The China board of selectmen has issued the following summary of ballot questions for residents to use when deciding on how to vote. It is a refinement that is intentionally brief because of the amount of information.
Question 1. Shall amendments to the “Town of China Solid Waste Flow Control Ordinance” be enacted?
Question 2. Shall amendments to the “Town of China Solid Waste Disposal Ordinance” be enacted?
The Select Board asked the Transfer Station Committee to review and update the town’s dated ordinances, to reflect current day realities in solid waste processing.
Question 3. Shall amendments to the “Town of China LAND DEVELOPMENT CODE,” Chapter 2, LAND USE ORDINANCE and Chapter 11, DEFINITIONS be enacted?
The Planning Board reviewed the town’s respective sections of the China Land Development Code and proposed specific changes to reflect current State Law.
Question 4. To see if the Town will vote to authorize the municipal officers/Select Board to acquire land, more specifically described as Map 38, Lot 010-C, and further to appropriate $12,000 from the town’s Unassigned/Unrestricted Fund Balance for the acquisition of the land and further to authorize the Select Board to execute said transaction as they deem in the best interest of the Town of China.
The town has an opportunity to purchase a parcel of land adjacent to the town office property at a reduced price, assessed value of $21,000. The property would allow the town to determine use of adjacent property. It could be incorporated in the town’s long term plan for a community center or any other centralized concept plan.
Question 5. To see if the Town will vote to accept an unconditional gift of land from Wachusett Properties, Inc., more specifically described as Map 63, Lot 008 in the town’s tax map records and located off Lakeview Drive, and further to authorize the Select Board to accept a Warranty or Quit Claim Deed on behalf of the town for said described and gifted property.
Wachusett Properties, Inc. intends to unconditionally gift a 38 acre parcel (13 lot subdivision) to the town. Conversations about use of the land focused on a potential future relocation of an emergency services building from the Causeway Road to this site. The remaining unused land could be sold; the town’s cost basis $0.00.
Question 6. To see if the Town will vote to create a Transfer Station Capital and Equipment Account in the Town of China Reserve Fund and to appropriate the Town of Palermo’s $18,000 Annual Town Contribution for the use of the China Transfer Station for the Account; the Account established for the purpose of major capital purchases or repairs of transfer station buildings and equipment, the funds in which may be used upon a majority vote of a quorum of the Select Board; and further, said appropriation of the Town of Palermo Annual Town Contribution to the Account to continue through the length of the multiple-year agreement (initial 17 year agreement with three 5-year options) between the towns of China and Palermo for Palermo residents’ use of the China transfer station.
The Town of Palermo will contribute $18,000 annually toward the capital maintenance and replacement needs at the China Transfer Station. The Select Board felt it important to dedicate those annual contributions to a China Transfer Station Capital and Equipment Account that would ultimately fund capital equipment and maintenance over the long term, helping to stabilize the town’s mil rate. The additional per bag costs for Palermo residents would accrue to the China general fund and would adjust if China’s cost of operations increases.
Question 7. To see if the Town will vote to appropriate an amount up to $3,800 from the Unassigned/Unrestricted Fund Balance to conduct a community needs assessment relating to the understanding of the challenges facing older residents as they age in China.
A recent demographic study of China indicates the general average population age to be increasing significantly. The funds requested would take a deeper dive into the needs of the community that might allow residents to “age in place”, that is, to remain in their own homes as long as possible, or move to nearby housing in China if made available to them.
Question 8. To see if the Town will vote to authorize the Municipal Officers/Select Board to appropriate an additional $5,000 from Unrestricted/Undesignated Fund Balance for police services.
The town is experiencing a significant increase in calls regarding speeding and nuisance activities. The current low budget of approximately $11,000 for policing services is not sufficient to respond appropriately. The additional funds will provide for additional policing details to augment our community policing program.
Question 9. To see if the Town will vote to appropriate $100,000 from the Unassigned/Unrestricted Fund Balance for the Municipal Capital and Equipment Account of the Reserve Fund (established for the purpose of major capital repairs and purchasing and/or repairing vehicles to be used for snow plowing, grading, transfer station operations, and other public purposes), the funds in which may be used upon a majority vote of a quorum of the Select Board.
The town has significant investments in capital structures and equipment; over $1,300,000 in emergency services equipment, winter maintenance equipment and transfer station equipment. The Municipal Capital and Equipment Account, used to do major repairs to and replace that equipment has a low balance and would be able to accommodate most circumstances with this added amount to the account. It is seen as a good long term planning step in financing.
Question 10. To see if the Town will vote to authorize the Select Board to sell to the South China Public Library a Portable Classroom owned by the town for $1.00 and costs incurred by the town associated with the moving of the portable, said portable to be used for library purposes; offer by the town to the South China Public Library to be valid for 60 days after town vote, if passed; and further to authorize the Select Board to execute the sale and transfer of the portable to the South China Public Library under such terms and conditions as the Select Board deems in the best interest of the Town of China.
The town recently acquired this Portable Classroom from RSU#18 for $1 and moving/relocation costs. The Board feels that repurposing this unit for use by the South China Library would be appropriate.
Question 11. To see if the Town will vote to appropriate the sum of $50,000 from the Development Program Fund (established through revenues received from the Central Maine Power/China Lake Tax Increment Financing District and Development Program) for the purpose of Trails Maintenance and Bridge Capital Projects/Repairs associated with the China Four Seasons Club Trails Program; said maintenance and capital projects of the Four Seasons Club to be done on the CMP Powerline in the current fiscal year.
A main purpose of a Tax Increment Financing Program is economic development. A focus of China’s TIF Program application included trails maintenance. This request is directly related to economic development and will be used to repair trails.
Question 12. To see if the Town will vote to authorize the Municipal Officers/Select Board to acquire land, more specifically described as Map 63 Lot 059-A, and further to appropriate an amount up to $10,000 from the Development Program Fund, (established through revenues received from the Central Maine Power/China Lake Tax Increment Financing District and Development Program) for the purpose of acquiring the property, and further to authorize the Select Board to execute said transaction as they deem in the best interest of the Town of China.
The town is considering economic development opportunities on the Causeway Road and this property would provide better options for the town. The improvements would positively affect pedestrian safety, lake quality, and recreational activities and also improve the aesthetics in the local area. The property to be purchased would be integral to a comprehensive Causeway Road improvement.