Entries by Website Editor

Secrets for garlic growing success: Make your garden into a royal palace for this queen of herbs

GARDEN WORKS by  Emily Cates Attention garlic lovers, now until the freeze is the time when you should be planting. If you have as much affection for this beloved stinking rose as I do, then you’ll want to read on for some helpful advice including cultivar selection, obtaining planting stock, site preparation, planting, and post-planting […]

Smith to address KHS

This talk will focus on a new book, Maine Sporting Camps, written by George Smith and published by Down East Books, including a history of the camps. Maine once had over 300 sporting camps. Nearly all are only memories today. Yet, at the remaining camps, as Smith explains, “History meets hospitality at Maine sporting camps […]

IF WALLS COULD TALK, Week of November 3, 2016

by Katie Ouilette WALLS, were you surprised to have snow ‘spitting’ in Madison yesterday? Well, it is going to be Winter, if we are ready or not, you know! In fact, faithful readers, Lew and I and Cousin ‘Skeet’ visited with Cousin Ernald and Mal on the weekend and, you guessed it, there was snow […]

SOLON & BEYOND, Week of November 3, 2016

by Marilyn Rogers-Bull & Percy grams29@tds.net Solon, Maine 04979 Good morning, dear friends. Don’t worry, be happy! The annual Holly Shop Craft Fair at the North Anson Congregational Church will be held on November 12 from 8 a.m. – 1 p.m. And now for the adventure that happened to us in Rangeley on our vacation […]

China questions 11 & 12 comment by TIF chairman

by Amber McAllister, Chairman Tax Increment Financing Committee The November 8, 2016 local ballot contains two questions requesting appropriations based on recommendations from China’s Tax Increment Financing (TIF) Committee. As Chairperson of the TIF Committee, I wanted to provide you with information about the Committee two proposed ballot questions. In 2015 the Town of China […]

China: Select board information relating to respective local ballot questions

Question 1. Shall amendments to the “Town of China Solid Waste Flow Control Ordinance” be enacted? Question 2. Shall amendments to the “Town of China Solid Waste Disposal Ordinance” be enacted? The Select Board asked the Transfer Station Committee to review and update the town’s dated ordinances, to reflect current day realities in solid waste […]

Obituaries, Week of November 3, 2016

DANETTE D. GOWER BENTON––Danette D. Gower passed away on Wednesday, October 19, 2016. Danette was born to Terry (Brown) and Harold Eastwood, in Torrance, California, on November 2, 1957. She attended Lawrence High School and graduated in 1975. Her husband, Ricky first saw Danette at the age of 11 and chased her until she caught […]

Veterans free on wildlife park closing day

The Maine Wildlife Park will close for the 2016 season on Friday, November 11, at 5 p.m. Since Friday is also Veterans Day, the park will recognize and thank all past and present Maine military personnel and veterans for their service to our country by offering free park admission for each, and their immediate families, […]