SOLON & BEYOND: Articles discussed at selectmen’s meeting

Marilyn Rogers-Bull & Percyby Marilyn Rogers-Bull & Percy
Solon, Maine 04979

Good morning, my friends, don’t worry, be happy!

Received a card for another budget committee meeting on January 30, at 7 p.m., at the Solon Town Office, to discuss more articles needed for town meeting regarding the McQuilken Road Issue.

The agenda consisted of the following:

1. To see if the Town will authorize the Selectmen to use the funds raised in Article 5-20 to purchase from James Farley, who claims to own property over which a portion of the McQuilken Road currently is located, a triangle of that property with a 10′ leg west of the pin set on the southeast corner of James Farley’s land (Map R2 Lot 14 on the 2018 Solon Town Maps) by Boynton & Pickett Surveyors and extending to the sideline of said Road at the location of the stop sign where it was located on October 17, 2018, and back to said pin for a sum of money, to pay for the associated survey costs, to prepare and execute deeds and related documents therefor, and to pay the costs to record the survey of the new Road right-of-way and the deed(s) for the land at the Registry of Deeds.

Selectmen recommend Yes and paying Mr. Farley $500 for this portion of his land.

2. To see if the Town will authorize the Selectmen to use the funds raised in Article 5-20 to purchase from James Farley, who claims to own property over which a portion of the McQuilken Road currently is located, all of said portion of the property for a sum of money, to pay for the associated survey costs, to prepay and execute deeds and related documents therefor, and to pay the costs to record the survey of the Road right-of-way and the deed(s) for the land at the Registry of Deeds.

Selectmen recommend Yes and paying Mr. Farley $!,000 for this portion of his land.

3. To see if the Town will authorize the Selectmen to use the funds raised in Article 5-20 to relocate and rebuild the section of the McQuilken Road where it meets the Drury Road with the right of way to extend three (3) rods to the east of the pin set on the southeast corner of James Farley’s land (Map R2 Lot 14 on the 2018 Solon Town maps) by Boynton & Pickett Surveyores;, to pay to purchase property on the east side of the McQuilken Road, if needed, for the right of way; to pay for the associated survey costs to prepare and execute deeds and related documents therefor, and to pay the costs to record the survey of the new Road right-of-way and the deed (s) for the land at the Registry of Deeds. Selectmen recommend Yes.

Discuss Salaries of Town Employees: Discuss Library Funding, Librarian salary of $14.50 per hour is &11.687 for the year. 2018 Library funds raised by the town was $11,810. For 2019 we recommend $12,5000. We would like to increase that amount to $13,000. Librarian salary at $16.00 per hour would be $$12,896 for the year.

Lief and I attended the above meeting, and on our way there the car’s weather stated it was only 2 degrees, and when we walked to the building, a cold wind was blowing, making it quite frigid! The three selectmen were present and budget committee members, Barbara Johnson, George Williams, Eleanor Pooler, Mike Golden, Frank Ridley, Alan Foss and Jeff Pomelow were there, but that wasn’t a quorum, so the meeting wasn’t held.

The Solon Food Cupboard has to be moved out of its present site by the end of February. The new location will be 120 Pleasant Street. For more information you may call 207-431-0388. (This was all very sudden, and I will be getting more information that I will share with you in another column.)

And so now for Percy’s memoir, entitled, The Blessing of Sharing: Only what we give away enriches us from day to day,For not in getting but in giving is found the lasting joy of living, For no one ever had a part in sharing treasures of the heart who did not feel the impact of the magic mystery of God’s love. Love alone can make us kind and give us joy and peace of mind, So live with joy unselfishly and you’ll be blessed abundantly.

Meeting to save Solon Thrift Shop on tap

internet photo

There will be a very important meeting about trying to keep the Solon Food Cupboard and Thrift Shop open at the Solon Fire Station on Wednesday, September 19th at 6 pm. This meeting is to let every one know about the plans to try and keep these two very beneficial projects in Solon. Hope that many of you will attend.

SOLON & BEYOND: Solon to get new town treasurer; Remembering an attempt at producing own paper

Marilyn Rogers-Bull & Percyby Marilyn Rogers-Bull & Percy
Solon, Maine 04979

Good morning, dear friends. Don’t worry, be happy!

Just stopped in to the Solon Town Office to get an update about the position of treasurer because the present treasurer, Sharon Begin, is moving. The position is for a deputy treasurer, which will lead to the treasurer position. The deadline for applying is May 30.

The Steve and the Good Old Boys Band will be playing at the Embden Community Center from 7 – 11 p.m., on Saturday, May 19.

Received an update about the events that go on at the Embden Community Center. Neighbor to Neighbor Thrift Shop/Lending Library, 10 a.m. – 3 p.m./Wed., Fri. and Sat. Suppers: 5 p.m./ second Saturday each month, except December. Country Sunday: 1 – 4 p.m./second and fourth Sunday. By donation. Sewing class: 10 a.m.- noon/Wednesday.Weight Watchers: 5 – 6 p.m., Wednesday. New members accepted. TOPS (Take Off Pounds Sensibly) 10:30-11:30 a.m., Wednesdays. Community Center meetings: 6:30 p.m., Thursday, prior to the second Saturday supper. Yoga: 6:30 p.m., (one hour) Bring your mat, Thursday starting September 14; weekly, by donation. If you have any questions, contact Wayne at 474-1065.

In my on-going attempt to organize my writing material, I came across one of the newspapers I had published on February 11, 2005, in the little paper I started when I got through writing for The Town Line for a short time. I am going to dedicate it to my deceased partner who helped me entertain the many friends we made back then.

The front page shows a beautiful picture of my partner, looking very intelligent (which he was!) It states: Perseverance (Percy) Rogers co-owner of SOLON and BEYOND. And continues with a story about how I got him, etc.

“Would like to introduce you to my partner and supporter, Perseverance (alias Percy). On bad days he is right there to cuddle with me, with one paw as far as he can get it around my neck.

Percy started out as a frightened stray kitten and was rescued by a family on Route 43. They called and told me about this sweet little kitten that needed a home, and it was love at first sight. I named her Faith, but as luck would have it, on the first trip to the vet, I found out that a boys name was needed, instead. After a short time this little kitten started his true personality and hence Perseverance, or Percy for short.

Percy has many talents besides being a good cuddler, he is always at the door to welcome me home, loves to sing, (Amazing Grace is his favorite song!) He has become famous and much loved for his good advice in the columns I have written. As you can see from his picture, he is very intelligent and he’s promoting this book of meditations-for-cat-lovers. Oh yes, he thinks he is a mighty hunter and is still looking for the mouse that got away! (For those of you who didn’t get the January 21, 2005, issue of this paper, I told of his letting a live mouse loose at my feet and how upset I got at him.)I must confess, there is a slight power struggle between us as to who is really the ‘Boss!’”

And so it was how Percy got started in the newspaper world! Don’t remember just how long I published my own little paper but it didn’t take long to find out that it was a “full time job!” Now for a few more words from the same paper. ” One day this week someone said to me, ” What are you trying to do? You’re giving this paper away!” True…and had hoped for a miracle of some kind, but when the miracle doesn’t materialize immediately, you compensate. Some times you have to eat your words, as in this case, never say ‘never’! I had tried to sell ads for another paper and failed. I remember saying the words, “I’ll never sell ads again, ever!” Well, you will notice that I have started selling ads again and my many, many thanks for those who responded so graciously. (And you know, I did receive a miracle, never in my wildest dreams could I have imagined your wonderful response to this little paper, my heartfelt thanks.)

A short memoir from Percy; “To love abundantly is to live abundantly, and to love forever is to live forever. Anonymous.

SOLON & BEYOND: Somerset County 4-H Leaders Association to hold auction, activities on May 5

Marilyn Rogers-Bull & Percyby Marilyn Rogers-Bull & Percy
Solon, Maine 04979

Good morning, dear friends. Don’t worry, be happy!

Was very pleased to receive the following very interesting news about Somerset County 4-H Leader’s Association 2018. Officers for this are Eleanor Pooler, president; Sherry Grunder, vice president; Lori Swenson, secretary and Karen Cornell, treasurer.

Ted Blum 4-H Center

The Somerset County 4-H Leaders Association is holding a fundraising effort: a “Luck of the Draw” Auction on May 5, in Skowhegan.

4-H is the largest youth organization in the world. Our 13 local Somerset County 4-H clubs and independent project volunteers/ members learn life skills and participate in community service activities. Research studies document that 4-H youth are more likely to go on to college than youth engaged in other out-of-school programs. We provide funds to enable youth to participate in programs like Engineering Day, the 4-H @ UMaine Conference, summer camps and various county educational activities along with awarding county scholarships to youth who attend college. In an effort to reach more youth, we are coordinating with local schools and teachers to establish afterschool programs.

Would you be so kind as to help by donating an item or gift card? Many people love gift certificates for services or fun events. We are collecting new items or gently used things; no used clothing please. Your cash donations may also be used to purchase gas cards, a popular item in the auction for much needed help to many local residents. Items may be dropped at the Skowhegan Cooperative Extension Office.

Your donation will help further the leadership skills developed and demonstrated by many youths participating in our county. We would love to acknowledge your contribution by listing your name or organization. The above letter was signed by Lori B. Swenson, Secretary, Somerset County Leaders Association, UMaine Extension Office, 7 County Drive, Skowhegan, Maine 04976. (207) 474-9622

Now for the monthly news from Solon’s Pine Tree 4-H Club from leader, Eleanor Pooler: The Solon Pine Tree 4-H Club met at the Solon Fire Station with three leaders, nine members and seven visitors in attendance.

Plans are being made for the club to do flowers for Mothers Day at the Solon Congregational Church. Several members are planning to attend to pass out the flowers.

The Somerset County Leaders Association is planning to have a “Luck of the Draw” auction on May 5 at the American Legion Hall, on Route 201, in Skowhegan. Anyone wanting more information can contact Eleanor Pooler at 643-2305.

Five members gave their demonstrations. This is something that members are asked to do each year.

After the meeting the members enjoyed doing a craft project. The next meeting will be on Saturday, May 12 at 9:30 a.m., at the Solon Fire Station.

Several columns ago, I shared a letter I received from the Somerset Woods Trustees. This is just a reminder that they would appreciate volunteers to help clear the Kennebec Banks Rest Area on April 22. Please bring whatever tools you may have to dig, cut, and trim. We should dig out the Japanese knotweed and honeysuckle. Please bring your gloves. We’ll supply the doughnuts and hot chocolates.

And so for Percy’s memoir entitled, “Life’s Adventure”:

Life is a great adventure,
Each day a new surprise,
So sweep the cobwebs from your heart,
And open up your eyes.
Sorrow flees the sunlight,
So throw the windows wide,
And watch the brightness flooding in,
Warm everything inside.
Life is a great adventure,
For those who would explore
The road winds upward and the wind
Taps lightly at the door.
And should the day be cloudy,
No reason to complain,
When trees along the avenue,
Are singing in the rain.
Life is a great adventure,
Each day that passes by.
A dazzling panorama
As broad as it is high.
Beyond all comprehension,
The wonder of the spheres,
When one by one the hours make
A ladder of the years.

(words by Grace E. Easley.)

SOLON & BEYOND: Questions to make winter interesting

Marilyn Rogers-Bull & Percyby Marilyn Rogers-Bull & Percy
Solon, Maine 04979

Good morning, dear friends. Don’t worry, be happy!

Was pleased, as always, to receive an e-mail from Somerset Woods Trustees and it starts out like this: “It’s Winter. Not that I needed to tell you! Here are three questions to make winter more interesting: Do you have some great pictures of ice shacks you might be willing to share? 2. Do you love the sound of owls and wish you knew more about them? 3. In this low winter light, are you enjoying the view of snow-draped firs but wondering how to pass along the forest you love to your children?

I’m going to just take up the first question in this column, because I have a wonderful story to share with you about a special ice shack. And the first question from the Somerset Woods Trustees is as follows: If you enjoy walking on frozen water and love to fish, then you may already be ice fishing. Or perhaps you are admiring ice shacks through double-paned windows. In either case, please send us pictures of the most creative, exotic, or elaborate ice shacks you see! We will post them on our Facebook page! Please give us permission to publish your photos and approval to include your name as the owner of the picture. Their mailing address is Somerset Woods Trustees, P.O. Box 833, Skowhegan, Maine 04976.

The story I am about to tell you is about what happened when two friends, Scotty Robertson and Gary Cote took part in the Wyman Derby on Wyman Lake on January, 27. They were fishing from Scotty’s ice shack, and he got first place with an almost four pound togue, and he received a beautiful trophy for that. At first it was announced that he got second prize in the splake category with the two pounder he caught. Later he was called and told a mistake was made and he got first place in that one also. His friend Gary got second place in the event with the salmon that he caught; and Scotty proudly stated, “So we placed in three spots out of my shack.”

Scotty loves the outdoors, and especially likes to go fishing.

Was also very excited when I heard about the following bit of news. The CCS Carrabec girls varsity basketball team has finished their Central Maine season undefeated. The team of eighth grade girls includes : Courtney Rollins #50, Trinity Slate #10, Brook Welch #23, Cheyenne Cahill #11, Aliyah Hupper #15, Julia Baker #3, Cassidy Smith #24, Lilly Augustine #13, Aislinn Slate #2 and coach Eric Carey whose dedicated coaching has brought the team to where they are. Congratulations on your great victory.

And now for some of the events taking place at the North Anson Congregational Church: On Friday, February 9, there will be a 6 p.m., Movie Night, “The Shack” This is a Bring Your Own Snack and comfy chair fellowship event. Come and Enjoy!

February 10, 8 a.m., Women’s Fellowship Devotional and Coffee. February 11. Church’s potluck lunch and Hearts Game following the morning Worship Service.

February 14, 7 p.m., Ash Wednesday Service at the First Congregational Church of Norridgewalk.

I would like to thank the board and staff at The Town Line newspaper for the beautiful Sympathy card, and all of the friends who have sent cards after the death of my stepfather, Clarence Jones; it meant so much.

Percy’s memoir for this week:

Measure your lifetime in blessings, Not in the years you have known…Count up the people you’ve touched, Add up the love you have shown… Measure your days in the gladness That you and your loved ones have shared… Tally the smiles on the faces of friends, Total the times you have cared… Yes, measure your lifetime in blessings, And you’ll always remain in your prime— For youth is a feeling you keep in your heart Whether seven or 79. (words by Larry Sandman.)

SOLON & BEYOND: Solon budget committee begins process

Marilyn Rogers-Bull & Percyby Marilyn Rogers-Bull & Percy
Solon, Maine 04979

The Solon Budget Committee meeting was held at the Municipal building on Saturday, January 20, with the following in attendance: Ann Padham, Bruce Hills, Frank Ridley, Barbara Johnstone, Eleanor Pooler, Carol White, Donald Kenerson, George Williams, Albert Starbird, Allen Foss, Joseph Albuit, Jeff Pomelow, Lois Miller and Gaye Erskin . Selectmen, Elaine Aloes, Mary Lou Ridley and Sarah Davis; Treasurer, Sharon Begin; Town Clerk/Tax Collector, Leslie Giroux, Road Commissioner, Mike Foster, Fire Chief, Duayne Rollins. Others there were Keith Galleger, who is running for the selectman position in March and Lief and I.

A meeting of the Coolidge Library Trustees meeting was held at the library on January 18 with the following in attendance: Librarian, Megan Myers, Richard Roberts, Mary Farrar, Jane Ouderkirk, Allen Foss, Lief Bull, and Diane Trussell.

Megan passed out copies of her report and answered questions. The School Bookmark Contest continues to be popular. The winning submission is chosen from each class (Pre K-5) at Solon Elementary School. Megan was this year’s judge, along with the district art teacher.

The annual Summer Reading Program ran June 29 – August 10. This year’s activities were assisted by a local teen volunteer. During the program, Build a Better World, she focused on books and activities that promoted science, engineering, arts and community awareness. There was a small but consistent attendance. Meals were again available to all children and teens from the school’s Summer Meals Program.

Was pleased to receive an e-mail from Ferra Kelley about the following information: Once again, volunteer members of AARP will be preparing & filing Federal/State tax returns, free of charge, to senior and low income families in the area. The Crossroads Bible Church, 705 White School House Rd. Madison have again generously allowed us to work out of their premises, and we are taking appointments for Friday & Saturday mornings, beginning in February. Please do not make calls to the church directly, as they are not otherwise involved in the program. Call Ferra @ 643-2559 to schedule an appointment.

I’m glad that several of you liked the article on manners in this column last week, and as promised I will send more of them when space allows….but, we must leave space for Percy’s memoirs:

“It’s the little things we do and say
That means so much as we go our way.
A kindly deed can lift a load
From weary shoulders on the road.
Or a gentle word, like summer rain.
May soothe some heart and banish pain.
What joy or sadness often springs
From just the simple little things.”

This is from one of those little Salesian Inspirational Books, that I have collected for many years.

SOLON & BEYOND, Week of November 23, 2017

Marilyn Rogers-Bull & Percyby Marilyn Rogers-Bull & Percy
Solon, Maine 04979

Good morning, dear friends. Don’t worry, be happy!

More Solon School News: The Solon Kids CARE (character, actions, respect, empathy) Club has begun its work in the Solon School again this fall. An affiliate of the Maine Civil Rights Team Project, it is dedicating its efforts to encouraging in the students the ideas of random acts of kindness, positive attitudes and caring for the small community.

The team advisers are Mrs. LaChance and Mrs. Stevens. Mrs. LaChance organizes activities for all of the K-2 students. Mrs. Stevens works with a team of students in grades 4-5 who will organize activities for the school. These are the members this year: Desmond Robinson, Ciara Myers-Sleeper, Ciarrah Whittemore, Cailan Priest, Allison Pinkam, Karen Baker, Ella McKinnon, Macie Plourde, William Rogers, Madyson McKenney and Alden LcLaughlin.

The Kids Care Club is already hard at work! They ran a Halloween Dime Raffle in which they raised money to be used for T-shirts and for other team activities. On November 28, some members of the group will attend the annual Civil Rights Team Conference at the University of Maine at Farmington.

Dime Raffle Winners: Sponsored by the Solon Kids Care Club were Caden Fitton for the boy’s prize, Paige Reichert for the girl’s prize, and the fifth grade for the class prize (won by Paige Reichert).

On October 20, the Solon Fire Department visited the Solon School to do presentations about fire safety in conjunction with Fire Safety Month. Firemen Todd Dixon and Richard Kelly, of the Solon Fire Department, talked to students about how to keep safe in the event of a fire. The firefighters took the students outside to show them their new fire truck and to demonstrate how fire hoses work. The firefighters brought goodie bags for the students.

Home Alone on Thanksgiving Day? Veterans? Just need a good, hearty meal? Come join us at the Community United Methodist Church for Thanksgiving dinner! No charge. Thanksgiving Day, Thursday, November 23, at the North Anson Community United Church Community Room (disabled accessible) Doors open at 10 a.m., with refresments, games and conversation. Full Thanksgiving dinner served at 2 p.m.

Limited transportation is available to the North Anson, Embden, Madison, New Portland and Solon communities. Call Betsy at 431-5860 by Tuesday, November 21, for pick up reservations, dependent on weather conditions. Sponsored by the Community United Methodist Church of north Anson/Madison Congregation.

Jen Hibbard is hosting a craft fair on November 25, from 9 a.m. until 2 p.m. This event will be held at the Embden Community Center, with a bake sale, raffles, hot foods, with over 30 tables of crafters, vendors and artisans.

Skowhegan-area merchants will be celebrating Small Business Saturday on November 25. The downtown will be hopping with all sorts of discounts and specials. Pick up your Shop Small passport at any participating merchant, have it stamped everywhere you shop, and then drop it off for a chance to win the grand prize! It’s another way for us to say “Thank You” to all you that help support locally-owned businesses.

And now for Percy’s words of wisdom in his weekly memoir: If you approach each new person you meet in a spirit of adventure, you will find yourself endlessly fascinated by the new channels of thought and experience and personality that you encounter. I do not mean simply the famous people of the world, but people from every walk and condition of life. (words by Eleanor Roosevelt)

A very Happy Thanksgiving to all of you!

SOLON & BEYOND, Week of October 26, 2017

by Marilyn Rogers-Bull & Percy
Solon, Maine 04979

Good morning, dear friends. Don’t worry, be happy!

The Solon Pine Tree 4-H Club reorganized for a new year on Saturday, October 14, at the Solon Fire Station with 12 members. Plans were made to attend County Achievement Night on October 27 at Kennebec Valley Grange Hall, in Madison.

Plans were also made to hold a family supper on Friday, November 3, at the Solon Masonic Hall.

For a fun activity the members painted pumpkins that were donated by the Seavey Farm, in North Anson.

They also made Nature Frames using silk from milkweed pods, different kinds of leaves and flowers.

After the meeting the members enjoyed apple cider.

The next meeting will be on Saturday, November 11, at 9:30 a.m., at the Solon Fire Station..

My many thanks to Eleanor Pooler, the leader of the Solon Pine Tree 4-H Club for always sharing their interesting meetings with us. It is always greatly appreciated. And many thanks also, to Eleanor, for her devotion to leading this great club!

I was very glad to receive an e-mail(which had been written while we were in Rangeley) so wasn’t able to get it in in time for the supper) My many thanks to Aryke Coombs for the e-mail that said, “We had our annual roadside cleanup on the morning of Saturday, September 30. We also have a spaghetti dnner and Luck of the Draw coming up on Saturday, October 28. There will be a door prize, the dinner, a Luck of the Draw, and a lot of fun to be had. Our local heroes, the members of our Solon Fire Dept., will be the waiters and waitress. The dinner and Luck of the Draw will be from 4 – 7 pm at the Solon Elementary School. The above was done by the Solon Fire Auxiliary. I was very happy to see the above e-mail to share with our friends, I have stressed before how much I would like to have news of what is being done.

We had a wonderfully relaxing week at the Rangeley Lakes Resort, it is a very nice peaceful place for a vacation. This year we were happy to have several visitors. Lief’s sister and brother-in-law, Judy and Elwood Ellis, of China Village, came up to see us one day. My brother and sister-in-law, Tom and Insowa Jones and their dog Wekow, came up from Farmington and spent Tuesday night with us, then we drove over to New Hampshire on Wednesday. (I could not get used to the fact that you don’t have to pay a sales tax over there, it was great!) On Friday, my daughter Mary and son-in-law Dave Walz came for a visit and we ate at the Red Onion. We were so happy to have visitors and…. we also had four-legged friendly visitors! One evening we arrived back to our cabin and there were two friendly deer waiting for us right on the lawn near the porch. They stayed around and visited for awhile, then slowly meandered off into the trees. Another day a deer came out on the road that leads to the main highway and walked along slowly ahead of us as if he was showing us how to get to the main road.

Another day, we were doing a little shopping across from the Red Onion and heard some one over at the outside eating area call out, “Hey, Lief,” and we looked, and it was Ronnie Brown and several of his ATV friends having lunch there. We went over and talked with them for awhile.

And now for Percy’s memoir on Love: “Love many things, for therein lies the true strength, and whosoever loves much performs much, and can accomplish much, and what is done in love is done well.” (Unknown) and a question by Benjamin Franklin; “Dost thou love life? Then do not squander time, for that is the stuff life and love is made of.”

SOLON & BEYOND, Week of October 19, 2017

by Marilyn Rogers-Bull & Percy
Solon, Maine 04979

Good morning, dear friends. Don’t worry, be happy!

This column is being written early because we are going on our yearly vacation in Rangeley. Have been thinking seriously lately about the definite need for PEACE in our troubled world!… and so, hoping to get some of you, who read this column each week, to think about being a peacemaker.

Confucius had some wise words on how to start: Peace in this world: “When things are investigated, then true knowledge is achieved, when true knowledge is achieved then the will becomes sincere, then the heart is set right (or then the mind sees right); when the heart is set right, then the personal life is cultivated, then the family life is regulated; when the family life is regulated, then the national life is orderly, then there is peace in this world.”

Make Peace: As citizens, we have a large responsibility . Our daily lives,, the way we drink, what we eat, have to do with the world’s political situation, Every day we do things, we are things, that have to do with peace. If we are aware of our lifestyle, our way of consuming, of looking at things, we will know how to make peace right in the moment we are alive. (words by Thich Nhat Hanh, Peace is Every Step).

Eleanor Roosevelt had some good advise back in her time; The basis of world peace is the teaching which runs through almost all the great religions of the world. “Love thy neighbor as thyself.” Christ, some of the other great Jewish teachers, Buddha, all preached it. Their followers forgot it. What is the trouble between capital and labor, what is the trouble in many of our communities, but rather a universal forgetting that this teaching is one of our first obligations.

And now some thoughts from President John F. Kennedy: Building Peace: “But peace does not rest in the charters and covenants alone. It lies in the hearts and minds of all people. So let us not rest all our hopes on parchment and on paper, let us strive to build peace, a desire for peace, a willingness to work for peace, in the hearts and minds of all of our people. I believe that we can. I believe the problems of human destiny are not beyond the reach of human beings.”

More thoughts from people in the past longing for peace in our world, President Dwight D. Eisenhower: “Lasting Peace, I like to believe that people in the long run are going to do more to promote peace than our governments. Indeed, I think that people want peace so much that one of these days government had better get out of the way and let them have it.”

Become a Peacemaker: Each day you are provided many opportunities to practice peacemaking. St. Francis wrote. “For it is in giving that we receive.” By giving peace you will receive peace, and after you are at peace, your problems all dissolve . By becoming a peacemaker you are literally providing yourself with a remedy for all your anxious moments. Today be on the alert for any opportunity to become a peacemaker. Words by Wayne W. Dyer, There’s a Spiritual Solution to Every Problem.)

I really like this one by Abraham Lincoln for his Second Inaugural Address, March 4, 1865. “With malice toward none, with charity for all…let us strive on to finish the work we are in…to do all which may achieve and cherish a just and lasting peace among ourselves and with all nations.

I am going to use two of Percy’s memoirs in this column because he truly believed in peace! (Working Together: “Alone we can do so little; together we can do so much, words by Helen Keller.)

And…”Let there be peace on earth and let it begin with me; let there be peace on earth, the peace that was meant to be.” Words by Sy Miller and Jill Jackson, 20th-century songwriters.

There I go, dreaming again! I was afraid that would happen after the fact that this column and little paper reached out and reunited two brothers after 50 years….But amazing things happen, and wouldn’t it be great if the above words inspire some of you to become peacemakers and help to settle the mess this world is in? I shall pray on it!

SOLON & BEYOND, Week of October 12, 2017

Marilyn Rogers-Bull & Percyby Marilyn Rogers-Bull & Percy
Solon, Maine 04979

Good morning, dear friends. Don’t worry, be happy!

Legos Time will be Saturday, October 14, from 10 a.m.- noon, at Stewart Public Library, 37 Elm St., North Anson. Regular library hours will be 2:30 – 4:30 p.m. that same day.

The Embden Community Center will be serving chicken cordon bleu at there monthly public supper on Saturday, October 14, at 5 p.m.

On October 21, Steve & The Good Ole Boys band will be playing at the Embden Community Center from 7 – 11 p.m.

There were at least 125 motorcycle riders at the Solon Hotel on a perfect, beautiful fall day recently who were all going for a ride in this event. This is the 23rd year that it has taken place starting at the Solon Hotel. A spaghetti supper would be served to those who were hungry after their ride. Eleanor Maclean was making her famous recipe of spaghetti, which she has done for many years, and is now still doing it at 88!

Somerset Woods Trustees and Brian Alexander are still at it! Two more work days have been scheduled to complete Phase 1 of the new Coburn Woods Trails before their grand opening, scheduled for October 29. (Put that date on your calendar too!)

On the e-mail that I received it tells of two working days, Oct. 7 and Oct. 15. for those Eager for Exercise Before the Snow Falls? No tools are necessary as Brian has plenty but if you have a favorite trail cutting tool please do bring it. Starting time is 8:30 a.m., work until 1 p.m., or as long as you have to work.

We appreciate your help to build these trails! Once all phases are completed they will have around six miles of trails for all users, including mountain bikes.

I know how much many of you love Percy’s memoirs and before that, his wise words of wisdom! And so in memory of Percy who died two years ago, I am going to share especially those of you who are ‘Cat Lovers’ with some information on cats. Some of this information comes from a little three-inch square book that I bought at a yard sale, and in the introduction it states, “No wonder the ancient Egyptians worshipped cats as gods – is there an animal with more dignity, more aloof serenity, and innate grandeur? What other domestic creature behaves like an honored guest and is treated as an equal?”

Cats fix us with their gaze and put us in our place. They beguile us with their startling affection and charm us with the beauty of their fluid bodies. They amaze us with their composure and delight us with their agility.

Cats do as they please, and for that we admire – and even revere them. They treat us as companions, demanding and receiving our respect as their due. The fact that they choose to spend their lives with us is a gift we accept gratefully.

Now for a few of the quotes in this little delightful book in memory of Percy! “His friendship is not easily won but it is something worth having” – words by Michael Joseph, English publisher; and by Lilian Jackson Braun, American writer – “To understand a cat, you must realize that he has his own gifts, his own viewpoint, even his own morality.”

One by Mark Twain says, “One of the most striking differences between a cat and a lie is that a cat has only nine lives.” And by Jim Dais, American cartoonist – “Way down deep we’re all motivated by the same urges. Cats have the courage to live by them.” I like this one from Abraham Lincoln – “No matter how much cats fight, there always seem to be plenty of kittens.”

And so I will close with this one which was anonymous – “No self-respecting cat wants to be an artist’s model.” (I didn’t find that to be true, Percy let me paint him several times!)