Week of June 20, 2019
Oak Grove Foundation grant enables work at China School’s Forest
There’s been a lot happening at the China School’s Forest this spring! Mrs. Maroon’s fifth grade class completed a year-long project to create a Maine Wildlife Trail and to enhance the Bird Watching Outdoor Classroom. Students researched different Maine animals and wrote reports about them…
Have you requested your LakeSmart visit yet?
The LakeSmart program is one of the most effective lake protections programs available today! The China Lakes Alliance hosts this program in the China community. Did you know that there are already 68 lakes in Maine actively participating in this lake protection program?…
Your Local News
Selectmen discuss sewer expansion fundings, speeds on So. Stanley Hill Rd.
VASSALBORO — Vassalboro selectmen had only one formal public hearing on their June 13 agenda, but two issues drew extensive comment from residents in the audience…
Planners approve two applications
VASSALBORO — Vassalboro Planning Board members quickly and unanimously approved both shoreland zoning applications on their June 6 agenda…
UMaine students explore the future by visiting China transfer station
CHINA — It was a breezy Tuesday on May 21, as China Transfer Station Manager Tim Grotton waited in the Swap Shop for a group of students from the University of Maine to stop in for an interview…
China School’s Forest day camps and family forest activities (Summer 2019)
CHINA — Local educator and Maine Master Naturalist, Anita Smith, will be offering several day camps and family forest activities at the China School Forest. All programs start at the China Primary School bus circle. Limited scholarships are available, upon request…
Vassalboro Business Association announces scholarship recipients
VASSALBORO — The Vassalboro Business Association has announced that the following students will each receive a $500 scholarship from money that was raised by Freddie’s Cruise-In…
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Palermo Community Center to show Inhabit
PALERMO — Permanent agriculture, known as “permaculture,” is an ecological design process that shifts human impact on our planet from destructive to regenerative. Inhabit has been called “the best film ever made about permaculture” (June 28)…
Literacy volunteers awarded
WATERVILLE — Literacy Volunteers – Waterville Area has recognized Adam Bickford and Maddie Beckwith, both graduating seniors from Winslow High School, for winning the Literacy Volunteers – Waterville Area essay scholarship contest…
Youth Conservation Corp helping to Protect China Lake Water Quality
The China Lake Youth Conservation Corp (YCC) continues to be a powerful and productive force made up of environmentally conscious young adults working to protect our lake from harmful storm water runoff…
How The Town Line nurtures a healthy community
from Emily Cates, board member — Being a board member has given me a close up view of the inner workings of our community — and how our reader-supported, free, nonprofit, weekly newspaper informs and enhances our community…
Second Saturdays Litter Clean-Up begins July 13
CHINA — Richard Dillenbeck’s passionate crusade against roadside trash inspired a group of citizens to devise an organized campaign to combat the litter problem on the roadsides surrounding China Lake — simply called Second Saturdays…
LETTERS: Doing “business” in East Vassalboro
from Bob Bennett (South China) — The “outhouse” at the boat landing in East Vassalboro: This is certainly the most disgusting example of such a place that I have ever seen. I truly believe that to sit down in this stink hole would be life threatening…
School News
Erskine announces Renaissance Awards
CHINA — Recognition Awards were presented to the following students: Hannah Soule, Aidan Larrabee, Alana Beggs, Paul Slimm, Alisha Stevens, Samantha Heath, Maverick Lowery, Garrett Keezer, and Seth Reed…
Cash cashes in with two home runs
OAKLAND — Cash Bizier, a seventh grade student at Messalonskee Middle School, in Oakland, recently hit his first out of the park home run on April 28, playing against the Famington Flyers…
NORRIDGEWOCK: MAINE ANTIQUE TRACTOR FESTIVAL, Sat. & Sun., June 22 & 23, at the club’s grounds, 351 Waterville Rd. Gates open 8 a.m… and check here for many other local events!
FAIRFIELD – Carla Bouchard, 72, of Fairfield, Maine passed away on Sunday, June 16, 2019. Carla was born in Waterville on October 10, 1946, the daughter of Abel and Cecile (Pinnette) Levesque… and remembering 5 others…
Common Ground – Round 6: Win a $10 gift certificate!

DEADLINE: Friday, July 19, 2019
Identify the people in these three photos, and tell us what they have in common. You could win a $10 gift certificate to Retail Therapy boutique, 11 KMD Plaza, Kennedy Memorial Dr., Waterville, next to the Dairy Queen!* Email your answer to townline@fairpoint.net or through our Contact page.
You may also mail your answer to The Town Line, PO Box 89, South China, ME 04358. (To be eligible for the drawing, you must email or snail mail your answer to us.)
* Should there be more than one correct answer, a random drawing will be held to determine the winner.
Previous winner: Keith Richardson, South China.
Town Line Original Columnists
by Roland D. Hallee | According to Bug Guide, at the Iowa State University Department of Entomology, they are Glischrochilus, a genus of sap-feeding and predatory beetles better known as picnic beetles or beer bugs…
by Emily Cates | Finally, after what seems like forever, the soil in the garden is ready to plant what we’ve all been waiting for: tasty tomatoes, sumptuous squashes, wonderful melons, among many more…
by Debbie Walker | ‘What is an apron?’ may sound like a foolish question to some but I assure you there are people who do not know what it is or its purpose. I admit that I did not realize how many styles there were and their purpose. I am again sharing with you…
by Marilyn Rogers-Bull & Percy | Lief and I have been traveling the roads a lot, we went up to the ‘County’ and spent three days up there visiting his sisters and brother. We also stopped at the cemeteries where relatives were buried…
(NAPSI)—Family reunions are a great way to reconnect with loved ones, celebrate your family’s heritage and make new memories. Family reunions are also an opportunity to talk about family health history…