PUBLIC NOTICES for Thursday, June 20, 2024

Town of China

Attention China Residents:

China Town Office will be closing at noon on Friday, June 28, and closed Saturday, June 29, for fiscal year end reporting.

Town of Winslow
Notice of Public Hearing

In accordance with Section 213 of the Winslow Town Charter, notice is hereby given that the Town Council will hold a public hearing in the Town Council Chambers, 136 Halifax Street, Winslow, Maine at 6:00 p.m. on July 8, 2024, on the following proposed Ordinances.

Ordinance No. 08-2024: Providing for: The Town of Winslow to approve an ordinance for signs on town-owned property.

All interested persons are invited to attend the public hearing and will be given the opportunity to be heard. Anyone having questions about the proposed ordinances or wishing to obtain a copy of it should contact the Winslow Town Clerk’s or Town Manager’s Office during regular office hours.

Audra Fleury
Town Clerk, Winslow, Maine.

Town of Palermo
Request for Sand Bids

The Town of Palermo is now accepting sand bids for the 2024-25 season. Bid applications can be found on our website: ( or at the Town of Palermo Office during regular business hours. The deadline for submitting a bid will be July 11, 2024.


The Fairfield Town Council will hold Public Hearing in the Council Chambers at the Community Center at 61 Water Street on Wednesday June 26 at 6:30 p.m. for the purpose of hearing public comments on the following matter:

• To hear public comments on a renewal application for a special amusement permit for the purposes of music and dancing submitted by River Jack Tavern Main Street, Fairfield, Maine 04937

The Fairfield Town Council will hold Public Hearing in the Council Chambers at the Community Center, at 61 Water Street, on Wednesday, July 10, at 6:30 p.m., for the purpose of hearing public comments on the following matter:

• Proposed statutory amendments to the Land Use Ordinance; Section 9.14 Accessory Dwelling Units.

Copies are available at the Town Office. All interested persons are invited to attend the public hearings and will be given an opportunity to be heard at that time.

Signed: Christine Keller,
Town Clerk

Erskine Renaissance awards presented

Seniors of the trimester, from left to right, Aaralyn Gagnon, Simon Clark, Noah Crummett, and Brody Loiko. (contributed photo)

On Friday, June 7, Erskine Academy students and staff, in South China, attended a Renaissance Assembly to honor their peers with Renaissance Awards.

Recognition awards were presented to the following students Katie Shaw, Connor Alcott, Lucas Berto, Lacey Arp, Tristan Anderson, and Stephanie Kumnick.

In addition to recognition awards, Senior of the Trimester Awards were also presented to four members of the senior class: Brody Loiko, son of Ben and Libby Loiko, of Vassalboro, and Mindy and Mike Mathieu, of Augusta; Noah Crummett, son of Monique and Justin Crummet, of Windsor; Simon Clark, son of Stacy and Christopher Clark, of China; and Aaralyn Gagnon, daughter of Todd and Lauren Gagnon, of Vassalboro. Seniors of the Trimester are recognized as individuals who have gone above and beyond in all aspects of their high school careers.

In appreciation of their dedication and service to Erskine Academy, Faculty of the Trimester awards were also presented to Dean McCaslin, bus driver; and Heather Shute, mathematics instructor.

Faculty of the trimester, Heather Shute, left, and Dean McCaslin. (contributed photo)

EVENTS: A China school reunion planned for July 18

photo source:

by Bob Bennett

As we all know, history cannot be changed and, sometimes unfortunately, it can be repeated in a negative sense. But most important of all, it must never be forgotten. This is one of the primary goals of our now, solidly in place, China Historical Society, and to follow that path we are going to coordinate an event with our annual meeting on Thursday, July 18. Since this is the 75th anniversary of the opening of the consolidated China School, we intend to hold our meeting at the present Middle School, on Lakeview Drive, and follow that event with a reunion of China students who attended the school from as far back as we can find them up to and including the present day.

While some of the fine points of this plan still need to be worked out, it is receiving strong support from RSU #18. While we realize that folks who switched to the school when it opened in 1949, from the numerous “neighborhood” facilities, are pretty well along in years, we hope there are a few who might be willing to share their memories of this change, which must have been dramatic to say the least.

Even though my personal ties to China only go back 42 years, I know several folks who started their education, as did most of us, at age 5 or 6, here in town in the early 1950s. Richard Dillenbeck, of the first class, is one of those and he has agreed to be the featured speaker for the discussion. If you readers have knowledge of other individuals who might be willing to share their memories and experiences in the new building, please inform them of our plan and have them reserve the date and a time frame of 6 to 6:30 p.m. We also would like to do a tour of the Middle School to allow those earlier “residents” who haven’t been inside for a while and all others to see the huge changes that have occurred in the five room original structure with a kitchen in the basement.

So, in conclusion, we will use The Town Line and social media sites related to China to keep everyone up to date and work to make this a memorable activity; stay tuned!

China select board tours Thurston Park, makes appointments

Hikers on Bridge in Thurston Park (Photo courtesy: Town of China)

by Mary Grow

China select board members and Town Manager Rebecca Hapgood began the June 17 select board meeting with a motor tour of Thurston Park, in northeastern China.

Afterwards, board member Blane Casey expressed approval of the way the park is being maintained. Others agreed.

In the town office meeting room, board members:

Allocated an additional $1,000 from the fire department reserve fund to help pay for the South China Volunteer Fire Department’s planned addition of a three-phase converter at the fire station on Route 32;
Approved minor clarifications to the transfer station access policy, dealing with temporary passes for renters; and
Acted on a long list of re-appointments to town boards and committees before the new fiscal year begins July 1.

Hapgood explained that town office staff had asked each board or committee member whose term ends June 30 if he or she would serve again. Those who said no, and those who did not reply, were not on the appointments list.

In an unusual move, board members declined to re-appoint board of appeals chairman Spencer Aitel, who has held the position for at least a decade. A motion to re-appoint him failed for lack of a second. No one offered an explanation.

In addition to the vacancy on the board of appeals, there are openings on the comprehensive plan review committee, which has one member, and the recreation committee, which has two. All other committees that lost members kept at least five.

There are also two vacancies on the town planning board, which, under the new ordinance voters approved June 11, consists of five regular members and one alternate appointed by the select board. Planning board appointments were not on the June 17 list.

Board members re-appointed Hapgood to eight positions. They re-appointed town clerk Angela Nelson; codes officer Nicholas French; animal control officer Joshua Barnes; superintendent of cemeteries Adam Ellis; and China’s three fire chiefs, Richard Morse (South China), Joel Nelson (China Village) and William Van Wickler (Weeks Mills).

Votes were not all unanimous. Select board members who serve (mostly in non-voting capacities) on a committee being re-appointed abstained; and board chairman Wayne Chadwick voted against committee lists that included non-resident members – on principle, he stressed, not because he objected to any individual.

The next regular China select board meeting is scheduled for 6 p.m. Monday, July 1.

China TIF committee completes recommendations on revising document

by Mary Grow

At their June 10 meeting, China’s Tax Increment Financing (TIF) Committee members completed recommendations on revising the document that governs the use of TIF funds. (See also the June 6 issue of The Town Line, p.8.)

They recommended deleting two accounts: the revolving loan fund intended to help businesses in town, which has been used only once, and the job training account, which has never been used.

They proposed adding an account, a second project at the causeway at the head of China Lake’s east basin. TIF money paid for previous improvements there: rebuilding the bridge across the lake’s major inlet stream, adding sidewalks and parking spaces and improving the boat landing.

The new project tentatively includes extending the sidewalk westward on the south (lake) side of the road, adding a floating dock from which people can fish and making improvements at the boat docks. Cost will be determined as soon as possible.

Committee members are aware that there is too little parking area for vehicles hauling boat trailers, but there is not space to expand the parking.

Committee members recommended increased funding for two existing projects that have regularly used all their allotments.

— The project named “Environmental Improvements,” which includes China Lake water quality, was listed to receive a maximum of $30,000 for each of the fiscal years 2024, 2025 and 2026. No amount was listed thereafter. Committee members recommended $50,000 a year until the TIF ends in 2045.
The “Trails” project, which has funded trail work by the Four Seasons Club townwide and by the Thurston Park Committee in Thurston Park, was to receive not more than $65,000 a year through 2045. Committee members recommended $80,000 a year.

Funds to match grants, a different category from the projects, have not been spent, but committee members said they could be. That account has been accumulating at $15,000 a year; its allocation is scheduled to end June 30, 2026. Committee members recommended extending it to 2031.

The TIF enabling legislation says grants to a municipality or a plantation can be matched. One candidate for a match is the China Lake Association, its president, Stephen Greene, said. Committee member Jamie Pitney, a lawyer, is unsure whether the state Department of Economic and Community Development, the TIF program’s overseer, would approve a grant to an organization.

Committee members know approximately how much unallocated, and allocated but unspent, money is in the TIF program now. They calculated how much money they recommend transferring from unused accounts to overused ones. Combining the figures, they decided their recommendations for additional funding are financially feasible.

They further discussed estimates of FY 2024-25 TIF income. The income comes from taxes Central Maine Power Company pays on its transmission line that runs north-south through China and on its South China substation.

Each year’s TIF income therefore depends on two factors: the valuation of the CMP properties and the town’s tax rate, or mil rate (the amount of tax for each $1,000 of valuation). The valuation waits on completion of a review by the town’s assessor; after that work is finished, the assessor will recommend a range of tax rates to generate money to cover projected 2024-25 expenses.

Select board members will then set the rate. In 2023, they made the decision at their Aug. 28 meeting, setting the current 12.26 mil rate ($12.26 for each $1,000 of valuation).

TIF committee members scheduled their next meeting for Monday evening, Aug. 5. They expect by then to have firmer numbers on most of the program, even without the 2024-25 tax rate.

Their goal is to present a revised TIF document to China voters at the polls on Nov. 5. If voters approve it, the appropriate state officials’ approval is also needed, a process likely to take several months.

Unofficial results of contested races in China, Vassalboro, Fairfield & Waterville (June 2024)

by Mary Grow


At the polls on June 11, China voters approved all articles on the warrant for the annual town business meeting. A few more than 500 votes were cast; the majority of the articles received more than 350 affirmative votes.

The three least popular articles were the request for $1,184,525 for town administration, which was approved by a vote of 349 to 162; the revised sections of the Land Development Code incorporating new state laws, approved 346 to 145; and the much-discussed new Solar Energy Systems Ordinance, approved 331 to 163.

The revised Planning Board Ordinance got 396 favorable votes, with 106 voters opposed.

On a separate ballot, the RSU #18 school budget validation referendum, supporting the 2024-25 budget that RSU voters approved in May, received 328 votes, to 181 opposed (with seven blank ballots).

China’s local elections will be held Nov. 5.


Vassalboro voters voted on June 11 in local elections; on two proposed ordinance amendments; and to validate the 2024-25 school budget they had approved at their open town meeting on June 3. Town Clerk Cathy Coyne reported results as follows.

In uncontested local elections, Christopher French was re-elected to the select board with 289 votes, and Jolene Gamage was re-elected to the school board with 257 votes.

The revised solid waste ordinance was approved by a vote of 202 in favor to 88 opposed.

The revised Marijuana Business Ordinance was approved by a vote of 193 in favor to 100 opposed.

The school budget was re-approved by a vote of 217 yes to 79 no.

In the only contest on the three state primary ballots, between First District Republicans Andrew Piantidosi and Ronald Russell, Piantidosi got 104 votes and Russell 167 votes.

Coyne said 296 of Vassalboro’s more than 3,100 registered voters participated in the June 11 voting.


by Roland D. Hallee

U.S. House of Representatives – Republican

Austin Theriualt, 189
Michael Soboleski, 96

Maine Senate District #16 – Republican

Scott Cyrway, 188
Michael D. Perkins, 115

M.S.A.D. #49 School Budget

Yes – 291
No – 199

M.S.A.D #49 School Board (2)

Maxwell N. Kenney, 370
Ryan T. Warren, 327


by Roland D. Hallee

Representative to Legislature District #64 – Democrat

Flavia M. DeBrito, 185
Andrew S. Dent, 92

Representative to Legislature District #65 – Democrat

Cassie L. Julia, 490
Bruce A.White, 280

State Senate District #16 – Republican

Scott W. Cyrway, 178
Michael D. Perkins, 136

Representative to Congress, Distcit #1 – Republican

Ronald C. Russell, 166
Andrew Piantidosi, 101

China town building issues dominate select board agenda

by Mary Grow

The China select board’s June 3 meeting was mostly spent on building-related issues. Board members totally redesigned the plan for their long-discussed storage vault at the town office, and awarded bids for other town projects.

Over the past several years, board members, building committee chairman Sheldon Goodine and others have talked about adding a fireproof vault in a small building attached to the south side of the present office on Lakeview Drive.

At their March 25 meeting, board members awarded a bid to build the addition to the lower bidder, Ralph McNaughton Construction, of Corinna, for $267,489.20.

At the board’s May 6 meeting (see the May 23 issue of The Town Line, p. 3), Goodine and select board member Blane Casey proposed a different plan: convert part of the large garage behind the old town office into dry storage; move some of the papers from the back storage area in the town office building to the garage; and move miscellaneous items from the present fireproof storage area off the town office’s meeting room to make more space there.

Goodine prepared a draft plan for the garage before the May 20 board meeting, but wasn’t able to be there to discuss it.

At the June 3 meeting, he pointed out how much money the town is likely to save if this plan works. After inspecting the garage, board members voted to ask McNaughton and engineer Keith Whittaker, of B. R. Smith Associates, of Presque Isle, to make their own inspections.

Goodine was honored with a Spirit of America award on May 20, “for leadership in China’s Golden Agers senior program and service to the South China church, library, Masons and American Legion.” On June 3, Casey added Goodine’s 65 years with the South China Volunteer Fire Department.

Board members awarded the 2024 roadside mowing contract to Pierce Works, LLC, of China, for $10,300 for two mowings, plus $4,280 for roadside brush-cutting. Mileage is listed as 47.29 miles. Hapgood said the company has had the contract in the past and the work has been satisfactory.

Construction bids were awarded as follows.

To install a PFAS (per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances) water testing and water filtering system at Frank Soares’ near the China transfer station, EverClean Water & Radon Technologies, of Fairfield, $4,940, after a discussion of options with company owner Shane Reitze. State testing found Soares’ water contaminated, presumably from leachate from the closed landfill just north of the transfer station.
To reroof the barn near the town office, Williams Construction Company, of Brewer, for $16,630.
To reroof part of the town office building, again William Construction Company, for $23,560.

Williams’ figures are to be negotiated, since the company has two projects on the same site.

In other business, Hapgood read two letters. One was from someone having a new home built in China, praising the town office staff. The other was a letter of introduction from China’s new summer economic development intern, Gracie Stagnito.

The next regular China select board meeting is scheduled for Monday evening, June 17.

Area students named to dean’s honor list at Cedarville University

The following area students at Cedarville University, in Cedarville, Ohio, have been named to the dean’s honor list for the Spring 2024 semester:

Catherine Estes, of Sidney, Josette Gilman, of China, and Rebecca Riley, of Chelsea.

China TIF members continue talks on proposed changes

by Mary Grow

Members of China’s Tax Increment Financing (TIF) Committee met May 29 to continue discussing proposed changes in China’s TIF document.

Focus was on the different projects for which TIF funds are appropriated, specifically which ones are not spending their full appropriations and which ones need more money.

Committee members got through five items before several members had to leave, ending discussion. Their recommendations are:

For expanding and improving broadband service, continue at $30,000 a year.
— For the South China boat landing, continue at $7,500 a year.
— For the cost of funding town-created economic development programs, a reduction from $35,000 a year to $25,000 a year. The program spends under $15,000 a year, mostly to hire a summer intern who focuses on economic development.

If the time town office staff spend on TIF-eligible work were charged to TIF, more money would be needed. Committee members discussed the additional record-keeping that would be necessary; when the town manager attended a two-hour TIF-related meeting, simple to note and prove, but what about brief phone calls spaced through the week?

For economic development events (mostly China Community Days and China Ice Days), increase from $15,000 to $25,000 annually, to allow for additional events.
For marketing China as a business location, delete the currently-scheduled reduction from a maximum of $25,000 annually to $5,000 annually beginning July 1, 2026; instead allocate $20,000 a year from 2026 through the end of the TIF in 2045.

In cases where a project had a substantial unspent balance, committee members recommended putting left-over money back in the program development fund, the section that committee member Jamie Pitney called “the common pot.” The money would then be available for re-allocation to a project that has been spending all its TIF money and needing more.

The committee will meet again Monday, June 10, at 6 p.m., in either the town office meeting room or the nearby former portable classroom. Remaining topics include environmental improvements; the revolving loan program; job training; trails; and matching money for grants.

The list from which committee members are working is pages 28 through 36 of China’s 2021 Second Amended TIF Program. It is on the website, under the Tax Increment Financing Committee, which is under Officials, Boards and Committees.

KWD lake levels info now online

The China Lake Association has posted about monitoring China Lake levels, with historical levels, on Facebook: Kennebec Water District (KWD) recently added a China Lake water level information page to their website. You will find the current level of the lake, along with the most recent Department of Environmental Protection lake level directives.

The link is: