Vassalboro community programs reach all ages

Karen Hatch, Vassalboro Community Program Director preparing some “soup to go” at a luncheon for older adults at the Vassalboro Methodist Church. That is one of many activities she helps to plan and oversee throughout the year. (Contributed photo)
by Dale Potter-Clark
Karen Hatch had a busy summer and this fall is shaping up to be the same way. The 70-year-old, from China, is the Vassalboro Community Program Director, and as such she plans, coordinates and oversees activities for all ages, including youth sports. This winter it will be basketball and then baseball and softball come spring,” Hatch explained. “All of that is made possible by the volunteer youth athletic commissioners. They support and work with me to set-up the sports programs and they run smoothly because of them – for that matter it would be near impossible for one person to manage everything. I am always seeking volunteers – the overall program thrives with them.”
Vassalboro Days was a busy weekend for Hatch who arrived at the recreation field in East Vassalboro, at 7:30 a.m., to meet with folks who were inflating a bounce house. Nearby, she checked in with volunteer soccer commissioner, Jordan Cayoutte, who was preparing for soccer games. Hatch had already shopped for and stocked food in the snack shack so she moved on to see how volunteer Jared Clark was doing at the Historical Society where he was setting up for corn-hole. Then she scooted across town where she had arranged for a cribbage tournament at the St. Bridget Center. “I put in over 50 hours that week but that was exceptional. My position is funded for 30 hours a week but that week it was just not enough.”
Hatch worked for 27 years for the city of Augusta, first as the assistant recreation director and then as the city Child Care Director, so she was well prepared when she came into this position three years ago. The energetic septuagenarian explained that she is committed to organizing recreational and social activities for all ages. One could easily recognize the boundless range of activities within that age span but Hatch presents with the enthusiasm and know-how to make a big impact. “When I started in this position the first thing I did was to determine what was already going on in town so not to duplicate,” she said. “Then I began to reach out to various organizations to develop collaborations.”
Another activity initiated by Hatch is a potluck dessert and “Friday Night Fun Night”, the first Friday of each month, 6 – 8 p.m., at the Vassalboro Grange Hall. She also organizes friendly cribbage games on Wednesday afternoons and chair yoga classes led by volunteer Vickie Limberger on Monday mornings. Both are held at the Vassalboro Town Office (VTO). Currently she and the volunteer basketball commissioner, Kevin Phanor, are planning to meet with the Vassalboro Community School administrators to discuss when an open gym for adults can begin there as well as logistics for the youth basketball program.
At the time of this interview, Hatch was found bustling about at the Vassalboro United Methodist Church (VUMC) where she collaborates with members of the VUMC to plan, prepare and serve older adults a soup and salad luncheon 11:30 a.m. – 1 p.m., the second Wednesday of every month. On this day three tables were laden with four different kinds of homemade soups, a variety of salads, breads and scrumptious looking desserts. Hatch was one of the several cooks there and she had also secured much of the food through contributions. “There’s no charge for the meal but donations are welcome,” she explained. The church receives part of them to help cover heat, maintenance and electricity costs.
Much of what Hatch is able to offer for seniors is funded by grants for which she wrote the proposals. One was a $2,875 AARP Community Challenge Grant with which a community garden was planted on VTO grounds. A $3,029 Hannaford Chef Grant for older adults with food insecurity makes possible the storage and preparation of the luncheons at VUMC. She is in hopes of also starting cooking classes in the near future.
According to Aaron Miller, Vassalboro Town Manager since 2023, Hatch is responsible for effectively developing recreation, cultural, social and leisure opportunities for town residents and supervising a large number of seasonal volunteers. She is also responsible for planning, directing, coordinating, advertising, controlling, staffing and evaluating all activities of the department. He further explained that before Hatch came aboard the community relied completely on recreation committee volunteers to run the snack shack, baseball, softball and soccer programs. “I value Karen’s background and I’m excited to work alongside her for the town of Vassalboro. It is my opinion that recreational opportunities strengthen the fabric of communities and I expect to offer as much support as possible as we move forward,” said Miller.
The next special event Hatch has arranged will take place on October 1, when a Concord Coach will drive 55 adults of any age to the Fryeburg Fair. The first pick-up will be 7:15 a.m., at the Vassalboro Town Office, and then on to the Hannaford, in South China, for the second pick-up. Time spent at the fair will be 10:30 a.m. – 3:30 p.m., and ETA back in Vassalboro is 6:30 p.m. Upon registration a $50 transportation fee is required; the deadline for registration is 6:30 p.m., on Thursday, September 26, at the Vassalboro Town Office, 682 Main Street – first come first served. Admission into the Fryeburg Fair is free for anyone over 65 years on that day, but the admission fee at the gate is $15 for those under 65 years. FMI email Karen Hatch at or call (207) 592-3095.
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