Update on Sheepscot Lake dam opening

Submitted by Carolyn Viens, Sheepscot Lake Association

Sheepscot dam

In March of this year, the residents of Palermo won a major battle in the opposition to LD922, the legislative bill mandating the opening of the Sheepscot Dam to Alewives, and other migrating fishes which would have had a negative impact on the health of the lake. Representative Jeffrey Pierce, of the Maine House of Representatives, and sponsor of LD922, withdrew the bill which is now tabled in the Maine House upon request of Governor LePage.

It was determined that several expensive steps would need to be taken before such legislation should be considered. These steps include the addition of appropriate biosecurity systems deemed necessary to adequately protect the Palermo rearing station, the securing of funding from private sources to assist in installation of a system meeting the DIFW criteria, and the determination of the appropriate timeframe to reopen the fish passage for sea run alewife once the necessary measures are in place at the Palermo rearing station. These steps would be extremely expensive and time consuming to complete, and as a result the legislation was pulled and the removal of the fish gate will not be permitted until needed infrastructure is in place.

The indefinite postponement was a direct result of the citizens of Palermo and the Sheepscot Lake Association (SLA) showing their concern repeatedly during town meetings, as well as through communication with government representatives. It would not have been successful without the ongoing involvement of Senate President Michael Thibodeau, who continually gave support throughout this process.

The Sheepscot Lake Association is continuing efforts to explore the impact of alewives and other species in Maine lakes. We have been working with representatives from other lakes, including Dennis Brown, of the Highland Lake Association (located outside Falmouth), regarding their experience with alewives and the impact on their deteriorating water quality, especially in seasons of low water levels associated with global climate change. Dennis will be discussing his experience at the SLA annual meeting on Wednesday, July 25, (7 p.m., Palermo Town Library).

Let’s all keep up our efforts to keep Sheepscot the beautiful, pristine, and healthy lake shared by so many each year! Thank you for your ongoing support and hope to see you on July 25th!

Palermo Scout earns Eagle status

Tucker Leonard

On June 16, Troop #479 honored an Eagle Scout at a Court of Honor held for Palermo resident Tucker Davis Leonard at the China Baptist Church. Family, friends and Scouts attended the ceremony marking the advancement of this young man to the highest rank in Boy Scouts.

Tucker joins a group of Eagle Scouts who have completed community service projects with the help of fellow Scouts and other volunteers. Each Eagle candidate must plan and supervise an Eagle service project to demonstrate his capacity and willingness to exert his leadership ability in activities that are constructive and worthwhile in his community.

Tucker’s project at the Palermo Grammar School was to select a space on the trails in back of the school to clear an area for an outdoor class. He selected the area after meeting with a teacher from the school and marked the trees that needed to be cut. Trees were cut and the firewood was carried out to donate while the brush was dragged into the woods. The location of the tables were selected and raked. The many pieces of the tables were carried into the selected location across the rough trail. The five tables were then built and placed on pads. Scouts, leaders and parents came early in the morning to work in a light rain under his leadership. Christian Hunter reflected on what it means to be an Eagle Scout. In terms of badges, he has earned the Scout badge and the ranks of Tenderfoot, Second Class, First Class, Star, Life, and finally Eagle. Along the way, he earned 13 required merit badges and a minimum of 8 elective merit badges, served in troop leadership positions for a total of 16 months, and spent at least 13 hours on service projects, not including the many hours he spent on his Eagle Scout service project. In all, he has completed approximately 325 different requirements throughout his Scouting career.

Christian then introduced Scoutmaster Scott Adams of Troop #479 for the Eagle Presentation. Scoutmaster Scott Adams then asked Tucker to escort his parents to the front. The Eagle badge was presented to Tucker’s parents to pin on Tucker’s uniform. A miniature Eagle badge was given to Tucker to pin on his mother. An Eagle neckerchief was given to his father to place around the neck of his son.

Tucker was also presented a gift, a frame painting of an Eagle, by a friend Eagle Scout Derik Boutin who was presented this painting by his mother when he earned his Eagle rank.

Tucker recognized all those who helped him to reach the Eagle Rank. Tucker also thanks all the guests who took time to come to his Eagle ceremony and for all the Scouts who helped him with the ceremony. He presented the mentor pin to his father, Assistant Scoutmaster Doug Leonard, who helped him with the Cub Scouts and Boy Scouts. Always given him a push when he needed someone to remind him what was due next for advancement.

Ride the bus with us to Bible school

Fair Haven Day Camps (photo: fairhavencamps.org)

Is there anything free anymore? Palermo Christian Church members, looking for an alternative to VBS and summer activities, touched upon the idea of partnering with Fair Haven Camps to provide free day camp to the youth in Palermo and adjacent communities.

PCC is inviting the neighborhood youth to a free Summer Adventure at Fair Haven Camps. Fair Haven Camps is sending their bus to the Palermo Christian Church from Monday, July 30 – Friday, August 3, to pick up children in our area to attend camp. Departure time is 8 a.m. with the young people returning at 5 p.m.

Fair Haven Camp is located on two sides Passagassawakeag, in Brooks. As a Maine camp, they are able to take advantage of the rugged beauty of their natural setting. Trained staff involve the boys and girls in programs that expose them to Maine’s environment and use the experiences as teaching opportunities. Campers will experience a full week of activities and make friends and memories that will last a lifetime. Fields for sports activities, wooded trails for hiking, the lake for swimming, boating and fishing, the stables with horses for riding, the lodge for large group activities and meals, and the cabins for lodging for boys and girls all encompass the realm of summer camp at Fair Haven. Check out their website for a full list of activities: http://fairhavencamps.org/day-camp/

Palermo Christian Church is sponsoring this week of Day Camp “Summer Adventure” as an outreach to the community believing that children of all ages will benefit greatly from this experience. Registration forms can be found online at: www.palermochristianchurch.org. FMI call the church office at 207-993-2636 or email: office@palermochristianchurch.org.

Palermo School third trimester honor roll 2018

High Honors: Lily Bray, Isabella DeRose, Rachel Huntoon, Sophia Pilotte, Kaden Porter, Lilly Potter, Riley Reitchel, Aidan Tirrell, Lily Vinci, and Hannah York

Honors: Emily-Lynn Carlson, Nick Christiansen, Timothy Christiansen, Haley French, Grady Hotham, Hannah Huff, Kiele James, Bo Johnson, Brooke Leeman, Garrison Leeman, Richard Mahoney, Holden McKenney, Ella Moore, Angelyn Paradis, Karen Potter, Achiva Seigars, Kiley Stevens, Kinsey Stevens, Paige Sutter, Katherine Swift, Rachel Weymouth, Savannah Weymouth, Emily York, and Melanie York.

Sheepscot Lake annual meeting scheduled

teens sailing on Sheepscot Lake

Sheepscot Lake, in Palermo. (photo: David Tyndall)

The Sheepscot Lake Association annual meeting will be held on Wednesday, July 25, 7 p.m., at the Palermo Library on Route 3. The guest speaker will be Dennis Brown, a registered professional engineer with extensive hands-on experience with the design, construction and management of hydro-electric facilities. He is currently involved in studies of deteriorating water quality in Highland Lake, near Falmouth, and will give us some insight into the history of the alewife population in that lake. They will also be electing new board members, as well as renewing memberships. Please come show your support for Sheepscot Lake!

CORRECTION: Date for association meeting was previously listed as July 19. It should be Wednesday, July 25, 2018.

Habitat for Humanity ramps up community center in Palermo

Left to right: Connie Bellet, Carolle-Ann Mochernuk, Sandy Mathieson, Meg Klingelhofer. Friends and neighbors in the background: Bob Stephenson, Phil White Hawk, and Allen Webb. (Contributed photo)

Submitted by Connie Bellet

Habitat for Humanity usually helps families build homes, but in a pilot project begun last fall, Meg Klingelhofer got permission from the Waldo County Habitat for Humanity Board of Directors to try out a project that would benefit the entire community. The Palermo Community Center badly needed a new disability access ramp. Klingelhofer sent out a design engineer and an architect with disability ramp experience to design the project and prepare a materials list. This step was delayed because the Community Center was just installing a water line from their new well, very close to where the ramp was going in. Carpenter Sam Cantlin headed up the project and picked up the materials, which were paid for by a donation to the Community Center. Cantlin and several volunteers worked until winter closed in, and then finished the project on June 3rd.

By July 1, plantings and decorations were in place and the Palermo Community Center held a very festive grand opening of the access ramp, featuring a processional celebration song led by the Great ThunderChicken Drum and joined by Sandy Mathieson in her wheelchair, Meg Klingelhofer, Connie Bellet, president of the Living Communities Foundation, and special guest and donor Carolle-Ann Mochernuk. Also in the processional were the board of directors of the Living Communities Foundation, Palermo Food Pantry Volunteers, friends, and neighbors. After the ribbon-cutting ceremony, guests toured the Community Garden, enjoyed snacks and cold lemonade, and relaxed in the grape arbor. “I’m so grateful to be able to come back to the Community Center,” commented Mathieson.” Now everyone with mobility issues or traveling with small children and strollers can access the Community Center with ease.

A commemorative plaque was also donated and installed by Dennis and Laura Sullivan, of Jefferson, which expressed appreciation for the donation of the ramp materials in the names of Paul Kueter and his widow, Ms. Mochernuk. The Kueters had a long and illustrious career playing four-handed piano concerts together, featuring everything from Rachmaninoff to Gershwin. Ms. Mochernuk still teaches and tours worldwide, even though she is in her early 80s.

Loon warning banners available

Sheepscot Lake Association President, Gary Miller, left, and Secretary, Jean Ristaino deliver a loon caution banner to Sheepscot resident Holly Bryant for the nest in their cove. (Contributed photo)

by Carolyn Viens

Each year we celebrate the return of the loons to Sheepscot Lake.  The Sheepscot loon population has rebounded over the years and with continued protection should continue to flourish. It is important that we all be alert to our loons especially during nesting season, which is currently underway. Loons usually lay one or two eggs in late May or June, and incubation of eggs generally lasts 26-28 days. If the eggs are lost, the pair may renest, often in the same general location. Loon chicks covered in brown-black down appear on the water in late June or July.  We will be conducting the official Audubon loon count on Sheepscot Lake in late July to determine our current loon population.

As you enjoy the lake, please do not approach the nests as it will frighten the nesting parents away. Boat slowly when in the nest’s vicinity to eliminate wakes which can flood or destroy a nest and please remain quiet so as not to spook the parents and any chicks. Also, should you plan to enjoy the July 4th holiday with fireworks, please do so as far from a nest as possible. Disturbing nesting loons can cause them to abandon their nest; leaving eggs or chicks exposed to the elements and predators. These precautionary steps will help ensure our loon population continues to flourish.

Should you have a nest near you, The Sheepscot Lake Association has banners you can borrow to notify folks of a nest close by. Please contact Carolyn Viens at carolynviens@hotmail.com should you like to borrow a banner.

It’s time to order the peaches

It’s time to order freshly-picked, tree ripened peaches once again! The Living Communities Foundation is offering large, freestone peaches from northern New Jersey that will be delivered to the Palermo Community Center on August 10th and 17th only. A 38 lb. box costs only $37.00, and a half box is $23.00. These beauties freeze and can very well–if you and your friends can resist gobbling them up! Supplies are very limited this year, so it’s best to order early.

Place your order by calling Connie at 993-2294 or e-mail her at pwhitehawk@fairpoint.net. Be sure to supply your name and phone number(s), so you can be called when the peaches arrive. Checks should be made out to LCF and mailed to: Connie Bellet, P.O. Box 151, Palermo, ME 04354. If you get together with friends and family and order four or more boxes, the price will be discounted!

Proceeds from this sale will benefit the Palermo Food Pantry and the Palermo Community Center. Your support is highly appreciated!

Palermo woman receives award

Sharon Nichols, left, presents an achievement award to Barbara Clorite-Ventura. (Photo by Shane Demo)

Barbara Clorite-Ventura, a volunteer at the Palermo Community Library, was recently recognized at the Library’s 16th annual meeting for her dedication in correcting the value of the library’s collection by adding the price of items that had not been previously recorded.

In two years, Clorite-Ventura brought the collection value from $33,835 to one more reflective of reality: $98,504. Sharon Nichols, chairman of the board of trustees, remarked: “This is only the beginning of the process and it’s a great opportunity for more volunteers.”

Andrew Pottle was elected as a Trustee to a three-year term. He was home schooled and is a local bluegrass musician with his band, Green Onions. He is employed as a Pharmaceutical Waste Specialist by Stericycle.

Also attending the meeting were Gary Nichols and Linda Lord, both former State Librarians, and Jamie Ritter, the current State Librarian. Sharon Nichols said: This all-volunteer Library wouldn’t exist without the support of the Maine State Library and its educational programming.”

The Two Old Cops, John Ford and Mark Nickerson, told many stories that had the large group enjoying a day of laughter.

Roger Files graduates from virtual school

Roger Files

Roger Files, of Palermo, will graduate this month, with honors, from the eighth grade at the Connections Academy, a virtual school, headquartered in Portland. Roger was one of 13 students to receive an award as “Most Improved Students.” He was invited this year to participate in a pilot program named “Ten Marks,” in language arts. He will attend high school in the fall, at the same school.

Roger enjoys swimming and karate.

He is the son of Rachel Files, and the grandson of Valerie Files, all of Palermo.