CHINA: Eight candidates seek three seats on selectboard; two running for planning board

by Mary Grow

Two dozen China voters took advantage of a chance to meet and question candidates for local office at an Oct. 22 forum sponsored by the China Village Library.

Attending were all eight candidates for three seats on the board of selectmen and one of the two candidates for planning board District 1.

Candidates for two three-year terms as selectmen are:

  • Incumbent Irene Belanger, retired real estate agent, Ingraham Road resident who has lived in China since 1969 and has been on town committees and boards almost since she arrived, including the planning board and board of selectmen;
  • Incumbent Ronald Breton, Lakeview Drive, an Augusta native and China resident for 32 years, retired since 2008 after a career as a federal employee including 34 years in the Department of Veterans Affairs at Togus, also a former planning board member;
  • Frederick Glidden, China native, retired from the Merchant Marine, who said he is running for selectman because his family told him to “stop bitchin’ and start doing something”; and
  • Former Selectman Robert MacFarland, Alder Park Road resident and self-employed contractor.
    Candidates to serve the final year of retiring board member Joann Austin’s term are: • Wayne Chadwick, Palermo native who’s lived in China more than 30 years, self-employed excavation contractor;
  • Randall Downer, 19-year Neck Road resident, New York native, computing manager for Colby College who hopes if elected to emulate Austin’s qualities: “respectful, polite and a good listener”;
  • Ralph Howe, owner of Bio Renewable Fuels on Dirigo Road, who has spent his whole life in China except for six years in the army; and
  • Donna Mills-Stevens, owner with her husband of Stevens Dairy Farm on Pleasant View Ridge Road since 1995, assistant vice-president of Bar Harbor Bank and Trust with 20 years’ experience in banking.

Steven Hadsell and Kevin Michaud seek the District 1 Planning Board position from which James Wilkens is retiring. Hadsell was not at the forum.

  • Michaud, a Maple Ridge Road resident since 2003, has spent more than 30 years in education and is now director of the Waldo County Technical Center in Waldo.

Town Manager Daniel L’Heureux moderated the hour-and-a-half hour presentation and discussion, which repeatedly came back to two themes: China’s future should include more small businesses to meet local needs and to add to the tax base; and selectmen are not all-powerful, but are instruments of the voters’ will, so voters should educate themselves about town affairs, attend more meetings and express their views. Belanger endorsed small businesses, and pointed out that larger ones whose owners were respectful of neighborhood and town needs and wishes could also fit in – for example, the once-opposed Hannaford supermarket.

Breton recommended businesses, affordable housing, a health care clinic, children’s programs and maybe a youth center.

Glidden listed small machine shops or a meat market as examples of businesses that might be welcome.

MacFarland thinks China’s Tax Increment Financing (TIF) money should be used to promote small businesses. He would like to see local businesses provide the services for which residents now travel to Waterville and Augusta.

Chadwick supports both more housing and small business, but pointed out few small business owners can afford to provide the benefits that will attract young workers. Downer would like to see diverse residential development as a contributor to the tax base.

Howe said China’s reputation for being anti-business should be corrected. He believes TIF money and grants should be used to attract investors for projects like senior citizens’ housing near Hannaford, and that TIF funds should be used in ways that encourage repayment, not for projects like the causeway bridge. He called for an end to the Not in My Back Yard (NIMBY) attitude. Mills-Stevens thinks China should take more opportunities to seek state and federal grants, an area in which she has expertise. She proposed more local business and entertainment, like parks and a community center. The town-owned former subdivision near the north end of Lakeview Drive might be a good site for such improvements, she suggested.

Michaud called for making the town more business-friendly, suggested trying to get more use out of the China Conference Center buildings on Neck Road and proposed “small manufacturing where appropriate.” Retiring Planning Board Chairman Wilkens asked all the candidates whether, when quality of life and location of a new business conflicted, their priority would be quality of life or business. He got four different answers:

Glidden, Mills-Stevens, Downer and Michaud would all choose quality of life, with Downer adding “under the rule of law.” Howe replied that a “business was a greater public benefit than a handful of negatively impacted neighbors.”

Breton said firmly, “Both” and did not expand his answer.

Belanger, MacFarland and Chadwick said each decision would have to be made on a case-by-case basis.

Asked more specifically about zoning as a means to separate residential and business areas, only Downer and Michaud were willing to consider it, with the understanding that it would be complicated to define and implement if voters approved it.

Discussion of business development led to a discussion of China’s comprehensive plan. The 2008 plan needs to be updated in 2018, Belanger said.

To objections that the 2008 plan was never implemented, Belanger and Breton said selectmen and an Implementation Committee proposed several measures and voters consistently rejected them.

Chadwick and Howe said the plan is too long and contains too much that is irrelevant to China. Belanger replied most of the irrelevant material is required by the state – and, she said, towns without a state-approved plan are disadvantaged when they apply for state grants.

Proposals for encouraging participation and educating voters included several candidates’ recommendation that the town collect email addresses, perhaps at the polls, and send email notices of selectboard, planning board and other meetings. Use of social media was also recommended.

A suggestion of notices in the Central Maine newspapers was countered by Howe’s suggestion that the money they would cost be used instead to subsidize mail delivery of The Town Line, which Breton said selectmen made the town paper some years ago when it was mailed weekly.

Howe thought coffee and donuts would be an inexpensive way to make residents feel more welcome at board meetings, and MacFarland, less seriously, proposed “a keg of beer.”

Glidden and Chadwick were pessimistic about getting people routinely involved. People are too busy to come to a meeting unless an issue affects them, Glidden said. Downer suggested that before each town meeting, warrant articles and explanatory material be posted on the website, so voters would arrive informed and meetings might be shorter.

Chadwick, Howe and MacFarland all called in their opening statements for “common sense in spending” taxpayers’ money. Former Selectman MacFarland thinks board members do use common sense and do a good job of carrying out voters’ policies; Chadwick and Howe see room for improvement.

Glidden and Mills-Stevens also had reservations. Mills-Stevens said selectmen listen to residents but don’t always follow through and Glidden cited examples of their acting against voters’ will, for example by installing cameras at the transfer station.

China voters will decide among the candidates at the polls on Nov. 7. There are also state questions, three local referendum questions and a school bond issue on the ballots. Polls will be open from 7 a.m. to 8 p.m. in the former portable classroom behind the town office on Lakeview Drive. Absentee ballots are available through Thursday, Nov. 2, at the town office.

Eagle Scout project in South China

Aiden Pettengill’s Eagle Project was at the new location for the South China Library. His project was to design and build a reading outdoor station. His final design included clearing a space under a large tree, having two benches built, two large flower beds surrounded by two layers of round rocks. He had many donated flowers and bulbs to plant. Thanks to all the Scouts and Leaders that came this morning to work under his leadership. The library, Scout leaders, town residents and parents should be very pleased with the results.

Photo courtesy of Ron Emery, Troop #479

Local businesses team up to help veterans in need

Pictured, from left to right, Lance Gilman, president & CEO – IGT Retirement Solutions, Sharon Leighton, winner of the fundraiser vacation package, Penny Morris, owner of Penny’s Barbershop, in Augusta, Judi Gilman, owner of Sunset Pine Cottages, in China.
Contributed photo

For the past three years Penny’s Barbershop in Augusta has sponsored initiatives to help veterans in need. In those three years, Penny and her team have raised nearly $10,000 to help veterans. This year her goal is to raise at least $3,500. All of the money she raises goes either directly to veterans or to organizations that directly support veterans. The goal for this year, set at $3,500, is for a distinct purpose: $3,500 is the exact amount that is required to provide one fully-trained service dog to a veteran requiring such help or support. Both the service dog and training are fully covered for the veteran. Once an application is received, K9s On The Front Line (a nonprofit 501 (c)(3) organization out of Portland) will schedule the training for both the veteran selected and the service dog to complete a 16-week training program. Then the service dog will remain with the veteran after the training to help them.

This year, IGT Retirement Solutions, LLC, a retirement planning and Investment firm located in China, sponsored a one-week vacation at Sunset Pine Cottages, also on China Lake, to help in Penny’s fundraising efforts. This was one of many prizes people could buy raffle-tickets for to have a shot at the prize. Lance Gilman, President & CEO of IGT Retirement Solutions, is a veteran and was very glad to sponsor the one-week vacation at Sunset Pines to help raise money for the initiative.

This year’s winner of the vacation package was Sharon Leighton. Sharon was delighted to have won the vacation package and to support the efforts as well. “It’s been over ten years since I have had a vacation. This is great!” Sharon said. “I am also glad to have contributed to this worthy cause.”

The group has raised approximately $3,200 to date. They need about $300 more to meet their $3,500 goal, which will provide one fully-trained service dog to a veteran in need. If you would like to contribute to this noble effort, please contact Penny’s Barber Shop, located at 173 State Street, in Augusta, by calling 207-380-6224. You can also make a tax-deductible contribution by making a check payable to “K9s On The Front Line” and bringing it to Penny’s Barber Shop.

On Saturday, November 11 (Veterans Day) Penny will be offering free haircuts to any veteran. All proceeds from other haircuts completed on Veterans Day will be added to the amount donated to support this initiative.

The final proceeds for Penny’s fund raising efforts will be tallied and given to K9s On The Front Line on the Monday after Veterans day. The veteran selected to receive the service dog will be selected at that time. Please help however you can in this effort. If you are a veteran – thank you! If not, please be sure to reach out to thank one for their service to our country on Veterans Day.

China Selectmen make three decisions by vote

by Mary Grow

China selectmen made three decisions by vote, one by consensus and one by lack of objection at their Oct. 16 meeting.

They voted unanimously to appropriate up to $7,500 from their contingency fund to finish work on a new entrance to the basement of the old town house beside the town office. The final steps to make the entrance meet Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) standards include paving and a roof over the entrance.

Selectmen agreed earlier this year to rent the basement to The Town Line newspaper. Another decision was a 4-1 vote to appropriate up to $750 for China’s share of a shredding on-site program to be run Saturday, Oct. 28, from 8 a.m. to noon at the public works garage on Alder Park Road. Neighboring towns are contributing to the cost so their residents can also bring confidential documents to be safely destroyed. Jeffrey LaVerdiere voted against the appropriation, after asking why the town was paying for it and being told it was a service to residents.

The third vote, also unanimous, was to schedule the 2018 town business meeting for 9 a.m. Saturday, March 24, 2018. Board Chairman and Bicentennial Coordinator Neil Farrington asked for the decision so he can list the meeting in the planned bicentennial calendar.

The informal decision, in which retiring Selectman Joann Austin did not participate, was to accept Farrington’s suggestion to schedule a ceremony to recognize Austin’s many years of service on the board. Details will be forthcoming.

The even more informal decision was to ask Maine Municipal Association attorney Rebecca Seel to review town ordinances, looking for internal contradictions and other issues making enforcement difficult. Selectman Irene Belanger made the suggestion, after learning at an MMA meeting that some Maine judges find local ordinances hard to work with.

Selectman Ronald Breton said he accepted the idea as long as there was no charge. No selectman objected.

Belanger called attention to the Oct. 21 household hazardous waste collection day in Winslow. China residents should pre-register at the transfer station. Lists of eligible and ineligible materials are available at the transfer station and town office, on the town website and as an insert in The Town Line issue of Oct. 12, 2017.

She also reminded those present of the Monday, Oct. 23, presentation on the Regional School Unit (RSU) #18 bond issue that is on China’s Nov. 7 ballot. The presentation is at 6 p.m. at China Middle School. The annual Halloween trunk-or-treat celebration is scheduled to begin at 6 p.m. Tuesday, Oct. 31, at the town office, Belanger and former Selectman Robert MacFarland said.

Almost half the selectmen’s two-hour meeting was spent in another unsatisfactory discussion of the neighborhood dispute on Neck Road, where Parris and Catherine Varney continue to host parties in their barn despite neighbors’ contention that the Varneys need a permit. Selectmen told residents they do not intend to act until a Superior Court judge rules on an earlier aspect of the issue. The residents said the ruling is expected in November.

The next regular China selectmen’s meeting will be Monday evening, Oct. 30. It is tentatively scheduled to begin at 6 p.m., an hour earlier than usual, if an insurance agent with whom LaVerdiere talked is available. LaVerdiere believes the town can save substantially on its health insurance without major impact on benefits by changing from the Maine Municipal Association plan in which employees are currently enrolled.

China Middle School JMG aids in hurricane relief for China, Texas

China Middle School Jobs for Maine Graduates who participated in the spare change relief fund are, front, from left to right, Alonzo Michaud and Justin Littlefield. Back, Lodin Chavarie, Brayden Wilson, Lorenzo Michaud, Calvin Mason, Libby Crockett, Rebecca Morton, Katie Burgess. Contributed photo

by Cailee Elsasser, 8th grade, China Middle School, JMG Council Officer

How are we helping people recover from Hurricane Harvey? When we realized there was a China, Texas, which unfortunately was in the path of the storm, we felt it was a natural connection to help. The China Middle School JMG organized a spare change drive to help support the students and teachers in China, Texas, as their middle school was destroyed by the flooding. The China Middle and Primary schools stepped up big time, collecting over $500 in change and monetary donations.

A combination of concession proceeds and staff jeans day money was also contributed. And then on the final day of change collection Calvin Mason, an eighth grader in JMG, was sorting and counting box tops. He proposed adding the $150 in box tops that his group had just processed to the change drive. Principal Ms. Bowden graciously accepted the proposal, which brought the grand total to $900. We always want to get involved with community projects whenever we can, whether that’s China, Texas, or China, Maine. We look forward to hearing more inspiring stories in our district and communities!

Erskine Academy to Host Trunk or Treat

Erskine Academy will host its annual Trunk or Treat event on Tuesday, October 31st from 5:30 – 7:00 pm in the front parking lot. Representatives from Erskine’s various athletic teams, clubs, and departments will hand out candy from the trunks of vehicles parked around the front parking lot. Children aged twelve and under who are accompanied by an adult are invited to participate in this safe and fun way to celebrate Halloween. Families planning to attend should park in the back parking lot located off the Arnold Road. Please contact the school at 445-2962 with any questions.

TIF committee hears progress report on bridge

by Mary Grow

At their Oct. 16 meeting, China’s Tax Increment Financing (TIF) Committee members heard a progress report on the planned new causeway bridge at the head of China Lake.

Committee member Tom Michaud, point man on the project, said relations are good with representatives of Wright-Pierce, the Topsham engineering firm working on project design and permit applications, and Mark McCluskey, the engineer with A. E. Hodsdon, in Waterville, who represents the town as an overseer and contact person.

Michaud said a subcontractor completed hydraulic borings so recently that results are not yet available. The next step is a wetlands survey.

The project needs local and state permits, and Michaud made reference to possible Army Corps of Engineers involvement. Committee members and Town Manager Daniel L’Heureux believe the new bridge is compatible with town ordinances.

On another issue, committee members discussed setting up an organized application process for TIF funds, with an annual schedule to give themselves an opportunity to weigh and prioritize requests.

The next TIF Committee meeting is scheduled for Monday evening, Nov. 20.

Tisdale thanked for service

China Town Manager Dan L’Heureux and the board of selectmen recently thanked Mary Tisdale, above, for her service at the China Transfer Station, and wished her good fortune in her next endeavor.
Contributed photo

Erskine Academy inducts 22 Leo Club members

New members of Erskine Academy’s Leo Club. Contributed photo

Twenty-two Erskine Academy students were inducted into the Erskine Academy Leo Club at the Whitefield Lions Club, on October 12.

The new members joined an original 25, making the Erskine Academy Leo Club the largest in the state.

Leo Club members were presented with a banner supplied by the Whitefield Lions Club.

During the induction ceremony performed by District Governor Norman Hart, and past District Governor Paula Beach, members were awarded Leo pins by Whitefield Lions Club President Cindy Lincoln and Club Director and Leo Club organizer, Barry Tibbetts.

The Leo Club was formed last Spring in conjunction with the Whitefield Lions Club and Erskine Advisor Roxanne Malley.

Whitefield Lions Barry Tibbetts, Ron Kenoyer and Calvin Prescott have been instrumental in the formation and support of this club, which helps students conduct local civic duties and develop leadership skills.

Erskine Leos have attended Whitefield Lions Club meetings and helped with their local fundraisers including a golf tournament, fishing derby and working at the Windsor Fair.

The Erskine Leos plan a pumpkin painting and visitation day at the Country Manor Nursing Home, 132 Main Street, in Coopers Mills, on October 26, at 2:30 p.m. They are also looking for donations of pumpkins.

For more information about the Leo club or to make a donation, please contact Roxanne Malley at 314-9859/ or Barry Tibbetts 549-3109. To learn more about the Whitefield Lions Club and upcoming events

Week of October 12, 2017

Week of October 12, 2017

China to conduct survey for a Lifetime Committee

China community friends, we, the members of the China for a Lifetime Committee, want you to know that The Town Line next week will include a survey that we have developed. We hope you will take and return the survey. In the survey, we have asked a number of questions, the answers to which we think will assist us, with your support and participation, to facilitate China becoming even more a community that allows all of our citizens to have more of their needs met and to develop a greater feeling of community and acceptance. Our goal is to really live up to our name and transform our town so that you want to live in China “for a Lifetime”… [read more…]

Your Local News

Next year is China’s Bicentennial Anniversary!
Help us celebrate by sharing your stories about China History. Photos, too!

Send your story, with name, phone, or email, to or P.O. Box 89 Jonesbrook Crossing, So. China, ME 04358. FMI: 445-2234.  Town Line Contact page.

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