Entries by Website Editor

I’m Just Curious: Words, words, and more words

by Debbie Walker Last week I shared some southern sayings with you so…… this week I have collected northeastern sayings. I got some from friends, family and of course odd sites on the internet. I’ve been chuckling all week with all kinds of sayings and terms. Such as, “whole 9 yards” and “pleased as punch” […]

REVIEW POTPOURRI: Band leader Guy Lombardo Author Joan Sansom Composer Carl Neilsen

by  Peter Cates Guy Lombardo: Enjoy Yourself; MCA, MCAD-11501, CD, recorded between late 1930s and mid ‘50s. Guy Lombardo (1902-1977) led a band that consisted of talented musicians whose professionalism was at the highest spit-polished level. They recorded for four major labels that, for better or worse, dominated the industry for several decades – Columbia, […]

Jennifer Smith graduates from RIT

Rochester Institute of Technology, in Rochester, New York, celebrated its 131st Academic Convocation in May. Diplomas were distributed to graduates following the event at separate ceremonies held by each of RIT’s nine colleges and two academic centers. Jennifer Smith, of Sidney, received a bachelor of science degree  in mechanical engineering from RIT’s Kate Gleason College […]

Talking trash at the China Transfer Station

by Irene Belanger China Transfer Station Co-Coordinator We are excited about the Maine Department of Environmental Protection providing approvals to the Fiberight/Municipal Review Committee proposal to build a municipal solid waste processing facility in Hampden. Post 2018, China will be sending municipal solid waste to that plant. Organics will be a significant ingredient in processing […]

Student films rock the MIFF festival

by Bonnie N. Davis The public screening and awards ceremony of the 39th Maine Student Film Festival, held on Saturday, July 16, at the Waterville Opera House, proved once again that Maine kids are not only talented, but also gifted in their ability to tell stories through film. Jordan Bell, from Colby College Career Center, […]

Bingham, Mayfield and Kingsbury become wind power sites

by Dan Cassidy Part Two and Conclusion Electricity headed south John Lamontagne, Senior Director of Communications for SunEdison, said  there are three Massachusetts utilities that have contracted to receive the energy from the project, National Grid, Unitil and Eversource. “The approximate cost of the project is about $420 million to develop and build the project,” […]

Albion Neighborhood News, Week of July 21, 2016

by Mary Lee Rounds Summer…Picnics, ants, swimming at the old swimming hole, pool, lake or ocean and seeing friends who have been in warmer weather all winter. You give them back their “in case of an emergency” key and go on with your life. Recently, we took a cruise to Bermuda. I had four months […]