I’M JUST CURIOUS: The experience of a three generation journey

by Debbie Walker

Come to think of it, this has actually been a four generation female journey. The three generations, my daughter, granddaughter and myself, traveled with mom’s car that she left for me this past summer when she died.

Mom’s name was Alice. I named her car Alice. Mom came to me in a dream one night recently and said, “I gave you your wings, now fly little bird.” The trip was on!

To add to our little adventure into warmer weather, we drove into a snowstorm in Virginia! We were lucky to have our friend, Steve, monitoring the storm and what was going on ahead of us on the entire trip.

Once there, before coming to our room, my granddaughter looked out a third story window onto the parking lot below. There was a vehicle on which someone had written the name “ALICE” in the three inches of snow on the car. Okay, mom is definitely making the journey with us and wants us to know!

Virginia slowed us down with some nasty driving. My daughter has only driven on snow and ice for one week on an earlier vacation, years ago. My granddaughter, Florida born, has zero exposure to life with snow. They were both troopers, especially one stop light where the vehicles did a little slide before stopping.

That night in the hotel, I thought we might be asked to leave the premises. There were some seriously loud bouts of laughing coming from our room. Do you know what happens when three women, after hours and hours of driving on unfamiliar roads and streets, settle in for the night? It seems we can and did get pretty crazy! The two younger generations decided they would do facial masks of clay or whatever. There may be situations in which these things could be done without hysterical laughter, however, that was not the case with our aching bodies. Of course, when they took distorted pictures of the activity and sent them to various friends and loved ones it just added yet another laughing session!

I forgot to tell you about my daughter “losing” me in a totally unfamiliar city, in a snowstorm. She and my granddaughter were the lead vehicle as I followed, they had the GPS. The lead made it through a light and I got caught. Quickly she realized she left me behind. My granddaughter says her mother had a “meltdown!” All panicky because to her I was lost. So funny. Needless to say we reconnected with very little effort.

The next morning we waited until daylight to leave because of the snowstorm. After all the hoopla about the dreaded snowstorm it really wasn’t that bad. Maybe the attitude is a little different when the driver is from Maine rather than Virginia!

We did make it to Florida just fine. It was a bit rainy but we crossed that state line and I was a happy woman! Today it was in the 70s and sunny and I enjoyed every second of it.

I am just curious what sort of journey you have been on. I’d love to hear. Contact me at dwdaffy@yahoo.com. Thanks for reading!

I’M JUST CURIOUS: Thought for the new year

by Debbie Walker

Shared by Debbie Walker

This week I came across a little article my mother had saved. After reading the little article that was authorized by “Voice for Health Odd Fellow Tape Pals”, I decided to share it with you all. It’s about the time of January that folks begin to give up on their new resolutions. I thought I might try this one:

There are two days in every week about which we should not worry, two days which should be kept free from fear and apprehension.

One of these days is yesterday with its mistakes and cares, its faults and blunders, its aches and pains. Yesterday has passed forever beyond our control.

All the money in the world cannot bring back yesterday. We cannot undo a single act we performed; we cannot erase a single word we said. Yesterday is gone.

The other day we should not worry about is tomorrow, with its possible adversaries, its burdens, its large promise and poor performance. Tomorrow is also beyond our immediate control.

Tomorrow’s sun will rise, whether in splendor or behind a mask of clouds – but it will rise. Until it does, we have no stake in tomorrow, for it is yet unborn.

This leaves only one day – today. Any man can fight the battles of just one day. It is only when you and I add the burdens of these two awful eternities – yesterday and tomorrow – that we break down.

It is not the experience of today that drives men mad – it is remorse or bitterness for something which happened yesterday, and the dread of what tomorrow may bring.

Let us therefore live but one day at a time. (the end of what I found printed)

Here is something I wrote when I lived in Wells and would go to the beach:

Haze Over the Water

Haze over the water today
Tides out again
Water is green, very light
Then blue, then black
Under the haze over the water.
A dog running on the beach
He runs out into the small waves
Then runs back and back again
The he follows his friend on the beach
Under the haze over the water.
These little girls walk out to touch
Two little blondes and on brunette
Hand in hand they walk out till
They all giggle and run back
Under the haze over the water.
There’s a small boat out there
Working hard to cut the waves
White water spraying back as it cuts the blue
You can actually see it bounce
Under the haze over the water.
I come here to see the rocks
Today they’re out of the waves
Tomorrow as things change, the
Water will be hitting the rocks
And spraying over making
It’s own natural wonder
Tomorrow there may be
No haze over the water.

Okay, so that’s enough of that. I am just curious what you think of these. How about some comments? Let me know what you collect for sayings or do you write? Contact me at dwdaffy@yahoo.com. Thanks for reading!! Don’t forget, we do have a website!

I’M JUST CURIOUS: Poems shared

by Debbie Walker

Shared with you by Debbie Walker


Tonight I am going to share a poem that I wrote and one that I found years ago. I find it and I lose it, I find it and I lose it. While it is in the ‘found’ mode I would like to share it with you.

Not Yet

Author unknown

Winter, don’t descend on me;
I am not ready yet.
The mittens, boots and woolen socks
Are placed where I forget.
The sleds are piled behind the bikes
The runners’ red with rust.
The shovel’s somewhere in the garage
Buried deep in dust.
Winter, don’t descend on me;
Your cold and blowing snow
Keeps whipping through my
Muddled mind –
Where did the summer go?

That is how I feel every winter! I have noticed most folks aren’t saying where did summer go. They want to know where did this past year go! I agree.

So, my attempt at a poem is next. It was written the first winter I came back to Maine from Florida.

Maine March

by Debbie Walker

The dog is so anxious to go out
I’m putting on my coat
Dreading the very cold
There are little patches of snow left in the yard
Left over grass crunching under our feet
The dog is eagerly sniffing the
new smells of the day.
And I’m not really noticing the cold.
Instead I was noticing the crunching grass
The trees groaning as they sway to the wind
And I’m enjoying breathing
the sharp, cold air of a Maine March.

The following material is from an email about Mother’s:

Moms Now vs. Moms Then

by I Might Be Funny

Now: That word is inappropriate.
Then: Say that again and I’ll wash your mouth out with soap.
Now: Good job trying one bite of the dinner I made. Now you can have mac & cheese.
Then: You’ll eat what I make, whether you like it or not. There are starving children in the world.
Now: I can see you’re upset. Take a deep breath and use your words.
Then: You better stop crying or I’ll really give you something to cry about.
Now: You can’t walk around the block by yourself. I’ll drive you. Text me when you need a ride .
Then: You want to go out? Take your bike. Be home before dark.
Now: I packed your bento box with almond butter on whole grain, kale chips and org. smoothie.
Then: Take a brown bag with a bologna sandwich on Wonder bread, a Twinkie and a Hawaiian Punch, too.

My Mom Taught Me

Religion – You better pray that comes out of the carpet!
Logic – Because I said so, that’s why!
Wisdom – When you get to my age you’ll understand.
Justice – One day you’ll have kids. I hope they turn out just like you!

A friend shared these two tidbits he heard on the radio:

A mother keeps her kids away from the ice cream truck by explaining if the music is playing they are all out of ice cream.

Another mother driving on the highway with unruly kids in the back seat, runs her tires over the rumble strip and tells them there is a helicopter with police flying above them watching their behavior!

I’m just curious what stories you have to share. Contact me at dwdaffy@yahoo.com with questions and comments.


I’M JUST CURIOUS – Those crazy January holidays

by Debbie Walker

By the time you read this Christmas will essentially be over, well except for the clean-up bit. So, as threatened (oops, promised) I am catching you up on January holidays just in case you aren’t holidayed-out yet.

With all these holidays for the month you are sure to find a couple that appeal to your senses:

January 1: National Hangover Day – I think that one needs no explanation.

January 2: Run It Up the Flagpole and See if anyone salutes – Be creative and test new ideas and concepts.

January 3: Festival of Sleep Day – Personally I think that should be on the 2nd!

January 4: National Spaghetti Day – Italy made spaghetti famous but they say it came as far back as 1200 Arab cultures was selling the dry noodles. Sorry Italy.

( I am skipping a few days)

January 7: Old Rock Day – no idea where it was created or why. Interpretation is yours.

January 8: Male Watchers Day – Females it is your turn to ogle, discreetly or visibly!

January 10: Peculiar People Day – Just remember, we’re all a little peculiar. Celebrate!

January 12: National Pharmacist Day –These are special, extremely knowledgeable folks!

January 15: National Hat Day- Enjoy a hat, wild or useful. I will be sporting a wild one!

January 17: Ditch New Year Resolution Day – If you hadn’t already!

January 19: National Popcorn Day- Pop up some fresh popcorn, sit back and enjoy!

January 21: National Hugging Day- Just make sure they realize what is going on!

January 23: Measure Your Feet Day – WHY?

January 24: I share my birthday with Beer Can Appreciation Day and Complement day!

January 25: Opposite Day- If you say right, go left. If you say up you mean down, etc.!

January 28: Bubble Wrap Appreciation Day – Stress reliever! My niece loves to snap it!

January 30: National Inane Answering Machine Day – Guess we have all heard these!

January 31: Backward Day – Use your imagination. Kids love it. Me too!

Now, you can choose one or all to celebrate and enjoy this cold, cold month! Have some fun. Share them with your friends, have a party and celebrate!

On another note, I have a quote to share with you. My column has always been called I’M JUST CURIOUS for a reason. My Mom used to say, “Do you have to question EVERYTHING?” The answer is ‘absolutely!’ When I meet God I have some serious questions for him! (I am not in any hurry!) When I found this quote I was quite pleased.

It is debated which of two ladies gets credit for it, however, they are both mentioned in the different sites I looked at. One is Dorothy Parker and the other is Ellen Parr. The quote: “The Cure for boredom is curiosity. There is no cure for Curiosity.” I love it! I hope we pass it on to all the kids we come in contact with. They are born with strong curiosity, don’t discourage it, encourage it and see where it takes you both. It is wonderful to really share! And what a way to start a new year!!

As usual, I am just curious what holiday you will choose for January. Let me know how it goes!! That is dwdaffy@yahoo.com and I am looking forward to hearing! (I use a lot of exclamation points, which is me being excited!)

I’M JUST CURIOUS: Readers share Christmas memories

by Debbie Walker

Thank you for responding with some of your Christmas memories and allowing me to share them with our other readers. I hope you all enjoy them as much as I have. Here they are:

From Casey M.: A teen years memory is the year my brother almost squashed my mom. Every year we tried to be the first to get up. On this year my brother thought he was first up but my mom was already on the couch and almost landed on her.

Also: An adult memory is the year my parents flew to Virginia to spend Christmas with me when I was stationed on a ship there. They flew in Christmas evening and brought a snowstorm with them. The next day everything shut down because of the storm. Us Mainers were the only one out and about enjoying the snowing Christmas.

Marylou says: When I was in high school (1957) – my sister had a record player – like a small overnight case and I loved it! So I asked for one for Christmas – knowing full well my parents could not afford it. But I asked anyway. Without my knowledge, my parents “bought” my sister’s player – wrapped it up and put it under the tree. When I opened it I was shocked! And I cried! My mother could not believe it meant that much to me. It was a very Merry Christmas!

Edgar C. shares: On the little table in front of the window was what my father called his Christmas decoration and he wanted me to tell him why. There stood a small branch, or twig, in a block of wood with no leaves on it and an emptied bullet hanging from one of the twigs. From past events of this type I knew that I could not talk to him until I had figured out his “Christmas Decoration.”

Hmmmm! No leaves. A bullet? A casing? A round? A shell? A cartridge. On a branch with no leaves. Pacing and brain wracking followed. My father looking around the door frame from the kitchen every few minutes. Think about Christmas songs. Christmas trees, the weather? Song after song…. Wait! Cartridge sounds like ….. it’s on the tip of my brain! Yes!! Cartridge sounds like partridge. But the branch does not come from a pear tree. There are none around here. It’s just a bare …. Oh-h-h-h! A cartridge in a bare tree! A smile from my father! The guy with the eighth grade education stumps the college kid, again. I, for my part, did not help my siblings as they arrived and had their turn in the living room!

I’m just curious if you know how important it is to share your memories with family and friends, and to make new ones. Wishing you the Merriest Christmas and a Happy, Healthy New Year! Find me at dwdaffy@yahoo.com! Thanks again for reading!

I’M JUST CURIOUS: Christmas memories

by Debbie Walker

I had it all figured out, what I would do for my column this week. In fact, it is about half typed and waiting its turn, but it won’t be this week.

I don’t even remember what was said that sent me back in time for a blast of the past, but I’m happy it did.

Great Grammie Smith lived across the road from us in a little bitty trailer, 30 feet of snug. I loved it, that tiny home.

I absolutely adored Gram. I sat by her poor arthritic feet with her running her crippled fingers through my hair. She had the softest touch. I know how lucky I was to have her in my life, in fact, until I was 18 and I know how unusual that is.

All of that to tell you about my 12th Christmas. I had found a teal colored (unusual color for back then) pants suit in the Sears catalog. I was in love and immediately started my campaign for it. I tormented Mom and she finally told me it wasn’t happening that year. Well, look out Gram, here I come.

And I did torment Grammie. I knew Mom didn’t order that suit, but there was a chance Gram might. Every day, I went over to Gram’s. I’d go wake her up and then I’d start searching her little trailer until she came out of the bedroom. I would be sitting in her rocking chair that she always sat in. I had hunted every nook and corner and NOTHING!

Christmas came and Dad went over to bring Grammie back to see us kids open our presents. We did; we opened our gifts and of course I was getting worried that my begging had not worked. Well, Dad pulled out a package from under the tree and it was a gift from Grammie to me. I opened it and oh my goodness, my SUIT! As soon as I realized what it was, Grammie laughed right out loud. She had put one over on me and she was still chuckling when she told me she knew I searched that trailer. She was so proud as she told me I had sat on my wonderful suit for weeks, it was under Grams cushion.

She was never to let me forget my ordeal. She always chuckled when she thought of it.

I’m just curious if any of this reminded you of any of your family’s experiences. I would love to hear the stories. Contact me at dwdaffy@yahoo.com. Thanks for reading and please check out the changes to our website.

Going on a Christmas Tree Walk

On a weekend day after Thanksgiving our family always went on the Christmas Tree Walk. Naturally, Dad had done hours of walking throughout the year and he knew where he was walking his Christmas tree hunters this year.

We got bundles up in snowsuits, boots, hats and mittens. Of course, by the time we were ready to go out the door one of us (three of us that year) would need to make a potty visit; it never failed.

Finally, bundled and out the door, off we’d go marching across the yard and trudging through the field headed towards the woods. You have to understand the “trudging” gets tiring pretty quickly to the littlest of us. (Sled for youngest the next year!)

To put the ‘walk’ into perspective, I believe it is safe to say it may have been about the inside length of the Waterville Wal-Mart.

You guessed it, about the time we made it a few feet inside the tree line the younger ones were done in. Dad chopped the tree down, dragging it with his one hand and the other arm was used to carry Blake, Mom carried Lyn and I carried the ax, carefully, of course.

Once in the house, winter clothing discarded, we waited for our treat of hot (real) cocoa that Dad would make and we added the marshmallows.

Another successful Christmas Tree Walk was complete.

I’M JUST CURIOUS: Birth of a new tradition

by Debbie Walker

Collected by Debbie Walker

I filed this on my computer years ago because I loved the thought behind it. I don’t know who the author was but I knew I would want to share it.

Birth of a New Tradition

As the holidays approach, the giant Asian factories are kicking into high gear to provide Americans with monstrous piles of cheaply produced goods – merchandise that has been produced at the expense of American labor. This year will be different. This year Americans will give the gift of genuine concern for other Americans. There is no longer an excuse that, at gift giving time, nothing can be found that is produced by American hands. Yes, there is!

It’s time to think outside the box, people. Who says a gift needs to fit in a shirt box, wrapped in Chinese produced wrapping paper? Everyone – yes EVERYONE gets their hair cut. How about gift certificates from your local American hair salon or barber?

Gym membership? It’s appropriate for all ages who are thinking about some health improvement.

Who wouldn’t appreciate getting their car detailed? Small, American owned detail shops and car washes would love to sell you a gift certificate or a book of gift certificates.

Are you one of those extravagant givers who think nothing of plunking down the Benjamins on a Chinese made flat-screen? Perhaps that grateful gift receiver would like his driveway sealed, or lawn mowed for the summer, or driveway plowed all winter, or games at the local golf course.

There are a bazillion owner-run restaurants – all offering gift certificates. And, if your intended isn’t the fancy eatery sort, what about a half dozen breakfasts at the local breakfast joint. Remember, folks this isn’t about big National chains – this is about supporting your home town Americans with their financial lives on the line to keep their doors open.

How many people couldn’t use an oil change for their car, truck or motorcycle, done at a shop run by the American working guy?

Thinking about a heartfelt gift for mom? Mom would LOVE the services of a local cleaning lady for a day.

My computer could use a tune-up, and I KNOW I can find some young guy who is struggling to get his repair business up and running.

OK, you were looking for something more personal. Local crafts: people spin their own wool and knit them into scarves. They make jewelry, and pottery and beautiful wooden boxes.

Plan your holiday outings at local, owner-operated restaurants and leave your server a nice tip. And, how about going out to see a play or ballet at your hometown theatre.

Musicians need love too, so find a venue showcasing local bands.

Honestly, people, do you REALLY need to buy another ten thousand Chinese lights for the house? When you buy a five dollar string of light, about 50 cents stays in the community. If you have those kinds of bucks to burn, leave the mailman, trash guy or babysitter a nice BIG tip.

You see, Christmas is no longer about draining American pockets so that China can build another glittering city. Christmas is now about caring about US, encouraging American small businesses to keep plugging away to follow their dreams. And, when we care about other Americans, we care about our communities, and the benefits come back to us in ways we couldn’t imagine. THIS is the new American Christmas tradition. This is a revolution of caring about each other, and isn’t that what Christmas is about?

I’M JUST CURIOUS: Just another thought

by Debbie Walker

I got quite a chuckle the other night when I asked the great computer wizard to show me some of the funny holidays I have heard about in the past. Every month seems to have much more than we see on our calendars!

Example: So many people are in a big hurry to celebrate Black Friday on November 23, but do they know that it is also “Buy Nothing Day?” November 24 is “Celebrate Your Unique Talent Day.” I do wish we could have that one every day, oh wait, maybe we can! Onto December Holidays…

If you’re not into the Christmas holiday, I can now assist you with something other than Christmas just in case you want to try something different. I found these on the internet, however I did not authenticate them. I am just hoping to pass on the interest.

You could start out on December 1 with “Eat a Red Apple Day.” On December 2, You could celebrate “National Fritters Day.” A fritter is a fried cake with fruits or meats inside.

Moving onto December 4, we have “Wear Brown Shoes Day.” The origin was not known, but you are welcome to pick this one if it piques your interest. Next day you could jump into “Bathtub Party Day” and bubble yourself into relaxation! Then, of course, on December 6, is “Put on Your Owns Shoes Day” (wonder why they didn’t share the same day as “Brown Shoes Day”).

I hope we will all recognize and honor “Pearl Harbor Day” on December 7, in remembrance of the day Japan attacked the Pacific Flee, in Hawaii, on December 7, 1941.

December 12 is “National Ding-a-Ling Day.” No one seems sure of the origination of this but I imagine we could think of something. I guess the celebration can move on into December 13, with “National Cocoa Day.”

How about “Cat Herder’s Day” on December 15? It is suspected a Cat Herder is anyone with 10 or more cats. They also suggested teachers and volunteers with a large group of kids on a field trip would definitely qualify as a Cat Herder. I didn’t start it so you can’t shoot the messenger!

December 21 is “Winter Solstice,” the shortest and darkest day of the year. But it is also “Look on the Bright Side Day” the next day, December 22. Things begin brightening things up again, thus the name.

December 25, yes indeed, is Christmas day, but you already know all that.

December 26 brings us “National Whiner’s Day.” It was founded in 1986 and is for those who like to whine. Seems it had to do with folks who were returning or exchanging Christmas gifts.

“Pepper Pot Day,” on December 29, is to celebrate the soup served to the Continental Army during the Revolutionary War of 1777-78. There is a story that George Washington asked if the chef would make it too warm and boost the morale of his troops.

“Unlucky Day” is on December 31. Might be a useful day. It may be a good idea to deal with any bad luck on that one day before the new year starts.

I’m just curious what the other months will have in store for us to celebrate in the coming year. I hope you are enjoying your turkey day and letting everyone know that you are thankful to have them in your life. Contact me at dwdaffy@yahoo.com with questions or comments. I’ll be waiting.

I’M JUST CURIOUS: Sharing the fairies of Apple Tree Notch

by Debbie Walker

I have had some requests for an example of my fairy family of stories. This one I had some help with, my niece Haliegh, stepped up to the imagination challenge. She has an amazing mind. I hope you enjoy the little trip into your imagination with Haliegh and me.

Oscar the Eagle

by Debbie Walker & Haliegh

Apple Tree Notch is an ever growing, friendly community. As news travels about it being such a nice place to live, animal families are moving in.

One of the latest to move in is the animal family of Hooty Owls with their two owlets, Oscar and Charlene. No one has met them yet because they are night folks. They travel and hunt after dark. When the rest of Apple Tree Notch is just getting up in the morning, the Hooty Owls are settling in for their sleep. Everyone except …. Oscar.

Twig, Daisy and Fern, the fairy children have just been allowed outside after their breakfast. This morning Mom and Dad wanted them to do some tidying up of their area of Apple Tree Notch. There had been a storm that left things scattered about a bit.

As they were picking up they began to feel like they were being watched. They each decided to look around to see why they felt watched.

They found a little bird in a corner under the big boulder. They were excited to meet a new friend. The little bird was unsure of what he was seeing.

The little bird saw a twig, a flower and a fern but they were moving and talking to each other. Daisy spoke up first to introduce themselves as fairies and explain that Momma dressed them to fit into their area, looking like nature. This way they could blend into their surroundings for their safety.

As Daisy is explaining all this, Oscar’s big eyes are blinking, blinking as he looks from one to the other of the fairy children. The sun he is not used to is also causing some blinking. He finally speaks. He says, “my name is Oscar and I am an Eagle.”

An eagle, they know he is a bird because of his feathers and the only other bird they knew was the Momma blue bird that lived in Twig and Chippy’s cabin till her babies were ready to fly. So…an eagle is a great addition to their little community.

They continued to talk and get to know each other. The fairy children were having fun learning about Oscar’s family although they were a little confused. It seems Oscar was supposed to be sleeping like his family, but he so wanted to see and be a part of what this sunshine living was about. His family did all their activities at night and slept through the day.

This morning he stayed awake so he could see all this for himself but he had to admit that it was getting rather hard to stay awake. As his eyes closed he became the Eagle he knew he was in his sleep.

Fern, Daisy and Twig kept an eye on Oscar to make sure the sleeping Eagle wasn’t bothered.

I’M JUST CURIOUS: T-shirt sayings and confessions

by Debbie Walker

I was not going to do anymore of the T-shirt sayings, honestly I didn’t think there could be anymore out there. Wrong! A couple of them are my all-time favorites. Hope you find a favorite, so far that seems to have be this one: “Training your wife is like trying to baptize your cat!” Let’s see if any of these make you smile.

Physically I’m here; mentally I’m in a galaxy far away.
It’s a beautiful day. I think I’ll skip my meds and stir things up a bit.
I can’t play stupid with you. You’re too good at it.
Mister Rodgers did not adequately prepare me for the people in my neighborhood.
I had my patience tested, I’m negative.
Whew that was close, almost had to socialize.
Crazy is like diarrhea, you can only hold it in for so long.
Keep talking. I’m diagnosing you.
Once in a while someone amazing comes along. Here I am.
Daddio of the Patio
A little gray hair is a small price to pay for all this wisdom!
75 percent of my brain capacity is wasted on song lyrics.
My Bucket List: 1. Keep Breathing
Pretty sure I’m going to be one of those senior citizens who bites everyone.
PUNK: Professional Uncle No Kids
Fun Fact: Alcohol increases the size of the send button by 86 percent.
Life is too short to waste time matching socks.
Okay, so maybe there are more than a couple of new ones I really appreciated:
Hello, Yes. I’d like a refund on my body… It’s kinda defective and really expensive.
Tomorrow – A mythical land where I get all my stuff done. (Just way too true).
Okay now for my two top favorites!
I’m more confused than a chameleon in a bag of Skittles
*** Go Braless …. It will pull the wrinkles out of your face!***

The response to my column last week, about collections, certainly hit home with a lot of people. Ken, my significant other, also found out he was not alone in questioning the ‘hoarding’ possibility. I did make a reference to my having a lot of interests. So next you will probably find out more than you will need to continue to support Ken.

I have wigs!! Some I really enjoy and wear often. There are many others that I save just for wearing to school in some of the stories I ‘act out’ for the kids or for a holiday like green for St Patrick’s Day, red or pink for Valentine’s Day, etc. Some of those my mom actually bought!

I have junk jewelry, when I buy some new piece of clothing I can usually come home and pull out earrings to match. I have been collecting those for at least 50 years! (Man I am getting OLD). In the past few years I have added watches, rings, and the list goes on. I also buy it cheap to take apart and make something else for gifts. I have been known to buy earrings to paint different colors; I use nail polish for colors!

Books, as I mentioned last week, play a big part in my clutter. Books about fairies, Native American nations, kids’ books, my collection of Farmer’s Almanacs, clothes, and the list goes on, really. I am sure you are getting a clear picture and I am running out of this week’s words.

I’m just curious how much you will confess to collecting. Contact me at dwdaffy@yahoo.com with questions, comments and confessions!