Author’s Tea with K.F. Griffin at Grace Academy in South China

K.E. Griffin
Come one and all to visit with Maine Author, K. F. Griffin, as she talks about her book, Wreck of the Essex, and how children can further develop their writing skills on Monday, March 12, from 10: to 11:30 a.m., at Grace Academy Learning Center, on Route 3, in South China. This is a free event. Call to register 445-8239. Books will be available for sale and signing.
K.F. Griffin was born in Boston and earned a master’s degree from Boston College. In 1981 she read a newspaper article on the discovery of Thomas Nickerson’s eyewitness account of the Essex tragedy. In 1820, a whaling ship was attacked and sunk by an enraged sperm whale. This tragedy inspired Herman Melville to write Moby Dick.
She has lectured at libraries and historical societies on this incident, considered one of the of greatest sea stories of all time.
She lives on a gentleman’s farm, in Rome, where she enjoys writing children’s books and spending time with her family.
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