Week of June 14, 2018
China dedicates bicentennial monument
On June 9, Neil Farrington, chairman of the China Bicentennial Committee, along with selectmen Bob MacFarland, Irene Belanger and new town manager Dennis Heath and his wife Mary, together with a small crowd of local citizens, formally dedicated the China Bicentennial Monument to commemorate the 200th anniversary of the incorporation of the Town of China […]
Your Local News
Selectmen decide to fill the contro-versial fire pond
CHINA — China selectmen voted at their June 11 meeting to fill in the fire pond they and town voters authorized last year to provide protection for Neck Road residents […]
Interlocal agreement reached
VASSALBORO — The interlocal agreement between Vassalboro and its former partners in AOS (Alternative Organizational Structure) #92, Waterville and Winslow, became effective June 4. It provides for the three municipalities to share central office services previously provided by the AOS office […]
Planners approve four permit applications
VASSALBORO — Vassalboro Planning Board members approved all four permit applications on their June 5 agenda, two for auxiliary buildings, one for a seasonal farm stand and one for a new auto repair garage […]
Voters elect two incumbents
VASSALBORO — At the polls June 12, Vassalboro voters re-elected two incumbent town officials and re-approved the 2018-19 school budget initially approved at the June 4 open town meeting […]
Oldest Women’s Society to celebrate 200 years
WINSLOW — Ye Female Society for the Support of the Gospel invites all women of all ages, to join them for their 200th annual meeting on Tuesday, June 19, at 2 p.m., at Winslow Congregational Church, UCC, at 12 Lithgow St., Winslow […]
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School News
VBA announces scholarship winners
VASSALBORO — The Vassalboro Business Association recently awarded scholarships to Megan Lemieux and Kassie Nadeau […]
Chamber awards scholarship
FAIRFIELD — The Chamber awarded a scholarship to Sidney Knox, a 2018 graduate of Lawrence High School in Fairfield […]
Seagulls claim championship
ALBION — The Albion Seagulls captured the Fairfield PAL majors baseball championship recently. They took the opening game, 20-11, over Yankee Trophy, and put the title game away, 15-1, over Wright’s Dairy […]
Before/After School students tour SAPPI
VASSALBORO — The Vassalboro Before/After School Child Care Program was recently treated to a fantastic workshop by SAPPI Fine Paper North America Quality Lab Supervisor, Raymond Caron […]
Jessica Crouse named to spring dean’s list at Elizabethtown College
WINSLOW — Jessica Crouse, of Winslow, was named to the dean’s list of Elizabethtown College, in Elizabethtown, Pennsylvania, for the spring 2018 semester. Crouse is a class of 2018 Environmental Science major […]
Students named to UVermont dean’s list
Area student were named to the dean’s list at the University of Vermont, in Burlington, Vermont […]
WATERVILLE — The Recycled Shakespeare Company will celebrate its fifth season with Romeo and Juliet, the greatest love story ever told. Two indoor performances will be 7 p.m., Friday and Saturday, June 15-16, at Rita’s Catering Event Center, 220 Main St. […]
Obituaries – week of June 14, 2018
BENTON – Elizabeth G. Morin, 74, of Benton, known to her friends as “Kim”, passed away on Tuesday, May 29, 2018, at Maine Medical Center, in Portland. She was born April 15, 1944, in Darlington, England, to the late Rowland and Grace (Lawson) Poulton… and remembering 5 others…
Town Line Original Columnists
by Roland D. Hallee | That’s when it happened. A gray squirrel came darting out from the side of the road. He made a mad dash for the center line, stopping just short, undecided on what he wanted to do. He turned, looked my way. We made momentary eye contact […]
by Peter Cates | Wilhelm Furtwangler (1886-1954) was one conductor now considered by more collectors and listeners to classical recordings to be very close to the greatest who ever lived – despite a catalog of recordings that are often live broadcasts of just fair to average sound quality […]
by Marilyn Rogers-Bull & Percy | Stewart Public Library in North Anson will hold its annual book sale, Saturday, June 30, 9 a. m. to 2 p.m., at the North Anson Fire Station. Books, audio books, magazines for adults and children. Come and stock up for summer and winter reading! […]
by Debbie Walker | We live in Maine. We know we are going to have to deal with snow, ice and inconvenient road construction. I believe the most difficult of Maine life is the Black Flies and the Mosquitoes and “Oh My” is saying it lightly! […]
by Katie Ouilette | Oh, WALLS and faithful readers, all of a sudden the Moose Lottery is on at Skowhegan’s Fairgrounds and the cars coming out of the historic Fairgrounds was amazing yesterday! […]
For people who are on one or more daily prescription medicines, forgetting to take a pill can happen from time to time. Planning ahead for such schedule-disrupting events as vacations and special events can help you stay on track and minimize any health risks that might result from not “taking as directed” […]