Spaghetti supper and no talent show

photo by jeffreyw:

The Madison American Legion will be hosting a spaghetti dinner and “No Talent” Show, on Saturday, April 2, 5 – 6:30 p.m., at Madison American Legion Hall, 20 S. Maple Street. A Fun Night of Laughter, “No Talent” Show, at 7 p.m., with special guest: Gary Crocker, a Maine humorist, Vietnam veteran, public speaker who feels laughter is the key to a well-balanced life. Also in the lineup are Kenny Rogers and Dolly Pardon, Sunny & Cher, Miss Piggy and more.

Following the “No talent” Show, Karaoke/Dance with Randy & Lisa Michaud will continue to entertain until 11 p.m. Tickets are $10 per person for members and $15 per person for non-members. Limited tickets will be sold. Tickets must be purchased by March 14 so get your tickets now! Tickets are available at the American Legion Hall, in Madison, ask a member or call Pauline 207-680-6362, Diane 314-5135, Val 634-3329, Harriet 635-2051. FMI: call Pauline 207-680-6362.

China Ice Days exceed all expectations

Sheldon, a local angler, puckers up to one of the fish she caught at the derby. (photo by Cindy Senkbeil)

Record number take part in ice fishing derby

by Sandra Isaac

On February 20, the China Four Seasons Club and the China Village Fire Department held its 3rd Annual Ice Fishing Derby. With over 500 estimated participants, this looked to be the most successful derby yet.

“The turnout was amazing again this year,” said Tom Rumpf, China Four Season’s President, and Chairman for the Ice Fishing Derby. “The weather earlier in the week had us a little concerned but the dip in temperatures made sure that China Lake had plenty of ice for safe fishing.

Don Doyon checks his fishing trap during the China Lake Ice Fishing Derby. Later in the day, Doyon won third place for his 2.96-pound smallmouth bass, while another family member, Ashely Doyon won first place with her 3.36-pound catch in the same category. (photo by Cindy Senkbeil)

Rumpf had sent his son Colby out on the lake throughout the day on Saturday to drill and test various spots. “The shortest depth he got was 17 inches, so we were confident with the thickness of the ice.” Anglers were still advised to used caution as they headed out onto the lake, some as early as 5 a.m., to secure a spot for fishing.

The camaraderie of the sense of community was strong out on the lake. Everywhere you went, people were setting up traps, barbequing, serving hot drinks, saying hello to fishing neighbors and friends. Each time a flag would go up on a fishing trap, surrounding groups would call out “Flag Flaaaag!” followed by laughing and people trying to figure out which lucky person had a fish on the end of their line.

“The fish were coming in all day to be weighed,” said Darrell Wentworth, China Four Season’s Vice President, and Derby committee member. “It was great to see so many kids coming in to weigh their fish, too. They were excited. It was great to see so many families involved.”

Central Church was set up on the ice again this year, helping kids who were new to the sport, learn about the fishing equipment, how to set up the traps, and what types of bait to use. Traps for Kids donated 25 ice fishing traps and the Derby Committee allowed Central Church to distribute them to the new anglers. In addition, Bar Harbor Bank & Trust along with Jack Traps of Maine supplied 75 bait buckets that kids received on a first-come basis. The Maine Audubon Society and Standard Waterproofing supplied goodies inside the buckets for the kids to enjoy.

The Derby Committee set up a children’s fishing category again this year, with prizes being awarded for the most perch by count. “We didn’t expect it, but this year we had a tie for fifth place,” said Rumpf. “We also didn’t expect so many kids to be in the other categories. One little girl (Madalynn Bellfleur) won first place for her 1.02-pound brook trout. I’m not sure who was more proud– her or her father. It was really great to see.”

“We were so fortunate and grateful for the amount of support we received from the community for the Ice Fishing Derby,” Rumpf continued. “We had over $7,000 worth of donations in the form of fishing prize money and door prizes to give away. Every single one of those dollars went back to the derby participants. We had over 50 door prizes! I had people contacting me two days before the event asking how they could help. It was just amazing.”

The top fishing prize, also known as the “Lunker of the Day” went to Lukas Finely for his largemouth bass that weighed in at 5.36 pounds. Last year’s Lunker was a 6.60 pounder caught by Jeremy Ross. The derby finished off with a fireworks display performed by Central Maine Pyrotechnics. A full list of fishing winners as well as door prize winners can be found on the derby website:

Matt Allen (right), owner of Bugbusterzzz Pest Control, sponsored the largemouth bass category and presented the first place prize to Lukas Finely for his 5.36-pound catch. Tom Rumpf (left) announced that Lukas’ fish also was the Lunker of the Day – the largest fish caught during the China Lake Ice Fishing Derby, held on February 20, 2022. (photo by Cindy Senkbeil)

3rd Annual China Lake Ice Fishing Derby WINNERS!

LUNKER OF THE DAY! $200 – Maritime Farm – Lukas Finely – Large Mouth Bass – 5.36 lbs.

Brook Trout

1st place $150 – Vassalboro Car Care – Madalynn Bellfleur – 1.02 lbs.
2nd place $75 – AMP Electric – Kaila Bourgeois – .88 lbs.
3rd place $25 – KC Auto – Sheldon – .70 lbs.

Brown Trout

1st place $200 – Central Maine Auto Group – Trevor Brockway – 3.44 lbs.
2nd place $100 – New England Import – Ava Smith – 3.26 lbs.
3rd place $50 – Greg’s Restaurant – Cameron Bragg – 2.46 lbs.

Large Mouth Bass

1st place $100 – Bug Busterzzz – Lukas Finely – 5.36 lbs.
2nd place $50 – Bug Busterzzz – Brandon Farrin – 5.08 lbs.
3rd place $25 – Bug Busterzzz – Ben Frazer – 4.96 lbs.


1st place $100 – China Variety & Redemption – Dakota Champagne – 3.96 lbs.
2nd place $50 – Adam’s Realty – Tristian Anderson – 3.78 lbs.
3rd place $25 – Greg’s Place Restaurant – Sawyer Bragg – 3.70 lbs.

Small Mouth Bass

1st place $100 – Central Machine – Ashley Doyon – 3.36 lbs.
2nd place $50 – Fernald Family Chiropractic – Jess Mullen – 3.26 lbs.
3rd place $25 – Bob’s Glass and More – Don Doyon – 2.96 lbs.

Children – 15 and under
Perch: White/Yellow – Most by Count

1st place $50 – KC Auto – Madisyn Niles with 30!
2nd place $40 – North Country Harley Davidson – Isaac Gigvere with 13.
3rd place $30 – North Country Harley Davidson – Nick Bowman with 7.
4th place $20 – North Country Harley Davidson – Ellie Soule with 4.
Tie for 5th place $10 – North Country Harley Davidson – Brook Shorey with 2.
Tie for 5th place $10 – Sandra Isaac Images – Shelbie & Haley with 2.
Honorable Mention – Chase Richardson with 1.

Door Prizes Winners’ List:

Barefoot Custom Coating – $400 Gift Certificate – Scott Braley.
AFC – Augusta Fuel Co. – 100 Gallons of Fuel – Joel Fernald.
Brookfield Renewable Energy and Jack Traps of Maine -Lithium StrikeMaster Auger – Zach Needham.
Jack Traps of Maine – (3) Jack Traps – Roberta Dionne, Jared Grenier & Ziggy.
Kim Mackenzie for Edward Jones – Clam 360 Portable Ice Shack – Nichole Bilodeau.
Standard Waterproofing – Jet Sled and a Hand Auger – Sadie Marte.
MA Haskell – $250 Gift Certificate – Tim Theriault.
Maine Ice Shack Rentals – 8×10 Ice Shack and Gear Rental – Herbie Shores.
North County Rivers – Rafting Trip for (2) – Nathaniel Rickman.
B&B Septic – $250 Gift Certificate for Service – Wayne Dubay.
Whitt’s Garment Works – (2) Sweatshirt and Hat – Elijah Gigvere & Norm Parker.
Whitt’s Garment Works – (2) Coat and Hat – Bill Cook & Rick Dumont.
Magic Falls Rafting Company – Rafting Trip For 1 – Jeanne Marquis.
Heritage Traps – (3) Red Heritage Laker Tip-Ups – Kevin Shores (+t-shirt), Wayne Dubey & Kraig Violett.
Lakeview Lumber – (2) $50 Gift Certificate + Extras! – Scott Braley & Ben Loubier.
Central Maine Power Sports (2) $50 Gift Cert. – Peter Quigley & Ron Knowles III.
Outback Beauty – (2) Jack Traps – Skeet Smith & Brittney St. Armond.
GHM Insurance Agency – (2) $50 Gift Certificates to MMCC – Jerry Keay & Katherine Wight.
Knowles Mechanical – $100 cash – Pauline Rancourt.
MJEK Seafood- (2) $50 Gift Certificate – Doug Hillman & Gary McCarthy.
Hannaford Supermarkets – $50 Gift Certificate – Gene Cowing.
Fish Tails Emporium – $50 Gift Certificate – Floyd Harkins.
Tobey’s Grocery – $50 Gift Certificate – Darrell Wentworth.
Raider’s Sugarhouse – Maple Products Gift Basket – Bill Reed.
Silver Street Tavern – (2) $25 Gift Certificates – Nate Pelletier & Elijah Crockett I.
Polished Salon – (2) $25 Gift Certificates – Dan Brockway & Jack Flanagan.
Korner Store – (2) $25 Gift Certificates – Priscilla Adams & Ryan Newgard.
Irving’s Circle K – (2) $25 Gift Certificates – Sara M & Stephen Labbe.
Hussey’s General Store $40 Gift Certificate – Morgan Britto.
Savage Nutrition – (2) $20 Gift Certificate – Barb Frost & Jody Ray.
Bolley’s Famous Franks- $30 Gift Certificate and a T-Shirt – Eric Lind.
Fred’s Coffee – Coffee Gift Basket – Robert Folson.
Rita’s House of Pizza – $25 Gift Certificate – Jared Grenier.
Asian Cafe – $20 Gift Certificate – Robert Folson.
Barber Parlor – Free Hair Cut – Henry Carter.

Special THANK YOU to Bar Harbor Bank & Trust, Traps for Kids, Maine Audubon Society, Standard Waterproofing, and Jack Traps of Maine for donating the Kid’s Bait Buckets and all the goodies that went inside! The kids loved them!! Next year we hope to give away 100 of them!!

THANK YOU to Central Church for setting up and helping teach kids how to ice fish and introducing them to this lifelong sport.

THANK YOU to Casella Waste Systems for taking care of our essential needs.

Local Town Meetings Schedule for 2022

Town meetings 2022


Elections Friday, March 18, 1 – 6 p.m.
Besse Building
Town meeting Sat., March 19, 10 a.m.
Albion Fire Dept.


Town meeting to be held in ballot format again.
Tues., June 14, 7 a.m. – 8 p.m.
Portable building 571 Lakeview Dr.


Annual town budget meeting Mon., May 9, 7 p.m.
Fairfield Community Center 61 Water St.


Elections Fri., March 11, 1:30 p.m.
Voting 3 – 7 p.m.
Palermo Town Office


Town elections Fri., March 25, 12:15 – 8 p.m.
Town office, 2986 Middle Rd.
Business meeting Sat., March 26, 9 a.m.
James H. Bean School 2896 Middle Rd.


Sat., March 5 Elections 8 a.m. – 12:15 p.m.
Business meeting 1:30 p.m.
Solon Elementary School


Business meeting Mon., June 6, 6:30 p.m.
Vassalboro Community School 1116 Webber Pond Rd.
Elections Tues., June 14
Vassalboro Town Office 682 Main St. 8 a.m. – 8 p.m.


Town meeting Thurs., June 16, 2022, 6 p.m.
Should Windsor School take one more snow day, meeting will be held Wed., June 15, 2022, 6 p.m.

*   *   *

To be included in this list, visit our Contact Us page or send an email to The Town Line at

Mid-Maine Chamber’s premier trade show to be held March 24 in Waterville

Board member Emily Cates and Editor Roland Hallee sit at The Town Line’s booth at the Business-to-Business Showcase in 2019. (photo by Eric Austin)

Central Maine’s largest tradeshow, Mid-Maine Chamber of Commerce’s Business to Business Showcase, has been scheduled for March 24, 2022, noon to 6 p.m., at Colby’s Harold Alfond Athletic & Recreation Center.

Reservations for booths at the showcase are available now to Mid-Maine Chamber businesses only. For the most current list of exhibitors, please visit The showcase features over 100 exhibitors, free attendance, and parking, as well as a drawing for a $1,000 cash prize.

“The networking at this event is unparalleled for a one-day event. March is the month that the Showcase had originally been held, pre-COVID, and we are getting back on schedule. If you are looking to get the word out about your business and network with other professionals, the Business-to-Business Showcase is really an unmatched opportunity for our region,” said Kim Lindlof, president & CEO of Mid-Maine Chamber of Commerce.

Chairperson of the Showcase Committee, Bruce Harrington added, “We trust that those who found the event a valuable marketing and networking tool for growth will continue to make plans to join us this Spring.”

The Business-to-Business Showcase event is made possible by major sponsors Central Maine Motors Auto Group, Central Maine Growth Council, Colby College, Kennebec Savings Bank, Maine Technology Group and Maine State Credit Union. Other sponsors include Kennebec Valley Community College, Maine DECD, Northern Light Inland Hospital and Skowhegan Savings Bank.

For more information on the Mid-Maine Chamber of Commerce, including how to become a member, call (207) 873-3315 or visit

China Ice Days “huge success”

The fish weigh-in at China Ice Days. (contributed photo)

At the Feb. 21 China select board meeting, Thomas Rumpf, president of the Four Seasons Club and chairman of the just-finished Ice Days weekend, called the celebration “a complete success,” with thousands of people joining Sunday’s fishing derby.

But, he said, he was disappointed that he had seen only one member of the select board at any event.

“I didn’t catch any fish,” Blane Casey said.

“The lasagna was great,” at the Friday evening Masonic supper, Jeanne Marquis added.

Janet Preston thanked Rumpf and told him she watched Sunday evening’s fireworks from her house.

And Ronald Breton said apologetically that since health issues prevent him from standing for more than a few minutes, he couldn’t take part.

To see more pictures visit the China Ice Fishing Derby Facebook page here!

List of Fishing Derby Winners part 1

List of Fishing Derby Winners part 2

photo by Cindy Senbeil

photo by Cindy Senbeil

photo by Cindy Senbeil

photo by Cindy Senbeil

photo by Cindy Senbeil

photo by Cindy Senbeil

China Lake ice fishing derby grows into all-community winter weekend

Folks enjoying last year’s event. (photo by Sandra Isaac)

February 18 – 20, 2022

by Jeanne Marquis

When I went out to interview Tom Rumpf, president of China Four Seasons Club, I wanted to find out more about the China Lakes Ice Fishing Derby and how this event become our town’s biggest annual event so quickly? Here’s what I found out:

Tom Rumpf, president of China Four Seasons Club

“About three years ago–because this is the third one coming up–the four seasons club and myself got talking and we wanted to start the ice tourney back up. It hadn’t been run in 20 years. So we got a plan together and brought it to Tim [Fire Chief Tim Theriault] and everybody at the fire station because they are the ones that originally did this whole thing way back. They were all fully on board. So, it’s a joint venture between China’s 4 Seasons Club and the China Village Fire Department.”

Tom went on to explain they only had about two months to plan and implement the ice derby. The two organizations felt it went well and were encouraged to immediately start planning their next year’s derby for February 2021 with monthly meetings all year. Many events were closed in the summer of 2020 due to the pandemic including our town’s China Days. By the winter, it was considered safe to host outdoors events. Tom Rumpf met with Becky Hapgood, China Town Manager, to get approval to use the fireworks that were purchased for China Days for the Ice Derby. Tom felt that adding the fireworks turned the derby from a day event into a town-wide, weekend celebration, something the residents of China, Maine, needed after a tough, isolating year.

“It really hit me last year when the fireworks hit and I saw the amount of people. I hadn’t seen that many people enjoying the outdoors in, I don’t know, in 20 years on that lake.”

The 2nd annual China Lakes Ice Derby was a success in boosting residents’ spirits, bringing visitors to town and raising funds for the China’s 4 Seasons Club and the China Village Fire Department. Tom estimates between 600-800 people participated, including all ages and genders. The ticket sales raised $5,675.18, after expenses, providing China’s 4 Season Club and the China Village Fire department each with $2,837.60.

Energized by the success of the second derby, the monthly planning meetings went to work in March 2021 to turn the third derby into a weekend event including more organizations and adding more ways to enjoy the outdoors in winter. Tom brought out the oversized sheets of white paper his team used for brainstorming to show the creativity behind the scenes to include something for everyone in the next year’s derby weekend. Tom and his team went out to recruit involvement with regional businesses to donate prizes and showcase their products with demos. He also saw the potential in this winter weekend event to galvanize the town at a time when we need to get to know our neighbors better.

[See also: Annual China Lake Ice Fishing Derby to culminate weekend town-wide festivities]

“So that was the big thing to me was bringing in all the nonprofits and all the different entities in town. Bring them all together to share and a whole weekend event. I think it will bring a lot of people out around town. Winter is a hard time. We’re praying for a good weekend, obviously. We have a lot of events for everybody.

“We’re starting Friday night. The Masons are having dinner at the Masonic Hall in China. They’re putting on a lasagna dinner. They keep all the proceeds. After the dinner we’re going to do a snowmobile ride from the Masonic Hall because the trail goes right by there. Out to Tobey’s around town back here for a fire down on the shore.”

The Masonic Hall Central Lodge is asking that if you wish to attend, please send them an RSVP to and let them know how many people will be in your group.

Tickets to participate in the China Lake Ice Fishing Derby are available at China Variety and Redemption, Greg’s Restaurant, Harvest Time Bait, in Winslow, Lakeview Lumber, Maritime Farms (formally Fieldstones), North Country Harley Davidson, Tobey’s Grocery and through any member of the China Four Seasons Club or the China Village Fire Department. Tickets will also be available at tents at the entrance points to the lake in Vassalboro, China and South China.

Sandra Boyce Isaac, a member of both the China Village Fire Department and China Four Seasons Club, created a Facebook page and website for updated information on the weekend’s schedule. She plans to run a live stream of events as they happen and results of the raffle.

In keeping with Tom’s vision of an all-community winter weekend, Saturday will offer activities on and off the lake sponsored by area nonprofit organizations. All day on Saturday, there will be skating at the new rink at the China School grounds with events organized by Martha Wentworth, of the China Recreation Committee. At the skate rink, Martha also has plans for a snow sculpting contest and food vendors. At 10 a.m., on Saturday, there will be corn hole contests run by the Women’s Veterans Glamping group inside the China Four Seasons Clubhouse.

There’s plenty for kids this year as well. The China Baptist Conference Center will be the site again for the cardboard sled race and creativity contest at noon on Saturday. From 10 a.m. – 3 p.m., the Conference Center hill is open for sledding. Take a break and stop into the Conference Center from 11 a.m. – 1 p.m., for lunch donated by Big G’s Deli, of Winslow. Members from China For A Lifetime will be helping serve at this event.

What’s a winter celebration without an adventure in the woods? On Saturday starting at 2 p.m., the China School Forest and the China Lakes Association will be hosting a scavenger hunt for loons. Anita Smith, director of the China School Forest, tells us, “The trails are a great asset to our town because almost everyone can enjoy them. At the event, we will have extra child and adult snowshoes for people to borrow if they don’t have their own. This gives people a chance to try a new winter activity.” If no snow is on the trail this weekend, this event will continue on as planned as a hike.

Elaine Philbrook, who helped to organize the loon scavenger hunt, feels that “this is an opportunity for the China Lake Association to build connections with other organizations in the community. I hope this is just the beginning of our connections and maybe start a trend where groups in China work together on other projects. Working together seems to have worked out well for the Four Seasons Club and the Fire Department and it is working out well for the China School Forest and China Lake Association.”

Sunday, February 20, is the day of the fishing derby beginning before the first lights of dawn at 5 a.m. The kids can pick up buckets donated by Bar Harbor Bank and Trust at the China Village Fire Department. There are only 50 buckets, so the first kids to arrive, get them.

For those kids who do not know how to ice fish, Central Church will have members located by The Landing ready to help kids get started. Tom said, “They’ll be teaching kids to fish. So if your kid does not have traps or you don’t have any idea of how to fish, you go see them and they’re gonna set you up.”

When the adults need to take a break from fishing, two regional businesses, Central Maine Powersports and North Country Harley-Davidson, will be on hand with product displays. Tom was quick to point out, “Craig Anderson, from Central Maine Powersports, lives right here in China.”

Tom reminds us, “You have to bring your fish before 4 p.m., hopefully well before because we’re gonna be weighing the fish and counting the perch for the kids category. The tickets stop selling at noon time because at 1 o’clock we will start drawing door prizes. It’s gonna be Facebook live, so if you win, you can just come down and pick up your prize.”

At 6 p.m., on Sunday, the all-community, winter weekend celebration of the China Lake Ice Fishing Derby concludes with the spectacle of fireworks at the head of the lake. This will be the same sight that impressed Tom Rumpf by seeing so many people out enjoying the winter and encouraged him and his team to expand the event to more groups, businesses and ages.

Schedule of Events

Friday Night:

Mason Lodge Lasagna Dinner: at 6 p.m., at the Lodge, located at 50 Main Street, in China Village. Dinners will be $15 and dinners for children under 12 will be $5. Seating will be limited to the first 100 people.

In order to plan for the event, Central Lodge is asking that if you wish to attend, please send them an RSVP to and let them know how many people will be in your group.

Following the Mason’s dinner, there will be a Guided Nighttime Snowmobile Trail Ride finishing up with a bon fire at the China Four Season Club Beach.


All Day: Ice skating with a food truck on site selling refreshments presented by the China Recreational Committee.

All Day: Central Maine Power Sport Set-up and Demonstrations by the China Four Seasons Clubhouse.

10 a.m.: Cornhole Games at The China Four Seasons Clubhouse. Food and drinks will also be available for purchase. The event will be presented by (and all proceeds going to) Women Veterans Glamping.

10 a.m. – 3 p.m.: Sledding at the China Conference Center.

11 a.m. – 1 p.m.: Lunch at the China Conference Center with all of the food donated by Big G’s Deli, in Winslow.

Noon: Cardboard Box Sledding Race at the China Conference Center

2 p.m.: Snow Shoeing (or hiking if there is no snow) and Scavenger Hunt presented by the China Lake Association and the China School Forest.


5 a.m. – 4 p.m.: China Lake Ice Fishing Derby!

5 p.m.: Ice Fishing Derby Awards Ceremony

6 p.m.: Fireworks Display over China Lake.

Public hearing regarding proposed contracting with Liberty Ambulance

(Photo courtesy of Palermo Community Library)

The Palermo Select Board will be holding a public hearing on Friday, February 11, at 6 pm. The meeting will take place at the Palermo Community Library, located at 2789 Route 3, in Palermo. The main topic of discussion will be the proposed contracting with Liberty Ambulance Service as an emergency service provider for Palermo. Chief Komandt (Palermo) and Chief Gillespie (Liberty) will present their proposal and will be happy to answer all your questions.

For those who prefer to attend via Zoom, the link is:, Meeting ID: 856 8227 7706, Passcode: 350168

All are encouraged to attend. Palermo residents will vote on the proposed contract with Liberty Ambulance Services at the Annual Town Meeting in March.

For more information call 993-6088 or email or visit

Apple Pruning workshop set for March 12

Register by March 4th for Apple Pruning Techniques hands-on workshop at Midcoast Conservancy’s Trout Brook Preserve in Alna

Knox-Lincoln Soil & Water Conservation District is pleased to collaborate with Midcoast Conservancy to offer a program on pruning techniques needed to keep your apple trees productive. on Saturday, March 12, from 9 a.m. – noon, at Midcoast Conservancy’s Trout Brook Preserve in Alna.

Cheryl Denz, owner and operator of Terra Optima Farm and Landscaping, in Appleton, will teach this popular class! Whether you have a small home orchard or one old tree that feeds the deer, this workshop will teach you the basic pruning techniques needed to keep your trees alive – and bearing fruit

Prior registration is required by Friday, March 4, for this class as space is limited. Dress appropriately for the weather and please bring any pruning tools you may have (pruners, loppers, handsaw). A limited number of additional tools will be available. In the event of inclement weather, the alternative date is March 19; they will contact registrants by 7 a.m. on March 12 should they need to postpone. Class fee is: $20/individual; $35/2 members of one household (plus $1 online payment processing fee).

To register, go to Knox-Lincoln SWCD’s website: For more information, please call 596-2040 or email

Annual China Lake Ice Fishing Derby to culminate weekend town-wide festivities

Folks enjoying last year’s event. (photo by Sandra Isaac)

by Sandra Isaac

The China Four Seasons Club and the China Village Fire Department are partnering again for the 3rd Annual China Lake Ice Fishing Derby to be held on Sunday, February 20. This year’s derby will be part of a winter weekend festival – “China Ice Days” – featuring town-wide activities starting on Friday evening and continuing all day on Saturday.

Sunday is still dedicated to the ice fishing derby with fishing limited to China Lake. The ice fishing derby will finish with a fireworks display after the derby’s award ceremony. All of the weekend’s activities will be open to the public.

“We are hoping that the ‘China Ice Days’ will be the winter equivalent of China Days held in the summer and hope to make it a regular part of the Annual Ice Fishing Derby,” said China Four Seasons Club President Tom Rumpf. “The additional weekend activities will be presented and managed by many of China’s wonderful organizations, highlighting our local resources and spotlighting what great assets the Town of China has.” Activities will include a lasagna dinner at the Mason’s Lodge, a snowshoeing scavenger hunt through the School Forest, sledding and a cardboard sled race at the Convention Center, ice skating, cornhole games, and more.

Rumpf continued, “The China Ice Days and the Annual Fishing Derby are a great way for individuals and families to come out and enjoy the outdoors and be part of a China area tradition. This is also Maine’s free fishing weekend. We will be following any state-mandated guidelines in place at the time and will be encouraging social distancing to help keep all participants safe. We will be asking all participants to wear face-covering while inside a building or if social distancing is not possible.”

Fishing derby weigh-in time will be at 4 p.m., on Sunday and all entries must be in the Fire Station Building [on Causeway Road] by 4 p.m. to qualify for a prize. Prizes will be awarded in the following fish categories: large and smallmouth bass, brown trout, brook trout, and pickerel. The children’s category will be perch and kids will be awarded prizes for the top five winners with the most perch caught. The lunker of the day – the largest fish overall – will be the derby’s top prize.

The first 75 kids who participate in the derby will receive special takeaway gifts courtesy of Bar Harbor Bank & Trust, The Maine Audubon Society and Jack Traps of Maine. These items will be available at the fire station starting at 5 a.m. on the day of the derby.  In addition, Central Church will be set up on the ice across from the Fire Station on Causeway Road to work with kids who are new to fishing and will supply those kids with traps and bait.

“We will also be giving away over 30 door prizes including a 40 volt lithium StrikeMaster Auger courtesy of Jack Traps of Maine and Brookfield Renewable Energy, 100 gallons of heating fuel from Augusta Fuel Company, 25 traps from Traps for Kids, plus many more prizes and gift certificates from great local businesses,” said Rumpf.

Tickets for the derby are available for $5 a piece or 3 for $10 at many local stores including China Variety & Redemption, Greg’s Restaurant, Harvest Time Bait, Lakeview Lumber, Maritime Farms and Tobey’s. You can also purchase tickets from members of the China Four Seasons Club and the China Village Fire Department.

The organizers have set up a Facebook page and a website to share information on door prizes, sponsors, and ticket information. Please visit or

Annual plant sale fundraiser underway

Knox-Lincoln Soil & Water Conservation District’s 2022 Spring Plant Sale Catalog is now available in print and online! Plants are available for pre-order, either online or by mail through Tuesday, April 19, 2022. This year we are offering curbside pick-up of your orders on Friday, May 13, and Saturday, May 14, and “Cash and Carry” on Saturday, May 14, at Union Fairgrounds. Quantities are limited so order early – and often – for the best selection!

This annual spring fundraiser provides more than 180 varieties to choose from: bareroot fruit trees and berries for the home orchard and garden; native conifers, deciduous trees, shrubs and vines for conservation, wildlife, and landscape enhancement; and native, organic, Maine-grown perennials and herbs in 1-gallon pots for pollinators. The plant list includes new varieties in all categories as well as tried and true favorites. As always, the print catalog offers descriptions of the plants and cultural requirements to aid in choosing the right plant for the right place. Plant care fact sheets and additional information, including plant images, may be found on our newly updated online store and website.

The proceeds of this fundraiser support the youth and adult conservation programs throughout the year.

They are dependent on volunteers to help pack orders and distribute to customers. Volunteers receive some perks as a thank you for helping with our largest annual fundraiser. If interested, please contact

Don’t wait to place your order: visit to download a catalog or to shop online; call 596-2040 or email to receive a catalog by USPS – and, think spring!