Northern Light Acadia to launch innovative Dementia Care training program

Northern Light Acadia Hospital is thrilled to announce the launch of a comprehensive dementia care training program in rural Maine. This project, funded in full by the Health Resources and Services Administration HRSA) of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) as part of an award totaling $1.33 million, aims to improve access to dementia care specialists and provide contemporary care standards in rural areas.

Maine, being an aging and rural state, faces a high prevalence of age-associated cognitive disorders and limited access to dementia specialists, with wait times of up to 18 months and significant travel distances. Acadia Hospital’s Rural Dementia Care Training program addresses these needs by increasing non-specialists’ capabilities, enhancing dementia care competencies, and offering educational resources.

The program’s goals align with the Maine Center for Disease Control and Prevention
(MECDC) Maine State Plan for Alzheimer’s Disease and include:

• Training more than 700 healthcare professionals in rural regions
• Developing a statewide clinical consortium of dementia specialists
• Creating a registry for individuals with Alzheimer’s disease and related
• Training two subspecialists in neuropsychiatry Healthcare professionals across the Northern Light Health system and beyond will be invited to participate in training and educational opportunities, ultimately benefiting primary and community care systems. The program will also engage underrepresented communities in training and healthy brain aging lifestyle initiatives.

In addition to clinical efforts, the program will establish a multilayered webpage with
assessment tools, instructional videos, communication channels with dementia specialists, and community resource lists. Furthermore, two early-career nurse practitioners will receive dementia specialty skills training, and an accredited neuropsychiatry fellowship for physicians will be created.

Special thanks to Maine’s senior U.S. Senator Susan Collins, who has been instrumental in securing federal funding for various programs and initiatives in Maine, including this rural dementia care training program. Northern Light Acadia Hospital is committed to enhancing dementia care in rural Maine, providing essential resources to healthcare professionals, and fostering lasting improvements in the state’s dementia care landscape.

This project is funded in full by the Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) as part of an award totaling $1.33 million. The contents are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily represent the official views of, nor an endorsement, by HRSA, HHS, or the U.S. Government. For more information, please visit

New Physician Assistant joins Unity Practice

Jennifer Fitzpatrick

Northern Light Primary Care, in Unity, welcomes Jennifer Fitzpatrick, physician assistant, to their team.

Jennifer is welcoming new patients and will be providing routine wellness exams, chronic disease maintenance, acute/sick visits, and in-office procedures.

With a bachelor of science degree in exercise science from the University of Southern Maine and a master of medical science from Yale School of Medicine, Jennifer also has experience as a cardiac tech and spent nine years as a health and wellness coach.

“I try to get to know each and every patient individually so I can learn what their healthcare priorities are. My goal is for every patient to play an active role in their own health, and I will meet them where they are in terms of their health, resources, and motivation so we can work as a team to keep them well,” shares Jennifer.

To schedule an appointment, please call the office at 207-948-2100.

Northern Light Inland Hospital changes leadership

Northern Light Health announces that Tricia Costigan has stepped down from her role as president of Northern Light Inland Hospital and Northern Light Continuing Care, Lakewood, effective immediately. Randy Clark will assume leadership of both organizations in tandem with his role as president of Northern Light Sebasticook Valley Hospital. Randy is also a senior vice president at Northern Light Health.

Joining Northern Light Health in 1996, Randy started as controller with Sebasticook Valley Hospital, became vice president of Finance in 2005 and vice president of Finance and Operations in 2016, served as vice president of Finance and Operations in 2021-2022 for Inland Hospital and Lakewood, and became president of Sebasticook Valley Hospital in April 2022.

As part of this leadership restructuring, Randy will report to Marie Vienneau, in her new role as regional president. This role is in addition to Marie’s work as senior vice president of Northern Light Health, and president of both Northern Light CA Dean Hospital and Northern Light Mayo Hospital.

Enhancing existing regional collaborations, this new executive structure of Northern Light Health will formally link Sebasticook Valley Hospital, Inland Hospital, and Lakewood, with our member facilities in Piscataquis County. It will also encourage further alignment around best practices in patient care, advance shared services, create administrative efficiencies, and be a good steward of scarce resources during these economic times.

Northern Light Health goes pink

Breast Cancer Awareness Month has long been associated with the color pink. To show their support for breast cancer patients, Northern Light Health is encouraging team members at every location to wear a pop – or even an entire outfit – of pink on Friday, October 4.

The idea behind this wave of pink is not just to show support, but to remind or encourage women over the age of 40 to schedule their annual screening mammogram.

“One of the things that always resonates with me, and hopefully to our patients, is the saying ‘a few moments of discomfort is worth a year of peace of mind,’” says Danielle Black, a mammography technician with Northern Light Health. “Annual screening mammograms, along with clinical and self-breast exams, are imperative for early detection of breast cancer. Screening mammograms are also covered by insurance as a preventative healthcare measure.”

The statistics around screening mammograms also reinforces just how important they are. Statistically, of every 100 women who have a screening mammogram, providers will recommend two of them to receive a needle biopsy for further review and possible diagnosis. One in eight women will be diagnosed with breast cancer in their lifetime.

Screening mammograms and early detection significantly increase a patient’s chances of surviving breast cancer.
“Women should not be afraid to advocate for their yearly mammogram, even if it is not mentioned by their provider,” adds Black. “It is easier than ever to schedule a screening mammogram as they no longer require an order from a physician and can be booked in just minutes on our website.”

“I’m very proud to work in this field. It makes me so happy to have our breast cancer patients come back years later for their screening mammogram and see how well they are doing,” adds Jamie Goody, a mammography technician with Northern Light Health. “Knowing that our quick four pictures helped them receive treatment as soon as possible is why we are here.”

To schedule a screening mammogram, visit

New Dimensions FCU voted a Forbes America’s best in-state credit union

New Dimensions has been awarded on the Forbes list of America’s Best-In-State Credit Unions 2024. This prestigious award is presented by Forbes and Statista Inc., the world-leading statistics portal and industry ranking provider. The awards list was announced on June 18, 2024, and can be viewed on the Forbes website.

Financial institutions are the cornerstone of the financial world and play a central role in stabilizing global systems. America’s Best-In-State Credit Unions 2024 ranking lists the institutions that stood out for fulfilling the unique financial needs and expectations of their local communities thereby being most valued by residents of each state.

The ranking is based on two sources:

• An Independent Survey: Approximately 26,000 U.S. residents were surveyed online. Participants were asked to name all credit unions where they have a checking/savings account and rate the credit unions in six different subdimensions: Trust, Terms and Conditions, Branch Services, Digital Services, Customer Services, and Financial Advice.
• Publicly Available Reviews: For each credit union in each state, a sentiment analysis approach of publicly available online text reviews and ratings was applied.

In each state, the credit union with the highest combined score from the analysis of survey results and publicly available reviews was awarded. The survey score was rated 80 percent and publicly available reviews 20 percent.

Based on the study results, New Dimensions is ecstatic to be recognized on the Forbes list of America’s Best-In-State Credit Unions 2024.

Statista publishes hundreds of worldwide industry rankings and company listings with high-profile media partners. This research and analysis service is based on the success of, the leading data and business intelligence portal that provides statistics, relevant business data, and various market and consumer studies and surveys.

“We are incredibly honored to be recognized on Forbes’ list of America’s Best-In-State Credit Unions 2024.”, stated Ryan Poulin, CEO. “This achievement reflects the dedication and hard work of our entire team, who continually strive to provide exceptional service and support to our members. Being acknowledged for such a high honor reaffirms our commitment to meeting the unique financial needs of our community with trust, transparency, and excellence. We are proud to serve our members and will continue to uphold the high standards that have earned us this distinction.”

Spectrum Generations request for proposals

Spectrum Generations, Central Maine’s Area Agency on Aging, provides community-based services through the Older Americans Act (OAA) Title III, parts B, C, E, and D. Spectrum Generations serves Kennebec, Somerset, Waldo, Knox, Lincoln, Sagadahoc Counties as well as the towns of Brunswick and Harpswell. The mission of Spectrum Generations is to promote and advance the well-being and independence of older and disabled adults, with the support of their care partners, to live in their community of choice.

To best serve local communities, Spectrum Generations seeks proposals to subcontract Older Americans Act services with local providers. Those services include: OAA Title IIIB, Money Minders, Community Center Activities for Older Adults, Telephone Reassurance, Adult Day Services, In-home Supportive Services (chore, personal care, and homemaker), OAA Title IIIC, Home Delivered Meals, Congregate Dining, Nutrition Counseling and Education, OAA Title IIID, Health Promotion and Disease Prevention, OAA Title IIIE, and Care Partner Support Groups and Training.

Single-year grant agreements will cover a period of one fiscal year, beginning October 1 and ending September 30. Providers must be familiar and compliant with rules and policy sections of the Office of Aging and Disability Services, Maine Nutrition Standards, the Administration on Community Living, the Older Americans Act, and standard terms and conditions required by Maine employment law and contracting guidelines.

Providers must also demonstrate the capacity to continue quality services in the case of delayed state payments or reduced award amounts due to state contractual amendments. Federal Funds through the Older Americans Act are often not received until January for contracts starting in October and typically include 2 to 3 amendments during the contract year. Award amounts are based on service type, service area, and units of service. Any services provided by a subcontractor must fall within Spectrum Generations planning and service area listed above, though they need not cover the entire area. Providers must meet all requirements and submit all data prior to receiving payment. Providers may not means test or subcontract services.

Interested organizations must submit a Letter of Intent by June 28, 2024. Submissions will not be accepted after the closing date. Submissions should demonstrate the capacity to meet all requirements herein as well as the regulatory requirements from the sources listed above. Current subcontractors are not required to submit a letter of intent for those services currently under contract.

Email submissions to Nathan Miller at with the subject ‘Letter of Intent.’

Inland Hospital expands orthopedic surgical services

Northern Light Inland Hospital is proud to expand orthopedic surgical services for our community and region, making access to care quicker and easier – including same day access.

Inland welcomes four new orthopedic surgeons who will be part of Northern Light Orthopedics in Waterville: Gerard M. Benecki, MD; Jeff D. Headrick, MD; J. Mark MacNaughton, MD; and Michael J. Magee, MD. These experienced surgeons expand Inland’s expertise on a wide range of services including total joint replacements of the hip, knee, shoulder, and elbow; fracture care; arthroscopy; ACL reconstruction, rotator cuff repair, and more. With more than 125 years of experience combined, our orthopedic surgical team will consult with patients and their providers on all these services and provide patients with a seamless connection to skilled rehabilitation care at Inland.

The surgeons are joining Brian Abbott, DO, at the Orthopedics practice in the Medical Arts Building next to Inland. Dr. Abbott provides non-surgical orthopedic care.

“Our community has been asking for more Orthopedic surgical care at Inland and we are pleased to respond to those needs,” says Tricia Costigan, Inland president. “Our new surgeons are highly skilled and committed to helping patients get back to their active life and improve their daily living. An important part of that commitment is getting patients seen as quickly as possible and that means on the same day if needed.”

For more information, contact Northern Light Orthopedics at 207.861.7862 or ask your primary care provider for a referral.

Northern Light Inland Hospital earns A grade for protecting patients

Northern Light Inland Hospital has received the top score possible, an ‘A’, in the spring 2024 Leapfrog Hospital Safety Grade program. This national distinction recognizes Inland’s achievements in protecting patients from preventable harm and error in the hospital.

“We are pleased to receive this honor,” said Tricia Costigan, Inland Hospital president. “We are about to celebrate Nurses Week and Hospital Week this month so it’s the perfect time to recognize all our staff for their dedication to providing the best patient experience possible. The A grade is a reflection of our teams’ focus on safety and service every day. We are very proud of this recognition and honored to serve our patients and their families!”

The Leapfrog Group, an independent national watchdog organization, assigns an “A,” “B,” “C,” “D,” or “F” grade to general hospitals across the country based on more than 30 national performance measures reflecting errors, accidents, injuries, and infections, as well as systems hospitals have in place to prevent harm. The Leapfrog Hospital Safety Grade is the only hospital ratings program based exclusively on hospital prevention of medical errors and harms to patients. The grading system is peer-reviewed, fully transparent, and free to the public. Grades are updated twice annually, in the fall and spring.

“Everyone who works at Inland Hospital should be proud of this ‘A’ Hospital Safety Grade,” said Leah Binder, president and CEO of The Leapfrog Group. “It takes complete dedication at every level, and an ironclad commitment to putting patients first. I thank Inland, its leadership, clinicians, staff, and volunteers for caring so deeply for its patients and their safety.”

To see Inland Hospital’s full grade details and to access patient tips for staying safe in the hospital, visit Founded in 2000 by large employers and other purchasers, The Leapfrog Group drives a movement for giant leaps for patient safety.

New industrial business-space complex planned for Winslow

Artist’s rendering of exterior look. (Contributed artwork)

submitted by Dave Carew

Kennebec Roofing, a family-owned business in Waterville, has begun construction of The Kennebec Roofing Industrial Annex (KIA), a premier, $2.8 million, 16,500 square foot industrial office-space property for local contractors and others, to be located at the high-visibility location of 875 China Road (Route 137), in Winslow, minutes away from Route 201 and Interstate 95. Named in memory of Kierra “KIA” Ann Lint, the strategic complex will offer state-of-the-art, 1,650-square-feet business spaces with mezzanine offices, garages, and amenities for mid-size contractors, such as roofing companies, those who install flooring, electricians, garage door companies, plumbers, and HVAC. At least 10 units are planned, which also may be used as warehouses or storefronts. A unit for sports organizations, available for rent by the hour or day for practice and games, will also be available, along with year-round storage facilities for boats and RVs.

View from the mezzanine. (Contributed artwork)

“The $2.8 million investment in The Kennebec Roofing Industrial Annex is critically important and impactful for our community,” said Garvan Donegan, Director of Planning, Innovation, and Economic Development for the Central Maine Growth Council. “This new commercial project brings much-needed commercial square-footage inventory into the Winslow and regional market, providing opportunities for businesses and entrepreneurs to establish a presence in Winslow, Maine. The Central Maine Growth Council, in conjunction with the Town of Winslow, is available to discuss public-private finance tools and economic development programs to support businesses looking to benefit from this key development project.”

George Lint, owner of Kennebec Roofing and a Winslow native, said The Kennebec Roofing Industrial Annex represents the culmination of one of his major business goals. “I am excited to see my dream of developing a much-needed commercial and multi-use facility in my hometown become reality,” Lint said. “I’m looking forward to future expansion plans to benefit the entire Winslow community.”

Among the benefits of renting office/business space within The Kennebec Roofing Industrial Annex will be flexible lease options; a year-round, climate-controlled environment; ample parking for tenants and their clients; secure outdoor and indoor storage for equipment and materials; custom-building of units to meet specific business needs; and high-bay commercial doors that allow easy access for large equipment and vehicles.

For more information, please call Kennebec Roofing at (207) 873-6128.

MaineGeneral’s comprehensive spine program

MaineGeneral Medical Center comprehensive spine team. (contributed photo)

Mary Beth Ranger, nurse navigator for spine and osteoporosis, is several months into her role helping patients with back issues find the right care, with the right clinician, as part of MaineGeneral Orthopaedics’ Comprehensive Spine Program. Not long ago, Mary Beth was sitting in the chair as a patient.

“I had chronic low back pain that was radiating down my legs. My doctor referred me to Stephen Clark, MD. I had tried non-operative interventions and ended up needing lumbar surgery. I had full confidence in Dr. Clark, and had a fabulous experience from beginning to end.”

Mary Beth is grateful to be in this role navigating and supporting patients to achieve the best possible outcome, like she did. MaineGeneral Orthopaedics’ Comprehensive Spine Program connects people with back issues to the care they need. The care team evaluates and diagnoses spine problems, and designs and carries out a treatment plan tailored to each individual’s needs and lifestyle.

Depending on their treatment plan, patients have the following care team members from the comprehensive spine program available to them:

• Nurses
• Orthopaedic Spine Surgeon
• Physiatrists
• Physical Therapists
• Counselor
• Advanced Practice Practitioners (nurse practitioner, physician assistant)
• Medical Assistants

“Some patients are surprised to learn that we don’t automatically recommend surgery,” she says. “We believe a multifaceted approach works best to help you get back to living as actively and pain-free as possible. Spine surgery can be an effective treatment for some patients’ spinal problems. However, we know it is not the solution for many patients, and we nearly always attempt conservative management before surgical consideration.”

The Comprehensive Spine Program welcomes referrals from both medical professionals as well as directly from patients self-referring. “Many people feel fear because it’s their spine,” Mary Beth says. “I tell people it’s worth a discussion to see what your options are. Call to discuss next steps or learn more about the program.”

To learn more about MaineGeneral’s Comprehensive Spine Program, call (207) 621-8700 or visit ortho/spinal-surgery.