Letters to the Editor: Learn from history that we don’t learn from history
To the editor:
Roman men in the time of Jesus had complete life or death sway over their children.
The child would be presented to the father by the mother by placing the child at the husbands feet. And then for any or no reason the father would make a decision about who should live and who shall die.
It was mostly baby girls who were left to die along road sides where the baby’s would be found, and in time, groomed for a future of slavery or prostitution.
Christians took responsibility to look for the children and save them from a a difficult future.
Well, Rome was eventually destroyed by Barbarians and babies had new opportunities by being saved by Christians or kept by their mothers.
Romans became worse than Barbarians. But those days are gone. How could life be better?
Well, looking over 2,000 years later, Baby’s have been forced to go back to Roman Barbarian times.
So-called “Woman’s Health” has made the Romans look almost human, while Americans are becoming more like Barbarians.
Life has no meaning, babies are sold for their body parts at great profits, but they will never have a life to enjoy. Someone will make a lot of money from their destruction. Birth control is available everywhere, but that doesn’t matter. This is a matter of choice. Who will use birth prevention and who will choose to end life?
Parents are not even allowed to see X-rays of their babies in the womb. If they saw that, they might want to keep their baby who can be seen as alive and human.
Thanks to politicians, I see that babies can be carried for nine months and then, when born, will be allowed to live or die like animals, and we will go back in time and be just like the Romans 2,000 years ago. I thought we might grow up. This is what they call “Progressive?” How much more immoral will we become?
I am sad for our children and grandchildren.
Pastor James Ferrone RET.