Entries by Mary Grow

Vassalboro budget committee recommendations may not be final; school budget unknown

by Mary Grow VASSALBORO, ME — Vassalboro Budget Committee members made their recommendations on the 2022-23 municipal budget at their March 31 meeting. Not all votes were unanimous, and because the school budget is still unknown, committee members did not guarantee their recommendations are final. Members had varying attitudes toward the school budget. Optimists said the […]

China select board wraps up “almost final” warrant

by Mary Grow CHINA, ME — China Select Board members put the warrant for the June 14 annual town business meeting in almost-final form at a two-hour special meeting April 4. The draft document they came up with has 37 articles and a potential 38th. Most are requests for voters to act on proposed 2022-23 […]

China budget committee holds final spring meeting

by Mary Grow CHINA, ME — China Budget Committee members held their final spring 2022 meeting on March 31, rediscussing a few of the proposed 2022-23 expenditures and making recommendations on warrant articles. Ultimately, budget committee members changed only one proposed figure. At Elizabeth Curtis’ suggestion, and on a split vote, they recommended reducing the […]

Vassalboro budget committee change of venue

by Mary Grow The Vassalboro Budget Committee meets at 7 p.m. Thursday, March 31, in the town office – not at Vassalboro Community School as previously planned – to make recommendations on the proposed 2022-23 municipal budget. The school budget will not be ready for review by March 31, committee chairman Rick Denico reported on […]

Vassalboro school board begins budget review

by Mary Grow VASSALBORO, ME — Vassalboro School Board members began reviewing sections of the 2022-23 school budget at their March 22 meeting, hearing proposals for funding technology, health, ELL (English Language Learners’ programs), certification and maintenance. They got updates on the lunch program, the pandemic and pre-kindergarten registration, and accepted the resignation of Principal […]

KWD asks planners for changes to treatment plant

by Mary Grow VASSALBORO, ME — The Kennebec Water District (KWD) is asking the Vassalboro Planning Board’s approval to make changes at its water treatment plant at 462 Main Street (Route 32), a little north of East Vassalboro Village. Planning board members will hear the application at their Tuesday, April 5, meeting, which is scheduled […]

China planners shift gears on ordinance amendments

by Mary Grow CHINA, ME — China Planning Board members have abandoned their plan to have three ordinance amendments presented to voters at the June 14 town business meeting. After hearing objections and suggestions at a March 22 public hearing, they voted unanimously to leave the record open for written comments for two weeks and […]

China select board continues town meeting preparations

by Mary Grow CHINA, ME — China Select Board members continued town meeting preparations at their March 28 meeting, discussing at length three topics: asking voters to approve a moratorium on commercial solar development; the proposed 2022-23 municipal budget, with a focus on town employees’ pay; and 2022-23 expenditures of federal ARPA (American Rescue Plan […]

China budget committee, town manager review non-final budget

by Mary Grow CHINA, ME — China Budget Committee members and Town Manager Rebecca Hapgood spent two hours March 24 reviewing a non-final draft of the 2022-23 municipal budget. Committee members made no decisions, but they got many questions answered. China Select Board members were scheduled to work on the budget at their March 28 […]