Webber and Threemile ponds restoration work update

Nate Gray, left, from Maine Department of Marine Resources and Bill Bennett, USFWS, prepare to collect flow data from Webber Pond.
(contributed photo)

by Landis Hudson, Maine Rivers

Project partners who worked on and completed the China Lake Alewife Restoration Initiative are turning their attention to Webber Pond, Threemile Pond and Seaward Mills Stream. The seven-year China Lake project involved fully removing three dams and installing fishways at three other dams. In 2022 more than 800,000 adult alewives were counted moving into the lake, producing vast numbers of juveniles that were able to safely migrate out of the lake.

The earlier success of alewife restoration work at Webber Pond helped lay the groundwork for the China Lake effort. In 2009, after years of effort and planning by Maine Department of Marine Resources and the Webber Pond Association, a technical Alaskan steep-pass fishway was installed to allow fish into Webber Pond. The restoration effort has been so successful that the Webber Pond fishway is now undersized for the number of returning fish, and some fish are delayed below the dam. Many of the fish entering Webber Pond then must pass through to Threemile Pond via Seaward Mills Stream, but often have trouble along the way.

Webber Pond alewife harvest will be expanded by the restoration work underway. (contributed photo)

The new work will involve tackling the fish passage barrier on Seaward Mills Stream created by the Whitehouse Road culvert, to allow fish to spawn in Threemile Pond. Improperly sized or placed culverts often act as dams and limit the movement of aquatic creatures, as is the case with the old Whitehouse Road culvert. Successful completion should allow the combined Webber Pond/Threemile Pond alewife run to nearly double in size from 400,000 to 750,000 annually. White sucker and brook trout populations will benefit greatly from improved passage conditions as well. Part­ners are working to replace the badly deteriorated culvert at little or no cost to the town.

This new phase of work brings together Maine Depart­ment of Marine Resources, Maine Rivers, USFWS, the Webber Pond Association and the Three­mile Pond Asso­­ciation. Maine Depart­ment of Trans­portation also supports the effort, and in­cluded up­grades to the Whitehouse Road culvert in a request for federal funding this winter. A decision on that funding is pending.

Threemile Pond Asso­ciation supports the work and with hopes that it will improve the health of the pond. Tom Whittaker has been president of the Threemile Pond Association for the past five years but has been doing alewife counts along Seaward Mills Stream for the past decade, witnessing the low numbers of alewives able to make their way into Threemile Pond because of stream flows impacted by the Whitehouse Road culvert. John Reuthe, president of the Webber Pond Association, has had a long interest in alewife restoration and is pleased the project will improve the gates of the Webber Pond dam to improve the ease and safety of management.

A native keystone species, alewife are known to strengthen the food webs of the freshwater and marine ecosystems where they are found. As migratory species, alewife and their close cousins Blueback herring, move from the ocean to lakes and ponds to reproduce before migrating back to the ocean. Along the way they are eaten by a great number of creatures, including eagles, osprey, turtles, bear, foxes, mink, brook trout and bass. They also provide a source of revenue to the town, in the form of an annual commercial alewife harvest. For more information, email or call Matt Streeter, mstreeter212@gmail.com or 207-337-2611.

China planners approve adding storage vault to town office

by Mary Grow

The three China Planning Board members at the April 25 meeting quickly, unanimously and with almost no discussion approved the Town of China’s application to add a storage vault to the town office building.

The application for a conditional use permit was prepared by Keith Whitaker of B. R. Smith Associates (BRSA), of Presque Isle. The addition will house a concrete vault for safe records storage, as required by state law. A 10-foot-long corridor will connect the addition to the south side of the existing building.

Whitaker said the addition will cause no significant changes. There will be no additional people; no new driveways or parking; no added exterior lights (one over the back door will come on only during power outages); no increased water or septic system usage; no additional run-off or other environmental impacts.

Board co-chairman James Wilkens commended the completeness and clarity of the application. The only condition attached to the approval is that a permit be obtained from the state fire marshal’s office; Whittaker said discussions have started.

In other business April 25, codes officer Nicholas French said he met with state Department of Transportation (MDOT) personnel to discuss two 15-year-old culverts under Lakeview Drive, near Fire Road 27, that are undersized and too smooth to stop silt draining into China Lake.

DOT intends to replace the culverts, French said. He does not know when.

With two board members absent, Wilkens postponed discussion of revisions to the Planning Board Ordinance and action under the town’s comprehensive plan to the May 9 meeting. He asked French to add the previously-discussed solar ordinance – a proposed new chapter in China’s Land Use Ordinance to regulate commercial solar development – to the agenda.

Also tentatively scheduled for the May 9 meeting is continued review of the proposed four-lot Killdeer Heights subdivision on Lakeview Drive and Mountain View Drive, if surveyor Adam Ellis has needed information in time (see the April 27 issue of The Town Line, pp. 2 and 3).

Wilkens invited residents to volunteer for China’s Comprehensive Plan Implementation Committee. Current members, according to the town website, are Barbara Crosier, Randall Downer and Amber French. Others interested should contact the town office.

The May 9 planning board meeting is scheduled for 6:30 p.m., in the town office meeting room, according to the calendar on the town website.

Vassalboro town warrant in almost-final form for select board, attorney review

by Mary Grow

By the April 27 Vassalboro select board meeting, Town Manager Aaron Miller had the warrant for the annual town meeting in almost-final form for board members’ review.

The group discussed questions about some articles. Miller asked board members to review the draft one more time; he said the town attorney will also review it.

The town meeting will, as in past years, be in two sections. The open meeting will be Monday evening, June 5, followed by written balloting Tuesday, June 13.

As of April 27, on June 13 voters will decide local elections; whether to reaffirm the school budget approved June 5; and whether to add a section governing commercial solar installations to the town’s Site Review Ordinance.

Select board members plan to sign the final warrant at their May 11 meeting.

In other business April 27, board members decided to sell by sealed bid a tax-acquired property on South Stanley Hill Road. They set the bid opening date for June 8, their first June meeting; Miller said the sale will be well advertised.

They awarded a bid to install five heat pumps in the former East Vassalboro schoolhouse to Impact Heat Pumps, in Oakland, at a price of $29,975. The building is owned by the town and serves as the Vassalboro Historical Society’s headquarters and museum.

One other bid was much higher than Impact’s. Another, board members said, was $420 lower, but with higher expected maintenance costs. Historical Society representative John Melrose offered other reasons to choose Impact, such as the owner’s recognition of the building’s historic status.

The Efficiency Maine program is expected to help fund the heat pumps. How much the state will contribute is not yet known. Melrose said a donor might help reduce the town’s share.

Board members discussed the fees Vassalboro charges for licenses and permits. Chairman Barbara Redmond suggested a public hearing if board members recommend increases, for example for marijuana growing.

The next regular Vassalboro select board meeting is scheduled for Thursday evening, May 11, in the town office meeting room.

CHINA: Community Resilience Partnership explained

by Mary Grow

Olivia Kunesh from the Kennebec Valley Council of Governments (KVCOG) explained the state-wide Community Resilience Partnership (CRP) program at an April 24 meeting in China.

The entire select board and another 10 or so residents attended the presentation, some in person at the town office and some participating virtually.

Kunesh said the state-funded program involves:

  • A municipality, like China, applying to its regional group, like KVCOG, to become a community resilience partner for a two-year term, renewable.
  • Town officials and residents, with KVCOG assistance, defining and prioritizing projects to increase resilience in town and applying for state grants to fund the projects.
  • Assuming project approval, the state awarding money both to the town for its project(s) and to KVCOG to cover its expenses helping the town.

The concept of resilience projects is aimed at reacting to climate change, but is broadly defined. Select board member Janet Preston, China’s representative to KVCOG, said projects could include transportation, building modernization, clean energy, protection for natural resources and the environment, public health, engaging businesses in these activities and clean-up after flooding.

Ideas Preston had already received included improving the boat landing at South China; providing transportation for senior citizens (or public transportation for all residents, a meeting participant suggested); replacing culverts to handle more water; building sidewalks in China Village; setting up electric vehicle charging stations; adding energy-saving measures for municipal buildings; and expanding Thurston Park.

Several audience members live near the South China boat landing and endorsed improving it. Phillip deMaynardier, for the Thurston Park Committee, recommended seeking a grant for maintenance and improvements in the park.

Christopher Hahn asked if broadband service expansion could be covered; Preston added it to her list. Thomas Rumpf suggested solar energy for the building in the China School Forest.

Select board members asked who would be responsible for maintaining grant-funded projects, like electric vehicle charging stations. Kunesh replied that the CRP program is too new for the question to have arisen.

Grants are awarded twice a year, so a municipality joining the program could apply for up to four grants during its two-year membership, Kunesh said. The maximum grant is currently $50,000 for one town; a multi-town partnership could request up to $125,000.

The April 24 public meeting was the first step in applying to join KVCOG’s CRP. The next step is for the select board to vote to apply; members seemed to be leaning in favor.

If China joins the program, the select board would involve residents in setting priorities. Board members briefly discussed ways to inform residents of the pros and cons of possible projects and to collect opinions.

Vassalboro select board, town manager work on warrant for annual town meeting

by Mary Grow

At their April 13 meeting, Vassalboro selectboard members and Town Manager Aaron Miller worked on the warrant for the June 5 and June 13 annual town meeting.

Select board members concurred with the budget committee’s recommendation on one of the three appropriations articles on which the two boards disagreed after the April 11 budget committee meeting (see the April 20 issue of The Town Line, p. 3).

The proposed expenditures on which the boards disagreed were for road paving, public safety and a donation to the China Region Lakes Alliance. In each case, the budget committee majority recommended a smaller appropriation.

Select board members agreed on reducing Road Foreman Eugene Field’s paving request from $541,500 to $453,300, the budget committee’s recommended amount.

Field proposed paving seven short gravel roads in 2023-24. His reasons were that winter maintenance is easier on paved roads, and eliminating spring and summer repairs saves wear on Vassalboro’s elderly grader.

Budget committee members recommended voters decrease the requested appropriation by $88,200, eliminating the four gravel roads closest to the public works building (and therefore easiest for town equipment to access).

Select board members Chris French and Frederick “Rick” Denico, Jr., were doubtful about a reduction. French feared if hottop and related prices rise, Field might not be able to repave planned roads, never mind extend paving. Denico had talked with Field, repeated the road foreman’s reasons and added that he trusted Field to postpone gravel roads if he thinks next year is the wrong time.

Nonetheless, select board members unanimously agreed to advise voters to support the budget committee’s lower figure.

The issue with the public safety budget was Police Chief Mark Brown’s request to increase his hours from 15 to 20 a week. The select board’s proposed amount for his salary was $31,627, including five more hours a week, a 6.5 percent cost of living increase and a 2 percent step increase (as prescribed in the town’s salary schedule).

The budget committee majority’s recommendation was $22,371, intended to leave the weekly hours at 15.

The main reason Brown wanted an increase, select board chairman Barbara Redmond said, was because he works more than 15 hours a week. She cited one monthly report showing he worked 69 hours in four weeks.

During the boards’ discussions, people suggested two reasons for the overtime: Brown is doing more varied activities, assisting the codes officer and the public works crew and using his local knowledge for community service tasks; and once he starts helping at an incident, he can’t walk away just because he’s reached his time limit.

Select board members voted 2-1, with Redmond dissenting, to recommend voters approve the original select board figure that includes 20 hours a week. Brown’s salary is part of a total public safety budget, including the animal control officer, that selectmen recommend at $102, 128.

For the China Region Lakes Alliance, the organization requested $13,500, a $2,000 increase over the current year; the select board supported the request; and the budget committee majority recommended $7,500.

French pointed out that at the June 2022 town meeting, voters rejected the $9,000 recommended by the budget committee and the select board and approved $11,500. The select board unanimously recommended $13,500 for the CRLA in 2023-24.

Miller’s draft town meeting warrant is based on the 2022 warrant. He talked about articles he will delete, like the one funding property clean-up of the former church lot in North Vassalboro, and those he advises adding, like authorizing the town to accept tax pre-payments.

The manager plans to have a warrant ready for review at the April 27 select board meeting. The town meeting will be in two parts, the open town meeting Monday evening, June 5, and secret ballot voting Tuesday, June 13.

The final item discussed at the April 13 meeting was whether the town should try to buy land, formerly owned by the late Paul Morneau, abutting the transfer station property. Board members made no decision.

The main purpose would be to expand the transfer station. Discussion of access and the suitability of the 42-acre property included information from Melissa Olson, who lives near and is familiar with the Morneau land.

Denico repeated arguments in favor of relocating the transfer station to a sturdier road with three-phase power available. Planning board and budget committee member Douglas Phillips suggested the town could buy the Morneau lot for recreation, like walking trails.

In other business April 13, board members unanimously awarded waste hauling bids to the low bidders, Casella Waste Systems for bulky waste and cardboard and Bolster’s Rubbish Removal for MSW (municipal solid waste, the stuff that goes into the hopper).

They accepted two requests Phillips presented from the planning board:

  • They will appoint a second alternate planning board member — interested residents should contact the town office; and
  • They will add questions proposed by the planning board to the survey to be mailed with the tax bills in August.

They renewed Natanis Golf Course’s liquor license, commenting that since owner Robert Browne retired from the selectboard the vote is 3-0, instead of 2-0-1.

They discussed inconclusively issues related to electronics, including board members’ email service and Miller’s proposal to upgrade the town office telephone system. As they talked, in the background the answering machine in the main office recorded an incoming call – an antique piece of machinery, they agreed.

The next regular Vassalboro select board meeting is scheduled for 6:30 p.m., Thursday, April 27, in the town office meeting room.

No contests on June 13 ballot

For the second year in a row Vassalboro voters will have no contests on the ballot at their June 13 elections.

Town Clerk Cathy Coyne said by the deadline for people to submit nomination papers to get their names on the ballot, David McCarthy, Jr., filed to succeed Barbara Redmond, who is retiring from the select board. Incumbents Erin “Libby” Loiko and Zachary Smith submitted signatures for re-election to the school board.

Vassalboro’s elections will be by written ballot Tuesday, June 13, with polls at the town office open from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m.

May 2 planning board meeting canceled

The May 2 Vassalboro planning board meeting has been canceled, because, codes officer Robert Geaghan, Jr., said, there were no applications to be reviewed. The next regular board meeting will be Tuesday evening, June 6.

Planning board seeks alternate member

The Vassalboro planning board seeks a second alternate member, to be appointed by the select board in April or May. Interested residents should contact the town office.

Alternate members are expected to attend board meetings (normally held the first Tuesday of each month) and to participate in discussions. An alternate member votes only in the place of an absent regular member.

CHINA: Killdeer Heights subdivision request postponed to May 9

by Mary Grow

China Planning Board members’ review of Timothy O’Brien’s application to subdivide one lot in Killdeer Heights subdivision into four lots has been put off to their May 9 meeting.

The review was to continue April 25, but on April 21 codes officer Nicholas French said surveyor Adam Ellis was still waiting for information and had asked to be on the May 9 agenda instead.

The 4.3-acre lot is bounded on the east by Lakeview Drive (Route 202) and on the west by the private road named Mountain View Drive, which runs south off Killdeer Point Road.

Board members held a well-attended public hearing on the application at their April 11 meeting. Neighbors suggested concerns they think board members should address as they consider the subdivision.

On the assumption that each of the proposed four lots would become a house site, abutters and members of the Killdeer Point Road Association asked for more attention to and information about steep slopes and the effect of development on run-off; the impact of more traffic on Mountain View Drive and the safety of entrances onto Lakeview Drive; the applicability of China’s Phosphorus Control Ordinance; and effects on wildlife, natural resources and the quality of life in an uncrowded rural town.

Neighbors would like to see results of the test pits that were dug to make sure each planned lot has a place where the soil is suitable for a septic system. One asked whether potential new home-owners would need to blast ledge to make basements, and if so whether the blasting could damage nearby houses.

They cited requirements in China’s subdivision ordinance (Chapter 3 of the town’s Land Use Ordinance), which has a list of effects to be avoided on the environment and on municipal services.

At the April 11 meeting, planning board co-chairman James Wilkens said information would be made available to the public as promptly as possible.

French said materials will be posted on the China website, china.govoffice.org, under Agendas & Minutes 2023 on the Agendas & Minutes tab under the Planning Board, which is under the right-hand tab Officials, Board & Committees.

After the hearing, board members tabled, again, consideration of changes in the Planning Board Ordinance and review of China’s comprehensive plan.

The main agenda item for their Tuesday, April 25, meeting is an application for an addition to the town office building. The meeting is scheduled at 6:30 p.m. in the town office meeting room.

China transfer station water tested; it is potable, with issues

by Mary Grow

Transfer station staffer Cheyenne “CJ” Houle reported on several projects she is working on. The one completed at the end of March was getting the water at the transfer station tested: it is potable, Houle reported.

However, it still has an unpleasant odor that she and Director of Public Services Shawn Reed called “undescribable.” They think it comes from the water heater.

Asked about the water, Town Manager Rebecca Hapgood said, “I will not be drinking it nor requiring them to drink it.”

Houle is working on ways to make the RFID (Radio Frequency Identification) system more useful. If she cannot increase its value to town staff, she will consider alternatives.

She is also pursuing a possible grant, through the Maine Municipal Association, that would provide a solar lighting system for the free for the taking building. Again, if grant money is not available, she has an alternative in mind.

When Palermo representative Robert Kurek suggested a different grant program that might help develop a small waste-to-energy generation system at the China transfer station, Houle offered to investigate it.

Committee members praised Houle for her many activities.

Lucas and Reed discussed the possible reopening of the waste-to-energy plant in Hampden, financed by China and 114 other Maine municipalities and inactive for almost three years. The Municipal Review Committee (MRC), the group representing member towns, had scheduled an April 13 virtual meeting to discuss a new partnership, Lucas said.

Hapgood said she and Kurek had adjusted the cost of the trash bags Palermo residents need to dispose of household trash at China’s transfer station. The new prices are $2.80 for large bags (or $14 for a “sleeve” of five bags) and $1.60 for small bags.

The fee for trash Palermo residents bring in non-official bags will rise from $3 to $4.

The committee adjourned without setting its next meeting date.

China select board schedules May public hearings

by Mary Grow

By the end of their April 24 meeting, China select board members had a public hearing scheduled for each of their May meetings.

The Monday, May 8, meeting will be preceded by a 6 p.m. public hearing on warrant articles for the June 13 annual town business meeting. The June 13 voting will be entirely by written ballot, with no chance to ask questions before voting.

China Town Manager Rebecca Hapgood invited select board members’ comments on a six-page draft document to inform China voters about the upcoming May 8 hearing and June 13 voting.

On Monday, May 22, select board members plan a public hearing on the Four Seasons Club request to open about two miles of town road for ATV use. Club President Thomas Rumpf made the request at the April 24 meeting.

Rumpf explained that part of the Bog Trail needs rebuilding before ATVers can use it. Therefore, he would like town officials’ approval to let them ride on a section of town roads east of China Lake.

The proposed route, shown on a map Rumpf prepared for the select board meeting, runs along Pleasant View Ridge Road and Bog Road between Jeff LaVerdiere’s gravel pit (with LaVerdiere’s permission) and Cole’s Corner at the north end of Hanson Road.

Select board members had many questions; Rumpf answered some and promised to find answers he was unsure of. In addition to how ATVs and motor vehicles would share the roads, board members are concerned about roadside homeowners’ reactions.

When they voted unanimously to schedule the public hearing that Rumpf said is a requirement if the proposal is to be allowed, they specified that residents along the affected roads are to be invited. Town Manager Rebecca Hapgood said she will see to it.

The ATV season begins June 1 and runs until Columbus Day (the second Monday in October), Rumpf said. He said 110 ATVers use China’s trails on an average weekend.

If select board members approve Rumpf’s request, they are considering leaving an opening to rescind their action if there are many complaints after ATVs start sharing the road.

In other business, board members agreed unanimously to start immediately enforcing the prohibition on out-of-towners bringing trash or recyclables to China’s transfer station. The only exception is for Palermo residents, who use the China facility under an agreement between the two towns.

Jeanette Smith, chairman of the Thurston Park Committee, announced a Community Clean-up Day at the park on Saturday, May 20 (rain date Sunday, May 21). Work begins about 9 a.m. Potential volunteers can get more information by emailing thurstonpark@outlook.com.

The May 8 China select board meeting will begin after the 6 p.m. public hearing concludes.

VASSALBORO: Members look at school calendar with no decisions

Vassalboro Community School (contributed photo)

by Mary Grow

At a short April 11 meeting, Vassalboro School Board members talked about the 2023-24 school calendar, without making a final decision, and accepted two more staff changes.

The calendar issue was how to provide teaching staff with more professional days, time without students to work together, school-wide and in groups by grade or specialty, on the variety of educational issues they deal with.

The initial proposal was more early-release days, Thursdays when students are sent home at mid-day. This year has seen one early-release day most months; the draft new calendar proposes two.

Discussion suggested an alternative: full days when only teachers come in. Advantages include longer uninterrupted discussion time and, school board member Jessica Clark pointed out, days when buses wouldn’t have to run.

Board members and Principal Ira Michaud tried to figure which option would be less disruptive to parents’ schedules. Michaud proposed sending out a survey before a final decision is considered.

The staff changes were:

  • Appointing Sandra McCausland, of Vassalboro, new head cook at Vassalboro Community School (VCS). Superintendent Alan Pfeiffer said she substituted in the VCS kitchen last year.
  • Accepting the resignation of sixth-grade teacher Morgan Wellman, who will be moving out of state. Michaud praised her as an excellent teacher (and a VCS graduate, he added).

McCausland succeeds Mary Dumont. Michaud said Dumont will stay through the current school year, as will art teacher Susan Briggs; both women are retiring.

The next regular Vassalboro School Board meeting is scheduled for 6 p.m. Tuesday, May 16, at VCS.

Vassalboro budget committee recommends town voters approve 2023-24 budget

by Mary Grow

At their April 11 meeting, Vassalboro Budget Committee members recommended town voters approve the 2023-24 school budget as presented by the school board. They also endorsed most of the municipal budget recommendations, differing from the select board on three issues.

Select Board Chair Barbara Redmond said select board members would consider the budget committee actions at their April 13 meeting, when they are scheduled to review the draft warrant for the June 5 town meeting. Her preference, she said, is for the two boards to agree.

The increase in the 2023-24 school budget over the current year’s is $145, 475.91, according to the figure presented at the meeting. Budget committee members supported it unanimously.

Superintendent Alan Pfeiffer thanked Budget Committee member Michael Poulin for attending school board meetings for the past two years so he would be informed about issues making up the budget.

Town Manager Aaron Miller said the proposed 2023-24 municipal budget had an increase of $54,472.

Budget Committee member Douglas Phillips raised a main issue early in the meeting: his goal is to keep the tax rate from rising. Miller said it is now 14.40 mils, or $14.40 for each $1,000 of property valuation.

To determine the new tax rate, committee members needed to know both proposed expenditures and expected revenues for 2023-24. Miller had assembled some revenue figures, but some are not yet available.

Notably missing, and not available for weeks, is the assessor’s report on how much Vassalboro’s property valuation has increased since last year. Normally, the select board sets the tax rate in August, after town meeting voters have approved expenditures and after the valuation is known.

Without complete revenue figures, as budget committee member Philip Landry pointed out, the committee members could only guess whether reductions were needed at all to hold the tax rate level. Nor could they be sure a lower figure, if accepted by voters, would be low enough to achieve Phillips’ goal.

By the end of the April 11 meeting, the two boards were in disagreement over the public safety budget – Police Chief Mark Brown asked for more hours, the select board approved, the budget committee majority disagreed; the budget for paving, specifically Road Foreman Eugene Field’s plan to pave short gravel roads; and the requested increase for the China Region Lakes Alliance.

At that point, estimates of the impact on tax bills ran from an increase of 30 cents to an increase of 70 cents for each $1,000 of valuation.

Topics discussed at length included proposed salary increases for town employees; expansion of the recreation program; and support of the Vassalboro Public Library.

In two separate votes, budget committee members unanimously supported the select board’s proposed salary increases and endorsed the 6.5% cost of living increase by a 9-1 vote. They recommended the proposed $65,898 recreation budget on an 8-2 vote and the library request for $71,000 on a 7-3 vote.

Early in the meeting, Redmond settled one issue quickly. Budget Committee member Frank Richards asked why Vassalboro is asked to pay Delta Ambulance more than $66,000 next year, after no fee in the past.

Redmond and the rest of the select board recommended the item after hearing that Delta gets no reimbursement for calls when the patient is not transported; that insurance payments have not kept up with costs; and that most other Maine ambulance services charge towns more than the $15 per person (according to the census) that Delta requests.

She told Richards if voters don’t approve the funding, “We won’t have coverage. If you call 911 you might get a First Responder from town, but you won’t get an ambulance.”

Vassalboro First Responders are not licensed to transport. Select board members said they asked about other towns’ ambulances, and no neighboring service wants to add Vassalboro.

“What choice do we have?” Richards conceded.

Budget committee members did not plan to meet again on the 2023-24 budget. Vassalboro select board meetings were scheduled for April 13 and April 27, with the town meeting warrant to be signed April 27.