Garden Gives Back – In Color!

Blazing orange tomatoes, purple cabbage, golden and purple beans and snap peas decorated the plates of some 70 families who came to the Palermo Food Pantry this growing season. These delicious and nutritious veggies are just some of the exceptional offerings from the Palermo Community Garden. Until noon on December 15, you have the opportunity to help feed our neighbors in need. Families from 12 towns come to our pantry. Once again,, of Scarborough, is sponsoring an online crowdfunding event plus offering grants to participating community gardens, and YOU can extend your kindness to help our hard work and increase the productivity of the garden. It’s easy. Just go to and click the orange DONATE button to enter your card number and the amount you want to share with us.

Their goal is to raise $1,500 by noon on December 15. The number of households they welcome is growing, and are already expanding the parking areas to accommodate them. They are also replacing lighted sign, as well as the fruit trees lost last December in the storm. The fruitful but thorny blackberries will be replaced this spring with thornless canes, to make picking much safer for all. These are big projects, and they are certainly grateful for your generosity. For more information, please call Connie at 993-2294 or email

PHOTOS: Parade of Lights: Another spectacular event

The Parade of Lights, in downtown Waterville, kicked off the holiday season on November 30. (photo by Galen Neal, Central Maine Photography)

Santa Claus arrived in downtown Waterville during the Parade of Lights. (photo by Galen Neal, Central Maine Photography)

Winslow Fire/Rescue deputy chief’s wife, Heidi Murphy, and Engine 7 driver’s dog Bobby during the parade. (photo by Galen Neal, Central Maine Photography)

(photo by Galen Neal, Central Maine Photography)

Local artist gifts piece to China Community Food Pantry

The photo of a gift to the China Food Pantry. The gift is a large painting (approximately 8 feet long) by Chris Fields, a resident of South China. The painting depicts Fields’ concept of the Pantry’s 32-year contribution to the town of China, painted on local lumber. (contributed photo)

PHOTO: Blazing sunset

Joan Chaffee, of Clinton, captured this blazing sunset recently.

Vassalboro Legion gathering personal care products for VA Veterans Home

St. Bridget’s Communtity Center. (photos courtesy of Victor Esposito)

During the holiday season for the last three years, members of American Legion Post #126, Vassalboro, gathered personal care products, puzzle books, and snacks for veterans at Togus Veterans Home, in Augusta. With the support of various organizations and individuals this has been an amazing display of generosity and thanks to our veterans.

The members of American Legion Post #126, Vassalboro, are inviting you to join them as they collect personal care products, snacks, puzzle books, etc., for this project. Once again, the Sew for a Cause group at St. Bridget Center has made and donated more than 250 Christmas stocking for this project. They will fill the stockings on December 9, 2024, at St. Bridget Center, 864 Main St., North Vassalboro. All are welcome to sort and fill the stockings. The filled stockings will be delivered to Togus Veterans Home by December 12, 2024.

Your support and donation are needed to meet the goal. For more information, to volunteer and/or make a donation, call 207-616-3148.

L.C. Bates Natural History Museum closed for winter

Good Will-Hinckley’s L.C. Bates Natural History Museum (photo credit:

The L.C. Bates Natural History Museum at Good Will-Hinckley is now closed to the public for the winter season. During this time, tours and group admissions are available by appointment only.

The museum is also thrilled to bring its engaging educational programming directly to you! Schools, libraries, community centers, youth groups, and other organizations can schedule on-site programs featuring fascinating natural science topics and unique artifacts. To arrange a visit, please call (207) 238-4250.

Save the Date: Museum Store Sunday

Join us on December 1, 2024, from noon to 5 p.m. for Museum Store Sunday! Both the museum and store will be open, offering a curated selection of nature-inspired gifts, fossils, jewelry, and educational toys—perfect for holiday shopping.

Visitors are encouraged to dress warmly as the museum may be seasonably cold. A complimentary hot chocolate bar will be available to keep you cozy while you browse. Proceeds from all purchases will directly support the museum’s educational programs.

For more information about the L.C. Bates Natural History Museum, booking educational programs, or Museum Store Sunday, please contact them at (207) 238-4250,
Website: Donate to the Museum Here:

EVENTS: Small Business Saturday is Nov. 30

Small Business Saturday is this coming Saturday after Thanksgiving, Nov. 30, 2024. Are you interested in writing a story on the holiday shopping season or want to arrange an interview with a small business advocate in the area? The National Federation of Independent Business (NFIB), the nation’s leading small business association, is here to help. NFIB State Director David Clough is available to discuss the importance of Small Business Saturday to the local economy and how shopping small benefits consumers, employees, and business owners alike.

NFIB State Director David Clough can be reached at (207) 807-4900, and you can contact Senior Media Manager Mike Donohue at (202) 525-9835.

“In addition to creating good-paying jobs and strengthening the local economy, small businesses shape our communities by volunteering their time and financially supporting charitable organizations,” said Clough. “A recent NFIB report highlights how small business owners and their employees benefit their communities, beyond operating their businesses. As we kick off the holiday season, I encourage all Mainers to shop small, especially on Small Business Saturday, and thank a small business owner for how they enrich your community.”

Sandwiched between Black Friday and Cyber Monday, Small Business Saturday began in 2010 as a way to help local stores and restaurants recover from the Great Recession. It has quickly transformed into a Thanksgiving weekend tradition, becoming one of the busiest sales seasons for small business owners nationwide.

EVENTS: China flag retirement ceremony set for Dec. 5

by Mary Grow

A flag retirement ceremony is scheduled for 5:30 p.m. Thursday, Dec. 5, at the Boynton-Webber American Legion Hall, in South China. Transfer station safety officer Cheyenne Houle said it will honor the more than 300 worn-out United States flags that have been left in the flag disposal boxes provided at the transfer station, plus others from Boy Scouts and other local groups.

The event is open to the public. Anyone with a worn-out or damaged flag is welcome to bring it to be added to the ceremony, Post Commander Neil Farrington said.

An on-line document from the National Flag Foundation describes a typical procedure for this ceremony, which honors the used flags. One is selected as representative of all: it is hoisted to the top of a flagpole by a color guard, saluted by the audience, who then recite the pledge of allegiance; and respectfully lowered and folded.

The best-known way to dispose of used flags is by burning them and burying the ashes. Farrington said the Dec. 5 ceremony will use an alternate method, cutting flags in half vertically and again horizontally, without damaging the block of 50 stars. The pieces are returned to the transfer station.

EVENTS: Benefit holiday online auction open to all

Eileen Ronco, left, and Cindy Shorey holding two of the 14 Boyd’s Bears available during a 10-day online auction to benefit Vassalboro United Methodist Church. (contributed photo)

A 10-day holiday season online auction starts on Black Friday to benefit the Vassalboro United Methodist Church (VUMC) beginning Friday, November 29, at 8 a.m. through Monday, December 9, at 8 a.m. Browse more than 130 items and place bids from the warmth and comfort of your home at ANY time of the day or night during those ten days. The option to “buy now” is included with each item or place bids instead.

A wide variety of entries are being donated and added daily. Some include an overnight at the Iron Fence Inn; a queen size homemade quilt; a microwave, a linkable two-piece slow cooker and a food dehydrator all like new; designer purses by Chanel, Louise Vuitton and Vera Bradley; an Ashton-Drake baby doll and six outfits; a Derby silver tea set; several pieces from a Lang & Wise Colonial Williamsburg Christmas village; Boyd’s bears; books, games and toys; a realistic children’s kitchen set with accessories; medical equipment; books, puzzles and games; new infant sweaters and a fleece coat and pants set; glass paperweights; corning ware and Pfaltzgraff dishes; an eight place setting of stoneware; a Stansport backpack; a Knight golf bag; gift certificates to several local businesses including restaurants, a golf course, car service centers and so much more!

Proceeds from this auction will benefit the VUMC building fund. FMI about the auction visit Vassalboro United Methodist Church on Facebook; call or text (207) 441-9184 or email To browse and bid visit

Local Modern Woodmen members honor Jeff Meader

Jeff Meader, left, of Oakland, received the Modern Woodmen’s Hometown Hero award from Patrick Linehan, Modern Woodmen volunteer leader. (contributed photo)

Local volunteer Jeff Meader, of Oakland, Maine, was recently recognized for countless hours of service to the community during a Modern Woodmen of America member event on November 18, 2024. Meader was honored through Modern Woodmen’s Hometown Hero program for his dedication to the Sons of American Legion and American Legion Post #51, where he serves as Assistant Finance Officer.

Jeff ís attention to detail, willingness to accept any challenge, stick-to-it-iveness and willingness to volunteer are a major key to the success of Decker Simmons Post #51. As part of the Hometown Hero program, members of the The Capitol District Modern Woodmen Chapter presented Meader with a certificate and an award grant to be donated to the charitable organization of the honoree’s choice. Meader selected The American Legion Post #51 Entertainment Committee to receive the donation. “Volunteers form the foundation of a strong community,” says Patrick Linehan, local Modern Woodmen volunteer leader. “Modern Woodmen’s Hometown Hero program gives us the chance to thank those who selflessly give their time to make the world a better place.”

Coordinated by local Modern Woodmen members, the fraternal financial services organizationís chapters and youth service clubs provide opportunities for members to take part in social and educational activities and volunteer projects to meet local needs. For more information or to get involved, contact Linehan at 207-465-4800 /

Modern Woodmen was founded in 1883 as a fraternal benefit society. The organization supports members, families and communities with a unique blend of financial services, fraternal programs and local-impact opportunities. Learn more at

* Securities offered through MWA Financial Services Inc., a wholly owned subsidiary of Modern Woodmen of America.