughout town.

FMI visit Vassalboro United Methodist Church on Facebook, phone Pastor Karen Merrill at (207) 873-5564 or email karenmerrill62@gmail.com.


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