Letters to the Editor: Learn from history that we don’t learn from history

To the editor:

Roman men in the time of Jesus had complete life or death sway over their children.

The child would be presented to the father by the mother by placing the child at the husbands feet. And then for any or no reason the father would make a decision about who should live and who shall die.

It was mostly baby girls who were left to die along road sides where the baby’s would be found, and in time, groomed for a future of slavery or prostitution.

Christians took responsibility to look for the children and save them from a a difficult future.

Well, Rome was eventually destroyed by Barbarians and babies had new opportunities by being saved by Christians or kept by their mothers.

Romans became worse than Barbarians. But those days are gone. How could life be better?

Well, looking over 2,000 years later, Baby’s have been forced to go back to Roman Barbarian times.

So-called “Woman’s Health” has made the Romans look almost human, while Americans are becoming more like Barbarians.

Life has no meaning, babies are sold for their body parts at great profits, but they will never have a life to enjoy. Someone will make a lot of money from their destruction. Birth control is available everywhere, but that doesn’t matter. This is a matter of choice. Who will use birth prevention and who will choose to end life?

Parents are not even allowed to see X-rays of their babies in the womb. If they saw that, they might want to keep their baby who can be seen as alive and human.

Thanks to politicians, I see that babies can be carried for nine months and then, when born, will be allowed to live or die like animals, and we will go back in time and be just like the Romans 2,000 years ago. I thought we might grow up. This is what they call “Progressive?” How much more immoral will we become?

I am sad for our children and grandchildren.

Pastor James Ferrone RET.

Letters to the Editor: Thanks to Erskine, Palermo students

To the editor:

On behalf of the Palermo Food Pantry, I thank the generous students of Palermo School and Erskine Academy and their families who donated food to Palermo Food Pantry and Good Shepherd Bank. The donations we received will greatly help families in need in our community.

The Palermo Food Pantry is open every Tuesday from 11 a.m. – noon. We are located at the Community Center on Turner Ridge Road across from the ball field. All are welcome.

Thank you very much,

June Nerber, Director
Palermo Food Pantry

Letters to the editor: Kudos to China voters

To the editor:


The recent election was a great exercise of one of our most valuable rights as citizens, and the fact that 2,058 China residents (about 70 percent of registered voters) cast votes is very noteworthy. Of the three ballot questions approved, all three are being implemented.

Of the two ballot questions that were not adopted, I was particularly attentive that 1,241 votes were cast to preserve the Quorum Ordinance, which requires that at least four percent of the registered voters as of January 1 of each year must be present at a town meeting in order to conduct business.

As an optimistic person I am hopeful this indicates that participation will be different from recent history. Town staff expend considerable effort to ensure a quorum is present each year, but if residents are passionate enough to preserve the quorum requirement, I look forward to seeing all 1,241 of you who voted for the quorum requirement at my first town meeting in March 2019. That will be “Wicked Good!”

Dennis L. Heath
Town Manager

Letters to the editor: Hunting times need change

To the editor:

According to Maine law, except for night hunting of coyotes from December 7 – August 31, hunting is prohibited from 30 minutes after sunset until 30 minutes before sunrise. In other words, although night hunting is prohibited, it is allowed because of the 30 minute deadline with no consideration for how dark it is on any given day. For all practical purposes, nightfall can and does occur less than 30 minutes after sunset.

On Halloween night, I had just gotten into my truck in the Hannaford parking lot when I heard a gunshot from what appeared to be the woods behind the store. It was cloudy and dark outside, the vehicles on the road had their headlights on, and there was no way anyone could see well enough to accurately fire a weapon, at least not without night vision equipment, the use of which is illegal. I checked the clock on my phone and sure enough, there were two minutes of legal shooting time left.

Why should it be legal to fire a weapon, in the woods, near buildings and roads when it is illegal to drive a motor vehicle without its headlights on and when it is impossible to see clearly? This double standard was imposed at the urging of a small number of consumptive use extremists and was approved by the Maine legislature with little thought of the practicality or the consequences. Perhaps a small group of Maine drivers should lobby the legislature to allow driving without headlights until 1/2 hour after sunset? That would make just about as much sense.

When will the first person be mistaken for a deer and get shot in the darkness? Hunter orange rapidly loses its visibility as the amount of light decreases. How many animals have been shot and wounded and lost in the darkness? It’s time to repeal this ill-advised law and bring back some common sense.

John M. Glowa, Sr.
South China

Letters to the Editor: Please don’t allow CMP corridor

To the editor:

I would like to thank the people who have written letters to the editor, that do not want to have a CMP Corridor through Maine.

I am one of a few, from the Dead River, Flagstaff area, who can remember about getting driven from our land and homes by CMP 69 years ago. Their project that time was to build a dam and flood the area, which they did. It had been talked about for years, but finally in the ‘40s officials from CMP came to the homes of people in Dead River and Flagstaff to buy their land and homes, and told they would have to move. No one was happy that this was happening.

But CMP won that time and flooded the area. I have pictures of the tops of the houses of those who had refused to sell, sticking out of the new lake. I have many sad memories of the whole process. Many men were called there to cut all the trees, and fires got started, we were surrounded by raging fires on more than one occasion, it was not pleasant!

According to the map in today’s paper, that shows where this corridor will go through Maine, it will pass near where one of my sons and two of my brothers have camps on Flagstaff Lake. I cannot describe the peace and quiet that is in that vicinity that exceeds all understanding…. Perhaps it is because it is near to where I grew up in Flagstaff, but I call it “Up in God’s Country!”

And so my small voice for the wilderness begs you, please, don’t let this CMP Corridor become a reality in our beautiful, special State of Maine!

Marilyn Rogers-Bull

Letters to the Editor: Transfer station explanation

To the editor:

In [last week’s] edition of The Town Line there appeared a letter to the editor from Geoff Hargadon, of South China. Mr. Hargadon is aggravated by what he perceived to be a decision by the Town of China to “nearly simultaneously” re-pave Alder Park Road and cut the Transfer Station hours. I would like to offer some clarification for Mr. Hargadon and readers of the Town Line.

First, Alder Park Road is not a town road. It was paved by the Maine Department of Transportation (MaineDOT) according to their own schedule. The MaineDOT does not coordinate with the Town of China on these projects, except that MaineDOT sends us a notice of their intentions a bit in advance of the start of the work. Then, the hours for the transfer station include a long day on Thursday until 5 p.m,. and it is also open from 6:30 a.m. to 3 p.m., on Saturday each week, in recognition that we need to offer the expanded hours for those who are only able to use the transfer station after normal work hours. We realized that this would require some adjustment on the part of users of the transfer station, but the decision was made as a compromise between providing expanded service to the community and enabling our employees to enjoy a more traditional work schedule.

I hope this information clarifies for Mr. Hargadon and The Town Line readers about the paving of Alder Park Road and the operation of the transfer station. As with anyone, I welcome the opportunity for Mr. Hargadon to visit me at the town office with any concerns he may have.

Dennis L. Heath
China Town Manager

Letters to the Editor: Others need to pitch in

To the editor:

On Saturday and Sunday September 15 and 16, with the encouragement of Richard Dillenbeck and along with other China residents, I and a “team” of three other members participated in an organized trash pick-up along Lakeview Drive. Our group consisted of myself and my wife Nan, and Mary Benziger and Donna Loveland. Together, we policed, to use the military term, the portion of Lakeview from the Route 3 intersection to the China Diner. As a result of this activity, I have a number of comments.

First, over the two days, we picked up about seventy-five (75) pounds of trash and returnable bottles. One of those bottles, by the way, contained a needle; no one was injured. This is over a length of highway about a mile and a half, from both sides. And, as I have told many people, this year seems to be better than most, having observed much of Lakeview close-up while riding my bike. One of the most disturbing facts about this debris was the number of nip bottles and beer cans. There are obviously some very impaired drivers along our roads; just what we need with distracted driving. Also, even though all four of us were wearing fluorescent clothing to show up better, few if any drivers slowed down at all as they passed us. This included dump trucks and tractor trailers that gave us a good breeze.

The other thing that became very obvious as we moved about was the simple fact that this is not really an activity that is suitable for older folks. While all four of us are in very good physical condition, relative to our age, we are “getting along in years.” Granted, our timing could have been better; we started on Saturday after noon, and it was hot and humid. On Sunday, three of us, my wife not included because of some physical issues left over from the day before, got started earlier and finished the job. My point is this. We very likely will not participate in this very worthwhile activity again due to the potential toll on our bodies. It is physically challenging, what with the climbing over guard rails, wading through potentially tick-bearing grasses and climbing up and down hillsides along the roadside. Other community members need to pick up the ball.

We all want to leave a positive legacy for those who come after us. Having and sharing a positive and constructive view of the way we deal with our environment is one of the best ways to start that process. It would be wonderful to see families, school groups, youth organizations and any younger citizens outside helping to undo the damage caused by the, hopefully, small percentage of our population that drinks and drives and stupidly throws trash out of their car windows as they move along our roadways. Safety is obviously a prime concern when venturing out into this kind of activity and care must be exercised. However, our world’s environment is balancing today on a very risky tightrope and it needs to be protected in any way possible.

In conclusion, I admire Mr. Dillenbeck’s devotion to this cause and I’m glad that Nan and I and others were able to contribute to its success. However, this wasn’t a “one shot” deal and others need to step up to further the cause. Thanks in advance.

Bob Bennett
South China

Letters to the Editor: Re-paving and closing early a waste

To the editor:

It seems ironic the town [of China] decided to re-pave the road to the transfer station and nearly simultaneously cut the hours the transfer station itself is open. And how does a 3 p.m. closing time help residents who work regular jobs?

What a waste!

Geoff Hargadon
South China

Letters to the editor: Never ending detours

To the editor:

I live out on the never-ending-detour road. All my neighbors are scoping out the new neighbors we rarely see on a pleasant 4 mile-ish roundabout. Not bad, but the 25 mph, narrow, no center line, blind hills, roadside brush/trees; it takes what seems to be ten minutes, each time back-and-forth; when will it end? Pity the families, with all the traffic through what was once a quiet road. One place has lost at least two birds to the traffic. I hope for no accidents or personal injury.

I feel like we’re all idiots sitting at the red light that doesn’t change, 2 a.m., no traffic to be found. I’ve complained that it must be a ‘state’ job; for the shut-downs at break and lunches, and three days of about nothing, setting-up the detour, getting their equipment parked in the road, concrete barriers – and that, insult-to-injury, occurred just in time for the three day weekend; not working, just us, watching nothing for work as we drive by too often, each time more annoyed. State crew, maybe, but definitely a union job.

Maybe it’s too important, dangerous even, to put off starting after the long weekend. Maybe I should hope someone on the crew isn’t scheduled for vacation time. But, for the disruption to traffic, the headaches of people who regularly depend on that section of road, and safety issues; where’s the ‘effort’? I’d think, to get the job done, someone would spell the shovel operator for his lunch; keep digging. Would it be to much to consider longer days working, maybe even two shifts, And who closes, detours, a road, barely starting the work, only to take the holiday weekend off?

Thanks guys, and even for letting us know; we didn’t. We don’t get the paper, was it published somewhere? A sign; “Road closed next week for culvert replacement”? I don’t see everyone to know, but no one yet has told me they had heard anything prior to the closing/detour. That’s not respectful to us at all, like we’re nobody, nothing to be concerned for; it’s not right! Meanwhile, they work, take breaks, have no traffic to worry them, and keep them safe. Them, but no concern for us it seems.

Dean DeWitt

Letters to the Editor: Thanks supporters

To the editor:

John Glow (image credit: ballotpedia)

I want to begin by thanking those who supported me in the recent Democratic primary for Maine Senate District #15. My biggest margin of victory was in China and I send a special thank you to my friends and supporters who voted for good government.

I believe it is important for the people in Senate District #15 to know that I ran for this Senate seat, not because I was recruited by the party. In fact, the Democratic Party did everything it could to keep me off the ballot in November. I ran for this Senate seat because Maine is desperately in need of qualified, capable individuals who know how government is supposed to work and how to fix it. I ran for this Senate seat, not for the Democratic Party or for the special interests, but for you.

The political system is rigged in favor of the parties and it must be reformed. Party politics is a huge problem in government. Too often it is an impediment to solving our problems as politicians put party before people. I ran on the pledge of not being a rubber stamp and at least 1,350 of you agreed with me.

I spoke with many folks who are fed up with “our” government. This is unfortunate, but I don’t blame them, because it is no longer our government. Those who have the least in terms of material possessions are often the first to give up and surrender their right to vote. I tried to remind those who have very little that they do have the power and that their only opportunity to exercise their power is their vote. I ran for office because I refuse to give in and give up and this election has only strengthened my resolve. As I went door to door during the campaign, and as someone who spent nearly thirty years in State government, I ended many conversations with the following, “Don’t give up. That’s what the government wants you to do.”

John M. Glowa, Sr.
South China