Vassalboro Methodist Church new lift activated

Theresa White, left, took the maiden voyage on the new elevator/lift at the Vassalboro Methodist Church, on February 26, while Harvey Boatman, project coordinator, showed White how to operate it. (contributed photo)

by Dale Potter-Clark

During the largely attended funeral of Cathy (White) Fisher on March 18, 2023, some people in leadership positions at the Vassalboro United Methodist Church (VUMC) were struck by how unsatisfactorily their building was set-up for people with physical challenges. For one, the space for wheelchairs in their sanctuary was inadequate; and for another, the only ways to get to their fellowship hall and bathrooms from the sanctuary were to either navigate a full flight of stairs, or return to their cars and drive to the lower parking lot where they could enter directly into the fellowship hall.

Church leadership held a meeting soon after the funeral when the idea of installing an elevator/lift between the two floors was introduced. “Almost everyone voted NO,” related VUMC matriarch, Theresa White. “They just did not see how our small congregation could afford to pay for such a thing.” But they were proven wrong when, by February 26, 2025, the lift had been installed, it had passed the Maine State inspection and was completely paid for with $80,000 in grants and contributions from the community.

Folks who stood in line at the church that February morning insisted that Theresa White take the maiden voyage with Harvey Boatman, project coordinator as the operator. More riders followed with big smiles and accolades to Boatman for his determination and hard work towards seeing the project through to completion. “Now it is on to the next phase of our efforts to increase community access to VUMC programs and services,” said Boatman. “This is only one part of that process, albeit a big part.”


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