Erskine Academy to host 8th grade open house

All eighth grade students and their parents from the surrounding communities are invited to attend the Erskine Academy Eighth Grade Open House on Wednesday, February 28, at 6:30 p.m., in the gym. The administration strongly encourages all incoming freshmen and their parents to attend this event as registration materials will be available and information about the course selection process will be provided. In the case of inclement weather, a snow date of Thursday, March 1, has been set.

Parents who are unable to attend this event are asked to contact the Guidance Office at 445-2964 to request registration materials.

Erskine class of 2018 to hold 5K in April

The Erskine Academy Class of 2018 will host the 9th annual Fly Like an Eagle 5K Race/Walk on Sunday, April 29, at 9 a.m. The race will feature free performance race T-shirts (if registered by deadline), snacks for all race participants, and awards for race winners. The non-refundable registration fee is $20 for adults, $10 for Erskine students, and $15 for all other students if registered by April 22. Registrations received after that date or on race day will be at the rate of $25 and race day T-shirts are not guaranteed. Online registration is available (for an additional fee) at or participants may register by mail by contacting Betsy Benner at All proceeds benefit the Class of 2018.

Erskine to hold parent/teacher conferences

Erskine Academy has scheduled Parent/Teacher Conferences on Wednesday, January 17, from 3 to 7:30 p.m. (snow date will be Thursday, January 18). Progress reports will be emailed to parents by January 16. For those parents who have not yet submitted a primary email address, please stop by the Guidance Office for a printed copy of your student’s progress report. No appointments are necessary as teachers will be available to speak with parents in their respective classrooms. Refreshments will be available in the library and the Sports Boosters will be selling Erskine apparel and other merchandise during the evening.

In addition, a representative from the Finance Authority of Maine (FAME) will be at the school to present information on paying for college. Soup and salad will be served in the cafeteria from 5 – 5:30 p.m., for attendees. The FAME presentation will begin at 5:30 p.m. in the cafeteria and will end at approximately 6:20 p.m. In addition to financial aid information, the Guidance Department will provide information about course offerings and dual enrollment opportunities.

Please feel free to contact the Guidance Office at 445-2964 with any questions or concerns regarding this information.

Erskine Academy’s Winter Concert scheduled for December 20, 2017

Erskine Academy’s annual Winter Concert will be Wednesday, December 20, at 6:30 p.m., in the James V. Nelson Gymnasium. The concert is free; however, donations are gladly accepted. Ensembles will be performing traditional holiday music such as Sleigh Ride, Carol of the Bells, Silent Night, and Silver Bells, as well as other selections that bring communities together and celebrate health and happiness. Snow date Thursday, December 21.

Erskine Academy announces school calendar changes

Parents and students should be advised of several changes to Erskine Academy’s school calendar due to excessive storm days. First trimester will now end on Wednesday, November 29, and second trimester will begin on Thursday, November 30. Friday, December 22, is now scheduled as an Early Release day with dismissal at 11:30 a.m. Lastly, Thursday, March 15, will now be a full day of school and Friday, March 16, will be an Early Release day with dismissal at 11:30 a.m. Any additional school cancellations will be reviewed to determine if further make up days will be required.

Erskine Class of 2020 announces ‘Parents Night Out’ Fundraiser

The Erskine Academy class of 2020 is hosting a Parents Night, Saturday, December 2, from 4 – 8:30 p.m. Students, advisors, and parent volunteers will be on hand to offer activities for children ages 4 and up and dinner will be provided. Parents may drop off their children in the Erskine gym lobby and costs are $20 for the first child and $10 for siblings. Please contact advisor Jen Tibbetts at with any questions.

Veterans honored at Messalonskee High School

by Tina Richard

On November 9, at the Messalonskee High School, the students from seventh and eight grade honored the veterans that were invited to the tribute. This was the fifth year of doing the event.There was a light breakfast and the students marched the veterans into the auditorium for the program.

They recited the Pledge of Allegiance, and Governor Paul LePage, who was the guest speaker, delivered a great message. The “Marches of the Armed Forces” was played by the high school band and the veterans from each branch of service stood and faced the crowd. The students had samplings of writings and movies in honor of the veterans. There was an announcement of the winner of the Waterville Forrest J. Pare, V.F.W. Post #1285, Patriot’s Pen Essay Contest by Commander Daniel Parker and Nancy Smith, of Camden National Bank. There was a moment of silence, taps were played and the seventh and eighth grade chorus sang “God Bless the USA.” It ended with parting words and the students marched the veterans out to the entrance of the auditorium to “Stars and Stripes Forever.” All the students and adults shook the hand of a veteran thanking them for their service. All the students did an amazing job and I was honored to be a part of it.

Erskine Academy announces school calendar change

Parents and students should be advised that Wednesday, November 22, will now be an early release day for all Erskine Academy students. Students will be dismissed at 11:30 a.m.

Erskine Academy announces Mr. EA competition

The 15th annual “Mr. EA” Competition will be held on Saturday, November 18, at 7 p.m., in the James V. Nelson gymnasium, at Erskine Academy, in China. Ten senior boys will compete in the categories of talent, recreational wear, and personal interview for the coveted title of “Mr. EA.” Admission to the show is $5 and tickets can be purchased at the door. All proceeds will benefit the Class of 2018.

This year’s contestants are Alex Cleaves, Cody Daigneault, Derrick Dyer, Luke Hodgkins, Harrison Mosher, Jake Peavey, Dylan Plugge, Chance Reed, Michael Sprague and Caleb Tyler.

China voters to decide RSU #18 bond issue

by Mary Grow

Regional School Unit (RSU) #18 officials are presenting voters in the five member towns – Belgrade, China, Oakland, Rome and Sidney – with a $13.9 million bond issue that they hope will be approved at the polls Nov. 7.

Voters in China also have local elections and three local referendum questions, including one asking approval to spend money.

At the first of a series of hearings on the bond issue, on Oct. 23 at China Primary School, RSU #18 Superintendent (and former China principal) Carl Gartley explained what the bond money would be used for. About $10 million will be spent to repair and update school buildings; $3.9 million will help build a new athletic complex at Messalonskee High School in Oakland.

A Facilities Committee composed of community members, RSU staff and the state Fire Marshal recommended funding priorities, Gartley said. The two China schools are slated to get almost $2.4 million worth of work, mostly at the older China Middle School.

Gartley said the committee’s tasks included catching up on work postponed after the 2008 financial downturn, emphasizing safety and looking toward future needs. Since 2010, he said, state funding has decreased and voters continue to resist local tax increases. As a result, in the last eight years China’s school budget has gone up by 6.61 percent, or an average of 0.83 percent per year, not enough to keep up with rising prices. Building maintenance has suffered, despite the RSU applying for and receiving loans from the state’s revolving loan fund.

Proposed improvements at China Middle School include a reorganization and expansion of the gymnasium, a new boiler, a new Americans with Disabilities Act compliant back entrance, paving and interior and exterior lighting upgrades.

China Primary School is slated to get roof repairs to stop leaks, a generator for the boiler room and paving and lighting. Modern lights should reduce costs, Gartley added.

Gartley calculated the cost of the bond in terms of additional taxes on a China house valued at $100,000: $49.10 a year, or $4.09 a month, averaged over the life of the bond.

The Messalonskee athletic complex is needed, Gartley said, because the current facility lacks handicapped access and other amenities. He emphasized that the complex would be for youth sports, gym and health classes and community use, not just for high-school sports teams.

China’s three local ballot questions ask voters if they approve:

  • Spending up to $8,500 from surplus to build a fire pond off Neck Road;
  • Requiring nonprofit organizations seeking town funds to provide a current financial statement in order to have their requests considered by selectmen and the budget committee; and
  • Authorizing selectmen to rent out space on the town’s communications tower behind the town office.

The proposed fire pond would be an enlargement of an existing pond just south of the intersection of Neck and Stanley Hill roads, with permission of the two landowners involved. The project would include an area for fire trucks to load water.

During selectmen’s discussions of the questions, Town Manager Daniel L’Heureux said many of the nonprofit groups who seek town support already provide the information that would be required if voters approve the second question.

The town’s tower might be competing with privately-owned area towers. People said, however, that companies seeking to rent tower space look primarily for a location that meets their needs; so the town tower would be requested when no other was as suitable. Selectmen have not talked about criteria for choosing tower users or fees to charge.

Selectmen and the budget committee recommend voters approve all three questions. China polls will be open from 7 a.m. to 8 p.m. Nov. 7 in the former portable classroom behind the town office.