CHINA: Planners to hear medical marijuana application


Location of proposed medical marijuana operation on Route 3 in China. (photo from Google maps streetview)

by Mary Grow

At their Sept. 24, 2019 meeting, China Planning Board members will continue discussion of Clifford Glinko’s application for a change of use for the South China building that formerly housed Mainely Trains and other businesses.

Glinko’s application says he intends to create two separate suites in the building. One will be for a medical marijuana facility, not open to the public, for “cultivation, manufacturing, and packaging for offsite delivery” of medical marijuana.” Planned hours of operation are Monday through Friday from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.

The other suite will be for retail sale of “cannabis smoking accessories.” It will operate Monday through Saturday from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.

The Planning Board meets at 6:30 p.m. Sept. 24 in the town office meeting room.

Related story: Planners again postpone action on marijuana facility application

Saying “goodbye” to summer 2019

Tina Richard, of Clinton, caught this barred owl napping in her yard.

Emily Poulin, of China, snapped a shot of this turkey walking across a field.

Michael Bilinsky, of China Village, photographed this gold finch enjoying a snack at a feeder.

Gary Mazoki, of Palermo, snapped this hummingbird approaching a feeding station.

Pat Clark, of Palermo, photographed this warbler at her feeder, stating it was the first time she had seen one at the suet feeder.

Oakland woman joins Bar Harbor Bank & Trust

Jennifer Seekins

Jennifer Seekins, has joined Bar Harbor Bank & Trust as Senior Vice President, Treasury Services Sales Manager. Initially working from the Bank’s Hampden, Maine office, Ms. Seekins will lead the Treasury Services Group in providing commercial banking customers with Cash Man­agement and Mer­chant Services solutions to help them save time, prevent fraud, increase productivity, and maximize earnings on working capital.

Ms. Seekins has worked in the financial services industry for over 25 years. Her first job out of college was with Fleet Bank, in Waterville, where she was promoted from Teller Operations Supervisor to Senior Business Specialist during her ten years there. For the next 12 years Ms. Seekins worked at Bangor Savings Bank, in Augusta, starting as Cash Management Sales Services Officer and concluding her time there as SVP, Team Leader & Senior Treasury & Payment Services Officer. Most recently, Ms. Seekins was Chief Treasury Services & Business Development Officer at Androscoggin Bank, in Lewiston.

Jennifer earned her bachelor’s degree from the University of Maine at Machias. She is a Certified Treasury Professional and a graduate of Leadership Maine. In the community Jennifer volunteers with the Olympia Snowe Women’s Leadership Institute, United Way, and Tree Street Youth. She has participated previously with Jobs for Maine Graduates, Big Brother Big Sisters and American Heart Association.

Jennifer currently resides in Oakland.

CHINA: Planners again postpone action on marijuana facility application


by Mary Grow

At their Sept. 10 meeting, China Planning Board members again postponed action on Clifford Glinko’s application to open a medical marijuana facility in the former Mainely Trains building on Route 3, in South China. Again, the main focus of an inconclusive discussion was the meaning and application of state law and who decides on meaning and application.

The board’s Aug. 27 discussion included references to legal opinions from town attorney Amanda Meader and Glinko’s attorney, Christopher McCabe. Board members thought Meader intended to write a revised opinion (see The Town Line, Sept. 12, 2019).

They proposed asking Maine Attorney General Aaron Frey, through China Representative Timothy Theriault, to advise on whether the requirements for a setback between schools and recreational marijuana businesses also applied to medical marijuana. As Glinko pointed out, the two types of business are covered under two different sections of state law: Title 28-B, Adult Use Marijuana; and Title 22, Health and Welfare, Chapter 558-C, Maine Medical Use of Marijuana Act.

As of Sept. 10, planning board members had nothing new from Meader and did not know whether anyone had approached the attorney general. Codes Officer William Butler had third-hand information that Meader thought she need not update her earlier opinion; Glinko believed she had been asked not to act until the attorney general replied.

Later in the week, Town Manager Dennis Heath reported that Theriault told him Frey had declined to give an opinion, recommending instead the town attorney or the Maine Municipal Association’s legal services.

The planning board discussion showed that since Aug. 27, emails had been exchanged among the two attorneys and Heath. Board members had not seen most of them.

Glinko, increasingly frustrated by the delays, reminded board members they are obliged to act within 35 days, but that statement sparked another brief debate: Glinko said within 35 days of submission of an application (his was received Aug. 13), Butler and board Chairman Tom Miragliuolo said within 35 days of the board voting the application complete, an action taken on Aug. 27. Butler’s and Miragliuolo’s position conforms to the China Land Use Ordinance.

Long-time board member Jim Wilkens insisted the board could not decide on the application without complete information and still be fair to both the applicant and the townspeople. After almost an hour’s discussion, board members unanimously tabled the application to their Sept. 24 meeting, expecting more clarity by then.

In other business, Miragliuolo shared with the rest of the board a summary of progress on drafting China’s revised comprehensive plan. Joel Greenwood, the consultant from Kennebec Valley Council of Governments assisting China’s Comprehensive Plan Committee, expects a first draft by December, ready for town voters’ action in the spring of 2020.

The next Comprehensive Planning Committee meeting is scheduled for Wednesday evening, Sept. 25. All meetings are open to the public, and new committee members are welcome.

Miragliuolo also shared copies of the five articles on the Nov. 5 local ballot that make up the “opt in” provisions required by state law if China is to allow medical marijuana establishments in town (see The Town Line, Sept. 12, p. 3, China Selectboard story).

Related story: Planners to hear medical marijuana application

China selectmen unanimously approve another portable classroom

by Mary Grow

China selectmen unanimously approved buying another second-hand portable classroom, adding a comparatively small sum to the money they’d already spent at their Sept. 16 meeting.

Town Manager Dennis Heath said Regional School Unit (RSU) #18 Superintendent Carl Gartley offered to sell the 50-by-14-foot building to the town for $1, with the town to pay moving costs from Oakland. The manager recommended buying it and siting it on the town office lot to use as a police office; he intends to discuss the exact placement with Codes Enforcement Officer Bill Butler.

The building has a new roof and a heating system, he said. If it were near the portable classroom behind the town office, officers could use the just-installed toilet facilities there.

From the audience, Budget Committee member Wayne Chadwick reminded selectmen they would need to pay for a concrete pad, electricity and probably other costs.

Robert MacFarland, chairman of the Board of Selectmen, said he had seen the building and believes, “with a little bit of cleaning up,” it would be useful for an office and storage. MacFarland estimated the total cost of moving and adapting the building at less than $10,000.

In the past, China bought two extra portable classrooms, the one behind the town office used mainly for voting and committee meetings and one selectmen passed on to the South China Library. That one is now on a slab on Jones Road.

The unusually high expenditure warrant selectmen approved at the beginning of the Sept. 16 meeting totaled more than $1 million. Heath said it included the Kennebec County tax and the monthly school budget.

Also on the warrant was a $52,440.54 payment to Central Maine Power Company to install three-phase power at the transfer station, a long-awaited improvement that will allow installation of the new pre-crusher. Money is to come from the transfer station capital expense fund and the selectmen’s contingency fund. Selectman Ronald Breton congratulated Heath on negotiating CMP’s original price down by more than $16,000.

Selectmen did not accept a revised schedule for town office fees Heath said office staff recommended. After a 15-minute discussion, they voted unanimously to leave fees as they are with two exceptions: changes in fees for notary services and use of the office FAX.

After the meeting, Heath recommended that he delay posting the fee schedule until selectmen review it again at their Sept. 30 meeting.

Neil Farrington, one of China’s representatives on the RSU #18 board of directors, came to the selectmen’s meeting with a proposal to use the South China Legion Hall for community events sponsored by the China for a Lifetime Committee, and stayed to answer school-related questions.

There are two main reasons for school budget increases, he said. One is employee salaries and benefits that go up annually by contract. The other is social, the growing need for special education services. This year RSU #18 has hired an additional social worker and a drug counselor, he said.

In other business:

  • Board members unanimously appointed Nancy Beadling a member of the China for a Lifetime Committee.
  • They again tabled action on Mike Rackcliffe’s application for a Tax Increment Finance (TIF) revolving loan because they had not received requested information from the Kennebec Valley Council of Governments, which assists with China’s loan program (see The Town Line, Sept. 12, p. 3).
  • China Lake Association spokesman Tom Michaud said the association had contracted with Chadwick’s firm, W. D. Chadwick Construction, of South China, for erosion control work on Fire Roads 13, 27 and 35, with Fire Road 35 to be done this fall if possible.
  • Michaud reported that lakefront property owners who had LakeSmart erosion control barriers installed this summer had contributed $2,500 to the program (see The Town Line, Aug. 8, p. 2 and Aug. 29, p. 2, for examples of LakeSmart award recipients).

The next regular China selectmen’s meeting is scheduled for 6:30 p.m. Monday, Sept. 30.

Area students enrolled at Colby fall 2019

Area students have enrolled at Colby College, in Waterville, this fall. Before classes began Sept. 4, 2019, they took part in a weeklong orientation that included an introduction to academic and intellectual life at Colby, participation in an outdoor education trip (COOT), and an address by the John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Professor of Sociology and African-American Studies, Cheryl Townsend Gilkes, at Colby’s 202nd Convocation.

Conrad F. Ayers, of Waterville, a graduate of Waterville Senior High School, is the son of Andrew and Julie Ayers of Waterville.

Milo F. Lani-Caputo, of Whitefield, a graduate of Erskine Academy, in South China, is the son of Curry Caputo and Andrea Lani, of Whitefield.

Zoli A. Nagy, of Albion, a graduate of Lawrence High School, in Fairfield, is the son of Sandor Nagy of Albion.

Caitlin R. Parks, of Sidney, a graduate of Messalonskee High School, in Oakland, is the daughter of Michael and Lorie Parks, of Sidney.

Sophie C. Webb, of Waterville, a graduate of Taft School, is the daughter of Timothy and Karen Webb, of Waterville.

Red Sox historian to speak at Albert Church Brown Memorial Library

Albert Church Brown Memorial Library is delighted to host author and historian of the Red Sox, Ray Sinibaldi Sunday, September 29, at 2 p.m.

Mr. Sinibaldi fell in love with Fenway and the Red Sox very young. He grew up in a black and white TV and magazine sports world so the lush green park and the bright uniforms captured his mind. A trained historian and a teacher by trade, he published numerous books worth of Red Sox information. He also published a photo memorial of Fenway Park. He is currently coaching a Florida team that starts practice in January!

Our talk Sunday will be a comparison of the Red Sox of early 1900s when they won five World Series and the team of recent years since 2004 that captured four World Series. He will compare the players and strategies.

Mr. Sinibaldi’s enthusiasm is infectious. This will be an afternoon of Red Sox hard to forget. We might hear a little of what the 2020 season may bring.

Work continues at China school

Construction at China Middle School as of September 2019. (photo by Roland Hallee)

Construction continues on the addition to the China Middle School. The work is being performed by Blane Casey, of Augusta, and although they have come across some structural issues it is expected the work will still come in within the budget that was planned, according to Carl Gartley, Superintendent of Schools for RSU #18, of which the China schools are a member. The total cost of the expansion project will be between $1.5 and $1.6 million.

The project includes adding locker rooms, redoing the stage and music class area, adding practice rooms for music classes, adding storage for cafeteria tables, redoing the gym floor and upgrading the HVAC system, repairing the roof and other fire code improvements to meet compliance of new laws.

Common Ground Round 9: Win a $10 Gift Certificate

DEADLINE: Friday, October 4, 2019

Identify the people in these three photos, and tell us what they have in common. You could win a $10 gift certificate to Retail Therapy boutique, 11 KMD Plaza, Kennedy Memorial Dr., Waterville, next to the Dairy Queen!* Email your answer to or through our Contact page with subject line “COMMON GROUND 9.”

Please include your name and address with your answer, so we can mail your prize if you are the winner!

You may also mail your answer to The Town Line, PO Box 89, South China, ME 04358. (To be eligible for the drawing, you must email or snail mail your answer to us.)

* Should there be more than one correct answer, a random drawing will be held to determine the winner.

Previous winner: John Hall, of Sidney

Left to right, Clint Eastwood (Blondie), Lee Van Cleef (Angel Eyes), Eli Wallach (Tuco). All three starred in the film The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly.



Week of September 12, 2019