Entries by Mary Grow

Sen. Pouliot visits with Vassalboro select board

by Mary Grow District #15 State Senator Matthew Pouliot visited the Vassalboro select board’s Feb. 16 meeting to speak briefly about legislative issues and to ask what’s important to Vassalboro officials and residents. He began with the state-wide need for affordable housing and the problem of balancing responses to state issues with local control. The […]

Vassalboro planners approve re-use of country store

by Mary Grow At their Feb. 7 meeting, Vassalboro Planning Board members approved reuse of the East Vassalboro Country Store; continued discussion of the proposed solar ordinance; postponed two applications on their agenda because applicants were not present; and rejected an unusual request to pre-approve a new business. Tim and Heather Dutton applied in January […]

Vassalboro school board discusses various topics

by Mary Grow Vassalboro school board members discussed various topics at their Feb. 14 meeting, excluding the 2023-24 budget. The budget will be the topic of a Tuesday, March 7, workshop, set to begin at 5:30 p.m. instead of the usual 6 p.m. at Vassalboro Community School (VCS). Principal Ira Michaud reported on both ends […]

China planning board holds workshop on land use ordinance

by Mary Grow After the China select board held a Feb. 13 public hearing on proposed amendments to the Board of Appeals Ordinance (Chapter 9 of China’s Land Use Ordinance) and invited members of the planning and appeals boards to participate, planning board members devoted their Feb. 14 meeting to a workshop on the ordinance. […]

Up and down the Kennebec Valley: Early Augusta families – Part 2

by Mary Grow Ballard Last week readers met James Howard, one of the first settlers at Cushnoc (which became Hallowell, which divided into Hallowell and Augusta) and some of his family members; and your writer promised information on other pre-Augusta settlers, Ephraim Ballard, Daniel Cony and Henry Sewall. Thanks to her habit of keeping a […]

Vassalboro select board takes first look at 2023-24 budget

by Mary Grow Vassalboro select board members held their annual preliminary budget review the afternoon of Feb. 7, proposing several new expenditures and letting new town manager Aaron Miller show how quickly he is mastering the finances of a town he’s served only since Jan. 2. No decisions were made on 2023-24 budget recommendations. Discussions […]

Vassalboro select board discusses improvements to town office, other on-going issues

by Mary Grow At their Feb. 2 meeting, Vassalboro select board members continued discussion of better outside lighting and handicapped accessible front doors at the town office; improvements at the transfer station; and other, mostly on-going, issues. They made a decision on the town office lighting, and expressed approval of Ben Gidney’s suggestion regarding parking […]