LETTERS: A lesson in good will

To the editor:

On Friday, December 9, I stopped at the Hannaford grocery store, in South China, at about 12:30 p.m. to pick up a few groceries. When I came out of the store, to put my groceries in my car, I was met by a gentleman and his son. The son came up to me and gave me what I naturally thought was a Christmas card. I thanked him, and his dad graciously put my groceries in the trunk of my vehicle.

When I got home and put my groceries away, I thought, ‘I’ll go sit down and read my card.’ Low and behold, when I opened the envelope, there as no card. There was a gift certificate to Hannaford! I could not believe my eyes – a perfect stranger giving me a gift card. I would like very much to thank both the dad and this young man! What a lesson in good will.

Thank you from the bottom of my heart to both of you! It was appreciated more than you know.

God bless and a very Happy New Year to both!

Your mystery Hannaford lady

LETTERS: Overjoyed to see the Wreaths Across America

To the editor:

As a veteran, I was overjoyed to see the Wreaths Across America honor the people of America at Arlington National Cemetery, but also the unsung heroes at Hannaford, in China, who graciously and with big hearts received the 50-plus caravan that stopped in China on Sunday morning, December 11, and greeted all of them with coffee, sandwiches and doughnuts, and even a portable toilet. God bless them all!

It is very sad to notice over my 90 years how so many of our ceremonies of our heroes from the past, present, are not mentioned in print, TV or radio. Did any of you readers notice anything about December 7 [Pearl Harbor Day]? I certainnly didn’t.

If this letter is late getting printed and by some miracle the media did in fact cover the Wreaths Across America, besides the one liners mentioned on TV and never mentioning China’s wonderful reception for them, I apologize.

Frank Slason

LETTERS: Is Poland more forward thinking than us?

To the editor:

Concerning the new trend toward the electrification of America, just a reminder of what’s to come. This stampede to electric cars and heat pumps all need electric back ups and will put a big strain on our already crumbling grid.

Electric vehicles will have to beef up their electrical services and night workers will charge their cars during the day while day workers will have to charge their vehicles at night, thus putting a 24 hour a day strain on the grid.

My other view is all this stampeding for green energy is false, as solar panels are not biodegradable and also not permanent, so when they fall apart in possibly two decades, what do we do with their junk? I must add that solar panels are the ugliest sight ever and what do we do when these solar people finally con all the farmers into selling their land? Starve?

With the above in mind, it would seem logical to concentrate on nuclear power, our only hope for the future of this country. I must add an engineering company in America just signed a contract with Poland to build a brand new nuclear plant in Poland. Maybe Poland is more forward thinking than us, eh?

Frank Slason

LETTERS: Appalled at court’s action on public land

To the editor:

As one who helped draft Article 9, Section 23 in 1993 to protect our public lands from private misuse, I am appalled at this court’s action [Maine Supreme Judicial Court in the case of Russell Black et al v. Bureau of Parks and Lands et al.]. This ruling is an insult to the 243,000 Mainers who spoke loudly to protect our public lands. And it is a slap in the face to the Maine Legislature that just last year voted 26-5 in the Senate and 66-52 in the House to assert its right and responsibility under the Constitution to determine this matter. The job of the Supreme Court is to serve the people of Maine and to protect our Constitution. With this ruling, they have instead sucker-punched the people of Maine and subverted our Constitution. Most tragically, they have done so to benefit foreign corporations and illicit transactions that were intentionally hidden from public scrutiny.

State Senator Rick Bennett

LETTERS: Smith will stand for us

To the editor:

It is unusual to find a political candidate with the courage and conviction to stand up in public for the Bill of Rights and our Constitution.

I know that Katrina Smith will stand for us and with us as we reclaim our freedom of speech, religion, assembly (like in church or synagogue, or family dinners). She will be a formidable opposition to the tyrants who have usurped our state government.

Every vote matters.

Wendy Lee MacDowell

LETTERS: Smith has strong commitment

To the editor:

Thank you for including my letter in support of my wife, Katrina Smith, for State Representative for District #62. While this is not an unbiased letter I think you should know the level of commitment she has to the people of Maine from a personal perspective. Katrina’s heart is for the people. Growing up in Appleton with a single mom she experienced heartache and hardship at a young age that have formed her into the leader she is today. Her community rallied around her family in their time of need and she never has forgotten what it means to help your neighbor, without respect to party affiliation, just the way Maine has always been.

Katrina also holds steady to the belief that with enough work and constant study any obstacle can be overcome, this would serve the state incredibly well in our time of great inflation and need. Katrina is my partner in our successful renovation business that works so well largely due to Katrina’s commitment to a thorough understanding of problems and an incredible ability to think outside of the box to solve those problems. I know she will bring this ability to Augusta and will find ways to advance Maine in the direction it so desperately needs to go. Your faith in Katrina will not return empty.

Thank you.

Michael Smith,

LETTERS: Harwath defender of the underdog

To the editor:

I have known Lindsey Harwath for more than 10 years, and I would characterize her as hard working, deeply principled, and a vehement defender of the underdog.  She is a farmer and has four children who attend the China public schools. She is passionate about education and is actively involved in the China Parent Teacher Organization.  Lindsey is not one to sit and watch others do the work;  if she sees a need, she speaks up, gets involved, and acts, which is why she has repeatedly run to represent the people of her community and why I support her candidacy.  Consistent with her independent nature, she does not affiliate with a political party, avoiding any commitment to vote a certain way based solely on party affiliation.

I am confident that Lindsey would represent her constituents with the same energy she has put into raising her family and fervently defending the causes she believes in – quality education, affordable healthcare, and equal rights for all people.  I urge you to support Lindsey Harwath to represent District #62 (China, Palermo, Somerville, and Windsor) in the Maine House of Representatives.

Janet Preston

LETTERS: Civility needed before, during, and after election day

To the editor:

Discussion and debate has always been a part of rural America.

From coffee shops to the local co-op, rural residents aren’t afraid to show their loyalty for one candidate or another, share their thoughts on the issues of the day, and voice their distrust of the government. Sometimes opinions can spur disagreement and raise tensions. But, in the end, most of us will agree to disagree, shake hands, and go about our day.

Lately, this seems to have changed. The divisive politics of Washington have made their way to our main streets.

A recent poll from the Institute of Politics and Public Service found 72 percent of voters are concerned about the level of polarization in the country. This “us versus them” mentality has damaged relationships, harmed businesses, and affected our children.

While technological advances have brought the world together in ways our forefathers never imagined, those same changes have also torn us apart. Showing support for a candidate or issue on social media is often met with personal attacks. This will only accelerate as the Nov. 8 general election draws near.

Rural America is better than this. Here neighbors help neighbors in good times and bad, band together for school and civic events, and have lively discussions about the news of the day that always end with plans to meet again tomorrow. This sense of community is what rural America is all about.

Healthy debates and differing opinions aren’t wrong. But it is time to rise above the heated discourse. This is our chance to show the rest of America how to set aside differences and work together toward a strong and vibrant community.

Johnathan Hladik,
policy director, Center for Rural Affairs

LETTERS: Zeigler deeply invested in community

To the editor:

Stanley Paige Zeigler is running for a third term to represent us in the seven towns in of District #40. He has been an active leader in the Maine House, sponsoring many bills which directly benefit residents, and which have helped to create a bipartisan vision for Maine’s future.

Last year, Paige sponsored LD 1659, An Act to Create the Maine Clean Energy and Sustainability Accelerator. This legislation addresses the $4 billion that Maine spends each year to import fossil fuels and the fact that vulnerable communities in Maine face the highest energy costs. The LD 1659 Accelerator substantially increases the availability of loan funds to help low and middle income people and small businesses weatherize to lower heating and energy costs. It uses the Green Bank approach which lowers interest rates and reduces barriers like credit scores and income requirements. It also puts Maine in line for $100 million in Federal monies to help finance climate solutions in Maine.

This bill is just part of Representative Zeigler’s work on the two legislative committee on which he serves, the Energy and Utilities, and Technology committee and the Environmental and Natural Resources committee, which has been addressing the PFAS crisis on our farms. Hard working and an excellent communicator, Paige hears the challenges we face in our communities. He covers a lot of ground as he campaigns on both two and four wheels in his newly-revised district; Appleton, Isleboro, Liberty, Lincolnville, Morrill, Montville, and Searsmont.

Deeply invested in his communities, Paige works side by side with citizens as he and his wife Bernice operate the wood splitter at Waldo County Woodshed to warm residents. With 35 years in Merchant Marine officer, Paige listens with understanding to challenges of fishing, shipping, and creating a livelihood on our waters.

Let’s elect Stanley Paige Zeigler to continue his fine work in the Maine House!

Sarah Crosby

LETTERS: Sam Hunkler the best choice for governor

To the editor:

This fall, we have a rare opportunity to choose a candidate for governor who has spent his life helping people as a medical doctor instead of playing politician. Sam has no political party behind him, and no wealthy donors own him. His face will appear on television only in an interview or as a participant in a debate. You will not see an attack ad accusing his opposing candidates of atrocities or maleficence.

Sam’s philosophy is simple. The citizens of Maine deserve something better than either of the political parties has to offer. As Sam says, “Let’s find common ground using common sense for the common good.”

A teacher once told his class that if all twenty-two football players got together, it would be easy to carry the football down the field. Vote for the man who wants to unite the teams and accomplish something for Maine.

Leland Hanchett