China scouts officiate at morning worship

Scouts from China Boy Scout Troop #479 are seen during Scout Sunday on February 3. Front row, from left to right, Michael Boostedt, Sam Boynton, Hunter Praul, Bryson Pettengill and Cameron Rossignol. Second row, Ayden Newell, Rémy Pettengill, Ron Emery, Sean Boynton and Aiden Pettengill. Back, Scott Adams, Tucker Leonard and Lee Pettengill. (Photo courtesy of Ron Emery)
On February 3 – Boy Scout Sunday – the Boy Scouts from Troop #479, along with some of their leaders, provided the Morning Worship Service at the China Baptist Church. The Scouts, under the leadership of Scoutmaster Scott Adams, have taken part in Scout Sunday Worship service for the over 26 years.
Very few Boy Scout troops in the Kennebec Valley District are provided this opportunity. The Scouts from Troop #479 were invited to prepare most of the worship service by Rev. Ronald Morrell.
Under Rev. Morrell’s direction and with assistance from Troop Committee member Ron Emery, the worship service gave each of the Scouts a chance to participate in the Sunday Morning Worship, as follows: Call to Worship, Scout Aiden Pettengill; Invocation and the Lord’s Prayer, Scout Rémy Pettengill; Responsive Reading, Scout Hunter Praul; Preparation for Prayer, Scouter Tucker Leonard; Pastoral Prayer, Scouter Lee Pettengill; Children Message “The Pledge of Allegiance” by Scouter Ron Emery; Offering by Scouts Sam Boynton, Ayden Newell, Aiden Pettengill, and Rémy Pettengill; Prayer of Thanksgiving and Dedication, Scout Sam Boynton; A Psalm for Scouts and Scouters by Scout Ayden Newell; Message by Ron Morrell and Benediction by Michael Boostedt.
Music was provided by the senior choir. Greeters were Ayden Newell, Cameron Rossignol and Bryson Pettengill. The twelfth point of the Scout Law, a Scout is Reverent, was exemplified by the Scouts.
A large congregation including boys and leaders in uniforms enjoyed the Sunday service. The China Baptist Church sponsors Boy Scout Troop #479.
Fellowship Hour was hosted by Troop 479 in the vestry.
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