VUMC receives grant to remove steeple

Employees of Burke Roofing, from West Gardiner, working at Vassalboro United Methodist Church last fall, as they repaired the roof and removed the steeple. (contributed photo)

The $40,000 price tag came as an unexpected shock to folks at the Vassalboro United Methodist Church (VUMC) last fall when, in the middle of installing a new lift/elevator they found major damage to their steeple and roof that required immediate attention. Fortunately, the $80,000 required for the lift installation had already been raised but another $40,000 felt insurmountable to them at the time. During the planning and installation of the lift they had become known within Methodist circles as “the little church that could,” and they were determined to continue on that course.

Some of the VUMC leadership team set a plan in motion – first to find a contractor who could do the job, then to get estimates and finally to identify and secure funding sources. The United Methodist Foundation of New England agreed to extend VUMC a three year loan, during which time they could try to raise enough money to pay it off by 2027, when the balance would become a mortgage. Challenge accepted.

An anonymous donor set off fundraising efforts by issuing a $5,000 matching grant. Through individual donations and three special events VUMC raised what was needed, and they received the matching grant in February. To date $13,172.68 has been raised and $10,000 applied to the loan principle. The rest has been retained to make the interest payments on the interest. More will be applied to the principle when sufficient funds have been accumulated with the goal of paying off the loan by 2027.

Donations can be made to the building fund at the Vassalboro United Methodist Church at 614 Main Street, Vassalboro 04989, write building fund in the memo line. FMI about VUMC programs and services phone (207) 873-5564; email­ or follow the Vassalboro United Methodist Church Facebook page.


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