Looking back during China Community Days

by Roland D. Hallee

With the annual China Community Days approaching (Aug. 5-7), we thought we’d take a look back to the “olden’” days of the town of China.

Looking at a copy of the 1880-81 annual town report, it was interesting to see how much things have changed in the last 135 years.

The selectmen’s financial report began with the balance in the treasury as of March 3, 1880: $9,274.54. With revenues from the year, the treasury balance stood at $23,582.22.

Spencerian script

Spencerian script.

Miscellaneous expenditures saw some interesting entries:

Cost of printing – $18; obtaining divorce for Ellen A. Turner – $31; school books for the poor children – $2.05; E. O. Taylor damage to plow – $3; J. G. Hall taking care of town houe for two past years – $6; J. H. Potter legal fees – $25;  expense of looking up evidence and going before the valuation commissioners – $16; J. W. Robinson damage to plow – $3; E. P. Tobey, damage by flowage – $50; P. L. Hunton, expense to New Hampshire – $18; E. B. Hanson, survey of road – $2.

Expenditures for highways and bridges was $3,176.77; Bill for the Insane for Asenath McCurdy, $32.31; Pauper Bills off town farm, $194.29; Pauper bills on town farm, $420.11; town officers’ bills, $369; Expenses for the year equalled $12,909.76, leaving the town with a balance of $10,672.46.

Remarks in the 1883-84 town report stated: “It will be remembered that at our last annual meeting the town authorized the selectmen to enforce its claims upon such property as the town held tax deeds, granting the selectmen unlimited power in the settlement of the same. Immediately after entering upon our official duties, we began the settlement of these deeds, and with the efficient help of Mr. Woodman, town treasurer, (to whom much credit is due), we have succeeded in the settlement of 72 deeds.”

Later in the report: “The bill which was incurred last year against Benton or Waterville for the support of the Fitzgerald family remains unpaid. The prospects are now that Benton and Waterville will refer the case without expense to China. If they should not refer or settle, we would advise an action to be brought at once.”

The town poor farm was an entity of much activity. In the 1880-81 report, it was stated, “the present number of poor on the farm is nine, and the average number has been 12. George Lord and the wife of Melville Moore (editor’s note: notice how her name was not used) are sick with a fever, in the city of Augusta, and chargeable to this town. We contracted with Mrs. Edwards, of Jackson, for the support of Ellen A. Turner and child (remember how the town had paid for her divorce earlier), and we are to pay Mrs. Edwards $26 for their support for one year.”

They also seemed to struggle with valuations back then, also. “The state valuation of our town, for the past 20 years, has exceeded its proportion with other towns in the state. Last year, we secured a hearing before the State Valuation Commissioners, and were granted a reduction of nearly $80,000. Although this amount was not as much as we asked for, yet, when we consider that the total valuation of the state has been largely increased, the relative reduction will considerably exceed the above amount.”

The report of the superintendent of schools took up nearly half of the 18 pages of the town reports.

Selectmen did school-by-school, teacher-by-teacher evaluations using an agent. China at the time had 22 schools.

From the 1881-82 report, they had nice things to say about most of the teachers, for example: District No. 12. “Miss Carrie Worthing, of Palermo. Miss W is a very fine scholar and a thoroughly practical teacher. She has a love for the work and an unflagging determination to succeed. Although this school is small, it has among its numbers some excellent scholars.”

From District No. 11 of that same year: “ Nantie L. Marden, of China, who labored under many difficulties; there being trouble in the district, which showed itself in the schoolroom. Althouth the school was very disagreeable, Miss Marden showed a strong determination to teach the term through. which she did, much to her credit.”

One report that praised one teacher while scolding others was from the 1881-82 report, in District No. 9: “Summer term by Olive A. Wiggin, of Albion. Miss Wiggin has order, system and thoroughness combined in her schools. The closing examination showed that rules were not used so much as principles; if more of our teachers would follow her example in this respect, much more would be accomplished.”

And then, there were the not-so-flowery reports, such as this one from the 1881-82 report: “ From 1883-84 report, District No. 3: “Miss M. Stella Fall, of Albion: Miss Fall was well qualified to teach all of the branches to be taught in this school. At our first visit the school was a little noisy, and we were somewhat anxious about what the discipline would be. At last visit we found the teacher laboring faithfully to keep her pupils interested and busy, and that the reins of government were being drawn more closely. The reading classes received good instruction, being taught correct pronunciation by the sounds of the letters. We predict for Miss Fall a successful future as a teacher, providing she pays a little more attention to the discipline of her pupils.”

In the 1880-81 report: District No. 16: “Miss Mary W. Clark, of China, who has been known for many years as one of our best teachers, and she needs no encomium of ours. We learned last year that there has been for a long time ‘a bone of contention’ existing in this district, the cause of which is unknown to us. The trouble (if we may be allowed the comparison), appears to be like a volcano, which sends forth its fire and smoke at intervals. During the summer term the volcanic fire smouldered, and the term was a success. We hoped the fire would continue to smoulder, and eventually die out. But an eruption took place, the flames burst forth at the commencement of the winter term, thereby rendering it profitable only to a few. Will the good people of this district try and settle these troubles once and forever?”

A summary of the schools in the 1880-81 report showed this: “For many years we have thought that our schools were not attaining proficiency in writing they should. We believe one great hinderance to their progress was in following no regular system. A new impetus has been given this year to writing by the introduction of the Spencerian system, and we hope that this long neglected, though important branch will receive in future careful attention from those who have the care of our schools.”

The summary of 1881-82: “The schools through town during the past year have been geranally successful: a deeper interest on the part of the parents would have made them more so.”

And from 1883-84: “As a whole, your schools have enjoyed another year of prosperity. In endeavoring to give a faithful sketch of the work of your respective school, there has been no inconsiderable successful work to commend. The partial failure of any school is cause for deep regret while complete failure becomes a matter of grave import. In many of your schools…marked advancement in the majority of the studies has been noticeable. This has been due, in great measure, to the earnest efforts of the active, hard-working and conscientious teachers whose efforts have been appreciated and seconded by their respective pupils.”

Editor’s note: Spencerian Script is a script style, developed by Platt Rogers Spencer, that was used in the United States from approximately 1850 to 1925, and was considered the American de facto standard writing style for business correspondence prior to the widespread adoption of the typewriter.

With this look into the past, have things really changed in the last 135 years?

SOLON & BEYOND, Week of August 4, 2016

Solon and Beyondby Marilyn Rogers-Bull & Percy
Solon, Maine 04979


Good morning, dear friends. Don’t worry, be happy!

Was so happy this morning when I turned on my computer and found the Franklin County Aircraft Modelers monthly newsletter waiting to share with you. First I’m going to print some of a letter written by Jean Butler, principal.

“Dear Mr. White and the ‘Airplane Guys:’ Again you have amazed us with your overwhelming generosity to our school! We certainly do not expect you to make a donation to us, as you are welcome to use the building to fly your airplanes at no charge. You have been so good to us over the years, and we really do appreciate your thoughtfulness and support to our students.

“Last year I told you that we were planning to use your donation to bring science enrichment programs to our school through the Chewonki Foundation, in Wiscasset. Because we had planned a field trip to the Maine Wildlife Park, in Gray, for our students on June 7, we scheduled Chewonki to come on May 27 to help our students learn a little about wildlife to prepare for their trip. They presented programs on Maine animals to our students, including wonderful items that the students could look at and touch and even some live animals. The students were fully engaged and really enjoyed the programs. We thank you for making this for our students, as our school budget does not include money for enrichment programs such as this.

“Next year we may use your donation for other types of enrichment programs such as this one for our students. Thank you again for being such good friends to the Garret Schenck School! Remember, our students would love to see you fly your airplanes if you ever wanted to bring them over during a school day for a demonstration!”

This club is a really great experience to watch on a beautiful clear Maine summer day, whether it be on Lily Pond, Pease Field or Whispering Pines, and a very nice bunch of guys. Hope more of you will join them and love it also.

There is a picture of Frank Bedard and Lewis Gordon in back of a club roller they built and donated to the club.

Some upcoming events are on August 6, at Carrabassett Valley Summerfest-Display & Demo Flights.

The next Embden Historical Society meeting is scheduled for Monday, August 8, at 7 p.m., at the Embden Town House (751 Cross Town Road, Embden). Tim Caverly will be speaking and showing a slide presentation about stories of the North Maine Woods. Refreshments follow along with a business meeting.

This weekend is the Flagstaff-Dead River Annual Old Home Days at the Flagstaff Memorial Chapel, in Eustis. On Saturday, August 6, at 5:30 p.m., there will be a potluck at the chapel; please bring an item to share. Cold drinks, cups, plates and silverware provided. On Sunday the church service at the chapel starts at 10 a.m.; 11:00 Am- Picnic lunch, bring your own. 11:45 a.m.; annual meeting for the Flagstaff Chapel Association. after the picnic. All are welcome to attend.

And Percy’s memoirs: “Do not ask to have your life’s load lightened, But for courage to endure. Do not ask for fulfillment in all your life, But for patience to accept frustration. Do not ask for perfection in all you do,  But for the wisdom not to repeat mistakes. And finally, do not ask for more, Before saying “Thank You” for what you have already received. ”

What to do when it doesn’t rain

Emily Catesby  Emily Cates

I’m sure you’ve noticed it for a while: brown patches on the lawn, wilted leaves on garden plants, dusty soil, and wild animals of all sorts sighted in unusual locations in an earnest quest to find water. Usually by now there’s an abundant harvest in the garden waiting for our attention. This year, though, the harvest seems sparse and late. There’s no denying it – we need some rain!

While I’ll try not to be all doom-and-gloom in this article, there are a few tactics we can employ to make the best of our gardens during a drought. We’ll look at methods of water conservation and water-saving modes of irrigation. And we’ll examine a few plants that aren’t, surprisingly, as fazed and will still produce deliciously without a lot of rain. For more information, check out this helpful article from Cornell: http://emergencypreparedness.cce.cornell.edu/disasters/Documents/Hort%20225%20Gardening%20Under%20Drought%20Conditions%20Jan%2004.pdf

The first thing we want to keep in mind is what our priorities are. Most plants (especially newly-planted trees, shrubs, and annuals) need about an inch of water a week. Is there a rare or page6pict1expensive specimen that is a clear candidate for supplemental watering? Are there trees that were planted within the last few years? Well then, by all means, these should be watered. Plants with adequate moisture around their roots will not become stressed from a lack of water, and then, in turn, will be more resistant to pests and pestilence in future years.

There are a few tricks, though, to maximizing the efficiency of watering: First, get rid of weeds, which steal water from desirable plants…. but don’t spray herbicides or fertilizers during a drought – since they will burn plants. After weeding, apply a thick organic mulch of straw, aged sawdust or wood chips, or similar materials. (The best part about mulch is that it can conserve around 90 percent of the moisture in the soil!) Then water deeply until the soil around the roots is saturated. It’s better to water deeply once or twice a week, rather than to sprinkle lightly daily. Water in a cool part of the day when the wind is still to prevent evaporation. Remember, too, that raised beds and mounds tend to dry out quicker than standard rows. (My squash plants planted in a manure pile at the far end of the garden need daily watering. Let’s hope they produce a whole bunch of fruits to make it worth it!)

Better yet, use drip irrigation. This low-cost system of watering uses perforated hoses buried in the ground or under mulch, and takes the water to where it is needed – the roots. Since the moisture goes right to the soil, there is minimal risk of evaporation that commonly occurs with overhead watering and sprinklers. Drip irrigation does not need high pressure to operate; in fact, it can be as simple as a hose running from an elevated 5-gallon bucket full of rainwater. Recycled or relatively clean surface water can be used whenever possible. If the perforated hose is installed with the holes facing upwards, there will be less of a chance of it clogging. Drip irrigation is a great choice for both standard and container gardens, and is incredibly efficient. Do consider this as an option in your garden and orchard if possible, as it is well worth the effort and minimal expense.

Another thing to keep in mind during a drought is our lawns. Which, by the way, will be much happier and better-looking if we don’t mow when it’s dry. If the temptation to mow is irresistible, try only mowing after it rains.

Also, try to put off pruning for a less water-stressful time. Dead and diseased branches are fine to prune, but hold off on pruning otherwise –  since pruning stimulates new growth that is especially drought-susceptible. Deadheading flowers, however, is a good idea. Spent flowers suck up needed water and should be removed. Plus, they look prettier this way.

Now, for the good news! Some plants don’t mind a lack of water, or tolerate it better than others. Raspberries, for example, aren’t so bothered and seem – in my garden anyways – to boast sweeter fruits and have less problems with diseases. Same goes for garlic: I made sure to mulch it like crazy and keep it weeded, and it surprised me unexpectedly this year. Despite me insisting on not watering it, my garlic rewarded me with healthy, delicious bulbs of good size. (By the way – if you’re reading this and you haven’t harvested your garlic, do it now!) The cherries, hazelnuts, cabbages, beans, peppers, carrots, kale, peas, herbs, and onions in my garden all seem to be OK  without supplemental watering, too. The plums, tomatoes and cucumbers, on the other hand…

Well, I hope this helps. Eventually, it will rain – hopefully sooner than later and in the right amounts.

Albion Neighborhood News, Week of August 4, 2016

by Mary Lee Rounds

Busy weekend in Albion. All of the pageantry leading up  to field day with the selection of the queen/princess of field day, the parade,  auction, chicken barbeque, other food sales, lawn sale items and games for kids filled much of the week.

It is my understanding there will be more available about the winners, etc., next week so I will hold off on it and give you all more then with  pictures hopefully.

It has been a hot sultry summer, wells are drying, gardens are dying and I have never seen such lawns as brown as this. Even those nice lawns in the past are brown.  I think we need to pray for rain or get a rainmaker to come to town.  I have watched storms go both sides of the ridge and never deliver us a drop.  That also happened when we first moved here around 30 years ago.  Let’s hope for a long slow ground soaking rain.

Have a great week, stay cool and hydrated.

Observations while waiting for tomatoes to ripen

by Roland D. Hallee

The drive from work in South China to my summer camp in Vassalboro is short – 4.7 miles, 10 minutes. But, along the way, I have made some observations that kind of make me think.

For instance, I came across a flock of turkeys in a field on the Nelson Road the other day and thought nothing of it. Then, it hit me.

There was a time, not too long ago, when the sight of a wild turkey was eye opening, generally causing me to stop the truck, get out and create a Kodak moment. Nowadays, I see turkeys and it’s just another sighting. Turkeys have become so common place that we don’t react like we used to.

As a matter of fact, in the last three days alone, I have almost collided with two that jumped out of the brush on the side of the road, and decided they had the right of way.

I guess you could apply the old saying, “Familiarity breeds contempt.” What used to be novel, is now irritating.page12pict3

A mouse at work

On the morning of July 4, during my vacation, I was sitting on my deck with a cup of coffee, with a strong case of the thousand yard stare. I noticed some movement out of the corner of my eye, and saw a field mouse sitting on the barbecue pit. From there it  ran into the wood pile that is located nearby, and disappeared into its center. A few minutes later, it emerged, jumped onto the pit and proceeded to the hole of one of the cement blocks. It gazed around as if to make sure nothing was observing its movements, dropped its cargo of leaves and bark, and proceeded down the hole. It then popped its head back out of the hole, grabbed what was obviously nest-building material, and hauled them down the hole.

page12pict2It then came out of the hole, ran back into the wood pile, and repeated the steps. I sat and watched it for approximately 10 minutes, and it must have made at least a dozen trips in that time frame. The appearance of the black lab on the scene caused the mouse to retreat to the wood pile for cover.

I went over to the barbecue pit and peered into the hole, and sure enough, the mouse was in the process of building a nest.

Fat cat

While sitting in my screen house one evening we heard some scrurrying around the fireplace. At first we summized that it was probably either a raccoon or skunk. Upon closer examination, we saw what is perhaps the fattest house cat I have ever seen. Apparently, during its nocturnal travels, the cat visits many camps and gobbles up whatever grub it can find.

Circle of Life

I was sitting on my couch one day, catching up on the some reading when, out of the corner of my eye, I saw an extremely quick movement outside through the glass, sliding doors. I put the reading material down just in time to see a cat haul a chipmunk out of the fire pit, and page12pict4proudly pranced off with it in its mouth. Initially I was a little irritated that the cat couldn’t leave that little guy alone. My wife and I always get some pleasure watching the chipmunks go about their business, whether scrounging under the bird feeders for some discarded seeds, or playfully chasing each other around. Then I realized I had just witnessed nature’s circle of life in its purest form. It was the second time I witnessed something like that this summer.

Whether it’s turkeys, mice, or a common house cat, it’s simply amazing to watch Mother Nature’s creatures, large and small, go about their chores, foraging for their next meal, the hunter vs. the hunted, or preparing for winter, even in July.

I’m Just Curious: A little fun

by Debbie Walker

By now in our relationship, you know that I love time and money saving tips. I really love the odd ball ones and that’s what I’m studying tonight.

The following information I found in my 2011 “Who Knew?” calendar, plus a few words of my own (of course). The calendar is by Jeanne Boosline Lubin and Bruce Lubin.

Hope you enjoy them:

Got a gluing project and it got messy? Rub a little WD-40 into dried glue and wipe clean. (Where was that bit of news when I glued my fingers together?!)

Got a white dog that gets stains under its eyes? Rub a little vinegar into the fur to remove yellow or brown spots. (You try it first and call me if it works. Wonder if it would work on skin for our dark circles under our eyes?!)

Got a mop that requires replacement cloths? Use baby wipes instead of pricy cloths. Rinse the wipes off before using; they’ll get your floor just as clean (No babies in this house, if I brought those in it would scare Ken into heading for Alaska!)

Got slivers of soap? Cut a slice in the side of a body sponge and slip them inside. Lather up and rinse. They say you’ll get so many suds you probably won’t need to repeat. (How dirty would you have to get to need a repeat job?)

Got grout stains? Use sandpaper between the tiles, don’t scratch tiles. (Know what works great and is easier than sandpaper? Clorox has that tube for taking out stains. Works wonders on grout. This one I have experience with. Kills that mildew crap easily!!)

Got too much dressing on your salads? Put the dressing inside a baby sippy cup and see how that works. (I go buying a sippy cup AND baby wipes Ken will certainly be running!!)

FYI – The color of the White House isn’t just tradition – it’s energy efficient. (Who knew the founding fathers were so “Green” when they chose that color, their choices were probably either white or barn red!!)

Got used tea bags? Let them dry, cut them open and mix with your kitty litter to keep it smelling fresh. (If you don’t use enough tea bags, call mom, she could save you plenty!)

Got diaper rash? Make a paste with about 1/4  cup of petroleum jelly and one tablespoon of corn starch then spread on irritated skin. (Ken honest, there will be no babies in this house unless they are brief visitors!!!)

Got a squeaky door? Spray shaving cream on offending hinge? (Vegetable spray, WD-40 and coconut oil work too!)

Got old wallpaper you want to come off? Use a spray bottle of vinegar and saturate first. Wait a few minutes, it’ll peel right off. (You’d have to wait a few minutes, get out and get some fresh air!)

FYI – don’t use cruise control when it is raining. It could cause you to have an accident. (Retired truck driver Ken says so! And so do manufacturers.)

Got smelly feet? Break up a few sage leaves and spread them inside your shoes. It’ll kill bacteria that causes foot stink. Cut down on how much you perspire by drinking sage tea and give it several weeks for results.

Got toenail fungus? Soak toes in the darkest beer you can find. The yeast attracts the fungus out. They say it’s important not to drink any beer during this treatment. It’ll reverse the effect. (Ken thinks you ought to be able to drink the dark beer and heal from the inside out like drinking sage tea for smelly feet!)

I’m just curious if you have any unusual tips?

Contact me at dwdaffy@yahoo.com subject line: A Little Fun   Tootles!!!!!! (I decided I like that one.)

REVIEW POTPOURRI: Composer Wolfgang Mozart Conductor Cesar Franck Author John Sandford

Mozart: Abduction from the Seraglio – Ferenc Fricsay conducting the RIAS Orchestra and Chorus, various soloists; Audite 23 413, 2 CDs, recorded 1949.

Mozart’s most well known operas are Don Giovanni, The Magic Flute, Marriage of Figaro, and Cosi Fan Tutte, while the Abduction has

Wolfgang Mozart

Wolfgang Mozart

occupied a more minor position. To me, it could easily replace Don Giovanni, which I feel is long-winded and overrated. In fact, every aria and chorus in the whole opera has melodic appeal of a most engaging quality which the others, as great as they are, simply don’t sustain.

The plot centers on a seraglio or Turkish harem and  focusses on the rescue of one of three women who have been sold to a Sultan by pirates. But the tone of the opera is one of comedy and joy.

The performance is excellent on all levels- singing, playing, conducting, characterization, etc. And the 1949 performance, originally intended for broadcast on German radio, has been remastered for cd with the utmost clarity and presence. One could easily mistake it for a more recent recording. It is also still in print and reasonably priced through such Internet sites as the  Amazon vendors and the Berkshire Record Outlet.

One monarch once criticized the opera to Mozart as having too many notes; the composer replied, “It has as many notes as it needs.”

Franck: Redemption – Michel Plasson conducting Orchestre du Capitole de Toulouse with chorus and soloists; Musical Heritage Society S 160605, CD, recorded 1994.

Cesar Franck

Cesar Franck

This is one of the most beautiful pieces of music ever written. Scored for narrator, soloist, chorus and orchestra, it has the characteristics of a mass or oratorio of a devotional quality, similar to Verdi’s Requiem Mass, Beethoven Missa Solemnis and the Mozart Requiem, The composer Cesar Franck (1822-1890), after completing it in 1871, considered the work a tone poem, which is for orchestra, as is a symphony, but has the other label instead. The recording of the full score is the first one, unlike recordings of the opening Prelude which were the norm previously. It is also top-notch and still very much available.

Franck’s fame was  based on his gifts as an organist and he was the lead one at Saint Clotilde Church in Paris for at least 3 decades. His father recognized his musical gifts when  Franck was a boy but proved to be such an arrogant,  domineering jackass  even throughout his young adulthood that, when he was courting his future wife, her parents saw the situation with Papa and offered to let him stay with them; the reason being that they really liked him but understandably wanted to keep an eye on him and their daughter.

A suspense novel.

John Sandford: – Deadline; G.P. Putnam’s Sons, 2014, 388 pages.

John Sandford

John Sandford

I have covered one or two thrillers by John Sandford that were centered around the uncannily brilliant Minneapolis/Saint Paul investigator Lucas Davenport the protagonist of the more than 25 novels of the Prey series. Deadline features Davenport’s colleague Virgil Flowers, who covers the upcountry Minnesota lakeside/sticks region. I have read one or two of the previous Flowers novels but didn’t find them   hanging around in my memory.

This title is different and significantly more exciting – I gulped it in three days! There are basically three different situations Flowers is confronting, a series of mysterious dognappings, a neighborhood meth lab and a very murderous local schoolboard stealing millions over a period of years. The crimes and perpetrators do overlap, mostly unwittingly, with the schoolboard providing the most narrative interest.

But enough of the hints. A must read!

IF WALLS COULD TALK, Week of July 28, 2016

Katie Ouiletteby Katie Ouilette

WALLS. a recent description of Skowhegan was “a whole lot of energy and a ton of fun,” and,  for sure, Skowhegan Downtown is about to welcome one of the outstanding happenings that has gone on for years and it will begin at the famous and historic Skowhegan Fairgrounds on Thursday, July 28, and end on Saturday, July 30, with the Artisan Bread Fair.  O.K. WALLS, this is a quote from THE Kennebec Explorer:  “it’s an eating event dedicated solely to ‘Real Bread’ and everything associated with this most ancient and central staple (even tasty pastry).  Don’t miss a single crumb.

WALLS, this is the perfect time to explain Maine Grains that Amber Lambke was inspired to bring to Somerset County’s historic Old County Jail.  First of all, several years ago, Amber was the person who brought The Kneading Conference to Skowhegan by reaching out to folks in charge of The Kneading Conference from California.  Remember, faithful readers, when the first Kneading Conference was held at The Tewksbury Center, on The Island in Skowhegan?  Well, interest grew and grew and now the Skowhegan Fairgrounds is the chosen location.  Yes, WALLS, we are so fortunate that Amber has become an important member of our community that has known the pitfalls of loss of downtown businesses and, thanks to Amber and others who are dedicated to making Skowhegan downtown great, again, this wonderful town is growing through those dedicated efforts.

Many thanks must go to many leaders of our community in this issue, faithful readers.  On the July 19, MainStreet’s Executive
Director Kristina Cannon, planned a meeting that leaders throughout the community attended.  Welcomed was a member of the board of selectmen, representatives of schools and hospitals in Skowhegan.  Representatives of organizations such as Rotary, Lions, Skowhegan Heritage Council, and the many businesses that have chosen to be here.  Need I say that we must give Andy and Donna, of Russakoff Jewelers, many accolades for being one of our historic mainstays (the business having been started by Andy’s grandfather Sussman when he immigrate to Skowhegan).  Also attending this momentous meeting were folks who help others cope, such as interim executive director of our Skowhegan Area Chamber of Commerce and Executive Director Jason Gayne, of Hospice.  WALLS, that meeting was for all attending to say what they now want Skowhegan to become and the ideas flowed, for sure.  The meeting was held at our Rennaisance Building and Alton Whittemore, for whom ‘Alton’s Way’ is named, would be proud.

Other events are planned way into August, faithful readers, and WALLS will keep you informed, for sure.  And, have a happy summer!

SOLON & BEYOND, Week of July 28, 2016

Marilyn Rogers-Bull & Percyby Marilyn Rogers-Bull & Percy
Solon, Maine 04979

Good morning, dear friends. Don’t worry, be happy!

The Solon High School Alumni Association held its annual meeting on July 16 with 65 alumni and guests present. The class of 1966 celebrated its 50th anniversary with two members; Mark Rogers and Richard Poulin. Emma Pluntke  received a scholarship of $ 1,000. Others celebrating were Alice Heald, 76th anniversary; Arlene Meader and Albert Starbird, 75th; Mary Heald Bishop, 73rd; Marie Poulin, 67th; Jack McCarty, 65th; Pat McCarty Coro, 62nd; Betty Tolman Smith, 60th; Doug Hayden, Chloe Hayden Collins, Ann Rogers Edwards, 58th; and James Tolman, 57th.

Jay S. Hoar, a former teacher of Solon attended.

The last class to graduate from Solon High School was the class of 1969. This class always shows up in large numbers to celebrate. This year they had seven members show up to celebrate 47 years. They were Reggie Padham, Arthur Myers, Penny Rogers McQuilkin, Linda Stickney Steward, Dana Parsons, Bobbie Tewkbury Proctor and Jo Rancourt Holden.

Officers are Ann Jackson, president, Reggie Padham, vice president, Linda French, secretary, and Brenda Whitney Padham, treasurer. Alice Heald is news committee, Judy Bishop, lunch committee, and Kathy Swett, awards.

Class members traveled from California, Betty Smith; Arizonia, James Tolman; Oklahoma, Richard Poulin; Florida, Mark Rogers and Bobbi Proctor.

An auction was held and $415 was raised for the scholarship fund. This money was matched by Reggie and Brenda Padham. They wanted to insure people that their money would be safe and used for what it was intended for. Betty Heald was the auctioneer.

A luncheon was held and catered by the Solon Pine Tree 4-H Club under the direction of Eleanor Pooler.

Sorry, but this is all I could gather up for news this week, with people not wanting any of their personal news printed anymore, it makes it tough. But…Percy is still able to help out with some pleasing memoirs…May you have enough happiness to keep you sweet. Enough trials to keep you strong, Enough sorrow to keep you human; Enough hope to keep you happy; Enough failure to keep you humble; Enough success to keep you eager; Enough friends to give you comfort; Enough wealth to meet your ne3eds; Enough enthusiasm to look forward; Enough faith to banish depression; Enough determination to make each day better than yesterday.

Mark Rogers and Richard Poulin

Mark Rogers, left, of Florida, and Richard Poulin, of Oklahoma, were the only two members of the Solon’s class of 1966 to attend their 50th reunion, on July 23. Photo courtesy of Marilyn Rogers-Bull

Albion Neighbhood News, Week of July 28, 2016

by Mary Lee Rounds

There are probably less than 10 pharses in the U.S. that will turn your blood cold. “I want a divorce….,” “You are pregnant”…  and “You have shingles…”  The dreaded diagnosis most of us have heard of and know someone with them.  I must be falling into that age group where it becomes more prevalent. I heard that exact diagnosis this week.  Yes, there is pain and disgusting looking skin, but the itching is what I can’t deal with.  And as with all itches the orders are “Don’t Scratch!”

I came down with this on Tuesday so have not paid much attention to town. Field Day is May 28-30. That I do know.

Have a great week.