Larry Kassman to speak at Albert Church Brown Library

Albert Church Brown Memorial Library in China Village.

Larry Kassman, a resident of Albion, will give an illustrated public presentation on his weathervane hobby at 2 p.m. Sunday, Sept. 8, at the Albert Church Brown Memorial Library, 37 Main Street, China Village. Admission is free and refreshments will be served.

Larry started collecting weathervanes over 40 years ago. He got started after buying his first example at the Burnham Auction and has been collecting ever since. Being a historian by nature, he has collected not only physical pieces but interesting stories about this form of “folk art.”

Larry will talk about the origins of weathervanes. The interesting symbolism of the figures. Why are there so many roosters on churches? Who stole the famous grasshopper weathervane from Faneuil Hall, in Boston in 1974? How did racehorses get involved?

You will get to see several fine examples of weathervanes.

Finally, you will hear about what makes weathervanes desirable and collectible if you want to start your own collection.

CORRECTION: This story previously listed this event as taking place on Saturday. It should be Sunday. Story has been updated.

The 2020 census comes to central Maine

by Eric W. Austin

Some of you may have noticed a strange man or woman snooping around the neighborhood with a briefcase. Do not be alarmed. This is not a new type of high-class burglar brazenly scoping out your house for a midnight break-in.

Adrian Cronkhite, a partnership specialist with the United States Census Bureau, recently stopped by the China for a Lifetime Committee meeting to explain what they are up to. “We’re starting to conduct address canvasing – that’s determining where to count,” he said. “We send our address canvasers out to check to see if an address is still there.” Around ten percent of the U.S. population moves each year, which makes this preliminary step essential to conducting a successful census.

In most cases, said Cronkhite, address canvasers will not even need to knock on a door. They are simply trying to determine if an address has someone living there, and this can often be determined without bothering the homeowner. Address canvasers will be carrying an official badge identifying them as a government employee.

Nearly 14,000 Mainers are being enlisted in the effort to conduct the 2020 Census, and many positions are still available. Anyone looking for a short term job — typically lasting for 8-10 weeks — is encouraged to visit Most positions pay $16.50/hr and $0.58/mile.

Cronkhite also cautioned that people should be on the lookout for scammers. “If someone comes knocking on your door and they’re asking for a credit card, or they’re asking for money or anything like that, that’s fraud,” he said. “That’s not the census. The Census Bureau will never ask you for money. They won’t ask for your credit card number. They won’t ask for your social security number.”

Adrian Cronkhite took a roundabout path to his own position as a partnership specialist with the Census Bureau. Growing up in Dexter, he went to the University of Maine at Machias before enlisting in the military where he served for 14 years as a Green Beret in the Special Forces. That was followed by 12 years as a defense contractor and another eight years working directly for the federal government. Returning to Maine recently from Colorado, he bought the old Dexter shoe factory, closed in 2000, which he is in the process of renovating. He hopes to turn it into a shelter for homeless veterans when he retires following his current work for the 2020 Census.

The United States Census is required by Article 1, Section 2 of the Constitution, which states: “[An] Enumeration shall be made within three Years after the first Meeting of the Congress of the United States, and within every subsequent Term of ten Years, in such Manner as they shall by Law direct.” The first meeting of Congress was in 1789, with the first nationwide census conducted in 1790. This will be the 23rd census in the history of the United States.

An accurate count is essential, Cronkhite explained, in order to correctly apportion more than $675 billion in federal funding, of which around $4.1 billion is headed for the State of Maine. Census data is also used to define legislative districts, school districts and voter precincts.

The census will officially kick off on April 1, 2020. Each household will be sent a postcard with 10 questions. Everyone is required by law to complete the questionnaire. Answers can be completed by mail, over the phone by 800 number, or online using a unique security code provided by the Census Bureau.

According to Cronkhite, 17 percent of China residents did not complete the census in 2010. “If you don’t respond,” he said, “someone will come knocking on your door, and nobody wants that.”

Cronkhite emphasized that information the census collects is completely confidential. Census Bureau employees like Cronkhite are barred for life from revealing any information under Title 13 of the criminal code. “We cannot share the information with anybody,” Cronkhite explained. “If I was to share someone’s personal information, I can be fined $250,000 or five years [in federal prison].”

The census’ electronic infrastructure also has some of the best security in the world. “Sixteen hundred times a day someone tries to break into the census data,” said Cronkhite, “and no one’s been successful yet. We have our own standalone system. Your information is not going to be shared with the world.”

The personal information of individuals is never provided to anyone outside the Census Bureau – not the Congress, not even the President. Only statistical breakdowns are given to the legislative and executive branches of government. In fact, this same statistical information is available to the public and can be browsed by going to the web address

Maine presents a special problem to the Census Bureau. “Maine is a different animal,” Cronkhite said. “Maine and Alaska. There’s a lot of people living in northwest Maine that don’t even want to be recognized or found, so they are actually using satellite footage now to track down residents — [to find out] where people are living or staying – and I’ll have to get on a snowmobile or four-wheeler to go up there next April.”

On December 31, 2020, the president will receive the results of the census as a statistical breakdown. By March 31, 2021, towns will receive their counts and will be notified if the results of the census require redistricting.

So, if you see a stranger prowling around your property, don’t shoot! It might just be a 2020 census employee.

Windsor selectmen reduce tax rate to 12.7 mils

by Sandra Isaac

Windsor selectmen decided to lower the tax rate to 12.7 mils ($12.70 for each $1,000 of valuation) at the August 20 meeting. Last year’s rate was 12.9 mils or $12.90 for each $1000 of valuation.

Assessors Agent, Vernon Ziegler, CMA, met with selectmen to set the 2019-2020 mil rate. Ziegler explained the process in great detail for those attending the meeting. “Windsor tax bills are approximately equal to what the town needs to run, but must include overlay to cover expenses and to make sure there is enough cash flow to keep the town running,” said Ziegler. The state mandates that municipalities shall not exceed five percent overlay.

Currently, the town of Windsor collects over $4 million in taxes, of which $759,000 is needed for the town to function. Approximately 80 percent of taxes collected is allocated to the county and schools.

Other factors that were considered included the revaluation of real estate that will be happening later this year. The last revaluation was completed in 2006. Further discussion topics included comparisons of surrounding towns rates and the four utility companies which currently pay a large portion of the town’s tax receipts.

After reviewing the data and listening to Ziegler’s recommendation, selectmen approved a 12.7 mil rate by a unanimous vote. Town Manager Theresa Haskell scheduled printing of the tax bills for later that evening and expected postal delivery to town property owners starting the last week in August.

In other news, the Ladies Aide was recognized by town officials with the Spirit of America award for its members’ dedication of time, aid and service to the town of Windsor and beyond. In addition to the plaques, the ladies are being invited to the Spirit of America award celebration later this year in Augusta.

During the town manager’s report, Haskell said the auditors completed their visit and that it all went well, but Haskell has yet to receive the final report. The auditor recommended carrying over $59,920 from major road construction to the major road/bridge and culvert replacement reserve, stating the difference is merely a formality to stay consistent with the current wording as approved by voters. Haskell also requested approval to take $10,000 from the bridge reserve account from 2018 that didn’t get transferred, and use it to open a certificate of deposit account (CD) that will mature in July 2020 to coincide with other maturing CDs. The selectmen approved the request.

The next regularly scheduled Windsor selectmen’s meeting will be on Tuesday, September 3 at 6 p.m.

No bounds too challenging; his odds were poor at best

Seth Fowles, center, receiving the rite of baptism, from the Rev. Ron Morrell, right, of the China Baptist Church, assisted by Dwayne Bickford. (photo by Lily-Ann Bickford)

by Jeanne Marquis

The brilliant morning sun glistened off the water when the congregation gathered at the lake shore across the road after Sunday service on August 4. Seth Fowles was baptized by full immersion in China Lake by Pastor Ron Morrell and celebrated by the congregation of China Baptist Church. China Baptist Church has seen numerous baptisms since their founding in 1801; however, this baptism was more challenging because Seth Fowles requires a wheelchair.

In the Christian faith, baptism is a physical demonstration of a person’s belief in Jesus Christ and his or her commitment to join with other believers to live a life that follows the teachings of Jesus. This is why baptism meant so much to Seth Fowles, as his faith had grown, he wished to be complete in his faith. Although there were other options, such as the sprinkling or pouring water on his head, it was important to Seth to be baptized by immersion as he said was “to be baptized like everyone else.” This is in keeping the teachings of Jesus Christ, according to the Christian faith, that everyone is welcomed and encouraged to be baptized, belief being the only prerequisite.

The congregation of China Baptist Church gathers at China Lake for Seth Fowles’ Baptism (photo by Lily-Ann Bickford)

Seth Fowles’ journey in his faith started 20 years ago with a horrible accident on the morning of September 3, 1998. At the time he was an arborist on his way to work in his truck, Seth saw a dog in his path and swerved to avoid the dog. Despite wearing his seatbelt, Seth was ejected from the vehicle and he suffered life-threatening head injuries.

Seth endured extensive brain trauma and slipped into a coma lasting into the next year. His prognosis was not good. His parents, Andrea and Gerald Mason, knew they needed to stay strong for him and stay hopeful, but the odds were poor at best. Seth explained, “The doctors said there was a 99 percent chance I would not come through this. Sometime in March of 1999, I woke up. I thought I was just waking up from a nap. My survival was a divine miracle.”

Seth’s faith also awakened. Prior to the accident, he was not a religious person. As he convalesced through the years, he studied the Bible and grew spiritually. When Pastor Ron Morrell asked for requests to be baptized this summer, Seth expressed his desire to be baptized by immersion. Without hesitation, Pastor Ron Morrell felt Seth was ready and enlisted the help of four members to guide the wheelchair in and out of the lake: Dwayne Bickford, Bob Noonan, Dale Peabody and John Starkey.

Dwayne Bickford, a deacon of China Baptist Church, said, “When Pastor Ron brought it up and we talked about what it would take, I never doubted whether we could make it happen. When it came time, I felt so honored to be a small part of it. I know it meant a lot to Seth. I was moved by all the love and support shown by the whole congregation. The Lord blessed us all that day.”

Seth said, “It was a complete Baptism by water. I was helped into the water by four men from the church; these are my brothers. Even though water came to my chest, I trusted them entirely.”

Seth’s baptism captured the deeper meaning of this Christian sacrament. It is a public expression of faith and commitment to a community of other believers. Entering into the commitment of baptism does take an element of trust and knowledge that you will be supported by the emotional strength of others within your faith community. In the same way, Seth’s story supplies strength to those who have of the pleasure of knowing him.

You may be asking, ‘What happened to the dog who passed in front of Seth’s vehicle on that tragic morning?’ Seth remembers he regained consciousness briefly just after the accident. While Seth was experiencing extreme nausea at the side of the road, the dog came over to check on him. The dog had survived.

2019 Real Estate Tax Due Dates


Monday, September 30


(pay all up front or semi-annually)
Friday, September 27
Friday, March 27, 2020


Thursday, October 17


(pay all up front or quarterly)
Monday, September 23
Monday, November 25
Monday, February 24, 2020
Monday, April 27, 2020


(pay all up front or quarterly)
October 11
December 13
March 13, 2020
June 12, 2020


(pay all up front or biannually)
September 30 or
Half on Sept. 30
and half March 31, 2020

Central Church opens free coffee shop

Central Church, a multi-site church in Central Maine, is excited to announce the opening of Central Grounds. A grand opening celebration was held on July 30, at their China Campus (627 Route 3).

The mission of Central Grounds goes beyond providing a space for people to come and enjoy free coffee – It’s about bringing people together and building a community without barriers of money or socioeconomic status. Central Church’s Lead Pastor Dan Coleman says, “Coffee has been a part of our story from day one. We recognize the power of invitation and we have seen lives change over a cup of coffee at both of our campuses.” Everyone belongs at Central Grounds.

Coleman adds, “As someone who calls China home, I recognize this as a need in our community. Our staff and volunteers at Central Church are humbled to be able to provide the space for these meaningful relationships to form.”

The coffee brewing at Central Grounds also comes with a deeper purpose. The coffee shop will serve HOPE Coffee. HOPE Coffee works with local churches in Honduras and Mexico to support clean water, building and repair projects with the goal to demonstrate the love of Jesus to those in need in a very real way.

Central Church is a multi-site church with a mission to Love Jesus, Love Others, and Help Others Love Jesus. With more than 1,000 people attending weekend services, they are one of the fastest growing churches in Central Maine and are known for a commitment to bringing Jesus into their communities through family-focused programming and outreach events. Their five identical services are Saturdays (Augusta Campus) at 6 p.m., and Sundays (China & Augusta Campuses) at 8:30 and 10:30 a.m. Streaming of weekend services are also available online:

China TIF members get preview of potential requests

by Mary Grow

China Tax Increment Financing (TIF) Committee members got a preview of potential requests for TIF funds for the 2020-2021 fiscal year. After additional presentations, committee members will make funding recommendations to the selectmen, who will in turn submit requests they approve to voters at the spring 2020 town business meeting.

Scott Pierz, president of the China Lake Association and the China Region Lakes Alliance, summarized both groups’ major projects, including the LakeSmart program that helps shorefront property owners add buffers to limit run-off into the lake; the Youth Conservation Corps, whose members do the physical work of creating run-off controls; and the new CLGRRP (China Lake Gravel Road Rehabilitation Program), intended to repair fire roads around the lake, starting with three identified in a Kennebec Water District survey as contributing the most run-off into the lake.

Initial CLGRRP work has been put out to bid, Pierz said, with bids due this fall. The outcome of the bid process will be significant in calculating funds needed.

Pierz said volunteer Marie Michaud would like to reduce the time she spends on LakeSmart activities. Marie Michaud’s husband Tom Michaud, a TIF Committee member, said his wife would continue to assist, but does not want the full-time job the project has become.

The lakes groups are considering contracting with a program manager, Pierz said. Much of the preliminary work – locating sites and agreeing with landowners, developing plans – can be done in the fall so the work can start the next spring.

Briefer presentations came from:

  • Elaine Philbrook, discussing plans for a small building in the school forest behind China Primary School. She envisions electricity and a heat pump, porta-potties rather than a septic system – enough to provide shelter during year-round nature activities for schoolchildren and adults.
  • Tod Detre, speaking for the Broadband Committee, describing plans to work with Hussey Communications to provide wireless broadband service to all China households, including those now excluded because they are low along the lake or among hills away from towers. A tentative plan calls for doubling the number of towers, from three to six, at a cost somewhere around $800,000. Town Manager and Treasurer Dennis Heath talked of asking town meeting voters to spend the money immediately from town assets and repay it from TIF funds at $80,000 a year, once the TIF program is enlarged to cover broadband as recent legislation allows.
  • Tom Rumpf, president of the China Four Seasons Club, with plans to request another TIF allocation for continued work on snowmobile and four-wheeler trails on the east side of China Lake.

The other major action at the Aug. 26 meeting was unanimous endorsement of the Revolving Loan Committee’s recommendation to approve a loan to Buckshot Power Sports. This action also goes to the selectmen with a recommendation that they forward it to the Kennebec Valley Council of Governments, which helps with loan management.

Revolving Loan Committee Chairman Amy Gartley said there are no other loan applications pending.

The causeway project at the head of China Lake’s east basin was not discussed. Heath said the state Department of Environmental Protection is reviewing needed applications for further work.

The next TIF Committee meeting is scheduled for Monday evening, Sept. 23.

Erskine freshman wins Union Fair talent show

Emma Tyler (contributed photo)

Emma Tyler, a freshman at Erskine Academy, recently competed and won first place for her age division at the Union Fair Talent Show. Singing Jesus, Take the Wheel, by Carrie Underwood, to advance in the preliminary round, she then competed with Jealous, by Labrinth, and Your Song, by Elton John, to capture first place and the $500 cash prize Tuesday night, August 20.

Monroes awarded LakeSmart status

Susan Monroe proudly holds her LakeSmart sign. (contributed photo)

Susan and Scott Monroe have owned their home and summered on China Lake for 14 years. They recently have moved permanently to this well-maintained home on the east side of China Lake. They love being on the lake. Susan calls it her piece of heaven. With a little help from the Youth Conservation Corp, Susan and Scott received the LakeSmart award and have two signs to post on their property.

There are many properties that have a steep slope at their lake front. Keeping vegetation on the slope like woody shrubs and tall trees and ground cover is lake friendly and protective for the lake. In many cases, the Youth Conservation Corp can assist property owners to strengthen this area.

If you are interested in having a free LakeSmart visit by a volunteer for ideas and information, and would like the YCC to assist with adding a better buffer for you, Contact China Lake Smart at or call Marie Michaud at 207-242-2040. If you think your property is ready for the LakeSmart Award, contact us too!

Invasive Plants 101 workshop, held in China, well attended

Some of the attendees at the Invasive Plant 101 workshop, held in China on August 24, were, from left to right, Sonny Pierce, of Rangeley Lake Heritage Trust, Peter Caldwell and Marie Michaud, China Lake Association, and Spencer Harriman, of Lake Stewards of Maine. (contributed photo)

by Elaine Philbrook

Friend or Foe?

That was the question on participants’ minds who attended the Invasive Plant 101 Workshop, at China Town Office, on August 20.  The workshop was hosted by the China Lake Association and the Kennebec Water Districts. Participants included members of the China Lake Association, the Kennebec Water District, Echo Lake Association, Rangeley Lakes Heritage Trust, the Boothbay Region Water District, folks from the town of Palermo, and year-round and summer residents of China Lake.

The six-hour workshop was presented in four parts:

  • Overview of invasive species issues in Maine and the Nation;
  • Plant identification fundamentals;
  • Plant identification hands-on exercise with live aquatic plants;
  • Conducting a screening survey, employing tools and techniques.

Illustrations for 11 of Maine’s most unwanted invasive aquatic plants.

The overview included information on the negative impact invasive aquatic plants can have, and have had, on ecosystems, economics, recreation, property values, and human health in and around lake communities.  A few facts shared about Maine lakes and their economic development are as follows: 640,000 residents recreate on Maine lakes, visitors spend $2.3 billion annually, generating and sustaining $3.5 billion in economic activities, $1.8 billion in annual income from Maine residents and over 50,000 jobs.  These figures are from a 2005 study by T. Allen, Center for Tourism Research and Analysis, Maine Congress of Lakes Association.

The town of China benefits through the taxes generated from lake property owners, both year-round and seasonal.  China residents and others enjoy the natural beauty and recreational activities the lake provides. These same activities and pleasures are shared by people visiting for a day or vacationing for a longer period of time.  If China Lake or Three Mile Pond where to become infested by an invasive plant these recreational activities would be jeopardized.  The cost on the community can be phenomenal, from the loss of tax revenue to the expense of plant removal.  Early detection of an invasive aquatic plant will insure that the activities and financial benefits that we all enjoy from experiencing our lakes will continue uninterrupted.

One of the working groups at the Invasive Plants Workshop 101.

The second and third parts of the workshop were about the 11 aquatic invasive plants, their native look-a-likes, and what to do if you find a suspicious plant.  If you think you have found an invasive plant you should mark the sport where you found it, take a photo or obtain a sample of the plant, and contact your local identification representative on invasive plants (Elaine Philbrook) to help with identification (or follow the directions on the Lake Stewards of Maine web site: A word of caution, when gathering a sample of a suspicious plant, be careful to gather all the fragments of the plant.  Invasive plants are able to propagate from very small plant fragments.

The final part of the workshop covered how to conduct a lake screening survey and use helpful tools. A screening survey consists of people who have had training to identify invasive aquatic plants.  Participants choose or are assigned an area on the lake to watch for suspicious plants.  Once a year they report their findings to the lead supervisor.  A survey can take place anytime during the year you can get out on the water. The best time to do a survey is between mid-July to early fall because plants are in bloom.

To become a “screener” you need to be trained.  Trainings can be a six-hour Invasive Plant 101 workshop, or three-hour Invasive Plant Paddle; both are offered by the Lake Stewards of Maine. A third option is an Invasive Plant Paddle offered by a trained local resident.

If you are interested in becoming part of the screening survey team contact Elaine Philbrook at   The goal of the China Lake Association is to have enough trained people available to develop a screening survey team that will continuously monitor the China Lake.