The misadventure of discovering a well cave

by Danny W. Howard

Now I know there are some folks out there who, for some reason, think that I have the tendency to stretch the truth every now and again. I don’t hardly know where they got that from. Why I say about half of what I write is the gospel truth, and if it ain’t may lightning strike me down where I stand – that’s funny. I thought I just heard some thunder.

Now, you take what happened to me one day last summer. I was out mowing the lawn with my old lawnmower. Now I have to state that my lawn is perhaps the best cared for bunch of crab grass, dandelions, and assorted weeds in nearly the whole state of Maine. Though I should think there are others out there who would make a like claim.

I had, over the years, tried to smooth over some of the rough spots in my lawn that were made by bulldozers, dump trucks and those places where the snowplow digs into the ground before and after the ground freezes and thaws.

I must say I think I did a good job of it – except this one spot over by the pair of pear trees that one of my neighbors gave me back in – let’s see 19–, 1980-something.Wow, that was a long time ago, wasn’t it?

Well, anyway, like I was saying, I had the lawn pretty much leveled off except this one little spot about, say 20 feet around out there by them pair trees. It had waist high weeds and those hardhack bushes. They were called hardhack bushes because they were hard to hack.

Well, I was running my old lawnmowers over the area when I noticed the handles of the lawnmower were growing up over my head. Now, I want to tell ya – I thought that was a mighty strange thing for an old lawnmower to be doing, so I stopped my mowing for a while to investigate the situation. To my relief I found that the handles weren’t growing but I was standing in a hole that seemed to be getting deeper by the second. The ground came shooting right by my eye balls as I dropped into the aforementioned hole. Now, as I recall it, I must have reached the bottom of this hole a whole half second later, because that’s when I felt this rather sharp pain in my feet. Now this pain traveled up my legs and made an impression on my knees. And then tried to dislocate my hips from the rest of my body before distributing the pain throughout my body before exiting through every one of my hair tips. Where the pain went after that I didn’t know, I kind of lost interest at that point.

As near as I could figure out, I had found the old well that the deed said was on the property when we bought the land from that old couple almost 20-, no, 40 years ago.

So, here I am at the bottom of a, oh, I guess 20-foot hole, with bits of rotten wood, rocks, dust and clumps of dirt falling on my head – from the top of the hole.
My first concern was if I was still alive, I moved and found out that I was indeed alive, the dead don’t feel pain, so I am told, I can’t imagine how they reached that conclusion. What did they do, kick a dead person, and he didn’t say “Ouch!?”

I was standing up and touched the rocks that made up the walls of this well, that I was at the bottom. I figured my chances of getting out of this well were as great as having fallen into it in the first place. So, I started hollering to my wife. Now, at this point, I’ve changed her name to protect the innocent. “Susan—Susan—Suussaann,” I calmly hollered. Susan (my wife’s name for this story) comes to the hole and looks down, sending more rocks, dirt, pieces of rotten boards and grass clumps down on me.

“Oh, there you are, dinner’s ready! What’re doing down there? Do you need some help? Do you want me to call the fire department?”

“Yes, I’m fine. Thanks for asking. And, at the moment, I am not hungry. I fell, yes, I need help and no, don’t you dare call the fire department! And, please, step away from the edge. Can you get me the ladder?”

“I think I’d better call the fire department.”

“No!. No fire department.” Now, as an afterthought, as much as I hate to admit it, calling the fire department would have been a good idea, in fact, a great idea.

But I am getting ahead of the story.

So, she gets the ladder. “I better tie a rope on the ladder so I can pull it up if this doesn’t work,” she said.

Her concern for my well-being was, I thought, touching. After much pushing and pulling, plus a few wheelbarrows full of rotten boards, rocks, dirt and clumps of grass down on my head, I had the ladder down the well and what I thought was fairly solid ground at the bottom of the well.

Fire department? Who needs the fire department, as I started up the ladder out of my tomb – er, well. As I was climbing up the ladder I noticed a pretty shaped rock. I thought, Gee, I’ve come up the ladder at least four rungs and this same rock is still at eye level. It was at this point that I realized the ladder was sinking into the bottom of the well. The ladder suddenly stopped with a jar, as it seemed that my wife had the forethought to tie the rope to something solid at the surface.

She looked down at me and said something like, “Hang on, honey, I’ll get you out!”

I’m thinking, now how is she going to get me out of this well while I’m holding on to the ladder? Then, I heard the van start up.

I realized what she had in mind and calmly yelled, “No, not that – stop, before you kill me!”

Those words had no sooner left my lips when I shot out of the well with the ladder in tow – somehow the ladder had managed to shoot out of the well most of its length with only about four or five feet still in the well. The ladder was bending toward the ground. I was calmly shouting to my wife to stop before the rope broke, but my voice was being drowned out by the roar of the van and the spinning tires on the gravel driveway. Why, there was so much noise that I hardly heard the rope break and zap by my left ear.

At this point, things started to happen rather quickly so if I get mixed up, please forgive me.

After the rope broke, the bend in the ladder straigthened up in a hurry, throwing me first into the straightening ladder with just enough force to jar a few of my fillings loose in my teeth. The bad news is that I lost my grip on the ladder that was just beginning its spring in the opposite direction from what I was traveling.
That threw me nearly over the pear tree. Its upper-most branches doing their best to catch me. I guess it must have slowed me down enough for the black raspberry bushes to break my fall. I painfully laid there for my thoughts to catch up with me. As I took note of my injuries, I noticed a sharp pain between my eyes. I felt my forehead. It had been replaced by a rather large goose egg. That was most likely caused by me hitting the ladder as it sprung backwards.

My wife came running over to see if there was any damage done to the ladder, then asked if I was OK.

“Peaches and cream,” I said, “now help me up.”

Well, after all of that, she reached down and helped me up, and wouldn’t you know it, she starts giggling.

“This—is—not—funny!” I said.

“Yes (giggle) it—is (giggle),” she giggled.

Now, you know why I didn’t want the fire department here. It’s bad enough my wife – but the whole town?

Then, I remembered something very important that came to mind that I wanted to tell my wife. It came to mind when I was flying over the pear tree. I said to her, “You get the keys to the van?”

“Why yes, they’re right here,” she said.

“Give them to me!”

“Why, are you going somewhere?” as she handed me the keys.

“No, I ain’t going anywhere now,” as I put the keys in my pocket.

She started to giggling again.


I started to get the ladder and the rope together, and tied one end of the ladder and the other end to the pair tree. I then placed the ladder back down the well.

“What are you doing,” my wife asked. She wasn’t giggling anymore.

“I am going down to look around,” I answered.


“Aren’t you the least bit interested as to why they covered over the well like that?” I asked.


“Well, I am,” I said.

She looked at my head and the goose egg that was there, and said, ”I think you got whacked harder than you think.”

“I’m OK, now be a dear and get me the flashlight.”

All of this activity had gotten the attention of my next door neighbor and he came over.

“You know if you’re going down there you ought to have a backup for that flashlight. I’ve got some road flares – I’ll go and get tone,” he said. He returned in a few minutes and handed me the flare.

“What you do it take off the cap and strike it like a match.”

OK, take off the cap and strike it like a match, got it.

“And be sure to strike it away from your face.”

“Away from the face. Got it.”

I went down the ladder with the flashlight and the backup road flare.

Down at the bottom of the well, I noticed another layer of boards covering a hole. I pulled away some rotten boards and noticed there was a cave there. Well, a big crack in the ledge. I got into the crack and did some looking around. At that point the flashlight starts to fade I can’t see three feet in front of me, so I grabbed the flare and pulled off the cap. When I was ready to strike it, I heard this noise, like a flock of birds all taking off at once. All at once the cave is full of bats – in what seemed a mad rush to leave the cave – like rats off a sinking ship. Mmmmm, I go.

At about the same time, my next door neighbor tells my wife something about methane gas in caves down south, but I didn’t think that’ll be a problem this for no – BOOM!

I guess I was wrong, as he picks himself up, and helped my wife get up.

The rocks, dirt and clumps of grass that were thrown out of the well had settled down by the time they got to the edge of the wall and looked down.

“Are you OK?” they asked.

“What?” I could see their lips moving, but no sound.

“Oh, my God,” she told me later. I looked down that well and saw you leaning against the wall of the well, and she asked herself, “Why did I take off my shirt? Then, I realized you didn’t have any hair on your head. I thought maybe you didn’t ‘take’ your shirt off. I’ll go and get you some pants.”

Well, long story short, we fixed up the entrance cleaned away the loose dirt and rocks and sold tickets to what would become the Mammoth Cave of the North.

Now, like I said, most of this is true – of course, I may have exaggerated bits and pieces here nd there just to make the story more interesting, but may lightning strike me down if this ain’t the truth.

Mmmm, must be a storm coming. I think I just heard some thunder.

Danny Howard is a resident of Augusta.

Communities benefit from hours of Boy Scout work

by Charles Mahaleris

Boy Scouts working on their Eagle Scout service projects in Kennebec, Lincoln, Knox, Somerset and Franklin Counties in 2016 provided more than 6500 hours of service to their communities as they worked towards Scouting’s highest honor. The Kennebec Valley District Boy Scout committee released the numbers on the 2016 Eagle Scout class and they show that 37 young men in our area completed all requirements for the Eagle Scout rank and one female Venture Crew member from Winslow who has dual citizenship in Canada earned Scouts Canada’s equivalent to the Eagle badge- the Chief Scout of Canada. Together they provided leadership to projects that gave 6,635 hours of service.

Eagle Scout Devon Handley, right, of Troop #401 Sidney, with Scoutmaster Ryan Poulin. Photo courtesy of Charles Mahaleris


Over the years, requirements for the Eagle Scout Award have changed to meet the needs of the era; however, certain elements of the program have remained true from the original Eagle Scout requirements. A boy must demonstrate citizenship and caring for his community and others, leadership qualities, and outdoor skills that show his self-sufficiency and ability to overcome obstacles. Today, a boy must earn 21 merit badges, 12 of which are required. Beyond the merit badges, a candidate must also plan and carry out a service project to benefit the community. In addition, he must have held a troop leadership position during his Scouting tenure. Finally, the Eagle Scout candidate undergoes a rigorous board of review in which his district, council, and troop leaders evaluate his “attitude and practice of the ideals of Scouting.” Achieving the rank of Eagle Scout must happen before a boy’s 18th birthday.

Scouting in Kennebec Valley District is run by hundreds volunteer leaders with support from a small professional staff. One of the key leaders is District Commissioner Charlie Fergusson of Windsor. “The importance of achieving the rank of Eagle Scout cannot be overstated! The impact it has on, not only the Boy Scouts’ future, but also the parents and family of the Eagle Scout. It is an accomplishment never forgotten. I am forever proud that I have two sons who achieved scouting’s’ highest rank that there are no words that can do it justice. It has already opened so many doors of opportunity for both of them, such as colleges and career opportunities. I cannot tell you how many times when I have discussed scouting that someone has said they have a Father, Brother, or Brothers who are Eagle Scouts and how it has immeasurably improved their life circumstances. Eagle Scout is more than a rank in scouting. It is a life changer,” Fergusson said.

Part of the rank of Eagle requires the youth member to give leadership to a meaningful project that will benefit their community. Kennebec Valley District which delivers Scouting to the five counties of Kennebec, Lincoln, Knox, Franklin and Somerset- saw projects ranging from trail improvements in Benton to the preservation of the history of local veterans at the Library of Congress, from tree and plant identification signs at Smithfield Plantations to the collection of school supplies for needy children in Zambia, from the construction of costume racks and theatre improvements at Gardiner Area High School to the securing of back to school supplies for kids in the foster child program, and from the construction of a bridge at the West Gardiner Nature Trail to the crafting of 50 baby quilts for sick babies and toddlers at Reddington Fairview General Hospital, and from major improvements at the Quaker Hill Cemetery in China to the building of lockers for personal equipment at Titcomb Mountain Ski Area in Farmington. The list goes on and on.


Eagle Scout Willie Neubauer, right, and his mom, Angela, holding one of the 50 quilts that were donated to the sick children at Redington-Fairview General Hospital, in Skowhegan. Photo courtesy of Charles Mahaleris

Ryan Poulin is the Scoutmaster of Troop #401 in Sidney and saw several Scouts earn their Eagle rank last year. “In today’s society, the Scouting program couldn’t be more important to a young person. I have personally experienced the impact that the Scouting program has had on these individuals and their families. The scouting program has been and continues to be a pillar in our local community setting a strong foundation for everyone. I am still amazed at how the Scouting programs continue to grow in our community state and nation and I could not be any prouder to be part of such a great organization.”
The Eagle Scout badge was first given in 1912 to Arthur Eldred, a Scout from Brooklyn, New York. By 1982, more than 1 million young men had reached the rank, and the 2 millionth Eagle Scout was recognized in 2009. In 2011, the BSA welcomed more than 51,000 new Eagle Scouts. The organization has averaged more than 50,000 new Eagle Scouts per year over the past six years.


Young men who earned Eagle nationally in 2015 combined to record 8,503,337 hours of service on Eagle projects. That’s an average of 156.4 hours of service per Eagle project. With the value of volunteer time at $23.07 an hour, that means Eagle Scouts and the volunteers they led contributed more than $196 million worth of time working on these projects.

Chris Bernier, retiring Scoutmaster of Troop #433 in Winslow: “I have seen a huge growth in my daughter Paige since she started her Scouting trail. Transitioning from Scouts Canada to Venturing BSA has been great for her. Also watching Boy Scouts within our own Troop and Crew we have seen a climb in membership as kids these days are positively impacted when serving their community. I have observed that charge of positivity in the youth become infectious between circles of friends. Our program has seen membership growth because of the eagerness of our youth to serve. Just ten years ago Winslow only had seven scouts, and in that time we have grown to over 35 youth active in Scouting/Venturing.”

The following local scouts earned the rank of Eagle in 2016:

Devon Handley, Troop #401, Sidney; Parker Denico, Troop #410, Vassalboro; Jonathon Cook, Troop #431, Skowhegan; Dan Brown, Troop #479, China; Jacob Brownd, Troop #479, China; Tayler Croft, Troop #417, Waterville; Christian Hunter, Troop #479, China; Paige Spears, Crew #433, Winslow (Chief Scout of Canada); Owen Corrigan, Troop #401, Sidney; William Neubauer, Troop #485, Skowhegan; Matthew Cote, Troop #401, Sidney; Matrim Glazier, Troop #436, Waterville; Timothy Martincic, Troop #433, Winslow; Ryan Pellerin, Troop #446, Albion; Dan Crouse, Troop #417, Wins­low/ Water­ville; Jacob Lennon, Troop #446, Albion.

Week of January 12, 2017

Week of January 12, 2017

Robert Dowe honored for many years of service to China area

On Christmas Eve 2016, Robert Dowe, of China, received a most unusual Christmas gift. Through the corroboration of three China organizations, Boynton-Webber American Legion Post #179, The South China Volunteer Fire Department, and Dirigo Masonic Lodge #104, he was presented with a plaque in appreciation for the many years of service he gave to the organizations and the town. On the plaque, presented to him by Sheldon Goodine, along with Neil Farrington, from the American Legion, Chief Richard Morse, of the fire department, and Don Pratt, of the Masons, it states: “In appreciation of your many years of service and sharing of your wealth of knowledge and talents to so many people. You are truly an America Hero.” […]

Give Us Your Best Shot! Week of January 12, 2017

COLORFUL SUNSET: Tina Richard, of Clinton, captured this sunset recently.


BEAUTY AFTER THE BEAST: Tawni Lively, of Winslow, snapped this winter wonderland following the recent nor’easter.


ICY BLUE JAY: Betty Dunton, of Gardiner, photographed this blue jay in a frozen tree.

CMYHA teams sweep N.H. tourney

Central Maine Youth Hockey Hornets Squirt Tier III team won the championship at the Winter Classic in Hooksett, New Hampshire, over the New Year’s weekend. The team went 4-0 in its games, scoring 26 goals and allowing only one, including a 9-1 win in the championship game. The CMYHA Peewees and Bantams Tier III teams also won their division, giving the CMYHA teams a sweep of  the tournament. Front row, from left to right, Anthony Eafrati, Denny Martin, Garrett Card, Hunter Hallee, Ben Foster, Will Bourgeois and Judson Thomas. Second row, Bjorn Brickett, Tyler Hansen, Cam Dostie, Tatum Doucette, Andrew Beckwith, Dustin Bearce and Hunter Hart-Gurtein. Back row, coaches Dan Bourgeois, Ryan Hallee and head coach Dennis Martin.             Photo by Jesse Beckwith


Central Maine Youth Hockey Hornets Pee Wee Tier III  won the Winter Classic Tournament in Hooksett, New Hampshire, over New Year’s weekend. Front, goalie Emma Michaud. Front row, from left to right, Grant Suttie, Bryce Crowell, Alex Spaulding, Brady Doucette, Owen Tilley, Zane Boulet and Will Durkee.  Second row, Tyler Dow, Alex Grover, Josh Hutchins, Tyson Smith, James Jones, Jake Hutchins and Jacob Thomas. Back, head coach Osmer Tilley, assistant coaches Andy Grover, Mike Boulet and David Jones. Contributed photo

Ferrets: Man’s other best friend

Roland D. Halleeby Roland D. Hallee

Don’t ask why or how, but last week, while gathered with friends, I was asked a question about ferrets. Not knowing that much about them, I decided to look into it.

What I discovered about the little furry animals was most interesting.

Although I know a few people who have had ferrets as pets, I didn’t realize they were the third most popular pet, behind only dogs and cats. They are popular, although often controversial. My wife and I have a pet, nearly 10-year-old, Holland lop rabbit. I would have bet, if I were a gambling man, and based on conversations with a multitude of people who care for them, that rabbits were more popular than ferrets.

Ferrets have the size and shape of a zucchini, and are related to European polecats. They are not to be confused with skunks which are sometimes colloquially called polecats, but related more to wolverines, ermines, minks and weasels.

The ancient Greeks probably domesticated ferrets about 2,500 years ago to hunt vermins. The practice spread across Europe, especially with sailors who used ferrets on ships to control rats. Ferrets were introduced to America in the 1700s.

A 1490 painting by Leonardo da Vinci named Lady with an Ermine, actually shows her holding a ferret.

Ferrets are carnivores, meaning they eat only meat. According to the American Ferret Association, domesticated ferrets typically eat factory-made chow. A healthy diet for pet ferrets consist of 36 percent protein, 20 percent fats and is low in carbohydrates. A healthy ferret will sleep up to 18 hours a day.

Male ferrets are known as hobs and females are called jills. In the wild, hobs and jills mate around March and April. Following a gestation period of 35 – 45 days, a jill will give birth to one to six kits. Kits will stay with the mother for about a month and a half, leaving the mother as autumn approaches. They become sexually active at one year old. In captivity ferrets can live up to 12 years, but the actual life expectancy is 7-10 years.

Unlike dogs, ferrets have not yet been rigorously studied when it comes to social cognition. According to Hungarian researchers, their early history in service to man is obscure, but have probably been domesticated for more than 2,000 years through selective breeding. Like dogs, ferrets were originally bred for practical reasons like hunting. However, their role within human society has since shifted, as they are now predominantly pets.


Ferret. Internet photo

Most ferrets will live happily in social groups. A group of ferrets is commonly referred to as a “business.” They are territorial, like to burrow, and prefer to sleep in an enclosed area.

Ferrets can release their anal gland secretions when startled or scared, but the smell is much less potent than a skunk’s and dissipates rapidly. Most pet ferrets in the U.S. are sold de-scented (anal glands removed).

When excited, ferrets may perform a behavior commonly called the weasel war dance, characterized by a frenzied series of sideways hops, leaps and bumping into nearby objects. Despite its common name, this is not aggressive but is a joyful invitation to play. It is often accompanied by a soft clucking noise, commonly referred to as “dooking.” Conversely, when frightened, ferrets will make a hissing noise; when upset, they will make a soft ‘squeaking’ noise.

Although most domesticated ferrets were introduced by Europeans, there is only one that is native to North America. It is the black-footed ferret, and its existence is in trouble. The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service is proposing to use unmanned aerial drones to rain peanut-butter laced pellets down on northeast Montana, where the ferrets reside. The pellets contain a vaccine against the plague, which is common in prairie dogs. Prairie dogs consist of 90 percent of the ferret’s diet. As Americans moved west, prairie dog eradication programs and agriculture and development removed much of the ferrets’ prey and habitat, and by 1987 only 18 of the ferrets remained.

The International Union for Conservation of Nature’s (IUCN) Red List of Threatened Species categorizes black-footed ferrets as endangered. There are currently only around 206 mature adults in the wild and their population is decreasing. This is due greatly to the prairie dog population decline since prairie dogs are a major food and shelter source for wild ferrets. They will also eat small mammals such as opossums, rabbits, hedgehogs and rodents, but prairie dogs are the fare of choice.

So, by feeding the prairie dogs with the vaccine they would stay healthy, which in turn would help the black-footed ferrets.

So, domesticated ferrets don’t have it all that bad, like dogs and cats.

Legal Notices, Week of January 12, 2017

Court St., Skowhegan, ME
Somerset, SS
Location of Court
18-A MRSA sec. 3-801

The following Personal Representatives have been appointed in the estates noted. The first publication date of this notice is January 5, 2017.

If you are a creditor of an estate listed below, you must present your claim within four months of the first publication date of this Notice to Creditors by filing a written statement of your claim on a proper form with the Register of Probate of this Court or by delivering or mailing to the Personal Representative listed below at the address published by his name, a written statement of the claim indicating the basis therefore, the name and address of the claimant and the amount claimed or in such other manner as the law may provide. See 18-A MRSA 3-804.

2016-328 – Estate of LINA E. ALBERT, late of Skowhegan, Me deceased. Jo-Ann Albert, 14 Little River Road, Nottingham, NH 0390 appointed Personal Representative.

2016-329 – Estate of DONALD G. GIROUX, SR., late of Fairfield, Me deceased. Scott A. Giroux, 311 Benton Avenue, Winslow, Me 04901 appointed Personal Representative.

2016-331 – Estate of MARTHA A. ROULLARD, late of Skowhegan, Me deceased. Bruce A. Roullard, 46 School Street, Gorham, Me 04038 appointed Personal Representative.

2016-332 – Estate of FRANCIS J. MORIN, late of Fairfield, Me deceased. Kathy Morin, PO Box 5071, Augusta, Me 04332 appointed Personal Representative.

2016-313 – Estate of ERIC C. BATCHELDER, late of Embden, Me deceased. Sylvia Coloumbe-McGuire, PO Box 22, Belgrade, Me 04917 AND Kelly Batchelder, 41 Hatch Street, Lot 32, Richmond, Me 04357 appointed Co-Personal Representataives.

2016-335 – Estate of JOHN P. STEFANSKI, late of Skowhegan, Me deceased. Anne M. Benedini, 10821 Highview Drive, Dade City, FL 33525 appointed Personal Representative.

2016-336 – Estate of PETER A. JEWELL, late of Smithfield, Me deceased. Wayne H. Jewell, PO Box 211, Skowhegan, Me 04976 appointed Personal Representative.

2016-341 – Estate of STANLEY JOHNSON, late of Madison, Me deceased. Cloie Johnson, 706 1st Street, South Kirkland, WA 98033 appointed Personal Representative.

2016-342 – Estate of MICHAEL P. FLEWELLING, late of Fairfield, Me deceased. Tiffany Flewelling, 540 Battleridge Road, Canaan, Me 04924 appointed Personal Representative.

2016-343 – Estate of GLORIA LORRAINE PADHAM a/k/a GLORIA C. PADHAM, late of Solon, Me deceased. Richard Earl Padham, 1234 Kennebec River Road, Embden, Maine 04958 appointed Personal Representative.

2016-345 – Estate of DONALD C. BARRY II, late of Fairfield, Me deceased. Ridge E. Barry, 299 Ridge Road, Fairfield, Me 04937 appointed Personal Representative.

2016-346 – Estate of RAYMOND P. WALTERS, late of Madison, Me deceased. Teri McRae, 107 Parsons Pond Drive, Portland, Me 04103 appointed Personal Representative.

To be published on Jan 5, & Jan 12, 2017
Dated: January 2, 2017 /s/ Victoria Hatch,
Register of Probate


Estate of RAYMOND P.
Docket No. 2016-346

A Petition for Informal Probate of Will or Appointment of Personal Representative Under a Will or Both has been filed in the estate of RAYMOND P. WALTERS. Said petition notes that there is the possibility that unknown and unascertained heirs may exist whose identity and whereabouts cannot, with the exercise of due diligence, be determined. Accordingly, notice is hereby given to such possible heirs of the existence of the Petition for Informal Probate of Will or Appointment of Personal Representative Under a Will or Both filed.

The following are the names of the unknown and unascertained heirs whose complete address is unknown:

Diane McCarron
Address Unknown
Jeffery Salzillo
Address Unknown
Richard Salzillo
Address Unknown
Kelly Selley
Address Unknown
Susan Mello
Address Unknown
Rose Read
Address Unknown

THEREFORE, notice is hereby given to them as heirs of the above named estate, pursuant to Maine Rules of Probate Procedure Rule 4(d) (1) (a), and Rule 4 (e) a.

This notice shall be published once a week for two successive weeks in the Town Line, a newspaper having general circulation in Somerset County, with the first publication date to be January 5, 2017.

Name and address of proposed Personal Representative: Teri McRae, 107 Parsons Pond Drive, Portland, Me 04103.

Dated: December 29, 2016
/s/ Victoria M. Hatch,
Register of Probate

I’m Just Curious: Yes or no! What’s the answer?

by Debbie Walker

Do you find yourself saying “yes” more than you really want to? Do you hear yourself saying yes but that little voice inside is trying to get you to say “No”?
One thing I think we need to get over is having been told we have to make everyone else happy, above ourselves. Did you ever wonder where that got started?

It has taken a long time for me to deal with this. I always wanted to make everyone happy. What good is it when you wind up stressed, maybe to the point of making yourself ill? Part of that may also bring about a feeling of resentment. Why? After all you had a choice, didn’t you? What was the real pressure in your situation?

Of course when people ask you for a favor, a loan, they need a ride, anything you can think of over the years, you have to have an answer. Or do you? Sometimes people know they are asking a lot from you. They may even preface their question with “I know this is a lot to ask but ….” Before you answer yes, give yourself a minute to think about it. Do you know why it might be good to consider saying “no”?

If there is an expense to you that you really can’t afford, will you consider yourself first? Vehicles run on gas, oil, tires and maintenance. Are you going to put yourself and your needs first?

Yes, you have a few bucks tucked away but you probably worked hard to do it. Why would you be willing to loan it to someone who may not understand you need that savings to feel secure?

I am far from being any kind of finance counselor, however, if you don’t say “no” because you might feel guilty or you’re afraid of upsetting your friend or family member, that resentment might move in. That is just not healthy.

Well, I have asked a few questions here and I have to admit I don’t have any real answers for you. This has been just to get us to think. There is a book that a wonderful friend of mine introduced me to years ago. The title is “Dance of Anger” and is written by Harriet Lerner. One line of description about the book is “anger may be a signal that we are doing more and giving more than comfortably do or give.” It is a great book. You can tell she wanted to get through to folks because it is written in everyday language, not textbook style.

I’m just curious what your thoughts are on the subject. Contact me at sub line: Yes or No. Thanks for reading!

PLATTER PERSPECTIVE: Pianist: Sir Clifford Curzon with Pierre Boulez conducting

Peter Cates
by  Peter Cates

Sir Clifford Curzon


Piano Concerto No. 5


Piano Concerto No. 26, Coronation

Clifford Curzon, pianist, with Pierre Boulez conducting the BBC Symphony Orchestra; BBC Legends- BBCL 4020-2, CD, Beethoven recorded February 17, 1971; Mozart, August 14, 1974, both concerts at Royal Festival Hall, London, England.

Sir Clifford Curzon (1907-1982) was praised by one critic as being a pianist who was capable of achieving 20 different shades of pianissimo, itself being the quietest note on the scale. Now any musician of competence will speak of the special challenges of sustaining just one such note, not to mention 20 shades, and being able to make all of them sing. Yet, if one simply listens to the second movement, or Larghetto, of Mozart’s very last Piano Concerto, No. 27, one will hear these shades played with such sublime singing clarity (I wholeheartedly recommend the 24 disc box, Clifford Curzon Edition, which contains every recording he did for the Decca/London label. And there is no other pianist I would commend so readily for a once in a lifetime bulk purchase).

Sir Clifford Curzon

Sir Clifford Curzon

Curzon studied with two major artists of the keyboard, each of them quite different from the other and each of them having an impact on Curzon that was priceless. The first, Artur Schnabel (1882-1951), was the first to record all Beethoven 32 Piano Sonatas and perform cycles of them throughout the world. He also gave uniquely pleasurable muscular and playful performances of composers who interested him and, due to his speeding bullet virtuosity, could turn a quick Allegretto into a belly tickler. Finally, he would have Curzon thinking about the specific demands of every piece of music that they went over but, very importantly, insist that his student develop his own interpretation instead of copying the teacher.

As opposed to the emphasis Schnabel placed on connecting with a piece of music, the second teacher, pianist/harpsichordist Wanda Landowska (1879-1959) focused on technique, tone, pedaling, touch – the whole nine yards of mastering an instrument, and have the necessary discipline to sustain that mastery. As a result, Curzon’s own playing was a most individualistic combination of Schnabel’s stylistic understanding and Landowska’s exacting technique. And the 2 Concertos were given first class performances.

Pierre Boulez

Pierre Boulez

The conductor, Pierre Boulez (1925-2016), was a hard-nosed enthusiast for the kind of 20th century music that sounded like the most horrific root canal; it would escalate the savage beast rather than soothe him. And he advocated tossing out most of what we call the great classics. Yet, when he collaborated with Curzon for the Beethoven and Mozart, it was a labor of love on his part. A major recommendation!

Growing up in Augusta: Priceless

Pages In Timeby Milt Huntington

Our family moved from Belfast to Augusta when I was a mere 10 years old. I knew Augusta was the capital of Maine, because every time we drove through town to visit out-of-state relatives, my parents would wake me up to see the State House dome.

The only other thing I knew about Augusta was the fact that it was the home of a mental hospital which, back then, was commonly called an insane asylum. I experienced a few nightmares before moving here about crazy people walking the streets. When our moving truck pulled up at our new home on Swan Street, my bicycle was the first thing to be unloaded. That drew the attention of the kids in the new neighborhood who would soon become my childhood friends.

I was small. My bike was a 22-inch affair compared with the 31-inch bikes most kids had. That seemed to fascinate the Swan Street gang with the exception of one guy who didn’t accept this new kid on the block. That was OK with me. I didn’t accept him either. He was a grammar school football hero who became bigger than life when he broke his nose. We got into a fight over some exchange of words, and a lot of fists were flying back and forth. I don’t remember any of them making a serious connection, and we never fought again. He became my closest friend from that day on.

What a neighborhood! A family with five kids lived next door. Down on nearby Gage Street, there was another family with five, plus another Gage Street boy who would also become a life-long friend. We played street hockey using a tin can for a puck; All-y, All-y Over, which involved throwing a ball over the roof of a house and Ring-A-Lebo which was sort of like hide-and-seek. We also played Mother, May I, which involved taking giant strides or baby steps when you remembered to ask: “May I?” and Red Light, a game where the person who was “it” shut their eyes and counted to ten while the others tried to sneak up and tag him before the “it” person said: “Red Light”.

We stole apples, broke a few street lights on Halloween and played football on the approach road to the new Memorial Bridge before it got paved. As a matter of fact, while the bridge was under construction, a few of us walked out on the steel work one night and made our way across the river. After making it safely to the other side, I remember remarking to my friends: “Hey! We beat the governor across!” A KJ reporter heard the remark and printed it in the next day’s news.

Swan Street was located right behind the Hartford Fire Station, and provided a neat short cut through its alley on the way downtown. The fire whistle sounded loudly every night at 9 p.m. to signify curfew time for the younger set. There were times when we would be cutting through the alley way when the whistle would blow and frighten us about ten feet off the ground. There’s no curfew anymore. I wonder why the 9:00 whistle continues to blow? Right beside the fire station, two nice men named Frank and Howard worked at a small shoe repair shop. We hung out there because we liked it when they teased us half to death. We thought we were kind of tough. They laughed and called us “pansies.” We were also firemen wanna-be’s, and pestered them a lot.
I always liked walking down Rines Hill when the trains passed under the bridge. Once, we stood there as a smoke-spewing locomotive went underneath. We were covered with black soot as we leaned on the soot-smudged railing, and we had to go home to get cleaned up. The marvelous old brick railroad station at the bottom of the hill would see some of us come and go from the Korean War. The next place down Water Street was Frank Turcotte’s shoe repair and shoe shine parlor where “Our Gang” would go on Sunday mornings after getting all gussied up for church or some such thing. Next to the shoe shine shop was the coolest store in town–the Depot News. A really nice guy named Joe Kaplan ran the place and provided a second home for all us kids who played his pin ball machine for a nickel a game. All the downtown merchants were good to us kids.

We always stopped at Joe’s on the way to the movies at the Capital or the Colonial theater to load up on candy bars. It was also the place to buy comic books. Between the Depot News and the Capital Theater was a nice little store that sold fruits and vegetables. When I was flush, I used to buy a quarter pound of cherries there to eat in the movie theater.

Next to the fruit store was Partridge’s drug store, where we pigged out on ice cream sodas and chocolate malts or milk shakes, often referred to as chocolate velvets. In my high school days, I would work there as a soda jerk. I even took two years of Latin at Cony High in preparation for a career as a pharmacist. Didn’t happen! My high school year book prophesized that my writing would take me far in the literary world. Yeah, right! All the Way to the Capital Weekly and Kennebec Journal, in Augusta.

Getting back to the movie theaters, the Capital provided all the B-Class movies, westerns and such in black and white. It did have a weekly serial, however, which drew us in every weekend without fail. The serials ranged from Superman to Flash Gordon to Tom Mix and The Shadow. The feature was often Gene Autry, Roy Rogers or the Three Musketeers, starring John Wayne as Stony Brooks and Bob Steele as Tucson. I forget who the third one was – somebody very funny, but forgettable. My first ticket at the Capital cost me 12 cents. What a shock one day when it jumped all the way to 20 cents. We used to horse around noisily a lot at the movie theaters, and it was something to brag about to get ejected at least once during our young lives.

Down at the other end of the street was the old Colonial Theater where Class-A pictures were shown. On Sunday, after week-long previews of coming attractions, we would be rewarded with musical extravaganzas starring Esther Williams, Bing Crosby or Jane Powell in living color or flicks like Casablanca, The Wolfman or war movies like Thirty Seconds Over Tokyo. The Colonial played their movies continuously so we could sit through a good movie twice for the price of a single ticket.

Once in a cowboy thriller, an Indian chief, played by blue-eyed Jeff Chandler, stood in the middle of a pow-wow session, folded his arms and dramatically declared: “I walk away!” “Our Gang” had seen the movie once, but we stayed for a second showing to get back to that pow-wow scene again, when we stood in the theater, one by one, folded our arms and declared to the rest of the audience: “We walk away. People call them punks today. We were harmless “hooligans” then.”

On the way home from the Colonial was Ed Houdlette”s Drug Store which was known to have a particularly vulnerable pin ball machine. We hung out there a lot because Mr. Houdlette was also nice to us.

Water Street is what I like to call a street of dreams because it conjures up so many memories of shops and businesses that vanished with our youth. Remember the five- and ten-cent stores that anchored the center of down town Augusta – McLellan’s, Kresge’s and Woolworth’s. We had ‘em all. I was a stock boy and soda jerk for the Kresge operation, but it suvived anyhow for awhile.

Then of course, we had JCPenny, D.W. Adams, Chernowsky’s, the Army-Navy Store, Lamey-Wellahan, Montgomery-Ward and Sears & Roebuck. A jewelry store graced the corner of Water Street and Bridge Street – A.J. Bilodeau’s. Another one sat on the corner between Farrell’s Clothing Store and the post office. It displayed a sign with a picture of a diamond ring. The caption stated: “I came here to talk for Joe,” a popular World War II love song. Speaking of Farrell’s, it once boasted just a single aisle between two counters with a little space downstairs where I bought all my Boy Scout gear and a tux for the senior prom. Nicholson & Ryan Jewelers was always there, it seems.

Near the botom of Rines Hill was a liquor store where my father and grandfather liked to surreptitiously shop. They would always leave their change with the Salvation Army lassie who parked out front. Once, running an errand for my mother, I dropped some change into the lassie’s tambourine. When my mother questioned me about that, I replied: “That’s what Papa and Grampy always do.”

On the other end of Water Street were the beer parlors which gave the neighborhoods a shoddy reputation. Across the street was Allen’s Grocery Store. a fish market and Berry’s Cleaners. Depositor’s Trust Co. on Haymarket Square was on the ground floor of a six-story affair which is now the site of the Key Bank building. We’re talking ancient history, I know, but who can ever forget Stan Foster’s Smoke Shop next to the old Hotel North. He specialized in meals, smokes and some real great pin ball machines. Near the Depot News was Al’s Barber Shop which took care of ducktail haircuts and crew cuts in the early years. His partner and relative bought him out and opened Pat’s Barber Shop at the other end of Water Street near the lights.

Swan Street and Water Street have undergone a lot of change in the last 60-plus years or so. Downtown was the main thoroughfare to all those movies, and it was the pathway to Cony High before the new bridge opened up. Most of those downtown places are now long gone, but the memories (some a little fuzzy now) will remain forever. I wouldn’t swap those memories for anything. Growing up in Augusta was as good as it gets.

Read Part 2 here: Growing up in Augusta: Priceless (Conclusion)

Milt Huntington is the author of “A Lifetime of Laughter” and “Things That Make You Grin.”