No awards from Oak Grove Foundation this year

Oak Grove School Foundation will not be sending grant awards this Spring due to the Covid-19 virus and the stressed condition of our financial resources. We are thankful for all the people in our community who exert themselves for the well being of the young people that Oak Grove seeks to support. We look forward to recovering from this pandemic and returning to the major grant business in 2021.

Vassalboro school board members briefly discuss first draft of 2020-21 budget

Vassalboro Community School. (source:

by Mary Grow

In addition to review of plans for operating during shutdown (see The Town Line, March 26), Vassalboro School Board members at their March 24 meeting briefly discussed the first draft of the 2020-21 school budget.

They and Superintendent Alan Pfeiffer intended to meet again March 31 to review a revised budget and to discuss it with the Budget Committee later the same evening. However, as of March 30 final figures for insurance were not available, and since the cost of insurance could affect staffing, both meetings were cancelled.

Last year, Pfeiffer reminded board members, “a perfect storm of good numbers” made possible a small reduction from the previous year. The March 24 version, if left intact through the budget review process and approved by town meeting voters, would have increased the tax rate by about one mil ($1 for each $1,000 of valuation).

Pfeiffer asked School Board members if that increase was acceptable, and if not, what would be. They unanimously asked him to aim for a maximum increase of half a mil. Jolene Gamage was unenthusiastic about even that amount, since the pandemic is costing people jobs. On the other hand, she could not see obvious places to cut proposed school expenditures.

Pfeiffer promised to “review, readjust, shave down” to try to meet board members’ target.

As of March 31, Pfeiffer said the school board planned to meet at 5:45 p.m. Tuesday, April 7, with budget committee members joining them at 7 p.m. The meetings will be virtual; those interested can watch them on the Vassalboro School website,

Vassalboro Planning Board public hearing canceled

The Vassalboro Planning Board public hearing on amendments to the shoreland zoning ordinance, scheduled for Tuesday, April 7, has been canceled, according to Codes Enforcement Officer Paul Mitnick.

Vassalboro school board hears plans for schools during shut down

Vassalboro Community School. (source:

by Mary Grow

Vassalboro School Board members held their first virtual meeting March 24, and thanks to the technical expertise of David Trask and Will Backman it worked efficiently. From their homes, board members and administrators discussed issues and made decisions as though they were sitting in the same room.

Much of the discussion involved reaction to the COVID-19 pandemic that made the virtual meeting necessary. Vassalboro Community School (VCS) has not held classes since Friday, March 13; decisions included unanimous votes to retroactively approve the closure from March 16 to March 27 and extend it to April 27.

Superintendent Alan Pfeiffer congratulated staff and administrators on their response to the situation. He has spent a lot of time coordinating action and exchanging ideas with state education officials and other area superintendents, he said.

VCS Principal Megan Allen said she has focused on keeping teachers and students connected and parents informed. Plans being made for April include daily check-ins with students via video, email or other technologies; sending lists of virtual learning opportunities students may visit if they choose; robocalls sharing new developments; and information about when and how best to reach a teacher.

Teaching staff are expected to spend at least five hours a week doing on-line professional development. Some might choose to explore more ways to communicate from a distance, Allen said.

Rather than eliminate school breakfast and lunch programs, VCS bus drivers and volunteer staff members are using big yellow buses for morning and noon meals-on-wheels deliveries, Pfeiffer said.

Allen said about 300 meals go out on each run. VCS’s enrollment is about 418, she added. There is plenty of food available, Pfeiffer said, but one item on his to-do list is finding out whether state education officials approve of the program.

At one point, the superintendent said, VCS ran low on bags for the meals. Bus driver Bob Hall appealed to Carl and Phyllis Farris, owners of Lakeview Lumber, in China, and the Farrises donated an ample supply of bags.

On other topics, school board members unanimously accepted the resignation of Kyle Irvine as Educational Technician I, Life Skills Program, and hired Tanya Doyon as his replacement. Pfeiffer said Irvine is pleased to be moving into a vacant position on the custodial staff, and welcomed Irvine’s experience and skills.

Allen and Waterville-based central office Special Education Director Amy Benham said Doyon had been at VCS only a week when the school shut down, but both said she had already made a good impression.

Board members discussed their involvement with the town-sponsored solar energy project. Pfeiffer and Jessica Clark, school board representative on the town solar committee, said the latest proposal is to buy into an out-of-town solar farm rather than have one built in Vassalboro, and the question is whether school board members are still interested. A decision was postponed to the special board meeting scheduled for 5:45 p.m. Tuesday, March 31, mostly for more work on the 2020-21 school budget.

The next regular school board meeting is set for 6 p.m. Tuesday, April 14, “hopefully in person,” Board Chairman Kevin Levasseur said.

Vasalboro public works foreman presents budget request

by Mary Grow

Vassalboro Budget Committee members spent most of their March 12 meeting talking with Public Works Foreman Eugene Field about his 2020-21 plans and budget request, a major piece of the annual municipal budget.

Also considered was a request from the Vassalboro Historical Society for the usual $2,500 appropriation plus $5,000 toward a $45,000 metal storage building to be set behind the barn on the Main Street property formerly owned by Betty Taylor.

An email from society president Janice Clowes said the building will be used to house and display “large items from Vassalboro,” like wagons and farm and boating equipment.

Committee members talked again about major culvert projects (see The Town Line, March 12) on Gray and Cross Hill roads. Field listed several other culverts that will need replacement soon and explained that if fish or other wildlife live in the brooks running through them, environmental regulations will require extensive work.

Selectman John Melrose, point man on the culverts because of his former job as state Commissioner of Transportation, said engineer Jim Foster helped Vassalboro get a grant to pay part of the estimated cost of the Cross Hill Road culvert. Melrose suggested the town crew do some of the work; Field protested mildly that the time would need to be taken from other summer work.

The Gray Road project started, on state requirements, as a 30-foot bridge replacing the current six-foot pipe, and has been reduced somewhat in size and cost. As of March 12, Melrose said, the state departments of transportation and environmental protection disagreed about how to proceed and the Selectboard had authorized hiring an engineer to create a plan both would accept. Melrose said the Army Corps of Engineers’ approval is also needed.

Discussion included a suggestion to do Cross Hill in 2020 and postpone the more complicated Gray Road project, and ideas for financing the Gray Road work.

Field outlined paving plans, saying in current global financial conditions he expects the cost of paving materials will be lower than expected a month ago. Melrose pointed out that after several years when few roads were paved or repaved, Vassalboro is beginning to catch up on needed work.

Field asked for higher wages for the public works crew than recommended by Town Manager Mary Sabins. He presented hourly rates for employees doing comparable work in area towns as the basis for his request.

Budget committee members made no decisions on spending recommendations. They canceled their March 24 joint meeting with the school board, because, Chairman Rick Denico said, school officials notified him they will not be ready.

Sabins reported March 16 that the selectmen’s and budget committee meetings scheduled for Thursday, March 19, were both cancelled. As of March 16, selectmen planned to meet at 6 p.m. Thursday, April 2. A March 31 budget committee meeting with the school board, requested by the latter, was not confirmed.

Vassalboro planners OK re-opening repair garage

by Mary Grow

After a thorough review and detailed information from applicant Olin C. Charette, Vassalboro Planning Board members unanimously approved his application to reopen his Riverside Drive repair garage, with vehicle sales and a state inspection station.

Charette’s Weeks Mills Garage at 1499 Riverside Drive already has a junkyard permit that Codes Officer Paul Mitnik recommended and selectmen issued in January. A neighbor who attended the March 10 planning board meeting commented that Charette had “done a good job” cleaning up the part of the property visible from the road, as required by junkyard regulations.

The building had previously been a repair garage, but the permit expired while the garage was not operating.

Charette provided information on access, internal traffic movement, screening, lighting, signage and other relevant characteristics of the property.

He said access from Riverside Drive is normally through the north gate; the south gate is opened mostly for tractor-trailers heading behind the building. It is not blocked by parked vehicles, however, so it is available for emergency access. Keeping the south gate clear was the only condition board members attached to their approval.

A paved area in the large front yard will display vehicles for sale; Charette plans to have no more than 10 at a time. There is adequate space for customer parking and for access to the garage doors on the south side.

The back part of the property is screened by earth berms with trees growing on top, the front part by fencing. Charette said there is a motion light on the front of the building. He does not plan to add more lights.

There is a sign on the building and, as required by the state for inspection stations, a small sign listing operating hours by the gate. Charette plans to be open from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. weekdays and part of the day Saturdays. He said work will be done inside the garage, and there will be no evening or night work that might bother neighbors.

Charette and board Chairman Ginny Bracket and member Doug Phillips interjected bits of the history of the building, which Brackett said she has reviewed at least twice for prior owners’ permits.

Charette believes the building belonged years ago to a trucking company. He bought the property at auction and was then informed that it was a hazardous waste site and he had become responsible for clean-up.

“I was surprised,” he said.

The clean-up included soil removal, installation of run-off ponds and construction of the berms. It appears to have been successful; Charette said he was surprised again more recently when water from his and the neighbor’s wells tested safe for drinking.

After approving Charette’s permit, board members turned to Mitnik’s recommendation for minor amendments to Vassalboro’s Shoreland Zoning Ordinance. They will require voter approval. Later, Mitnik emailed that there is time to get the amendments on the June 1 town meeting warrant, and proposed a public hearing on them at the Tuesday, April 7, planning board meeting.

New procedures at Vassalboro Food Pantry

Photo source: Vassalboro Food Station Pantry

The Vassalboro Food Pantry will remain open on Thursdays with the following changes to procedures:

  • Clients are to remain in their vehicles and line up between the cones in the parking lot. Premade boxes will be delivered to your car. You do not need to bring your boxes.
  • New applicants need to call the Pantry before Thursday to complete an application over the phone. The number to call is 207-873-7375. Please bring proof of residency on Thursday.
  • We will open at 11am and remain open until all clients have been served.
  • We are recommending that volunteers over the age 70, or those who are not feeling well, remain at home.

These procedures will remain in effect until further notice. Thank you for your understanding and patience.

Vassalboro selectmen present proposal to budget committee

by Mary Grow

At two early-March meetings, Vassalboro School Board members put their 2020-21 budget request into near-final form on March 3, and Vassalboro selectmen presented their proposed municipal budget to the budget committee on March 5.

Discussions are scheduled to continue at a Thursday, March 12, budget committee meeting to consider parts of the municipal budget; a Thursday, March 19, budget committee meeting following that evening’s selectmen’s meeting; and a Tuesday, March 24, budget committee meeting following that evening’s school board meeting. The Budget Committee meetings are scheduled for 7 p.m., the first two at the town office and the March 24 meeting at Vassalboro Community School.

As of the initial meetings, each part of the total town budget proposes an increase over the current year. However, neither has complete figures for either expenditures or income.

The March 3 draft of the school budget does not include three items on Vassalboro Community School Principal Megan Allen’s wish list: a new math instructional specialist to complement the literacy specialist, a third fourth-grade teacher and separation of Vassalboro’s pre-school program from the Southern Kennebec Child Development Corporation to give school authorities full control.

An ongoing school issue, in Vassalboro and many other Maine municipalities, is school lunch program deficits. School board members agreed that they need to persuade more students, especially those entitled to free and reduced-price lunches, to eat school meals so that federal subsidies will increase.

On the municipal side, there are the usual cost questions about major items like road-paving and planned culvert replacements. Complicating the picture is what money can legally be used from Vassalboro’s TIF (Tax Increment Financing) fund rather than from property taxes.

The piece of good news that seemed firm was a suggested $6,500 reduction in the utilities budget, because the LED streetlights installed last fall are lowering the electric bill.

Income is also a guess at this stage in the budget process. It appears that state aid for both school and municipal accounts will increase, but final figures are not guaranteed until the legislature adjourns in April. The assessor has not finished updating the town’s valuation, which is the basis for setting a tax rate to cover expenditures.

After budget committee review, selectmen will put together a warrant for the annual town meeting, including proposed 2020-21 expenditures. Final spending decisions will be made by Vassalboro voters at the meeting, scheduled for Monday evening, June 1, with local elections to follow on Tuesday, June 9.

VASSALBORO: State Police to continue reduced rural patrols

by Mary Grow

Before they met with the town budget committee, Vassalboro selectmen discussed other non-monetary and monetary items at their March 5 meeting.

Following up on their Feb. 20 meeting with Kennebec County Sheriff Ken Mason (see The Town Line, Feb. 27), selectmen talked with Lt. Jason Madore of the State Police about local law enforcement.

Madore made it clear that although State Police activity in rural areas will be reduced, state police will continue to provide patrols and protection and to respond to calls.

As Mason explained in February, county sheriffs’ departments will be spending more time in towns without full-time police departments, because State Police are responsible for the interstate highways and provide a variety of specialized units and services that are of value to county law enforcement.

Madore emphasized that these duties do not exclude assistance to towns like Vassalboro. The State Police has no intention “of removing itself from rural patrol or removing itself from handling calls for service. Troopers will remain embedded within their communities,” he said.

Selectmen heard from the Vassalboro Sanitary District (VSD) and the Alewife Restoration Project (ARI), two entities that have been using funds from Vassalboro’s Tax Increment Financing (TIF) fund and want more money in 2020-21.

Sanitary District engineer Richard Greene, of Hoyle, Tanner and Associates, said about two-thirds of Vassalboro’s sewage now goes to Winslow and then to the Waterville treatment system via new pipelines and pumping stations. Work has shut down for the winter and is expected to resume in April, he said.

A discussion of finances covered debts for work done, expected costs of remaining work and anticipated income from present customers and from those eligible, but not necessarily required, to hook onto the expanded system. VSD spokesman Ray Breton asked for “as much as we can get” in TIF money to hold down user fees and help new customers connect.

Selectmen held a Feb. 11 public hearing on ARI’s request for TIF money (see The Town Line, Feb. 20) and plan to schedule a hearing on the VSD request.

Selectman John Melrose again reported on the proposed replacement culvert on Gray Road. He asked approval to hire Calderwood Engineering, of Richmond, to help develop an affordable plan acceptable to the state departments of environmental protection and transportation. Chairman Lauchlin Titus and Selectman Robert Browne agreed.

After hearing from Matt Weaver of First National Wealth Management, the company that handles Vassalboro’s investments, selectmen unanimously renewed the town investment policy.

The next regular Vassalboro selectmen’s meeting is scheduled for Thursday evening, March 19, at 6 p.m., half an hour earlier than usual so the budget committee can meet at 7 p.m. Both meetings will be in the town office meeting room.

Volunteer firefighters: answering the call to help neighbors

Firefighters putting out the remainder of a fire on Rte. 3. (photo courtesy of Kevin Luczko)

by Sandra Isaac

“Vassalboro… stand by for a call.”

While sitting at my desk, working at my day job designing an ad for a client, I heard a call for Vassalboro Fire Department come over my fire pager/scanner. “Structure fire off route three. Barn Fire, visible flames.”

A few minutes later, the call was repeated.

I live in China, so it wasn’t my company’s call, but a barn fire? Were there animals involved? I started to pace a bit. I wanted to head out and help. After all, I wasn’t in a dress. I wasn’t in the shower. I wasn’t at a meeting. I was at home and able to go to the fire scene.  Then it happened.

“China Fire…stand by a call.”


“Fully involved Barn Fire with explosions. Legion Park and Route 3.”

I saved my work and told my husband I would be going on the call. My equipment was already in the truck so I raced out the driveway.

Sandra Isaac’s father, back row, far left, a firefighter with the Ivyland, Pennsylvania, fire department. (photo courtesy of Sandra Isaac)

Being a first responder is in my blood. The Boyces (my maiden name) were Irish farmers that emigrated to the U.S. and landed in Philadelphia. My grandfather was a Philadelphia cop. My uncle Walt was the first certified EMT in New Jersey, and my father was a volunteer firefighter in our small home town of Ivyland, Pennsylvania, before he was diagnosed with Asbestosis (an illness related to his job as a pipe insulator in Philly.) I requested that the name on my fire turnout gear reflect my proud family history. ‘Boyce-Isaac’ is now on the back of my fire coat.

I sped towards the fire and pulled my truck aside for the China Village VFD Engine #34 as it headed down Lakeview Drive for Route 3. My red flashing strobe wasn’t working properly, but there was no time to fix it. I waited patiently for everyone to get out of my way. I parked, got into my turnout gear and dashed up the road to the fire scene.

The two-bay, oversized structure was already brought down by the fire and at this point, the fire companies were concerned with keeping the adjacent building safe and extinguishing the fire.

The first firefighter I saw on the scene was Kevin Luczko, my mechanic and a volunteer firefighter from Vassalboro. “Hey Kevin, how are you doing?” Kevin also left his job to help with the fire. He said, “I’m doing good, but I’ll be stuck here for a while. I drove the (fire) truck.” He pointed to where China Village Fire Chief Theriault was standing so I could check-in.

I received my Firefighter 1 certification in Bucks Country, Pennsylvania, and ran with the Midway Fire Company in Lahaska, Pennsylvania. After I moved to New Jersey in August 2001, I decided to join Hope Fire Company in Allentown, New Jersey, signing up the day after 9/11. During my time with Hope FD, became a certified EMT-B (basic). Once I moved to Maine, I knew I wanted to be active once again. This time, it was the conflicts within the town that inspired me. What better way to show your support then to volunteer your time, right?

Representatives from four companies had shown up at the scene: Vassalboro, Weeks Mills, China Village, South China. Chief Theriault greeted me by saying, “Get your gloves on and head over to see Ben.”

Ben Loubier is the assistant chief for China Village VFD, as well as a full-time firefighter for Winslow. Ben was located on (what was) the backside of the building. He was with a firefighter from another company and soaking a burned oil-tank and a charred mini-backhoe. “Grab the hose and back up (firefighter) Nivek (Boostedt),” he said. When you pull the handle on a fire hose nozzle, the force of the water pressure coming through the hose can set you off balance or even knock you over. Often times you will see two people manning a hose. The firefighter at the nozzle concentrates on the water and knocking down the fire. The second firefighter watches the first, as well as the overall surroundings, and where the hose is on the ground.

Nivek and I concentrated our efforts on the rear of the building. The walls had completely collapsed but were still smoldering. I could see what remained of a 250-gallon oil tank, a welding set up, a large older farm truck, a mini-backhoe, and a lot of bent and curled metal siding.  We were keeping water on the old farm truck and the oil tank. “Grab the hose and move toward the other side,” said Ben. “Concentrate on the backhoe.” We were often blinded by the wind blowing what appeared to be smoke, but in actuality, most of it was steam. The temperature was in the low 30s and between the heat of the burning wreckage and the cold water, we had a lot of white steam.

The mini-backhoe was still burning in its interior. We continued to drench it with water. Getting water to a fire is always an issue, so each department bringing a supply to the scene makes a difference. The ground was getting muddy from all the water and the warming sunshine. Firefighters wear Personal Protection Equipment (PPE), also called turnout gear. It is bulky and awkward and can weight over 25 pounds without additional equipment. Once it’s wet from spraying water and moisture in the air, it’s even heavier. It doesn’t take much for a firefighter to get tired, so Nivek and I switched positions and moved around the structure to get off the deepening mud.

The burned building was owned by Vannah Lawn Care. The business owner was on the scene and helped us move debris with a large excavator. This helped us out tremendously as it meant we didn’t have to dig and move material to make sure everything was extinguished.

Once the fire was officially declared out, we gathered up all of the mud-soaked hoses then drained and laid them back on their appropriate trucks. All the chiefs made sure their company’s gear was accounted for and we headed back to the station.

Once back, we signed the call log and talked about the fire. We were grateful to not have any hose to clean off. There was a lot of mud on the scene.

I laid my gear out to dry and repacked what I could. I was tired but like 90 percent of the other firefighters, I had to go back to work, but I did so with a smile on my face. Being part of the community means a lot to me. Helping my neighbors, contributing to the betterment of our area, and the camaraderie of the group are just a few reasons why I enjoy being a volunteer firefighter. So back to work and waiting for the next call to help. It’s only a question of when.