SOLON & BEYOND: Articles discussed at selectmen’s meeting
by Marilyn Rogers-Bull & Percy
Solon, Maine 04979
Good morning, my friends, don’t worry, be happy!
Received a card for another budget committee meeting on January 30, at 7 p.m., at the Solon Town Office, to discuss more articles needed for town meeting regarding the McQuilken Road Issue.
The agenda consisted of the following:
1. To see if the Town will authorize the Selectmen to use the funds raised in Article 5-20 to purchase from James Farley, who claims to own property over which a portion of the McQuilken Road currently is located, a triangle of that property with a 10′ leg west of the pin set on the southeast corner of James Farley’s land (Map R2 Lot 14 on the 2018 Solon Town Maps) by Boynton & Pickett Surveyors and extending to the sideline of said Road at the location of the stop sign where it was located on October 17, 2018, and back to said pin for a sum of money, to pay for the associated survey costs, to prepare and execute deeds and related documents therefor, and to pay the costs to record the survey of the new Road right-of-way and the deed(s) for the land at the Registry of Deeds.
Selectmen recommend Yes and paying Mr. Farley $500 for this portion of his land.
2. To see if the Town will authorize the Selectmen to use the funds raised in Article 5-20 to purchase from James Farley, who claims to own property over which a portion of the McQuilken Road currently is located, all of said portion of the property for a sum of money, to pay for the associated survey costs, to prepay and execute deeds and related documents therefor, and to pay the costs to record the survey of the Road right-of-way and the deed(s) for the land at the Registry of Deeds.
Selectmen recommend Yes and paying Mr. Farley $!,000 for this portion of his land.
3. To see if the Town will authorize the Selectmen to use the funds raised in Article 5-20 to relocate and rebuild the section of the McQuilken Road where it meets the Drury Road with the right of way to extend three (3) rods to the east of the pin set on the southeast corner of James Farley’s land (Map R2 Lot 14 on the 2018 Solon Town maps) by Boynton & Pickett Surveyores;, to pay to purchase property on the east side of the McQuilken Road, if needed, for the right of way; to pay for the associated survey costs to prepare and execute deeds and related documents therefor, and to pay the costs to record the survey of the new Road right-of-way and the deed (s) for the land at the Registry of Deeds. Selectmen recommend Yes.
Discuss Salaries of Town Employees: Discuss Library Funding, Librarian salary of $14.50 per hour is &11.687 for the year. 2018 Library funds raised by the town was $11,810. For 2019 we recommend $12,5000. We would like to increase that amount to $13,000. Librarian salary at $16.00 per hour would be $$12,896 for the year.
Lief and I attended the above meeting, and on our way there the car’s weather stated it was only 2 degrees, and when we walked to the building, a cold wind was blowing, making it quite frigid! The three selectmen were present and budget committee members, Barbara Johnson, George Williams, Eleanor Pooler, Mike Golden, Frank Ridley, Alan Foss and Jeff Pomelow were there, but that wasn’t a quorum, so the meeting wasn’t held.
The Solon Food Cupboard has to be moved out of its present site by the end of February. The new location will be 120 Pleasant Street. For more information you may call 207-431-0388. (This was all very sudden, and I will be getting more information that I will share with you in another column.)
And so now for Percy’s memoir, entitled, The Blessing of Sharing: Only what we give away enriches us from day to day,For not in getting but in giving is found the lasting joy of living, For no one ever had a part in sharing treasures of the heart who did not feel the impact of the magic mystery of God’s love. Love alone can make us kind and give us joy and peace of mind, So live with joy unselfishly and you’ll be blessed abundantly.