I’m Just Curious: My little sister

by Debbie Walker

I will get to the subject involving my little sister after a while but first:

It’s kind of strange how some areas of the country can be in desperate need of water because of fires or dry crops. Then in the same country we have areas that are being severely flooded. Let’s see, then we have areas where tornadoes are the activity of some days and nights. I guess our cross to bear is our snow and ice.

So……. we live in Maine. In my vehicle I have a first aid kit, small shovel, a blanket, a window smasher, seat belt cutter and various other handy gadgets. Also if there is a blizzard predicted I stay home because I can!  However, before moving to Florida I had plenty of snow and since I have been back these past two years.

Now I will get down to my real subject: MY LITTLE SISTER

Lyn lives in Arizona, in Phoenix, to be exact. Last week two days in a row Phoenix experienced flash floods. The first day Lyn was driving home in the mess. Her home, thankfully, was still a bit higher and dry. However, her trip from office to home was no treat, quite an experience from what I understand.

My answer to this situation is to put life jackets in her car and her husband’s vehicle. Not in a trunk but inside with them! Useless in the trunk! Do you know what she told me? Remember now, she is the youngest sister! She told me NO! She said NO! Her reasoning is flash floods hadn’t happened for 20 years! NO but you had two in two days!

It’ll be interesting when she gets the life jackets in the mail! Hey, maybe I’ll order her a little two persons and dog and cat inflatable boat. I do know that it sounds kind of crazy to be talking about this in a desert state. They would have to do some practicing with the boat to make sure they could avoid the long needle cactus, don’t want holes in boat.

Oh nuts, I forgot they do have sand storms out there too. Guess I will have to work on that.

I found a couple of these sayings and want to pass them on:

Your fences need to be horse-high, pig-tight and bull strong.

One thing I want to remember in volunteering in the school is “words that soak into your ears are whispered….not yelled.

This one is cool and would appear to be common sense, “do not corner something that you know is meaner than you.”

REVIEW POTPOURRI: Performers – The Voxpoppers; Author – E. M. Forster; Singer: Esther Ofarin

The Voxpoppers: Wishing for Your Love; The Last Drag; Mercury 71282X45, seven-inch vinyl 45, recorded March 18, 1958.

A classic single.

The Voxpoppers

The Voxpoppers

This group of five who doubled as both singers and instrumentalists – saxophone, accordion, guitar, bass and drums – waxed a few singles that went nowhere until they released Wishing on the Amp – 3 label. When it started getting airplay, Mercury bought distribution rights upon which the record hit the top 20. After a few more releases, the group disappeared from public view.

I  love and own quite a batch of early rock disks but don’t particularly like this one. Wishing was played way too much during my formative and very impressionable years between five and 13.

Marianne Thornton: by E.M. Forster; Harcourt Brace, 1956, 325 pages.

E. M. Forster

E. M. Forster

Engaging memoir.

E.M. Forster (1879-1973) was an English novelist and essayist. I have  read only two of his six novels,  Where Angels Fear to Tread and Howard’s End, the latter at least three times. What I have found  most engaging about them is his sharp powers of observation, his ear for  revealing dialog and his understated humor. However, because I am very distractible, I still have not gotten to the other four novels and am probably the worse for this lack.


Even though Marianne Thornton is a memoir of a great aunt (1797-1887), she comes to life through her nephew’s talent at scouring musty family letters, journals and other such yellowed documents,  deploying the above – noted narrative gifts and re-creating the private life lived below the radar in all its vibrant, nurturing glory. She is presented as daughter, sister, aunt and great aunt in four skillfully organized units. The people, surroundings, domestic events and conversations, and finally private thoughts are seamlessly woven. This book demands focused, thoughtful attention but is proving to be one life-enhancing reading experience.

Esther Ofarim by Esther Ofarim; BASF -BB 29564, stereo vinyl LP, recorded 1973.

An exquisite LP in the pop realm.

Now 75, Esther Ofarim still projects a song with extraordinary conviction, beauty and articulation. Her listings on Amazon are in the dozens, along with YouTubes free for the hearing and sharing – good news for those who are both curious and thrifty.

I first became enamored of her in 1970 during my sophomore year, when I bought a few LPs for 33 cents each at the now long defunct Arlan’s department  store, in Portland, a mecca in its own way for LP collectors trolling for cheap, but interesting vinyl among the piles of trash. (Waterville had Center’s, Woolworth’s, Marden’s in its very early ‘70s days, and McLellan’s.)

Anyways, one of the LPs was Cinderella Rockefeller featuring Esther and her ex-husband, Abi, in a collection of miscellaneous selections of an eclectic nature, ranging from That Long Lonesome Road to the title song, itself penned by the illustrious Mason Williams of Classical Gas fame. Esther was the main attraction with the qualities mentioned above in plentiful supply. Even then, she couldn’t have made a bad record if her life depended on it.

Esther Ofarin

Esther Ofarin

In 1974, while working in a Boston record store, I received my copy of Esther Ofarim as a free promo and found out that she had developed a solo act since her divorce. This  was one of two or three LPs she had released in as many years;  it also had poor distribution, as did her other recordings, and my copy is the only one I have seen in the last 42 years.


Her program of 10 selections includes Leonard Cohen’s Suzanne and Hey, That’s No Way to Say Goodbye, Morning Has Broken, and El Condor Pasa, all given the best renditions I have ever heard, but my favorites are Song of the French Partisan, Jerusalem and the heart-rendingly moving You’re Always Looking for the Rainbow, which is for me without question one of the five most beautiful songs I have ever heard. The album’s producer Bob Johnston wrote and arranged it, utilizing the full orchestra to wonderful effect. It can also be heard on YouTube and has stirred many positive responses.

An Amazon vendor has one copy listed for $15.

SOLON & BEYOND, Week of August 18, 2016

Solon and Beyondby Marilyn Rogers-Bull & Percy
Solon, Maine 04979

Good morning, dear friends. Don’t worry, be happy!

After a blitz of some kind, my computer has decided to cooperate and let me start writing my column.  Hope it behaves itself long enough for me to finish.

The Lexington Historical Society will be holding a meeting in their new building on Saturday, August 20, from 11 a.m. to 1:30 p.m., or longer. Nancy McLean will be giving a presentation about Lexington, and the flooding of Dead River and Flagstaff. I’m sure it will be a very interesting meeting, and I am so sorry that I won’t be able to attend…..even after all these years of writing, I haven’t figured out how to be in two places at once.

Anson Historical Society will hold an open house Friday, August 26, at Kennebec St., Anson, from 2 – 6 p.m. On display will be articles and photos from the collection. At the same time a yard sale will be occurring out front and games for children in the back. If you have any questions you may call Emily Quint at 635-2231.

On Saturday, August 20, from 7 – 10 p.m., there will be a Barbara Demo Band dance/show at the Embden Community Center Gym.

The next Saturday, August 27, there will be a comedy show by Bob Marley from 7 to 8:30 p.m., also at Embden Community Center Gym.

Tickets available for sale at the Embden Town Office (Tues. & Wed. 10 a.m. – 4 p.m.; Thurs. 1 – 6 p.m.,  and Fri. 10 a.m. – 2 p.m.) and  the Embden Thrift Shop (Wed.,Fri. & Sat.) 10 a.m. – 3 p.m.

As always, we had a wonderful family get-together up to Flagstaff Lake at Dave and ‘Pete’s” camp last weekend. All 27 of us ranging in age from 9 months to ? ! arrived up there on Friday. They had built another bunk house and a platform for tenting, so with the five bed rooms in the camp, a spill over room and the screened in porch there are plenty of places for a good nights sleep.

We always look forward to breakfasts at the camp prepared by Buck Saw Sherry and Cookee Peter in their large Jim Eaton Kitchen….. and we weren’t disappointed !

Mark and Karen always make T-shirts for everyone each year and this year’s games name was Star Wars. Dave and Pete always help with planning and making any of the things needed for games, etc. We are always devided  into three teams, (this year each person had been asked to bring an empty 2 liter soda bottle) and we soon found out why. Each team was presented with a large bag of materials to make an airplane with the materials given and the empty soda bottle. (Lief was in his glory!!) Some amazing looking aircraft was constructed after the given time allowed…and then the fun intensified big time! Quite a bit of effort had gone into making a launching pad for each one’s maiden flight. Each person got soaked by the rain and a big splash of water in the face when they pulled the chain to set their plane in flight. It was a glorious, fun time and each year I say it was the best one ever, but they keep coming up with great ones again the next year. Saturday night all the awards were handed out to much clapping, young and older always look forward to this yearly family occasion.

Percy’s memoir: If the soul works with nature and God as the trees work together with the soil and the sun, He will ripen all those beautiful fruits named happiness and the blessedness that come from hope and faith and love. (words by Newell Dwight Hills.)

I’m Just Curious: T-shirt awakening!

by Debbie Walker

Yes that is correct. I saw a T-shirt in a picture on the computer this week that really caught my attention. Now I will admit that if I hadn’t decided to volunteer in a first grade class this year I might not have paid as much attention.

Words on the shirt were, “Teachers Make all Other Professions Possible.” Wow!! How true that really is. Think about it. It amazes me that in this day and age sports people and various other professions are paid so much more than teachers. Hard to believe really. I know that a lot of people think teachers only work part of the year and have all these holidays off ……….ya ya ya. Those people are laboring under a huge misconception.

I know you hear about teachers needing more pay, I am reasonably sure that if you followed teachers around for a few days your opinion would change. There are teachers who do work year round. Their days are not 8 to 4. Most teachers I believe leave the school and take care of their family roles and after all that settle down to correcting papers and planning their coming days. When shopping they are aware of what is available to help keep children interested and enthused about learning. What I have witnessed is whatever the grade I think teachers are on the alert 24/7!!

All right, so all that running off at the mouth leads me to my reason for writing this column. Volunteers are needed in our schools,  even people who can’t be out and about but can help teachers from their homes by cutting and other preparation work that would relieve the teachers to do other things. You would be amazed the ways you could help. Some people think it takes a special skill, however, having another body sometimes is just helpful, another set of eyes or lap. You can make a big difference in a child’s life just by letting them read to you. We all have skills that we don’t acknowledge but others appreciate. Think about yours. Did you tell your kids stories, here is your chance to pass on your stories. It is amazing the difference you could make by volunteering a few hours a week.

I am looking forward to all the reading and writing stuff. I am hoping to pass on my passion of reading and writing. If I can help one child to find learning as enjoyable then all the hours will be worth it. Oh yeah, and the little extra energy I can share in the classroom will be appreciated by my teacher.

I love listening to little ones tell their stories or talk about their experiences. They get so excited. I am hoping to put their little imaginations to work. Maybe I’ll be able to help them write their own stories. Yes, I am excited and I hope others will have an awakening to assist the teachers prepare these children for their future professions.

I’m just curious if you could fill in at least a couple hours a week. You can always be an “aunt,” “uncle,” “grandparent.”

Contact me at dwdaffy@yahoo.com, sub line: Awakening. See you at school!

Give Us Your Best Shot! – Week of August 11, 2016

rose breasted grosbeak and an indigo bunting

ODD COUPLE: Pat Clark, of Palermo, snapped this photo of a rose breasted grosbeak and an indigo bunting together at the feeder.



ORANGE AND BLACK…: but not a Baltimore Oriole, is what Diane Rawson, of China, photographed in June.


pine warbler

SOAKING IN THE SUN: That was what this pine warbler was doing when Michael Bilinsky, of China Village, photographed it.

Pileated sightings becoming more frequent

Roland D. Halleeby Roland D. Hallee

You catch a fast-moving, swooping bird navigate through the thick forest of trees. It looks more like a shadow. What was that? It lands on the trunk of a nearby tree, and begins a slow, rolling whacking sound against the bark of that dead tree.  You look closer, it’s a pileated woodpecker.

Although very common in the eastern United States, it can sometimes be quite elusive. You don’t generally see them often, because they prefer the protection of dense deciduous or coniferous forests.

Pileated woodpeckers

Pileated woodpecker photographed by Michael Bilinsky, of China Village.

The pileated woodpecker, Dryocopus pileatus, lives in Canada from British Columbia east to Nova Scotia. It can be found in most areas of the eastern United States, and west from Washington state south to California and east to Idaho and North Dakota.

Their numbers have increased from 1966 to 2014, according to the North American Breeding Bird Survey. Partners in Flight estimates a global breeding popultion of 1.9 million with 67 percent living in the U.S. and 33 percent in Canada.

The reason for the subject of this bird this week is the numerous photos that readers have been sending to this newspaper.

I have seen several of these birds around camp, and even saw one, once, sitting on an apple tree stump in my backyard, in the middle of Waterville.

The pileated woodpecker is one of the biggest forest birds on the continent. It is close in size to the crow.

Pileated woodpeckers

A pair of Pileated woodpeckers photographed by Pat Clark, of Palermo.

They drill distinctive retangular-shaped holes in rotten wood to get at carpenter ants and other insects. They are loud with whinnying calls. They also drum on dead trees. There flight is undulated (a bounding motion) as opposed to other birds straight flight paths.

Besides carpenter ants, pileated woodpeckers like woodboring beetle larvae, termites and other insects such as flies, spruce budworm, caterpillars, cockroaches and grasshoppers. They will also eat wild fruits and nuts. However, ants comprise 40 percent of their diet. Occasionally, you will find a pileated woodpecker at backyard feeders for seeds or suet.

Building a nest is quite a construction project that can last up to six weeks. The male begins excavating the nest cavity and does most of the work. The entrance hole is oblong rather than the circular shape of most woodpecker holes. For the finishing touches, the bird climbs all the way into the hole and chips away at it from the inside. The female begins to contribute as the nest nears completion. The cavity depth can be from 10 to 24 inches.

Of course, then you have the disagreement on how to pronounce the name. Well, in actuality, it can be pronounced two ways. You can use he soft “i” as in pill-ee-ated, or the hard “i” in pile-ee-ated. So, now we should have no arguments about that subject.

Pileated woodpeckers photographed by John Brown, of Waterville.

Pileated woodpeckers photographed by John Brown, of Waterville.

Many people, though, confuse the pileated woodpecker with the ivory-billed woodpecker.  The ivory-billed woodpecker is the largest woodpecker in North America, other than the imperial woodpecker of Mexico, which is feared to be extinct. The pileated is the second largest. Because of habitat destruction and, to a lesser extent, hunting, the numbers of ivory-billed woodpeckers, Campephilus principalis, have dwindled to the point where it is uncertain whether any remain, though there have been reports that they have been seen again, in Florida and Arkansas, although nothing has been substantiated. According to various sources, including the Cornell University Lab on Ornithology, almost no forests today can maintain an ivory-billed woodpecker population. Ivory-billed woodpeckers were most prominent in the southeastern U.S.

So, if you see that large woodpecker in Maine woods, you are most probably seeing a pileated woodpecker.

IF WALLS COULD TALK, Week of August 11, 2016

Katie Ouiletteby Katie Ouilette

Well, here you are!  Yes, your accolades to Karen Lambke for doing such a superb job in making the Kneading Conference and Bread Fair so successful again this year, and certainly the many who attended the Run of River’s many activities deserve so many thanks for the organizing and hard work to bring fun to the many who attended.  Speaking of ‘attending,’ many thanks to the many supporters, as well.

Next, we shall welcome those who have planned another Skowhegan State Fair for us.  Imagine it, faithful readers, our Skowhegan State Fair is the oldest continually operating fair in our U.S.A.!   WALLS, much has changed over the years with our wonderful fair. Goodness, I remember when women and little girls got all dressed up and the men wore their Fedora hats. What’s more, the walk through the Exhibition Hall brought new and exciting things for folks to learn about, as they met friends and talked-the-talk during the walk.  Those were also the days of fish swimming in the water that had been prepared for them under the grandstand.  Oh, yes, the ‘back gate’ became a reality as we drove past the sign for Joe and Katherine Cayoette’s Somerset Motor Lodge,  The Roxiettes danced to entertain and the Banana Man did likewise every night.  Yes, and we had fireworks after each night show.  WALLS, have you ever wondered why those animals kept their cool and didn’t stampede through it all?  Oh, yes, the horses will race, but only at night, this year!  Well, as Judy Garland once sang:  “Hi-ho, come to the fair.”  Oh, lest you forget, WALLS, the Allan Karns Building is now showing floral displays….but, when we were young, we could ride by or bike past the magnificent display of gladiolas that Allan planted on Greenwood Avenue, in Skowhegan.

Y’know, WALLS, you made some promises to Vi Ferland, of the Skowhegan Garden Club, and you should tell folks about it.  Yes, yes, when she was asked how to ‘let folks know,’ she quickly told them about WALLS.

First, Vi told you about Amanda Black’s creating a beautiful wedding spot for those who prefer to plan an outdoor event.  She is a hair stylist, but she and her husband have purchased a home on Norridgewock Avenue, in Skowhegan, and hope they will have many brides-to-be calling them with a preferred wedding date.  They have also done over the historic barn, in case the couple prefers to not worry about our ‘sometimes’ unpredictable weather.

Secondly, Vi told you about the Skowhegan Garden Club’s planting a tree in honor of Charlotte Tripp, at Coburn Park, on August 16.  10 a.m. is the gathering time.  Yes, Vi told of the many good deeds that Charlotte did when a member of the garden club, and that ‘doing good for people young and old’ was her life’s work.  And WALLS adds (Surprise to Vi and Edna) that Edna Marshall and Vi Ferland are the ‘eldest’ members of the Skowhegan Garden Club.  Y’all invited!

In ‘signing off’ for this issue of The Town Line……….we hear about ‘older’ folks, but we are truly lucky to have folks who remember the goodness of days past.

REVIEW POTPOURRI: Film – A Mighty Wind; Composer – Franz Haydn

Peter Catesby  Peter Cates

A Mighty Wind – starring Bob Balaban, Parker Posey, Catherine O’Hara, Fred Willard, Christopher Guest, etc.; directed by Christopher Guest; Warner Borthers, DVD, 2003, 92 minutes.

A Mighty Wind

A Mighty Wind

A very good comedy.

A Mighty Wind is a satire or mockumentary, done in the style of a real documentary, on the folk music business as it transpired during its major heyday between roughly 1957 and 1968. The story details the efforts of the son of a recently deceased record producer/ impresario to re-unite the three leading groups whose careers flourished during the previously mentioned period under the old man, for a live concert, to be broadcast by a public TV network across the nation. The two reasons are  a memorial concert and the earlier mentioned 40th anniversary reunion.

The three groups are patterned after such ensembles as the Kingston Trio, the Limelighters, the Mitchell Trio, Peter, Paul and Mary, and the New Christy Minstrels. The songs were composed for the film, sound much like the folk music of the earlier groups but are still first class and very enjoyable, instead of merely derivative. In documentary style, the interviews, flashbacks, rehearsals and other so-called background material ring true with context.

I have viewed the film several times, mainly because it is hilarious. And that is the main reason I highly recommend this dvd.

Franz Haydn

Franz Haydn

Haydn String Quartets, Opus 77, No. 2 and Opus 103 – the Schneider Quartet; The Haydn Society, Inc.- HSQ-38, 12-inch LP, recorded early ‘50s.

A beautifully played pair of Haydn Quartets.

In addition to composing 104 symphonies and piles of piano sonatas, masses, oratorios, operas, songs, and pieces for other combinations, Franz Joseph Haydn (1732-1809) left upwards of 82 string quartets, each of which is reputedly musically charming for both listening and background purposes. During the very early ‘50s, the Haydn Society record label in Boston was established for the exclusive purpose of recording as much of his music as possible, with most of the works appearing on lp for the first time.

The Schneider Quartet was engaged to tape as many of the quartets as possible but, after 53  were completed, the label ran out of money. It was, in the opinion of myself and others, the finest foursome to have done these works and  has been rarely equalled in the 60 or more years since, although some formidable groups have emerged, the Hagen Quartet from the ‘80s being a personal favorite. The players – leader and first violinist Alexander Schneider, second violinist Isidore Cohen, violist Karen Tuttle and cellist Madeline Foley – poured such passion, heart-stopping beauty, and searing virtuosity into every note.

During the last year, a set of 15 CDs has made available all of the LPs in this series and it is listed with various Internet vendors.

Pages in Time: Mushy stuff from years gone by

by Milt Huntington

Fifty percent of the many responses I received from my newspaper articles come from senior citizens over 65 years of age. I know this for a fact because one of them told me so. Both responders agreed that they love all the mushy stuff from years gone by.

So, let us reminisce. Flipping back through the dog-eared pages of time, I found a piece about the home front in World War II. I told of air raid wardens, rationing of butter and gas, patriotic movies and buying savings stamps at school. Yes, there were no bananas, and we ate sherbet instead of ice cream. Contributing to the war effort by helping mother squish red dye into white margarine to make it yellow was a genuine source of pride.

Growing up in Augusta was a priceless chunk of my young life, so I described the beauty of early Western Avenue and the bustle of Downtown Water Street. Western Avenue was lined with shade trees back in the good old days, and it had a skating pond. It didn’t have a federal building or a shopping mall. You could actually cross the street without taking your life in your hands. Heck, you could even watch soap box derbies there or ride down the hill on your bike with your feet on the handlebars.

There was no traffic circle at the bottom of Western Avenue – just the intersections of State Street, Grove Street and Grove Street Extension. There was, however, an elegant yellow brick building – The Augusta House. The historic old meeting place played host to the rich and famous and was the site where many legislative measures were lobbied to death but often revived by mouth-to-ear resuscitation. Gone now – all gone.

To our young eyes, Water Street was the Broadway of the Capital City. There were Class “A” movies at the Colonial Theater featuring musicals with new Technicolor technology. The Capital Theater drew us in with the Class “B” westerns, vaudeville and cliff-hanging serials. The names of a lot of the flicks are beginning to fade from memory, but I remember well, and always will, the nickel candy bars, the Ju-Jy fruits and buttered popcorn. I also remember the 11-cent price of admission.

Thoughts of the old American Legion building by the little park stir memories of teen-age dances, football on the lawn, post-war suppers and playing pool with friends in that old front room. Those, indeed, were the good old days.

Still there at the top of Rines Hill is the Hartford Fire Station with all of its history and its bellowing  9 o’clock whistle. The beautiful train station at the bottom of the hill was replaced by a parking lot. Arlene’s Bakery and the aroma of doughnuts and pastries is still a tantalizing memory. You can’t get your shoes repaired or shined anymore at Turcotte’s.

The shop is long gone along with Augusta’s shoe factories – R.P. Hazzard and Taylor Shoe.

You want to talk about change? Just take a look at Bangor Street. Whatever became of Hussey Hardware, Doc’s Lunch, Mike’s Lunch, Williams School, The A&P, Charlie’s Market and the Esso gasoline station?
I can still remember, with delight, the taste of a good steak at Hazel Green’s, a shrimp scampi at Al Biondi’s 89 Winthrop or First Tee on Water Street. I remember well how great the meals were at Ray Lammer’s Pioneer House. Nobody served up cheeseburgers like John McAuley did at his place on Outer Western Avenue. Then, of course, we salivated over the fare at the Roseland Restaurant on the Waterville Road and McNamara’s in Winthrop. The beer was also pretty good over a hamburger and fries at the Oxbow hangout in Winthrop.

Don’t even get me started about Island Park. Suffice it to say, the memories are many. All I need to resuscitate recollections of your own is to casually mention the revolving ball that left colorful squares on the dance floor below and the 21 Club that got us high on a bottle of beer. It was the site of my first date with the girl that I married.

For the beer drinkers in the crowd, I would be remiss in failing to mention Ray’s Dine and Dance in the lower end of Water Street and Duffy’s Tavern on the Bond Brook Road. Don’t talk to me about inflation. I remember when “dimies” went to 20 cents a glass. In some of those places and in most cafeterias, juke boxes were mounted on the walls over the tables. For the drop of a nickel, you could listen to Sinatra, the Chairman of the Board; Mel Torme, The Velvet Fog; Vaughn Monroe, Frankie Laine, Perry Como, Patti Page, Jo Stafford, Joni James and Doris Day. If you’ve read this far, you can easily recall the names of all the others who helped promote romances of the teenage years.

OK! That’s it for now. I’m beginning to tear up. I just hope that all my fans, (both of them), will think back on all the things that they remember if I’ve been successful in jump starting their memories again.

Milt Huntington is the author of A Lifetime of Laughter and Things That Make You Grin.

Solon & Beyond, Week of August 11, 2016

Marilyn Rogers-Bull & Percyby Marilyn Rogers-Bull & Percy
Solon, Maine 04979

Good morning, dear friends. Don’t worry, be happy!

The 7th annual barbeque to support the Kennebec River Picnic Area on Wednesday, August 17, at the Kennebec Banks Picnic Area on Route 2 from 11:30 a.m. until 1:30 p.m.

As many of you know the state of Maine is no longer maintaining the Route 2 picnic area. The trustees of Somerset Woods stepped up to protect this important and historic community asset. This fundraiser is to help raise funds for SWT’s ontinued maintenance. You can purchase a ticket at the event for only $5 and get a great lunch provided by the trustees.You will be served either a hamburger, chips and drink or two hotdogs, chips and drink.

For more information you may contact Jack Gibson at 474-0057, Davida Barter at 474-3324, or Greg Dore at 431-5021.

Lief and I joined several members of the Franklin County Aircraft Modelers at the Carrabassett Valley Summerfest – Display and Demo Flights at the airport on Saturday. It was a perfectly beautiful, clear day but a breeze came up after a little while which made it rather hard to fly some of the model planes…but some of the more experienced flyers gave some great breathtaking examples of their talents. There were several small real planes at the airport that day, and they were taking off and landing also, which we all enjoyed. There was also much visting and talk of flying their model planes which I find fun to listen to. At noon, member Dick LeHay cooked hot dogs with buns and all the fixings, and chips in one of the sections at the airport. It was very tasty and a fun day.

On Sunday, Lief and I retraced our steps up to Eustis to the little replica of the church in Flagstaff for the annual Old Home Days service. Each year there are a few missing former residents who have died . Was very pleased that my class mate, Isabelle (Burbank) Millbank was there. Betty Wing who lived in Flagstaff, was there and Nancy McLean who lived in Dead River came up from Embden to attend. It is always a great joy for me to sit on the old, old pews, sing the hymns from the old Flagstaff Church hymn books and remember walking the half mile to the little church in my days of youth. There was no way of heating the building, so in the winter time we worshiped in the gym of the school house.

Now for Percy’s memoir: “Not what we have, but what we use: Not what we see, but what we choose – These are the things that mar or bless The sum of human happiness.”