Garden Gives Back – In Color!
Blazing orange tomatoes, purple cabbage, golden and purple beans and snap peas decorated the plates of some 70 families who came to the Palermo Food Pantry this growing season. These delicious and nutritious veggies are just some of the exceptional offerings from the Palermo Community Garden. Until noon on December 15, you have the opportunity to help feed our neighbors in need. Families from 12 towns come to our pantry. Once again,, of Scarborough, is sponsoring an online crowdfunding event plus offering grants to participating community gardens, and YOU can extend your kindness to help our hard work and increase the productivity of the garden. It’s easy. Just go to and click the orange DONATE button to enter your card number and the amount you want to share with us.
Their goal is to raise $1,500 by noon on December 15. The number of households they welcome is growing, and are already expanding the parking areas to accommodate them. They are also replacing lighted sign, as well as the fruit trees lost last December in the storm. The fruitful but thorny blackberries will be replaced this spring with thornless canes, to make picking much safer for all. These are big projects, and they are certainly grateful for your generosity. For more information, please call Connie at 993-2294 or email