Entries by Mary Grow

China budget committee urges approval on 6 ballot questions

by Mary Grow China Budget Committee members have recommended voters at the town’s Nov. 8 town meeting approve all six proposed expenditures from federal American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) grants. All votes but one were unanimous. Select board members have unanimously recommended approval of the expenditures (see The Town Line, Aug. 25, p. 2). The […]

CHINA: Computer problems stall setting tax rate

by Mary Grow China select board members were again lacking the information they need to set the 2022-23 tax rate at their Aug. 29 meeting; the town’s assessment process has been plagued by computer problems. They will schedule a special meeting as soon as possible, they hope on or before Tuesday, Sept. 6. After the […]

China TIF committee hears reports from fund recipients

by Mary Grow At their Aug. 24 meeting, China’s Tax Increment Financing (TIF) Committee members heard reports from representatives of programs that have received TIF funds. The China Broadband Committee’s project has a 10-year, $30,000 a year allocation, approved by voters. The Thurston Park Committee, the China Region Lakes Alliance (CRLA) (and the China Lake […]

Up and down the Kennebec Valley: Waterville historic district – Part 2

by Mary Grow This week’s description of Waterville’s Main Street Historic District begins where last week’s left off, with the Common Street buildings on the south side of Castonguay Square, and continues down the east side of Main Street. It adds a summary of the separate Lockwood Mill Historic District, across the intersection of Spring […]

Vassalboro school board hears upbeat reports

by Mary Grow Vassalboro School Board members heard a series of upbeat reports and appointed an unusual number of new staff members at their Aug. 16 meeting, the last one before classes at Vassalboro Community School (VCS) start again Sept. 1. Both new Principal Ira Michaud, in his written report, and Director of Maintenance and […]

Seven substantive questions to appear on Nov. 8 ballot in China

by Mary Grow At their Aug. 22 special meeting, China select board members approved seven substantive questions to be submitted to voters on Nov. 8. They postponed deciding whether to add an eighth question until their next regular meeting on Aug. 29. The voting in November, on the state election day, is technically China’s annual […]

Up and down the Kennebec Valley: Waterville historic district – Part 1

by Mary Grow As sources cited in this and the following articles say, Waterville’s downtown business district was in the 19th and 20th centuries (and still is in the 21st century) an important regional commercial center. Buildings from the 1830s still stand; the majority of the commercial buildings lining Main Street date from the last […]

CHINA: County tax increase substantial

by Mary Grow China select board members held a short Aug. 15 meeting, followed by a tour of well-filled storage spaces in the town office building. During the meeting, board members unanimously approved a larger-than-usual list of expenses to be paid – larger because it included the annual Kennebec County tax, which board chairman Ronald […]

China cemetery committee working to update information

by Mary Grow China Cemetery Committee members and guest Kelly Grotton, whose town office duties include acting as semi-official town historian, met the afternoon of Aug. 9 primarily to hear a report from summer intern Savannah Clark. Clark has been transferring information from China gravestones and town records to a program called Crypt Keeper Cemetery […]